från 1 548€

Perfect 4.6rating (59)

Wild Cat Protection

2 - 24 veckor  ·  Ålder 18 - 50+

rating  Perfect 4.6  · 
  Verifierad av Volunteer World
  Bra Svarsfrekvens

Särskilt lämplig för

Ålder 18+

Om programmet

Our goal is to raise the big cats that we have as naturally as possible so that they can be released into the wild.

About the Program

The farm is situated on the border of the Free State and Northern Cape and is home to an abundance of big and small African cats, such as, Lions and African Wild Cats. The farm is not only a home for cats, but other animals as well. We have a large family of Meerkats who run free, ...

Om programmet

About the Program

The farm is situated on the border of the Free State and Northern Cape and is home to an abundance of big and small African cats, such as, Lions and African Wild Cats. The farm is not only a home for cats, but other animals as well. We have a large family of Meerkats who run free, there are Black Back Jackals, Bat-Eared Foxes, Vervet Monkeys and a few other interesting guests from the animal kingdom. The farm not just a home but a Sanctuary; we house animals that have been hurt, mistreated, or that need to be relocated. Animals that are not able to be relocated or released, will live their lives in peace on the farm.

Our goal is to raise the big cats that we have as naturally as possible so that they can be released into the wild, where they will be re-populating a diminishing population. Some cubs will be kept at the program as ambassadors that will help to educate people the importance of our animals!

Since we started in 2010, we have released 2 Caracals. Furthermore, We have released more animals on the Langberg Guest Farm, as well as on our own farm, such animals include; Jakkels, Meerkats, misseljaatkatte (Cape Genet), African Wild Cats, Muishonde and more.

We are completely against Canned Hunting and we can proudly say that we have saved 12 Lions from being hunted.

You will receive a 2 day Volunteer Johannesburg Orientation: Arrive in Joburg or Jozi, as it is known locally, and get shown around by people who know the city well. The Johannesburg Orientation is excellent for first-time visitors to find their feet the local way and meet other volunteers on your project. 


  • Arty districts of Newtown and Braamfontein
  • Constitutional Hill
  • Telkom Tower
  • Nelson Mandela Bridge
  • Jazz Walk of Fame
  • Mary Fitzgerald Square
  • Traditional South African meal

Typical Tasks

  • First thing in the morning, you will be warmly greeted by all the cats with their calls
  • You will spend time getting to know the animals and other volunteers/staff personally
  • Feeding them will be sure to be a high-light, as you learn how, what, and when the cats eat
  • There will always be the sense of excitement in the air; as you help build new enclosures, you will know that you are helping an animal in dire need for safety
  • With the knowledge and experience you gain, you will be able to help on tours and educate others

Project Highlights

  • You will be able to listen to the sounds of cats calling throughout the night
  • Not only will you be privileged to work with these beautiful cats, but your accommodation is also situated in close proximity to all of the cat enclosures.
  • You will be accompanied by other people who are very passionate about animals.
  • You will have the opportunity to work face to face, with big cats and other wildlife. Learn and experience how each animal behaves, reacts and what their characters are like

Typisk dag


A.M: Basic enclosure cleaning, working on projects to improve the farm / P.M: Interaction time, preparing food for feeding


A.M: Basic enclosure cleaning, working on projects to improve the farm / P.M: Interaction time, preparing food for feeding


A.M: Cleaning big ...

Typisk dag


A.M: Basic enclosure cleaning, working on projects to improve the farm / P.M: Interaction time, preparing food for feeding


A.M: Basic enclosure cleaning, working on projects to improve the farm / P.M: Interaction time, preparing food for feeding


A.M: Cleaning big enclosure, basic enclosure cleaning / P.M: Big cleaning, preparing food for feeding, feeding time all enclosures


A.M: Basic enclosure cleaning, working on projects to improve the farm / P.M: Interaction time, preparing food for feeding, feeding time all enclosures




A.M: Photo shoot, tour 1 / P.M: Tour 2, stock taking, preparing food for feeding, feeding time all enclosures


A.M: Off / P.M: Tour, preparing food for feeding, feeding time all enclosures


Kimberley is the capital of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. It is located approximately 110 km east of the confluence of the Vaal and Orange Rivers.

Tuesday nights
We have a movie and pizza night. Movies are R40 and pizza depends on what they order but is buy one get one free.

Friday ...


Kimberley is the capital of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. It is located approximately 110 km east of the confluence of the Vaal and Orange Rivers.

Tuesday nights
We have a movie and pizza night. Movies are R40 and pizza depends on what they order but is buy one get one free.

Friday nights
We visit a local steakhouse and the local bars: prices differ

Open Mine
The Big Hole, Open Mine or Kimberley Mine (Afrikaans: Groot Gat) is an open-pit and underground mine in Kimberley, South Africa and claimed to be the largest hole excavated by hand.
Cost: R100 per person

Mokala National Park is a reserve established in the Plooysburg area south-west of Kimberley in the Northern Cape, South Africa on 19 June 2007.
Cost: R250 whole day

Dronfield Nature Reserve
can be found on the N12 leaving Kimberley in close proximity to Kamfers Dam.
Cost: R450 for 2 hours (minimum of 4)

Shopping malls – free

Ghost tour
Kimberley’s ghost tours are renowned for the number and variety of their resident spirits. Many apparitions haunt some of the old mining town’s most historic houses and monuments, while on an Anglo-Boer battlefield just outside the town, a lonely phantom Scottish piper plays on moonlit nights. R150 per person (minimum of 10 people)

River rafting
Price on request



Minimiålder: 18 år

För att kunna delta i programmet måste du vara minst 18 år gammal på programmets startdatum. Det kan finnas undantag om du kan visa upp tillstånd från din(a) vårdnadshavare eller om du åtföljs av dina föräldrar.


Du måste tala Engelska (grundnivå)

Kontroll av kriminell bakgrund


Begränsningar av nationalitet

Inga begränsningar. Hjälpande händer från hela världen är välkomna.

Andra Färdigheter

Permission of the legal guardian is needed, medium fitness level.


Din hjälp kommer att behövas på Måndag, Tisdag, Onsdag, Torsdag, Lördag och Söndag från 08:00 - 16:00

Vad som ingår

Vad som ingår

Tjänster av SAVE Foundation

Program fees include:

  • Return Transfer from JHB to the project 
  • All meals 
  • Accommodation 
  • 24 hour support and supervisor 
  • Donation to the project 
  • Braai once a week 
  • 2 day orientation in Johannesburg

Hämtning på flygplatsen på Kimberley Airport

Volunteers will receive a shuttle ride from Johannesburg International airport to the orientation in Johannesburg. After the orientation, they will get a transfer to the bus terminal for the City Bug shuttle to Bloemfontein. The project leader will be waiting for the volunteers in Bloemfontein. However, we recommend that volunteers fly to and from Kimberley Airport (cost around R2000). We will organise a transfer from the airport to the project and back. Choosing this option will save you a six


Volunteers will stay in a volunteers house including its own kitchen facilities, bathroom, and bedroom.

  • All linen will be provided.
  • The volunteer house is roughly 20m away from the main-house, and is safe and secure.
  • Swimming pool is available.

Mat och Dryck

Volunteers will receive three meals a day.

  • At breakfast, you will have a substantial meal. Sandwiches will be for lunch. For dinner you receive a warm meal consisting of meat, starch and vegetables.
  • Tea and coffee will be available all day.
  • We do encourage you to bring along extra money to buy snacks and soft drinks in between meals
  • A refrigerator is available for you to use for your personal food and drinks

Tillgång till Internet

Begränsad tillgång till projektområdet

Vad ingår INTE?

Vad ingår INTE?


Den närmaste flygplatsen är Kimberley Airport (KIM) i Kimberley. Vi hjälper dig att hitta billiga flyg till Sydafrika. HITTA BILLIGA FLYG


Att resa utomlands är ett äventyr och det är alltid bäst att vara förberedd. Plötslig sjukdom eller skada, avbokning eller stöld - en reseförsäkring för Sydafrika ger trygghet och är ett plus att ha. FÅ ETT PRISFÖRSLAG


Om du har för avsikt att arbeta som volontär i Sydafrika bör du söka medicinsk rådgivning innan du börjar din sociala resa. Kontrollera vilka vaccinationer som krävs för Sydafrika. KONTROLL AV VACCIN

Detaljer vid ankomsten

Jan Febr Mars Apr Maj Jun Jul Aug Sept Okt Nov Dec

Pris för programmet

2 veckor (min. vistelse) 1 548€
4 veckor 2 089€
5 veckor 2 687€
7 veckor 3 558€
9 veckor 4 754€
24 veckor (max. vistelse) 13 721€
Genomsnittliga priser 672€/vecka

Pris för programmet

672€ per vecka 2 - 24 veckor Ålder 18 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



2 - 24 veckor


Depositionen är bara för att reservera din volontärplats. Betalningar hanteras av PayPal, vår betrodda globala betalningsleverantör. Om du inte har ett PayPal-konto kan du också betala med kreditkort.


Din slutbetalning kommer att överenskommas med SAVE Foundation under ansökningsprocessen. Vanliga lösningar är antingen via banköverföring eller kontant betalning på projektplatsen.

Möt din programledare

SAVE Foundation

Perfect 4.6 rating (59 fältrapporter)

Non-profit - grundades 2007

Verifierad av Volunteer World

  Bra Svarsfrekvens

Värd är


Spoken languages: Engelska

Om projektet

SAVE Foundation works to enrich, educate, and empower various township and settlement communities, as well as protect and rehabilitate wildlife in areas of Africa.

Möt din programledare

SAVE Foundation is a Non-Profit Organisation. We are NOT a booking agent; we run, manage, and fund all of our humanitarian projects with the help of volunteers. We believe in transparent and sustainable programs that positively impact our local community.

SAVE Foundation is a registered and 18A tax-exempt, non-­profit organisation (NPO) that assists communities in Africa. Our work involves setting up and facilitating sustainable community and conservation development projects in South Africa, Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi and Kenya as well as assisting other non-­profit organisations that are actively involved in the local communities.

Volunteers pay a fee that covers the costs of their stay such as accommodation, transport and meals as well as a donation that assists to finance the projects. In return, volunteers get to experience African culture, see our beautiful countries, learn some new skills and make a difference to those in need. As well as making many new friends, the memories made are sure to last a lifetime!

Our volunteer packages include teaching children to (kite) surf and swim, building schools and homes, assisting at local schools, teaching business skills to adults, working with sharks, cheetahs and other wild animals.

Every little bit helps and one can come and volunteer for anything from two weeks to two years!

SAVE Foundation Vision

The vision of SAVE Foundation is to provide local communities with education, youth development, sports development, and skills that will enable them to help themselves rise above the vicious cycle of poverty, and to provide conscientious and responsible wildlife conservation. Through the assistance of enthusiastic volunteers, generous sponsors, and dedicated staff, SAVE Foundation has broadened its reach from a small community-based South African outreach project, to 6 different countries with 35 humanitarian and wildlife projects over the past 9 years. SAVE Foundation hosts like-minded, dedicated volunteers from all over the world; in 2015 the organization amassed 2, 050, 200 total volunteer hours.

SAVE Foundation is committed to providing ethical volunteering opportunities with African wildlife. Our wildlife projects focus on conservation and rehabilitation of endangered, injured, and abandoned animals.


Humanitarian Projects

SAVE Foundation is committed to providing responsible and sustainable volunteering opportunities. We believe that responsible volunteer practices are paramount to any high quality international volunteer organization. SAVE differs from other non-profit organizations because of the way that we work to create self-sufficient and thriving communities. Each project goes through a rigorous assessment-in conjunction with local authorities on the matter-to identify the needs of the particular community and/or school and how SAVE can best assist them to achieve their goals. SAVE aims to do more than provide Band-Aid solutions to larger issues, but instead work alongside locals to assist with development that will continue to positively impact the community throughout generations.

SAVE Foundation provides responsible volunteering opportunities by ensuring that:

  • Volunteers do not replace paid employment opportunities for local people
  • Volunteers work alongside local staff to assist them with day-to-day operation and the implementation of improvements
  • The goal of each project is to create a self-sufficient and locally run program
    • Ex. We assist schools achieve a high level of education and operation to obtain official school registration.
    • Once a program/school is successfully up and running, we identify a new program in need of our assistance, and leave the local staff to run the operation on their own
  • Volunteers receive training upon their arrival to provide the best assistance possible within their specific placement
  • SAVE regularly collects feedback from volunteers and local project staff
  • SAVE evaluates programs on an ongoing basis
    • Assess both needs for improvement/assistance and areas of growth
  • SAVE does not use “stereotypical” aid images in our marketing campaigns to garner attitudes of pity or victimization amongst the individuals that we work with
    • The images and film that SAVE disseminates simply depicts the activities and projects in which volunteers participate
  • We encourage the dissemination of resources and education, rather than simply donating funds and goods
    • Our aim is to contribute to the self-sufficiency of struggling communities by teaching valuable skills and educating the citizens to empower themselves
    • We do not promote the idea that these individuals are simply beneficiaries of charity.

Furthermore, SAVE takes a developmental approach to poverty reduction by working with communities in need at all stages of life, from education and care in preschools to empowerment through business and skills development for adults. We believe that it is not enough to simply work with a single sector of the community; it must be a holistic approach that will promote a change in the cycle of poverty.

Wildlife Projects

SAVE Foundation is committed to providing ethical volunteering opportunities with African wildlife. Our wildlife projects focus on conservation and rehabilitation of endangered, injured, and abandoned animals. SAVE also strives to educate volunteers about the various species that we support. All interactions with the animals are in a safe and respectful manner with constant supervision from a professional.

SAVE provides responsible volunteering opportunities with wildlife by ensuring that:

  • We do not treat animals as a tourist attraction; no animals are trained to perform in front of an audience
  • We only support breeding at projects that are specifically designed for re-population purposes of endangered species
  • The animals at our projects receive professional and attentive veterinary and handling care
  • SAVE aims to release all animals back into the wild that are capable of doing so
  • The projects act as a safe haven for orphaned, injured, and traumatized animals
  • Each enclosure provides adequate space for the animals to roam freely
  • Volunteers work closely with researchers and project staff to enhance their knowledge about the wildlife
  • We provide a Pre-Vet project that is geared towards individuals with an interest in the professional fields of veterinary science, animal welfare, and animal management; thus, contributing to the future of animal conservation and protection through the addition of further professionals

59 fältrapporter · rating4.6

Jenny rating4.6

2016 at Wild Cat Protection

I was in Felidae center for 3 weeks in June 2016. My expectations were really high but it was more then I ever could imagine. I experienced so much about the culture, the animals and I got to do a lot of activities that I didn't think I would ever do during my whole life. Waking up of the lions ...
Anniken rating4.6

2016 at Wild Cat Protection

I can truly say I have found my paradise on earth! My two week stay was wonderful right from the beginning, waking up to lion roars, to the end, leaving all my new friends. To learn so much about the animals, has changed my life. I still can't believe how lucky I have been! And the ...
Paul Schepers rating3.8

2017 at Swimming & Surfing Instructor

In the beginning there we´re not a lot of volunteers, but after a few days a lot of them arrived an we we´re about 30-50 volunteers. In my opinion we were too much volunteers. So they should organize better, how much volunteers they need at what time. BUT the work was very important and I think ...
Nina Rotcajg rating3.2

2017 at Animal Sanctuaries

Animal Sanctuary was globally a good project, I really liked it. But, you need to know that we need a lot of money there, for example the WiFi is not free and the activities like the safari is at 4500 R. I didn't know, and because of that, I haven't been able to do one. Also, it is some hard work, ...
Jeanne Bassinet Sae rating3

2017 at Animal Sanctuaries

It was not was I expected, a lot of stuff were false on the website who hasn't been uploted since 4 years. I had a great time but I would have known more informations. We were on a residence, we had to pay a bad wifi (i didn't knew when I entered the password they force me to pay 2 weeks the time of ...
sylvaine neyret rating5

2017 at Educare & School Assistant

Hi, I loved that experience, sharing the work of the teachers and watching the children learning. Each day was a different one, sometimes with the babies, another day with the olders, untill 6. the staff from save was very nice and a wellcoming I recommand this place! Many ...


Afrika > Södra Afrika > Sydafrika > Kimberley

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  Bra Svarsfrekvens

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