ab 2.115€

Perfekt 4.6rating (29)

Marine Conservation Research Assistant

4 - 12 Wochen  ·  Alter 18 - 50+

rating  Perfekt 4.6  · 
  von Volunteer World verifiziert
  Sehr hohe Antwortrate

Schließe deine Reservierung so bald wie möglich ab. Dieses Projekt füllt sich schnell und ist bereits an bestimmten Daten ausgebucht.


  • Make a difference as a volunteer, dedicated to safeguarding the marine ecosystem on the captivating 'Lemur Island'
  • Escape to a haven of unparalleled peace and tranquility, where cars and roads are nonexistent
  • Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of coconut tree-lined beaches, offering direct access to the vibrant coral reef
  • Utilize your exceptional diving skills for a purposeful endeavor, contributing to the preservation of this precious ecosystem
  • Tap into the invaluable insider tips shared by previous volunteers, unlocking the door to explore magnificent hidden gems

Besonders geeignet für

Alter 18+

Über das Programm

Protect Madagascar's marine ecosystem with MRCI's Marine Conservation Research program. Dive into meaningful conservation work! 🤿

Madagascar Research and Conservation Institute's Marine Conservation Program works both independently and in collaboration with oceanographic organisations to gather vital raw scientific data through a number of initiatives including: Reef Surveys; Coral Bleaching Assessments; Nudibranch Surveys; ...

Über das Programm

Madagascar Research and Conservation Institute's Marine Conservation Program works both independently and in collaboration with oceanographic organisations to gather vital raw scientific data through a number of initiatives including: Reef Surveys; Coral Bleaching Assessments; Nudibranch Surveys; Artificial Reef Surveys; Turtle Monitoring; Invasive Species Monitoring; Beach Clean Management. All marine volunteers receive comprehensive practical scuba-diving and theory training to prepare them to undertake research-based activities at sea. This includes species identification training for marine wildlife, which includes turtles, fish, corals and invertebrates. Volunteers are taught the methodology and diving techniques required for coral baseline surveying, a key skill in marine conservation as a universal approach to monitoring the state of coral reefs. In addition, volunteers are taught how our work fits into the bigger picture of conservation management required for establishing marine protected areas and improving coastal ecosystems.

Project Location:   MRCI is based in Northwest Madagascar on the small island of Nosy Komba (‘Lemur Island’) also known as Nosy Ambariovato (‘Island surrounded by rocks’). Situated between mainland Madagascar and the large island of Nosy Be, this volcanic island offers a unique peace and tranquillity as there are no roads or cars on this island.

The MRCI research centre, Turtle Cove, is built into the steep, rocky slopes of Nosy Komba as a multi-level compound overlooking the spectacular coral reef below. Turtle Cove is nestled between a beautiful tropical forest and a pristine beach overlooking Nosy Be and the world famous Lokobe Forest Reserve.  Just meters from Turtle Cove, volunteers can experience incredible coconut tree fringed beaches with easy access to MRCI’s home coral reef, now declared a Marine Protected Area by the Department of Environment in conjunction with MRCI, the local community and the Department of Fisheries.

Volunteers on the Marine Conservation program can volunteer for a minimum of 4 weeks to a maximum of 12 weeks.  Our volunteers range in age from 18 to retirees and everyone in between, though most are in their early to mid-twenties.  MRCI’s Marine Conservation program can accommodate up to 24 divers while our research centre at Turtle Cove can accommodate up to 54 volunteers at a time across all programs.

Languages Spoken:  All program staff and volunteers must be able to speak, write and understand English. Our program staff and volunteers come from all over the world and speak a myriad of other languages in additional to English. Locally, our operations staff and the people of Madagascar speak Malagasy and some French. Volunteers have the chance to attend free Malagasy lessons offered on camp and learn more about the language and culture in this beautiful country.

Essential info:  Volunteers are expected to have their own health insurance. Vaccinations are not typically required to enter Madagascar, however this may vary depending on your travel path. We recommend consulting a travel doctor about vaccinations and medications. Recommended vaccinations for Madagascar include: yellow fever, tetanus, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, typhoid, and rabies.

In addition, we recommend carrying preventative agents with you including sun screen, after sun lotion, mosquito repellent, rehydration supplements, anti-malarial medications, and anything else recommended by your doctor.  There is access to good, fairly priced medical care here in country if needed. Due to the hot, humid climate, it is incredibly important to drink enough water. We have filtered drinking water available on camp; just be sure to bring a good reusable bottle.

Volunteers receive comprehensive training to prepare them to undertake research-based activities at sea. This involves identification training for marine wildlife, including turtles, fish, corals and invertebrates. They are also taught methodology of coral baseline surveying, a key skill in marine conservation as a universal approach to monitoring the state of coral reefs.

Volunteers also receive: 
  • Sleeping accommodations for the duration of their volunteer time
  • Three meals per day, seven days per week on camp
  • Supervision and training by a team of Rescue Divers, Dive Masters and Dive Instructors
  • BCD's
  • Tanks + Air Fills
  • Regulators
  • Weight Belts + Weights
  • Scientific Survey Materials (i.e. quadrat, rulers, measuring tape, etc…)
  • Access to speed boat
Insurance:  Volunteers are expected to purchase their own health insurance.

Not Included:
  • PADI crew packs / Manuals for the relevant course(s)
  • Snorkel and mask (with tempered glass)
  • Fins (open heel with booties are more comfortable for frequent use)
  • Wetsuit (long or short, 3mm minimum)
  • Surface marker buoy (DSMB)
  • Reel (a small finger reel is adequate)
  • Waterproof watch
  • Dive compass
  • Log book
  • Flights
  • Visa costs
  • Personal items 

Currency: In Madagascar the official currency is the Malagasy Ariary (MGA), which can only be exchanged in Madagascar. There are a number VISA ATMs located in Hellville which volunteers can draw cash from. We do however advise that you bring some Euro’s along with you.

Passport and Visa: All visitors require visas and a one to three month single entry visa may be obtained on arrival at the airport. We do recommend you check with the Consulate General as visa requirements can change at any time. A passport valid for 6 months after date of return is required. Please ensure you have at least two blank pages available in your passport before commencement of travel.

VISAS 30-Day visa: 35 Euros / 37 USD 60-day visa: 40 Euros / 45 USD 

Most nationalities can get a visa upon arrival at the airport in Madagascar or the Madagascar embassy in the country of departure. You can purchase either a 30 or 60-day visa. There are no ATMs or credit card facilities at the airports so you will need to bring enough cash to pay for your visa when you land. The visa costs are as follows: * Visas may be extended to 90 days for $75 once in-country Due to its structure, this program is classified as a tourist trip. Volunteers participate on a project for three months or less, work an average of three to five hours daily (not full-time), and do not receive any pay or free accommodation/meals in compensation for work. That qualifies these types of trips as “tourist” trips, therefore, we recommend you select “tourism” as your reason for travel on your visa. Other visa types may be available, however, they are often unnecessary, expensive and time-consuming.

What to bring along:

Personal Items - Essential Items for all Volunteers

  •  Lightweight waterproof rain jacket
  • T-shirts/vests
  • Light long-sleeved sweatshirt/ jumper/ fleece
  • Trousers (suitable for going into the forest)
  • Shorts
  • Underwear
  • Swimming costume/bikini/board shorts
  • Sunhat
  • Sunglasses
  • Walking boots or good trainers /sneakers
  • Flip-flops
  • Day pack (waterproof)
  • Dry bag/ziplock bags that will keep items dry
  • Lightweight single person mosquito net
  • Cotton sleeping bag liner and/or single sheet & pillow case.
  • Sleeping bag if coming in the cooler months (June-August)
  • Towel or sarong
  • Toiletries (soap, shampoo, razor, tampons, toothpaste, toothbrush)
  • Sunscreen (water-resistant, preferably biodegradable)
  • Insect repellent
  • Head torch (with rechargeable batteries)
  • Photocopy of passport, travel insurance details, dive qualifications (if relevant) and other important travel documents
  • Debit card/credit card
  • Spending money
  • Solar Panel Charger

 Personal Medical Kit (example)

  • Anti-malarial tablets
  • Paracetamol / Ibuprofen
  • Antihistamine pills / cream
  • Rehydration tablets / sachets
  • Immodium
  • Multivitamins
  • Antiseptic cream or spray
  • Motion sickness pills if prone
  • Bandage / Plasters
  • Dressings / Micropore tape
  • After sun lotion or gel

 Optional Items for all Volunteers

  • Battery pack (to use in conjunction with your solar panel)
  • Mobile phone (you can buy a local SIM card for around US$10)
  • A padlock to secure personal items
  • Laptop/iPad/iPhone
  • Camera (waterproof)
  • Books
  • Water bottle
  • Sarong
  • A nice set of clothes if you want to go out for dinner or dancing
  • Rash vest
  • Talcum powder
  • Treats/food difficult to get in Madagascar
  • Travel guide (many volunteers find Lonely Planet to be very helpful for preparation and once they are in Madagascar)

 Essential Items for Marine Conservation Volunteers

  • PADI Crew Pack (available to purchase online or from your local PADI Dive store)
  • Medium to large dive slate (A5-A4 size)
  • Mask (with tempered glass) and snorkel
  • Dive Fins (open heel with booties are more comfortable for frequent use)
  • Wetsuit (long or short, 3mm minimum)
  • Surface Marker Buoy (DSMB) and reel (a small finger reel is fine)
  • Waterproof watch (resistant to 200 meters)
  • Dive compass
  • Log book
  • Dive computer (optional)
  • Dive bag (optional)
  • Diving knife (optional)

Program Requirements: To participate on the Marine Conservation program, volunteers must have both PADI Open Water and Advanced Open Water Dive Certification or equivalent to survey.  PADI diving courses can be completed with us in Madagascar at the research centre. Volunteers must complete the PADI E-learning portion of the PADI training prior to arrival in Madagascar as access to WIFI is limited. When applying for the Marine Conservation Program, volunteers must specify their level of scuba-diving and/or any training required. Visit our MRCI Dive School page for more information on our PADI courses. Please note, this project has a minimum duration of 4 weeks to allow sufficient time to complete the dive and marine research training required to participate effectively on the project. 

Internet: Wi-Fi is not available on camp, however there is Wifi access in the neighbouring village of Ampang, about a half hour hike from camp.  Volunteers will also have access to Wifi over the weekends either in Ampang village or on the Neighbouring Island of Nosy Be.

Laundry:  A hand washing laundry station is provided on camp with a clean water tap, concrete work surface for scrubbing, and buckets. Volunteers will need to purchase their own laundry soap (available on neighbouring Nosy Be) and can either do their own washing, or pay one of the local kitchen or care taker staff to do it for them. Typically, it costs 10,000 MGA per bag of laundry, plus soap.

About the Marine Conservation Program:

Reef Research 
The MRCI marine team collects time-series data recording diversity and abundance of fish, invertebrate and reef building organisms through reef surveys at various sites along the coast of Nosy Komba. MRCI are also monitoring the health of the coral in the wake of our changing climate through coral bleaching and invasive species surveys. After two years of survey work, the area of reef situated directly in front of our home, Turtle Cove, known as ‘Turtle Towers’ was designated as a ‘no-take’ Marine Protected Area (MPA), prohibiting all fishing activities and restricted boat activities. This provided the unique opportunity to additionally monitor the effectiveness of the MPA over time in allowing the reef ecosystem to improve after being subjected to heavy, artisanal fishing pressures and boat activities. The MPA site will be compared to our other reef sites that are still impacted by direct anthropogenic pressures. The reef research volunteers will be assisting us with is vital to justify the need for the MPA, to raise awareness in the community and to provide more sustainable local fishing opportunities for years to come. 
The organisms surveyed are divided into three species groups; the ‘active swimmers’ (fish), ‘benthic’ (bottom dwellers) and ‘sessile’ (stationary). Volunteers usually specialise in one of three species groups, learn the species and are trained how to participate in the reef surveys. 
All the data collected through our reef surveys goes to the Coastal Oceans Development Indian Ocean (CORDIO), and is shared with our national partner, Madagascar Centre Nationale Researche Oceanographique (CNRO).

Artificial Reef Research
The establishment of artificial reefs in key areas are proven to be an effective way to enhance coral reef stability and sustain the abundance of reef species. Madagascar has witnessed several bleaching events and reef degradation in recent times, so there is an urgent need to establish habitats which can support a greater diversity of marine species.

Coral Transplantation 
The MRCI marine team has recently constructed a series of small, concrete, boulder-like hollow structures called ‘domes’, with transplanted hard and soft corals attached to them. These domes have been arranged into rows parallel to Turtle Towers reef, within the MPA, which has been nick-named ‘The Orchard’. Over a 6-month period volunteers have helped to construct, implement, clean and monitor the progress of the ‘baby-corals’. Now, you will be assisting the marine team to survey The Orchard, and add new sites, recording growth rates of the corals, level of coral bleaching and assessment of the recruitment of additional species over time to the new artificial reef.

Creative Structures
The team has also built a collection of metal re-bar artificial structures beyond Turtle Towers reef, also within the MPA. The aim of both artificial reef projects is to provide additional substrate and habitat for organisms to grow and thrive, to boost the rejuvenation and recovery of the reef ecosystem within the MPA. Volunteers will have the opportunity to monitor and carry out surveys on these structures, recording the benthic assemblage cover as well as species biodiversity and abundance, to add to MRCI’s time-series dataset.

Nudibranch Research
Nudibranchs are a group of wonderfully diverse sea-slugs (gastropod molluscs). They have close associations with the marine invertebrates and are great indicators of reef diversity. Volunteers will actively participate in recording the species abundance and diversity of these marine molluscs. Volunteers will assist us to build up the MRCI catalogue of all the different species found in the area, which in turn helps to determine the health status of the coral reef. All the data is shared with our national partner, Madagascar Centre Nationale Researche Oceanographique (CNRO), who compare our species diversity with Nosy Be and other parts of Madagascar.

Turtle Monitoring
On Nosy Komba we see both the green and hawksbill turtles within and around the MPA. In addition, the beaches adjacent to Turtle Cove are visited by a small population of nesting turtles. Volunteers will be recording data on sightings of marine turtles around Turtle Cove, through dry ‘turtle watches’ from the centre and on snorkelling surveys. In addition, during the breeding season from November to March, you participate in ‘Extreme Turtle Watch’ patrolling the nesting beaches during the night for signs of activity. Volunteers will also have the opportunity to assist in environment workshops promoting turtle conservation measures. The overall aim is to establish the frequency and population strength of the varying species which visit as well as any seasonal and long-term charges in population size. The data collected on these important, endangered species is shared with the C3 UK Branch of the International Union of Convention of Nature (IUCN).

HEALTH CONDITIONS We kindly request that all volunteers inform our volunteer coordinator and senior staff of any health conditions, mental illnesses, disabilities, or other relevant information that may affect their participation in camp activities. Please be assured that any such information will be kept strictly confidential. It is important for us to have this information to ensure that we provide fair treatment and ensure your safety during your stay on camp.

MOBILE PHONES Volunteers can bring their mobile phones and purchase a local SIM card and credit for calling and data upon arrival. If their phone’s SIM is locked, they have the option of purchasing a local phone. This is great for keeping in touch with local staff, other volunteers and loved ones at home. Once you have purchased a SIM card and data package, you can access the internet via cell service in most places on Nosy Be and Nosy Komba, including camp. With enough credit loaded on, you can make both domestic and international calls. The country code for calling Madagascar is +261. 

ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES The most common type of wall plug in Madagascar is the typical European rounded twoprong plug (Type C) and the rounded two-prong plug with a hole for the male grounding pin (Type E). The voltage is 20V and the frequency is 50Hz.


Orientation information

NOTE: The schedule will vary widely depending on boats, tides etc.  Follow the instructions of in-country staff for actual times and stay flexible. Daily life in Madagascar revolves around family, boats and tides. Embrace the ‘mora-mora’ way of life and don’t get into a ...


Orientation information

NOTE: The schedule will vary widely depending on boats, tides etc.  Follow the instructions of in-country staff for actual times and stay flexible. Daily life in Madagascar revolves around family, boats and tides. Embrace the ‘mora-mora’ way of life and don’t get into a hurry. Just try to relax and enjoy the journey.  


  • 07:30 Breakfast
  • 08:30 Orientation Presentation
  • 10:00 Health and Safety Presentation
  • 11:00 Complete and sign forms and paperwork
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 14:00 Walk to the neighboring village of Ampang for a tour led by staff 
  • 17:00 Return to camp (walk or by boat at a cost of 2,000 MGA/person) 
  • 18:00 Dinner
  • 18:45 Daily Board Briefing

TUESDAY: First official day on project! Generally, you will be doing hands-on activities integrated with staff and other more experienced volunteers. Staff will go over activities and times after dinner on Monday so you know where to go.

Typical Day: Each program has morning and afternoon activities. After dinner each day, we have a briefing to go over activities for the following day. NOTE: Schedule will vary depending on the project, tides, etc.

Sample Schedule: 

  • 05:00-07:00 Breakfast on camp 
  • 06:00-08:00 Start of morning activities on project 
  • 12:00 Lunch on camp 
  • 14:00 Start of afternoon activities on project
  • 16:00-17:00 Volunteer activities for the day usually conclude
  • 18:00 Dinner on camp
  • 18:45 Board Briefing to go over activities for the following day


Only cash is accepted on Nosy Be and Nosy Komba. There are no ATMs located on Nosy Komba, therefore all cash needs to be drawn ATMs located on neighbouring Nosy Be. The ATMs all take VISA; only one or two will accept MasterCard. Depending on weekend activities and the number of souvenirs and snacks ...


Only cash is accepted on Nosy Be and Nosy Komba. There are no ATMs located on Nosy Komba, therefore all cash needs to be drawn ATMs located on neighbouring Nosy Be. The ATMs all take VISA; only one or two will accept MasterCard. Depending on weekend activities and the number of souvenirs and snacks purchased, volunteers typically find between $50 and $100 USD per week to be sufficient spending money.

A few popular weekend activities / places to visit are listed below. NOTE: Unless marked otherwise, volunteers organize trips to these places on their own, not through MRCI, however there is contact information available on camp from past volunteers on how they booked trips. 

  • Lokobe Forest Reserve
  • Discovery SCUBA Dive (through MRCI)
  • SCUBA Dive Training (through MRCI)
  • Explore different areas of Nosy Komba with a local guide and learn about medicinal plants, the endemic wildlife and more
  • Tanikely Natural Reserve
  • Visit Nosy Iranja or Nosy Sakatia (swimming and snorkelling)
  • Whale Shark Watching (seasonal)
  • Visit the Sacred Tree or Sacred Waterfall on Nosy Be
  • Hike up Mount Passot on Nosy Be
  • Visit Lemur Land park on Nosy Be, or the Lemur Park on Ampang Village on Nosy Komba
  • Ankarana National Park
  • Amber Mountain National Park
  • Visit plantations on the mainland in the city of Ambanja
  • Visit the city of Diego Suarez including the Emerald Sea, the Three Bays, Tsingy Rouge rock formation and more



Mindestalter: 18 Jahre

Um an diesem Programm teilzunehmen, musst du zu Programmbeginn mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein. Es kann Ausnahmen geben, wenn du die Erlaubnis deines/r Erziehungsberechtigten vorlegen kannst oder wenn du von deinen Eltern begleitet wirst


Du brauchst folgende Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (Fortgeschritten)

Polizeiliches Führungszeugnis



Es gibt keine Beschränkungen. Helfende Hände aus aller Welt sind willkommen.

Andere Fähigkeiten

To participate on the Marine Conservation program, volunteers must have both PADI Open Water and Advanced Open Water Dive Certification or equivalent to survey. PADI diving courses can be completed with us in Madagascar at the research centre. Volunteers must complete the PADI E-learning portion of the PADI training prior to arrival in Madagascar as access to WIFI is limited.


Deine Hilfe wird an folgenden Tagen benötigt: Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag und Freitag von 06:00 - 16:00



Dienstleistungen von MRCI - Madagascar Volunteer

The program fee covers the cost of:
  • accommodation
  • meals
  • airport pick-up
  • orientation
  • staff salaries
  • diving equipment
  • project materials
  • fuel costs
  • training and 24/7 in-country program support during your entire volunteer stay.

Abholung vom Flughafen Fascene Airport


The program begins on the first and third Monday of every month. The MRCI base sits on a small island called Nosy Komba off the northwest coast of Madagascar. There is no airport, roads or cars on this island, however on the neighbouring island of Nosy Be there is a large port and airport. Please arrive to Nosy Be for pickup the day before your start date so you can meet the team for transport to the volunteer camp on Nosy Komba. The boat ride from Nosy Be to Nosy Komba takes about 45 minutes and the last boat usually departs around 15:00. 

Volunteers may fly directly into Nosy Be Fascene International Airport (airport code NOS), or into the capital city, Antananarivo (Tana for short; airport code TNR). If you fly into Tana, you can take a domestic flight from Tana to Nosy Be, or travel overland via Taxi Brousse or private car to Nosy Be. We can help arrange your overland transport if needed. This journey can take anywhere from 24 to 72 hours depending on number of stops, weather, road conditions, etc.


Once you arrive on Nosy Be, our driver will meet you. He will have an MRCI sign with a turtle logo. Depending on the time you arrive, an MRCI staff member wearing a blue MRCI shirt will also greet you. If there is time before the last boat departs for Nosy Komba, you will be given a tour of the town of Hellville and an opportunity to purchase snacks, a local SIM card, draw money at an ATM, etc. Bear in mind that in addition to time constraints with boat departures, shops and stores all shut during siesta, between noon and 14:30 or 15:00. If you arrive at 15:00 or later (after the last boat departs for Komba), you will need to stay the night on Nosy Be. We can provide you with hotel recommendations if needed. The following day, you’ll meet an MRCI staff member at a predetermined time and place. 

Your transport to camp, including the taxi from Nosy Be airport (or tuk tuk from port) to Hellville and your first boat to camp are included in the program fee. A staff member will accompany you on the boat from Nosy Be to Nosy Komba and give you a tour of MRCI camp on Komba upon arrival. 


You are responsible to arrange and pay for your own transport back to the airport, however we are happy to help you book your transport as needed.


Our research centre, Turtle Cove, is built into the steep slopes of Nosy Komba as a multi-level compound overlooking the spectacular coral reef below. Climb stone stairs up from an idyllic beach to main house situated above the dive deck and take in the stunning view of the ocean extending far across all the way to Lokobe Forest Reserve on Nosy Be. Main house accommodates senior staff members and serves as a meeting place and hangout for volunteers during the day. Large decks line the front of main house complete with hammocks, bean bags and benches. There is also a work area for volunteers as well as lockable storage boxes available for each hut to store small valuables. Volunteers should also bring a padlock to secure personal items in their luggage when not in use.

From the back of main house, follow more stone steps up another level to a separate kitchen and dining hut nestled among vibrant gardens. On this middle level and up another level sit a series of locally built bungalows fitted with bunk beds that serve as volunteer sleeping quarters. Volunteers can expect to share a hut with four to six other volunteers, and will need to bring their own bedding and towels. Also on these two levels, there are several bathroom facilities equipped with running water, flush toilets and coldwater showers.

Turtle cove camp is eco-friendly with solar powered lighting throughout. There are no charging facilities for electronic devices; volunteers are encouraged to bring a solar panel and battery pack to keep their devices charged. Charging ports are available in the neighbouring village of Ampang, about a half hour hike from camp. We do have an onsite generator for staff use, though volunteers are welcome to charge small devices (no laptops) from this if there is space. Bear in mind that in an effort to go green, use of the generator is minimal, sometimes only once per week or less.

Also keep in mind that we are dependent on the sun for most of our power and rainfall for our water, so conserve power and water as much as possible during your stay.

When packing, please keep in mind that there are no waste disposal or recycling centres in this area of Madagascar. Therefore, please minimize the amount of disposable, plastic or one-use type items you bring.  Opt for rechargeable batteries instead of single use batteries as we have no way to safely dispose of batteries on the island. We suggest also bringing a solar panel and battery pack if you have any electronics you want to keep charged.


On camp, three meals per day are provided seven days per week. Each meal is prepared by our on-site cooks using traditional Malagasy cooking methods using fresh, locally grown, seasonally available produce. Most meals have a rice base with beans and vegetables on the side (or over rice). Fruit and vegetables served will change depending on the season and availability of local produce. Some meals will include fish/seafood, beef (zebu), or chicken. Meat, when part of a meal, is typically prepared with a sauce, cut into small pieces, and served over rice. In addition to bananas, breakfast usually consists of either baguettes and jam, eggs or crepes.

There is a vegetarian option for all meals. Due to logistics and the limitations of our remote location, we cannot provide a vegan option. Vegans can help themselves to the vegetable-based foods prepared, but will also need to supplement their diet with foods purchased off camp.  If you have special dietary requirements, please let us know. We will do or best to provide accordingly, however you should not expect to eat as you normally do at home. Bear in mind that you are volunteering in a remote region of a developing country and flexibility is necessary.


Limitierte Verbindung vor Ort

Was ist NICHT inklusive?

Was ist NICHT inklusive?


Der nächstgelegene Flughafen ist Fascene Airport (NOS) in Nossi-be. Wir helfen dir günstige Flüge nach Madagaskar zu finden. FINDE GÜNSTIGE FLÜGE


Ins Ausland zu gehen ist ein Abenteuer, auf das man sich stets gut vorbereiten sollte. Plötzliche Krankheit oder Verletzung, Stornierung oder Diebstahl - eine Reiseversicherung für Madagaskar bietet die nötige Sicherheit. ANGEBOT EINHOLEN


Bevor du deine Freiwilligenarbeit in Madagaskar antrittst, solltest du dich noch einmal von deinem Arzt beraten lassen und deine erforderlichen Impfungen für Madagaskar überprüfen. IMPFSCHUTZ ÜBERPRÜFEN

Informationen zur Anreise

MRCI's Marine Conservation Program runs throughout the year.  Start Dates are the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month.

ARRIVAL DAY: You will be met at the airport (or port) on Nosy Be by our driver or an MRCI staff member. If you arrive before Sunday, you will be dropped off at your hotel after a tour of Hellville. On Sunday, you will meet a staff member at a predetermined time and place for transfer to the volunteer camp on Nosy Komba.


  • 13:30 Tour of Hellville (if not already complete)
  • 15:00 Boat to camp on Nosy Komba accompanied by a staff member
  • 16:00 Camp tour upon arrival
  • 16:30 Free time to unpack, settle in and meet your hut mates
  • 18:00 Dinner
  • 18:45 Daily Board Briefing (staff will go over the schedule and activities for the following day)

Jan Feb Mär Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dez


4 Wochen (Mindestaufenthalt) 2.115€
5 Wochen 2.468€
6 Wochen 2.820€
7 Wochen 3.172€
8 Wochen 3.525€
9 Wochen 3.878€
10 Wochen 4.230€
11 Wochen 4.582€
12 Wochen (Maximaler Aufenthalt) 4.935€
Durchschnittliche Gebühren 470€/Woche


470€ / Woche 4 - 12 Wochen Alter 18 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 12 Wochen


Mit der Anzahlung reservierst du deinen Platz beim Freiwilligenprogramm. Zahlungen werden von PayPal abgewickelt, unserem vertrauenswürdigen globalen Zahlungsanbieter. Falls du keinen PayPal Account hast, kannst du die Anzahlung auch mit einer Kreditkarte bezahlen.

Ausstehende Zahlung

Deine Restzahlung vereinbarst du mit MRCI - Madagascar Volunteer während des Bewerbungsprozesses. Normalerweise handelt es sich um eine Banküberweisung oder eine Barzahlung am Projektstandort.

Lerne deine Organisation kennen

MRCI - Madagascar Volunteer

Perfekt 4.6 rating (29 Bewertungen)

Agentur - gegründet 2013

von Volunteer World verifiziert

  Sehr hohe Antwortrate

Veranstaltet von


Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch

Über die Organisation

Madagascar Research and Conservation Institute (MRCI) undertakes environmental research and conservation in both the marine and terrestrial environments.

Lerne deine Organisation kennen

Madagascar Research and Conservation Institute (MRCI) undertakes environmental research and conservation in both the marine and terrestrial environments. MRCI further actively involved in community development and educational programs, as well as much needed reforestation in Madagascar.  MRCI educational programs include English teaching and other educational programs geared towards the implementation of conservation initiatives such as the hazards of plastic pollution and how marine species like whales, dolphins and sea turtles are adversely affected.

MRCI’s Turtle Cove research centre is located on Nosy Komba island and is the heart and home base for all MRCI programs.  Turtle Cove is nestled between a beautiful tropical forest and a pristine beach which overlooks Nosy Be and the world famous Lokobe Forest Reserve.  Volunteers have easy access to the beach and MRCI’s home coral reef that, in conjunction with the local community and national government, MRCI have had declared as a Marine Protected Area.

Through long term monitoring, MRCI conservation programs aim to actively contribute to the preservation of the unique flora and fauna of Madagascar. While the community programs are aimed at improving the lives of the Malagasy people in rural communities, the further aim is to communicate the importance of preserving the environment for future generations.

MRCI’s aims to provide the local community and schools with English conversational and English Grammar lessons.  This program not only empowers the community but further offers a platform to volunteers to communicate and collaborate on conservations topics and initiatives at grass-roots level.  Volunteers have the opportunity to teach English classes to students in small village schools on the islands of Nosy Be and Nosy Komba, alongside delivering classes to adults in the local communities as well. Volunteers will also be able to provide classes to the staff members at the Oceanographic Research Institute on Nosy Be, where they will assist in establishing a good working knowledge of English, enhancing their ability to communicate ideas and collaborate scientific research findings internationally.

MRCI’s Community Development Program works hand in hand with our conservation initiatives, goals and objectives. Each project undertaken by MRCI is carefully planned and sanction by the community leaders. The key focus of each project is the development of infrastructures where the entire community benefit as a whole.  The aim of the community development program is to not only improve the lives and living conditions of the people in our communities, but to further gain their support of our conservation initiatives.   Once the projects have been identified and approved by MRCI and the community leaders, work begins with MRCI sponsoring a portion of the funds required.  Volunteers assist not only with the physical labour required to complete the projects, but also with initiating additional fundraising campaigns. 

MRCI’s Marine Conservation Program is run in collaboration with a number of international oceanographic organisations.  The main aim of the marine program is to gather vital raw data through a variety of initiatives.

Volunteers receive comprehensive training to prepare for research-based activities at sea. Training covers species identification for marine wildlife, including turtles, fish, corals and invertebrates as well as methodology of coral baseline surveying, a key skill in marine conservation as a universal approach to monitoring the state of coral reefs.  This program has a minimum duration of 4 weeks to allow sufficient time for volunteers to be able to complete the dive and marine research training as well as to contribute towards dive surveys.

MRCI’s Sea Turtle Monitoring Program has been established to further our goals and objectives and enhance what has already been accomplished in terms of developing Safe Turtle Breeding Zones.  MRCI has very successfully, with the support of the local community, implemented a “Safe Turtle Nesting Zone” on Nosy Komba Island. As part of this initiative, MRCI has employed security personnel to provide 24 hour monitoring of this nesting zone to ensure the safety of the turtles and their eggs. Identifying and implementing protection measures for these breeding sites is paramount to safeguarding the species in this area. The primary goals are to map and identify beaches used as nesting sites; identify species diversity and numbers; engage and establish a relationship with the local communities enabling MRCI to include them in the conservation efforts and to monitor and remove plastic waste and other harmful products from the beaches. 

MRCI volunteers assist in identifying nesting areas by visiting remote beaches on islands surrounding the island of Nosy Be. This program gives volunteers the opportunity to get up close to these beautiful creatures whilst helping to ensure the health and survival of the species into future.

In an effort to extend MRCI’s community and conservation reach beyond Nosy Be and Nosy Komba, MRCI established an Island Outreach program where volunteers are transported aboard the vessel the Spirit of Malala, spending 10 days visiting several of Madagascar’s remote islands and villages.  Volunteers are involved in a range of initiatives such as teaching, small construction projects and scientific research. Many of these island communities in Madagascar have very limited basic resources.  MRCI’s Outreach Program aims to assist these local communities not only with access to education and resources, but with basic first aid assistance as well. 

MRCI’s Forest Conservation Program involves constant monitoring of the forest and its endemic wildlife on Nosy Komba Island. The aim of the forest conservation program is to establish the diversity and abundance of species in order to identify changes in forest dynamics, populations, habitat health and identify potential localised threats. Forest volunteers receive species identification training and learn how to conduct field surveys, set up equipment and collate their data. MRCI’s community development program recently built toilets in the local village of Ampadinombe and in turn MRCI received guardianship 20 thousand square meters of degraded forest from the community to rehabilitate. This area is now protected and MRCI is currently pioneering the development of an agroforestry project that will create a system whereby the agricultural demands of the local community are met whilst providing a sustainable area of healthy forest for Nosy Komba’s wildlife.  The aim is to work with local communities to establish more of these protected areas.

29 Bewertungen · rating4.6

Sean Ethelston rating4.8

2024 at Marine Conservation Research Assistant

I went to Madagascar to do Marine conservation work on Nosy Komba, first I completed my open water and advanced open water dive courses . Afterwards were some lectures and tests for the species we’d be surveying, like invertebrates, fish and ...
Primavera Fumagalli rating4.2

2023 at Marine Conservation Research Assistant

I spent 4 weeks in Nosy Komba for the marine program. The place is magical and all the members of the staff were nice and welcoming. We dove every day and learnt a lot about marine species… Biodiversity there is just amazing! I feel grateful for having the opportunity of being ...
Marine Pessey rating4.8

2022 at Marine Conservation Research Assistant

Super expérience avec MRCI, j'ai étudié les coraux ainsi que les nudibranches et les tortues. J'ai amélioré mon anglais grâce à tous les volontaires qui ont été la pour moi. Une expérience très enrichissante aussi bien sur le point personnel que professionne. Je recommande à ...
Kathelijn van Heusden rating4.6

2019 at Marine Conservation Research Assistant

My four weeks at MRCI have flown by in a complete whirlwind of wonderful new friends, a heap of marine related knowledge and above all, many scuba diving adventures. As I was not PADI certified before joining the Marine Program, my stay at Turtle Cove on Nosy Komba started off with meeting my ...
Tim Kirkpatrick rating5

2019 at Marine Conservation Research Assistant

Coming to MRCI has been one the most enjoyable and life-changing experiences I have ever done. From the moment that I stepped off the plane to be met by Joe and Jake to my final few days on camp I have done nothing but smile and enjoy every second of my time. I started my 12 weeks on camp as part ...
Cornelie van Druten rating2.2

2019 at Marine Conservation Research Assistant

MRCI is an organisation focused on doing different projects (not only marine, but also forest, community and turtles). A couple of 20-25 year-olds run the camp and lost the motivation some time ago. The marine program is packed with people, who are not contributing to getting survey data, but are ...


Afrika > Ostafrika > Madagaskar > Nosy Komba

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