In the heart of an incredibly rich and accessible rainforest with an abundance of exotic species lies Panama City, a vibrant metropolis of Central America...
In the heart of an incredibly rich and accessible rainforest with an abundance of exotic species lies Panama City, a vibrant metropolis of Central America. Panama is the link between South and Central America and the perfect place to spend your time abroad. Volunteer work in Panama City takes you to a modern capital, located on the Pacific Ocean and the man-made Panama Canal.
Watch ships sail on the Panama Canal from the Miraflores Locks, visit Casco Viejo, the cobblestone old town known for its colonial-era landmarks, including the neoclassical Presidential Palace and bougainvillea-covered plazas lined with cafes and bars. Are you interested in education and wildlife conservation? Do not worry, Panama City has got you covered! And finally, on your days off, you can make some waves on the Pacific coast. This is your chance to give back while enjoying the heart of Central America.