vanaf 480€

Perfect 4.6rating (13)

Wildlife Monitoring, Maintenance and Community

2 - 8 weken  ·  Leeftijd 18 - 50+

rating  Perfect 4.6  · 
  Geverifieerd door Volunteer World
  Zeer hoog Responsgraad


  • Get involved in helping wildlife and local community development.
  • Immerse yourself in the jungle and experience its breathtaking beauty and wonderful scenery.
  • Get involved in direct conservation and helping wild animals with the local community.
  • Get involved in helping to restore balance to this rare and beautiful area right on the border with Gunung Leuser National Park.
  • Reconnect with nature and its beauty, purity and power. This experience is unforgettable and will change you.

Vooral geschikt voor

Leeftijd 18+

Over het programma

Get involved in Nature Conservation by helping to maintain and monitor our private reserve and relax from daily stress by discovering the beauty of tropical rainforest.

Travel to our private reserve in Gunung Leuser Ecosystem. Spend time in our reserve while being amazed by its surroundings and offer a helping hand to maintain the camps and rainforest trails.

Explore the last wild places on earth first hand and discover the connection between nature and humans. 


Over het programma

Travel to our private reserve in Gunung Leuser Ecosystem. Spend time in our reserve while being amazed by its surroundings and offer a helping hand to maintain the camps and rainforest trails.

Explore the last wild places on earth first hand and discover the connection between nature and humans. 

Experience the natural world and become one of our volunteers in the field. Your presence, physical labour and financial contribution significantly help in the implementation of direct field protection of nature and animals. Explore tropical rainforests of Sumatra, life of local communities and see our project activity by yourself. 

The Green Hero program offers active participation in the conservation of the Sumatran rainforest. Join our team for fourteen days in the field, participate in patrols, education, and community outreach. Discover our private reservation, Sumatran rainforest Gunung Leuser national park and wild species live in it. 

We are pleased to offer a helping hand in the monitoring and maintenance of our private reservation. Your program includes essential daily activities and kitchen duties at the campsites and our CCS - Community Centre. You will explore the underground caves in Batu Katak and you will go on a day trip into National Park too.

Our volunteer programs are designed for anyone over 18 years old in a good mental and physical state. We do not require any specific skills or qualifications for your participation as our main aim is to reconnect as many people with the natural world as possible. This is an opportunity to experience wild nature first-hand without expensive program fees, legislation or requirements via our foundation work. This volunteer program is a great entry into the world of conservation, the skills you will observe and learn can be used in further developing your conservation journey, whether professionally or as a passionate advocate for conservation. We honestly hope that this experience will change your life and help you to become a more conscious person with nature in mind.

It is necessary to consider the presence of not only a variety of insects but also snakes, as well as spiders in the forest where you will be present. Since you will stay in a private nature reserve, where rare species of animals live and sleep during the night. We ask everyone to respect the peace and avoid any unnecessary disturbance of nature, especially in the evening hours it is important to stay calm. The forest concert of cicadas and crickets will replace the need for any music. if someone can't go without music, use earphones, and please don't play music out loud. Among other things, it completely disturbs the atmosphere of the forest.

Your Impact

Your presence, manual labor and time invested in our cause is greatly appreciated. You are helping and actively participating in the protection and conservation of endangered animal species and ecosystems and also helping to educate and develop the local community. We aim to educate you on local and global issues so that you continue to be an active global citizen after your program, helping to fulfill our mission of building a global network of people united by their passion to make a difference. We can guarantee that you will enjoy the rainforest, understand it and you will help to protect it.


Safety of our volunteers and staff is our highest priority. Please respect each other and others property. Any person causing serious harm or putting others at risk will be asked to leave the site with forfeiture of your volunteer fees. This includes drunk and disorderly behaviour.

Zero Drugs Policy

For everyone’s safety, we are a drug free program. Please note the use of drugs will result in the immediate termination of your volunteering placement and removal from the program with forfeiture of your volunteer fees.


During your stay in the reserve, please behave with the utmost respect for nature and animals, do not disturb them or try to follow them or catch them in any way. Please note all herpetologists, growers and collectors of plants, orchids, entomologists and other breeders, that any collection of living creatures or plants for the purpose of transporting them will be immediately reported and very severe penalties will come from this

Feeding animals is completely against all principles of considerate behaviour towards nature and all rules of the reservation. When finding wild animals, such as turtles, snakes, frogs or insects, we do not manipulate them in any way, we focus on observation or photography.

Let us find a common path to global responsibility that will be a natural duty in the future of all mankind. We would like to thank all those interested in volunteering and look forward to working with all people on the protection of the world’s natural heritage of rainforests and critically endangered species and animals.

Food and Diet

We have a fully equipped kitchens with gas stove at all locations. The diet is vegetarian during the program. 

Location of reserve

You will be located on the border with Gunung Leuser NP, the Bohorok area. The nearest village is Batu Katak, which is 90 minutes away from our reserve on foot, in places broken path and across the river.


Camp has 5 cottages which are equipped with basic mattresses and mosquito nets. Each cottage can take 2 or 3 volunteers. There is no shower in the reserve, A beautiful natural river with crystal clear and drinking water is the bathroom. There are several composting toiles in the camps. There is no electricity in the reserve. We recommend bringing power banks and a good supply of batteries, possibly compact & travel solar panels and Flash light.

WI-FI and electricity

are available only in the Community Center and not in the forest camp and reservation. So you can relax from stress elements and electrosmog during the program


For field activity: In natural darker colours (khaki, brown, green, black, etc.) for the field activity in the rainforest: trousers, shorts, sweatshirt, long-sleeved T-shirt or shirt, waterproof jacket, raincoat, small backpack for the field, scarf or headgear, swimsuit, towel, work clothes, work gloves, clothes.


Shoes for the forest: The best shoes to wear in the forest are trainers or canvas rubber-soled shoes. They are lightweight, non-slip and you can feel where you are putting your feet. Shoes for humid environments are highly recommended). We do not recommend rigid boots. Take some slippers as well, for the camp. We can provide local rubber trainers for only $1.00 on-site. Up to 8UK/42EU size. Appropriate footwear is very important. It will improve your safety, comfort and confidence on sometimes-difficult terrain.


Just a standard (soap, shampoo, toothpaste), but we ask everyone to take ECOLOGICAL and ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY cosmetics. One soap is enough, which can also be used as a shampoo. Feminine Hygiene Products: ideal is to switch to a menstrual cup, which we recommend.


pocketknife, headlamp, spare batteries, water bottle, sleeping bag ( very light), small pillow, vitamins (magnesium, vit. C, etc.), basic first aid kit, camera, binoculars, washing powder (ideally in solid form, sheets etc.), medication (be sure to bring sufficient if required)

You Do Not Need

a tent, mosquito net, dishes or cutlery etc. as we have these in camp

Dagelijkse activiteiten

In the reserve, the day begins with the morning orchestra of birds and monkeys. We advise everyone to get up early so they don't miss it.

Every morning there is also the possibility to go for a small walk accompanied by a guide or even by yourself, when everyone will absorb the freshness of the ...

Dagelijkse activiteiten

In the reserve, the day begins with the morning orchestra of birds and monkeys. We advise everyone to get up early so they don't miss it.

Every morning there is also the possibility to go for a small walk accompanied by a guide or even by yourself, when everyone will absorb the freshness of the awakening rainforest.

It is usually agreed the day before who will cook breakfast, which is ready at eight o'clock in the morning.

After breakfast, work starts around nine and it always depends on the activity how long it takes to finish.

Usually the end of work in the reservation is around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Work in the reservation and camp, such as cutting the sidewalk and necessary repairs, is always in the group of all participants, and we do everything together. Setting up camera traps and collecting data from them is also part of the day's work.

In the case of a full-day trek,

departure from the camp is at nine o'clock in the morning and return by five o'clock in the afternoon. If we know in advance that we won't be able to have lunch at the campsite, we will prepare and pack it with us on the trip.

In the late evening, after a refreshing bath in the river, dinner is usually around six in the evening. After that, the free program is used to share experiences from the rainforest or from the participant's life. This time before bed is very popular thanks to the atmosphere, as there is no electricity in the camp and we spend the time talking by candlelight.

During the program, there is also the opportunity to spend time resting on a tree net in the forest. For everyone, it's a great opportunity to try being alone overnight in the rain forest, gaining new experiences.


In the reservation, where we will be most of the time, you will be fully focused on nature and connected to it.

You will spend most of your free time resting, relaxing and discovering the beauty of ancient nature.

There are many tourist activities in the village of Batu Katak, such as seeing the ...


In the reservation, where we will be most of the time, you will be fully focused on nature and connected to it.

You will spend most of your free time resting, relaxing and discovering the beauty of ancient nature.

There are many tourist activities in the village of Batu Katak, such as seeing the world's largest flower "Amorphophallus" or traditional natural medicine.

Each volunteer has the opportunity to continue helping us with the creation of the Community Center and our Eco Botanic Garden and thus use our accommodation even after the end of the fourteen-day program, or it can be extended by prior agreement.

The tourist world - Bukit Lawang is only less than 20km away and easily accessible, where you can easily travel later.

We are fully at your disposal with help and advice on where to travel in North Sumatra and we will also be happy to help you arrange transport and make arrangements.



Minimum leeftijd: 18 jaar

Om deel te nemen aan het programma dien je tenminste 18 jaar oud te zijn op de startdatum van het programma. Er kunnen uitzonderingen gemaakt worden indien je een bewijs van toestemming kan aantonen van uw wettelijke voogd(en) of samen met je ouders deelneemt.


Je dient over volgende taalkennis te beschikken Engels (basis niveau) ou Tsjechisch (basis niveau)


Geen beperkingen. Helpende handen van over de hele wereld zijn welkom.

Andere vaardigheden

All experience is welcome.


Uw helpende hand wordt verwacht op maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, vrijdag en zaterdag van 09:00 - 16:00

Diensten ingesloten

Diensten ingesloten

Diensten door Yayasan Hutan Untuk Anak

The Price Includes :

  • Meals throughout the program
  • Accommodation
  • Two-day monitoring patrol to clean poacher traps and explore caves
  • All activities within the program

The Price Does Not Include:

  • International transport (flights)
  • Local transport (from the airport to the reservation)
  • Insurance + the cost of accommodation (if hospitalized)
  • Visa


Camp has 5 cottages which are equipped with basic mattresses and mosquito nets. 

Each cottage can take 2 or 3 volunteers. 

There is no shower in the reserve, A beautiful natural river with crystal clear and drinking water is the bathroom. 

There are several composting toiles in the camps. 

There is no electricity in the reserve. We recommend bringing power banks and a good supply of batteries, possibly compact & travel solar panels and Flash light.

In the Community Centre we have provide rooms equipped with beds and mosquito nets as well as storage space. 

Eten & Drank

We have a fully equipped kitchens with gas stove at all locations. 

The diet is vegetarian during the program and volunteers cook for themselves during the program. 

Food and its transportation are provided.

In the forest camp, the water is drinkable straight from the river and has been tested.

In the Community Center, water is provided, bought and packaged in barrels.

Internet toegang

Beperkte toegang op de project site

Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

Afhaal aan de luchthaven op Kuala Namu International Airport

Afhaling van de luchthaven is ook niet inbegrepen in de programmakosten.

Vlucht tickets

De dichtste luchthaven is Kuala Namu International Airport (KNO) in Kuala Namu. We assisteren u met het vinden van goedkope vluchten naar Indonesië. VIND GOEDKOPE VLUCHTEN


Naar het buitenland reizen is een avontuur en het is best om goed voorbereid te zijn. Plots ziek worden of gewond raken, annulaties of diefstal - een reisverzekering voor Indonesië biedt zekerheid en is een meerwaarde. KRIJG EEN OFFERTE


Als je de intentie hebt om als vrijwilliger aan de slag te gaan in Indonesië dien je eerst medisch advies in te winnen alvorens je eropuit trekt. Kijk de benodigde vaccinaties na voor Indonesië. VACCINATIE CHECKER

Gegevens over jouw aankomst

Available Dates 2023/2024

(Participation dates can be customized individually)

  • 5.8. – 18.8. 2023
  • 5.9. – 18.9. 2023
  • 5.10. – 18.10. 2023
  • 5.11. – 18.11. 2023
  • 5.12. – 18.12. 2023
  • 5.1. – 18.1. 2024
  • 5.2. – 18.2. 2024
  • 5.3. – 18.3. 2024
  • 5.4. – 18.4. 2024
  • 5.5. – 18.5. 2024
  • 5.6. – 18.6. 2024
  • 5.7. – 18.7. 2024
  • 5.8. – 18.8. 2024
  • 5.9. – 18.9. 2024
  • 5.10. – 18.10. 2024
  • 5.11. – 18.11. 2024
  • 5.12. – 18.12. 2024

Minimum number of participants – 1

Maximum number of participants – 12

After arriving at Medan's Kuala Namo International Airport (KNO), you have several options to reach us in Batu Katak village.

1st - By bus, which goes directly to the town of Bohorok (around 3hours drive), from where we will arrange a pick-up for you. From the city of Bohorok, it is approximately 10 km (20 min drive) to Batu Katak. The price of the bus is around IDR 120,000 and from Bohorok to Batu Katak around IDR 100,000.

2nd - by a private car organized by us, which will pick you up directly at your destination and take you to us in Batu Katak (3 hours drive), where we will welcome you. The price of a car from the airport is IDR 850,000.

We recommend a private car, as you can comfortably arrange everything you need on the way. Like changing money, shopping or even eating on the way.

After arriving in the village of Batu Katak, where we will pick you up, we will walk approximately 5 minutes to our Community Center, where you will stay for the night and rest along the way.

On the next day, we will move to our forest camp, which is 1.5 hours away.

jan. feb. mrt. apr. mei. jun. jul. aug. sep. okt. nov. dec.


2 weken (min. verblijf) 480€
3 weken 720€
4 weken 960€
5 weken 1.200€
6 weken 1.440€
7 weken 1.680€
8 weken (max. verblijf) 1.920€
Gemiddelde kosten 240€/week


240€ per week 2 - 8 weken Leeftijd 18 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



2 - 8 weken


De waarborg dient om je plek als vrijwilliger te verzekeren. Betalingen worden door PayPal behandeld, onze betrouwbare betalingsprovider. Indien je niet over een PayPal account beschikt, kan je ook met een credit kaart betalen.

Finale betaling

Uw finale betaling zal worden goedgekeurd door Yayasan Hutan Untuk Anak gedurende de aanmeld procedure. Veel voorkomende oplossingen zijn een banktransfer of contante betaling op de projectsite.

Ontmoet je organisatie

Yayasan Hutan Untuk Anak

Perfect 4.6 rating (13 beoordelingen)

NGO - opgericht in 2011

Geverifieerd door Volunteer World

  Zeer hoog Responsgraad

Gepresenteerd door


Over de organisatie

We are a non-profit organization, led by a group of experienced people who protect the environment through direct conservation and sustainable community development.

Ontmoet je organisatie

Who we are?

We are a team and community of people passionate about nature and its preservation for all living beings. From different backgrounds, with unique experiences, united in a common mission and goal.

Our team includes lawyers, experienced environmentalists and people with rich experience from the rainforest and one guard dog.

Our vision is to protect and restore the biodiversity of one of the most important ecosystems of the planet Earth, which Gunung Leuser National Park and redeem lost land for the rainforest to take over.

Our mission is to create a unique example of prevention and protecting the biodiversity and with the involvement of local communities to help restore the balance of life in the use of natural resources. The protection of endangered animal species such as the Sumatran tiger, the Orangutan or even the Sumatran elephant, which live in the Gunung Leuser National Park, is linked to the use of an important buffer zone, where our activities are concentrated.

Our Strategy - An old Chinese proverb: "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I understand”

We invite the general public to offer their involvement in working together on solutions that will reduce our impact on the environment. People from all backgrounds, ethical companies and individuals who want to be part of social and ecological change can participate in our programs in any way.

We believe that the key to the protection and restoration of nature is to create an example of sustainability and self-sufficiency, involving the general public and working with local communities to reduce the effects of climate change and to restore ecosystems that provide suitable conditions for life on planet Earth by working together.

Where we work?

Our main office is located in a small village called Batu Katak, Bohorok district.

Our activities are focused on the buffer zone area in the Bohorok district, Langkat regency in North Sumatra, for which we also have cooperation with the government - Forest Management Units (KPH) under the Ministry of Forestry and Environment.

North Sumatra is generally a safe place and, for example, robberies of tourists are very rare. Especially in the village of Batu Katak there is no danger. Local people are very kind and open to help with anything when needed.

We have not seen/recorded any occurrence of tropical diseases such as malaria and others. No special vaccinations are required to enter Indonesia, with the exception of Covid 19.

Our Programs

Private Reserve - Private rainforest reserve was established on the borders with National Park Gunung Leuser. The main purpose is to simply restore biodiversity and return the land to nature. The reservation also creates a protective buffer zone between plantations and National Park Gurung Leuser and also a protected area for animals against poaching.

The naturally restored territories of the reserve are monitored by camera traps and serve primarily for educational purposes of youth and students. The facilities are also used for volunteer programs, thanks to which we managed to keep the reservation functional.

Up to this day, the reserve has an area of 127.5 Hectares. The land added to the reserve in the last decade has been completely converted from plantations to rainforest.

History of the Reserve

The reservation started only from 4 hectares in 2011. This allowed the base of the reserve to be founded and later expanded to 10 hectares during the same year. Between the years 2012-2014, a major expansion took place thanks to public support and the reserve reached 72HA by the end of 2014. In 2019, the reserve reached 86HA of redeemed land and by end of 2020, the reserve has reached 127.5HA. 41.5HA of land were acquired in one transaction thanks to a single donor in August 2020. The reservation has not grown during the pandemic.

CCS – Community Center of Sustainability 

Motto :

"If you give a man fish, you provide him food for a day, If you teach him how to fish, you provide him food for life" Lao'C


Creating an example of sustainable and self-sufficient management of resources, which will be distributed primarily to local communities living in the buffer zone around the Gunung Leuser National Park with the aim of reducing pressure on nature and its gradual restoration.


To create a unique example of sustainability by combining Education Center for students and local communities, Eco-botanic Garden, Selfsufficient technology ,Volunteering and jobs for community development. All patterns and examples will be shared to the villages.

CCS is focused on sectors in community development

AgricultureEco-Botanic Garden Program. An example of food self-sufficiency including soil and water management along with new forms of crops to replace oil palm to reduce the planting of monoculture plantations.

- Trash Bank – as a waste management solution with local recycling.

- Education - Education Centre to educate students, children and organize important events for local people.

- Innovative technology - Self-sufficient sources of electricity and water harvesting.

Tiger Guard program / Community Rangers – is for strengthening the active protection of the critically endangered Sumatran Tiger and significantly limiting any potential incidents protecting the local community, their way of life-restoring harmony and balance in the area.

Community Rangers are a team of local employees to monitor & protect nature and animals in the our private reserve and buffer zone around Gunung Leuser NP in Langkat region. Their main duties are anti-poaching patrols, animal monitoring, social outreach in the local community, maintaining a private reserve and mitigating conflicts between wild tigers and local people.

An integral part of the program is promoting changes in cattle breeding in the buffer zone and helping local people with the construction of enclosures for their cows.

Who are we looking for? 

Our programs offer a wide spectrum of cooperation and offer participation to almost all people from various fields, even without expertise. We are looking for people with a passion for nature and a desire to get involved in direct nature protection. The general public and professionals who are willing to help us with the maintenance and protection of the reservation, promotion, research and education for youth and adults (English, environmental education, etc.).

We are also looking for long-term partners for any possible cooperation and expansion of the educational program, monitoring program, patrol program for the protection of the Sumatran Tiger. Or even a travel office for the improvement of ecotourism in a locality with its great potential and the combination of nature protection.

We are also looking for partners and helpers for the waste management program and local recycling.

Why choose us?

Our programs are a concept for nature protection, prevention and important cooperation with local communities, which are suitable for application in our location and achieve positive results.

Protecting nature means changing the way we approach nature and its gifts, which are suitable conditions for life and thus help to restore and heal it. We believe that everyone is a good example, people are willing to follow if they want to, because we all have a heart with which we make decisions and feel it is right.

We offer to join in one such example that helps restore balance and harmony between humans and wildlife.

In the end, we all need a healthy nature and suitable conditions for life to continue.

13 beoordelingen · rating4.6

Francisco Fernández Rodríguez rating5

2024 at Wildlife Monitoring, Maintenance and Community

I was there for 18 days, of which 9 were spent in the jungle. The surroundings are amazing, I saw a wild orangutan mother with her baby the first day, a Raflessia and an Amorphophalus flowers, both open, so I was very lucky. You'll also see enormous trees, rare plants, turtles, amazing birds and ...
I was the only volunteer, wich allowed me to have a better insight of the local peoples lives. The program was being led by Mr. Nazar and Mr. Bahtiar. They have been like a family to me, even though I didn't speak a word of their language. We did everything together. I even spent new years lunch at ...
Hannah Storoschuk rating4.8

2023 at Wildlife Monitoring, Maintenance and Community

The two weeks I spent in this program was a once in a lifetime experience. The program was undergoing some changes when I was here, but the director didn't let it impact my stay. The workday was spent maintaining the reserve, trekking the jungle, and checking on wildlife cameras while cooking meals, ...
My first experience with volunteering was a great experience. Team work in the camp at rainforest. Trips in National park with local guides. Meetings with people from local communities and lots of fun with other volunteers. ..
We have been volunteering at 2 places in Indonesia. 1. Was in Sumatran jungle, where we helped to maintain camp in the forrest next to national park. In the camp are based rangers who take care of national park. Surrounded by jungle was very empowering. The volunteering itself was also fulfilling ...


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