Yayasan Hutan Untuk Anak

  Geverifieerd door Volunteer World






jaar in bedrijf

We are a non-profit organization, led by a group of experienced people who protect the environment through direct conservation and sustainable community development.

Who we are?

We are a team and community of people passionate about nature and its preservation for all living beings. From different backgrounds, with unique experiences, united in a common mission and goal.

Our team includes lawyers, experienced environmentalists and people with rich experience ...

Omschrijving van de beoordeling

Who we are?

We are a team and community of people passionate about nature and its preservation for all living beings. From different backgrounds, with unique experiences, united in a common mission and goal.

Our team includes lawyers, experienced environmentalists and people with rich experience from the rainforest and one guard dog.

Our vision is to protect and restore the biodiversity of one of the most important ecosystems of the planet Earth, which Gunung Leuser National Park and redeem lost land for the rainforest to take over.

Our mission is to create a unique example of prevention and protecting the biodiversity and with the involvement of local communities to help restore the balance of life in the use of natural resources. The protection of endangered animal species such as the Sumatran tiger, the Orangutan or even the Sumatran elephant, which live in the Gunung Leuser National Park, is linked to the use of an important buffer zone, where our activities are concentrated.

Our Strategy - An old Chinese proverb: "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I understand”

We invite the general public to offer their involvement in working together on solutions that will reduce our impact on the environment. People from all backgrounds, ethical companies and individuals who want to be part of social and ecological change can participate in our programs in any way.

We believe that the key to the protection and restoration of nature is to create an example of sustainability and self-sufficiency, involving the general public and working with local communities to reduce the effects of climate change and to restore ecosystems that provide suitable conditions for life on planet Earth by working together.

Where we work?

Our main office is located in a small village called Batu Katak, Bohorok district.

Our activities are focused on the buffer zone area in the Bohorok district, Langkat regency in North Sumatra, for which we also have cooperation with the government - Forest Management Units (KPH) under the Ministry of Forestry and Environment.

North Sumatra is generally a safe place and, for example, robberies of tourists are very rare. Especially in the village of Batu Katak there is no danger. Local people are very kind and open to help with anything when needed.

We have not seen/recorded any occurrence of tropical diseases such as malaria and others. No special vaccinations are required to enter Indonesia, with the exception of Covid 19.

Our Programs

Private Reserve - Private rainforest reserve was established on the borders with National Park Gunung Leuser. The main purpose is to simply restore biodiversity and return the land to nature. The reservation also creates a protective buffer zone between plantations and National Park Gurung Leuser and also a protected area for animals against poaching.

The naturally restored territories of the reserve are monitored by camera traps and serve primarily for educational purposes of youth and students. The facilities are also used for volunteer programs, thanks to which we managed to keep the reservation functional.

Up to this day, the reserve has an area of 127.5 Hectares. The land added to the reserve in the last decade has been completely converted from plantations to rainforest.

History of the Reserve

The reservation started only from 4 hectares in 2011. This allowed the base of the reserve to be founded and later expanded to 10 hectares during the same year. Between the years 2012-2014, a major expansion took place thanks to public support and the reserve reached 72HA by the end of 2014. In 2019, the reserve reached 86HA of redeemed land and by end of 2020, the reserve has reached 127.5HA. 41.5HA of land were acquired in one transaction thanks to a single donor in August 2020. The reservation has not grown during the pandemic.

CCS – Community Center of Sustainability 

Motto :

"If you give a man fish, you provide him food for a day, If you teach him how to fish, you provide him food for life" Lao'C


Creating an example of sustainable and self-sufficient management of resources, which will be distributed primarily to local communities living in the buffer zone around the Gunung Leuser National Park with the aim of reducing pressure on nature and its gradual restoration.


To create a unique example of sustainability by combining Education Center for students and local communities, Eco-botanic Garden, Selfsufficient technology ,Volunteering and jobs for community development. All patterns and examples will be shared to the villages.

CCS is focused on sectors in community development

AgricultureEco-Botanic Garden Program. An example of food self-sufficiency including soil and water management along with new forms of crops to replace oil palm to reduce the planting of monoculture plantations.

- Trash Bank – as a waste management solution with local recycling.

- Education - Education Centre to educate students, children and organize important events for local people.

- Innovative technology - Self-sufficient sources of electricity and water harvesting.

Tiger Guard program / Community Rangers – is for strengthening the active protection of the critically endangered Sumatran Tiger and significantly limiting any potential incidents protecting the local community, their way of life-restoring harmony and balance in the area.

Community Rangers are a team of local employees to monitor & protect nature and animals in the our private reserve and buffer zone around Gunung Leuser NP in Langkat region. Their main duties are anti-poaching patrols, animal monitoring, social outreach in the local community, maintaining a private reserve and mitigating conflicts between wild tigers and local people.

An integral part of the program is promoting changes in cattle breeding in the buffer zone and helping local people with the construction of enclosures for their cows.

Who are we looking for? 

Our programs offer a wide spectrum of cooperation and offer participation to almost all people from various fields, even without expertise. We are looking for people with a passion for nature and a desire to get involved in direct nature protection. The general public and professionals who are willing to help us with the maintenance and protection of the reservation, promotion, research and education for youth and adults (English, environmental education, etc.).

We are also looking for long-term partners for any possible cooperation and expansion of the educational program, monitoring program, patrol program for the protection of the Sumatran Tiger. Or even a travel office for the improvement of ecotourism in a locality with its great potential and the combination of nature protection.

We are also looking for partners and helpers for the waste management program and local recycling.

Why choose us?

Our programs are a concept for nature protection, prevention and important cooperation with local communities, which are suitable for application in our location and achieve positive results.

Protecting nature means changing the way we approach nature and its gifts, which are suitable conditions for life and thus help to restore and heal it. We believe that everyone is a good example, people are willing to follow if they want to, because we all have a heart with which we make decisions and feel it is right.

We offer to join in one such example that helps restore balance and harmony between humans and wildlife.

In the end, we all need a healthy nature and suitable conditions for life to continue.


Zbynek Hrabek

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Yayasan Hutan Untuk Anak beoordelingen

Francisco Fernández Rodríguez rating5,0

2024 at Wildlife Monitoring, Maintenance and Community

I was there for 18 days, of which 9 were spent in the jungle. The surroundings are amazing, I saw a wild orangutan mother with her baby the first day, a Raflessia and an Amorphophalus flowers, both open, so I was very lucky. You'll also see enormous trees, rare plants, turtles, amazing birds and ...
I was the only volunteer, wich allowed me to have a better insight of the local peoples lives. The program was being led by Mr. Nazar and Mr. Bahtiar. They have been like a family to me, even though I didn't speak a word of their language. We did everything together. I even spent new years lunch at ...
Hannah Storoschuk rating4,8

2023 at Wildlife Monitoring, Maintenance and Community

The two weeks I spent in this program was a once in a lifetime experience. The program was undergoing some changes when I was here, but the director didn't let it impact my stay. The workday was spent maintaining the reserve, trekking the jungle, and checking on wildlife cameras while cooking meals, ...
My first experience with volunteering was a great experience. Team work in the camp at rainforest. Trips in National park with local guides. Meetings with people from local communities and lots of fun with other volunteers. ..
Dominika Vojtekova rating5,0

2022 at Wildlife Monitoring, Maintenance and Community

It has been a while what i participated in this program but everyday i return with my memories there! Life changing experiences. Probably, you will have to go outside of your comfort zome but it will worth it! we discovered how different and valuable is life there and took smtg with us to our daily ...

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UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Life On Land