Planning a Gap Year in Bali offers an extraordinary opportunity to uncover a lesser-known side of this captivating Indonesian island, beyond its renowned tourist attractions...
Planning a Gap Year in Bali offers an extraordinary opportunity to uncover a lesser-known side of this captivating Indonesian island, beyond its renowned tourist attractions. While Bali is famous for its idyllic beaches, lush rice fields, vibrant party scene, and yoga classes, there's a deeper layer to explore—a chance to give back to the gracious and friendly Balinese people through volunteering.
We're here to guide you in discovering the hidden facets of Bali during your Gap Year. If working with children is your calling, Bali has numerous schools and childcare centers seeking the support of skilled and experienced volunteers. Are you passionate about animals or an avid scuba diver? Consider volunteering at a sea turtle rescue center, where you can play a crucial role in safeguarding baby turtles.