från 855€

Perfect 4.6rating (115)

Sea Turtle Protection & Rainforest Preservation

2 - 12 veckor  ·  Ålder 18 - 50+

rating  Perfect 4.6  · 
  Verifierad av Volunteer World
  Mycket hög Svarsfrekvens


  • Learn more about the fragile marine ecosystem while helping to protect it
  • Gain Spanish fluency by living and working with the locals
  • Boost your resume with international volunteer experience
  • Explore a country that is famous for its rich biodiversity and amazing landscapes
  • Broaden your horizon while immersing yourself into a new culture

Särskilt lämplig för

Ålder 18+

Om programmet

Volunteers have the unique opportunity to get involved in Sea Turtle protection and Rainforest Conservation in a Nature Reserve on the northern Pacific coast in Ecuador.

With this volunteer program you can combine your passion for marine life protection and rainforest conservation. Both ecosystems are highly sensitve and are home to an amazing number of flora and fauna. The local staff of this unique volunteer program has many years of experience in tropical forest ...

Om programmet

With this volunteer program you can combine your passion for marine life protection and rainforest conservation. Both ecosystems are highly sensitve and are home to an amazing number of flora and fauna. The local staff of this unique volunteer program has many years of experience in tropical forest and/or marine conservation. The project is located on the Galera San Francisco Peninsula in the province of Esmeraldas on the north coast of Ecuador. This is part of the Chocó Darién-Magdalena biodiversity hotspot and a true oasis for local wildlife and plants. Habitats include mangroves, estuaries, rocky reefs, coral areas, as well as tropical rainforests and dry forests with high levels of biodiversity.

Sadly, these wonderful ecosystems are threatened by overfishing, shrimp farming, habitat destruction, deforestation, pollution and uncontrolled development. The local population relies heavily on natural resources for their livelihood. Fishing, agriculture and forestry are the main sources of income.

The volunteer program raises awareness of the importance of respecting our planet and protecting forests and beaches through environmental education. Workshops and practical activities are done in local schools and with communities. In recent years, the volunteer project has successfully promoted regenerative agriculture, sea turtle protection, bioconstruction, ecotourism and handicrafts. 

Volunteers have the opportunity to get involved in a variety of meaningful tasks. 

1. Marine Conservation
2. Environmental Education
3. Regenerative Agriculture

Marine conservation clearly focuses on the sea turtles that come to nest on the beaches. This area was declared Ecuador's first continental marine protected area back in 2008. In environmental education, the top priority is to educate future generations about the urgency of conservation. Children and adults are trained in environmental protection through workshops and activities with a practical connection to nature. Another main concern is the preservation of the last pieces of tropical rainforest on the coast of Ecuador. This area has fascinating flora and fauna, but the rainforest is rapidly being destroyed to make way for livestock and agriculture. To counteract this phenomenon, the volunteer project promotes regenerative agriculture and permaculture in local communities.

Typisk dag

Volunteers spend a large portion of their time with field work, meaning you will spend most of the day outdoors. But any biological work also requires data entry and data analysis. Volunteers' help is also required to keep the rooms of the volunteer house and the research station clean and tidy.


Typisk dag

Volunteers spend a large portion of their time with field work, meaning you will spend most of the day outdoors. But any biological work also requires data entry and data analysis. Volunteers' help is also required to keep the rooms of the volunteer house and the research station clean and tidy.

Volunteers can gain knowledge of sea turtle conservation as they will collect relevant information about nesting sea turtles, obtain audiovisual materials, identify and measure the size of sea turtle tracks and, last but not least, protect the nest. If the nest is in an obviously bad location the nest must be moved to the safe breeding station. Baby survival chances are top priority! Once the baby turtles hatch, it is necessary to record the total number of newborn turtles. This requires coordination to collect and record important data (number of hatchlings, photos and videos, following baby turtles to the water with a snorkel to continue recording underwater).

Peak sea turtle season begins in June and lasts until December. The first baby turtles begin to hatch in late August. Monitoring beaches for nesting sea turtles is truly exciting and a unique experience, even though it requires some physical fitness.

Plastic bags and ghost nets are a major threat to sea turtles. They can ingest plastic as food or become entangled in ghost nets. It is crucial that nesting beaches are kept as clean as possible to mitigate the impact on sea turtles (and all other marine species). 

Main activities in marine conservation and sea turtle protection:

  • Removing plastic waste
  • Helping with the waste management
  • Monitoring beaches to spot tracks of adult turtles
  • Identifying the exact nest location
  • Protecting the nest with natural materials, e.g. woods & stones
  • Follow-up monitoring until the hatchlings reach the sea

In the rainforest conservation project, volunteers help to monitor wildlife using camera traps, through observation (binoculars), jungle hikes, night monitoring. They also help to regenerate damaged ecosystems. In this area you can find the last remnants of this ecosystem in northwestern Ecuador, however, many agroforestry areas or in and around the rainforest. The restoration of biodiversity and the regeneration of old forests through reforestation are the primary goals. Many plant-related activities are carried out, such as working in the nursery, producing seedlings for the rehabilitation of degraded areas, tropical gardening (cocoa and tropical fruits), etc. 

Educational workshops are offered for school children and adult community members to increase environmental awareness. Volunteers also help with this important task.

The sun is out before 6 AM, so work days start and end earlier than you might be used to. Usually at 6 AM volunteers start their day with a healthy breakfast. At about 7 AM volunteers to beach monitoring and will be back at the station at around 11:30 AM. Lunch is served at 12:30 PM with a long siesta time until 2:30 PM. In the afternoon from 2:30 to 4 PM volunteers help in different kind of areas according to the description above. Work normally ends at 4 PM and dinner is served at 7 PM.
(This work schedule might change if night patrols to spot nesting turtles is required).

Note: The tasks may vary. They depend on factors such as number of volunteers, season, current needs of the project, as well as self-motivation. Not every volunteer may be fully involved in all these tasks.


The Sea Turtle & Rainforest Conservation volunteer program is located in the province of Esmeraldas on the northern Pacific coast of Ecuador. This region is known for its exotic flora and fauna, a humid climate and its dream beaches. The beaches are fantastic surfing spots both for beginners and ...


The Sea Turtle & Rainforest Conservation volunteer program is located in the province of Esmeraldas on the northern Pacific coast of Ecuador. This region is known for its exotic flora and fauna, a humid climate and its dream beaches. The beaches are fantastic surfing spots both for beginners and advances with excellent waves almost all year round. Surf rental can be found in almost every small fishing village.

The location of this project is as wonderful as its mission. It lies between the long sandy beaches and the stunning evergreen rainforest. 

Volunteers use their free time to visit places of interest in the closeby area. One of our volunteers' favorite places is undoubtedly the nice beaches in the marine reserve where they can swim, sunbath or surf. If you are lucky you can even observe humpback whales playing and jumping in the sea between July and October. Volunteer also love to visit local fishing villages, chat with locals and learn about local culture. A trip on a fishing boat or dugout canoe is also a wonderful way to learn more about local traditions and community life.

But it's not just the beach that invites you to spend your free time. There is also the jungle just right there at the doorstep. A hike through the rainforest is a amazing experience. You can do bird watching, spot a wide variety of wildlife, take a dip in the river, visit waterfalls, or climb breathtaking viewpoints on the hills and cliffs.



Minimiålder: 18 år

För att kunna delta i programmet måste du vara minst 18 år gammal på programmets startdatum. Det kan finnas undantag om du kan visa upp tillstånd från din(a) vårdnadshavare eller om du åtföljs av dina föräldrar.


Du måste tala Engelska (grundnivå) eller Spanska (grundnivå)

Dokument som krävs

Volunteer Questionnaire

Begränsningar av nationalitet

Inga begränsningar. Hjälpande händer från hela världen är välkomna.


Din hjälp kommer att behövas på Måndag, Tisdag, Onsdag, Torsdag och Fredag från 07:30 - 15:30

Vad som ingår

Vad som ingår

Tjänster av South America Inside

  • Shared room in Volunteer House
  • Breakfast, lunch, dinner
  • Advice from our experienced staff
  • On-going support via WhatsApp, phone or mail
  • Elaboration of your application profile in Spanish
  • Your placement in the volunteer project
  • Pre-departure information
  • Packing list
  • Country handbook
  • Intercultural guide
  • Orientation upon arrival
  • On-site volunteer coordinator
  • 24/7 emergency number
  • Advice on travel insurance
  • Certificate of participation


The project's facilities include two research stations close to the ocean and a tropical rainforest about 12 km away one from the other. Both stations have volunteer houses. There is room for up to 20 scientists and volunteers in both houses. The first station is located right at Galerita Beach, a significant sea turtle nesting site. It is surrounded by protected rainforest with restricted access to the public. The project supervisor and volunteer coordinator also live at this station. The volunteer house has a great view of the sea and is built simply but comfortably out of wood and bamboo. Running water, electricity, and an internet connection are available. A different house serves as the dining room, chill-out space with hammocks, and kitchen.

We would like to draw attention to the fact that the station also operates a small rescue facility for stray dogs. So, be prepared to live among a couple of dogs as well.

The second station also offers a stunning view of the forest and the Pacific Ocean. It is situated in the middle of an agroforestry area where numerous fruits are grown. This attracts exotic birds (including toucans, hummingbirds, and hundreds of tropical bird species) and is an excellent place for bird watching. The station has a dining room, a kitchen that is fully stocked, a dormitory, and a chill-out area with hammocks for relaxation. The home has internet access, electricity, and running water.

Mat och Dryck

Three healthy meals per day are part of this eco-volunteer project. The majority of the ingredients, including sustainable fish, chicken, and eggs, are sourced from nearby organic farms. There are options for vegetarians and vegans.

Tillgång till Internet

God tillgång till projektområdet

Vad ingår INTE?

Vad ingår INTE?

Hämtning på flygplatsen på Esmeraldas Airport

Hämtning på flygplatsen ingår inte heller i programavgifterna.


Den närmaste flygplatsen är Esmeraldas Airport (ESM) i Esmeraldas. Vi hjälper dig att hitta billiga flyg till Ecuador. HITTA BILLIGA FLYG


Att resa utomlands är ett äventyr och det är alltid bäst att vara förberedd. Plötslig sjukdom eller skada, avbokning eller stöld - en reseförsäkring för Ecuador ger trygghet och är ett plus att ha. FÅ ETT PRISFÖRSLAG


Om du har för avsikt att arbeta som volontär i Ecuador bör du söka medicinsk rådgivning innan du börjar din sociala resa. Kontrollera vilka vaccinationer som krävs för Ecuador. KONTROLL AV VACCIN

Detaljer vid ankomsten

Year round on any day of the week

Jan Febr Mars Apr Maj Jun Jul Aug Sept Okt Nov Dec

Pris för programmet

2 veckor (min. vistelse) 855€
3 veckor 1 015€
4 veckor 1 175€
5 veckor 1 335€
6 veckor 1 495€
7 veckor 1 654€
8 veckor 1 814€
9 veckor 1 974€
10 veckor 2 134€
11 veckor 2 294€
12 veckor (max. vistelse) 2 453€
Genomsnittliga priser 316€/vecka

Pris för programmet

316€ per vecka 2 - 12 veckor Ålder 18 - 50+


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2 - 12 veckor


Depositionen är bara för att reservera din volontärplats. Betalningar hanteras av PayPal, vår betrodda globala betalningsleverantör. Om du inte har ett PayPal-konto kan du också betala med kreditkort.


Din slutbetalning kommer att överenskommas med South America Inside under ansökningsprocessen. Vanliga lösningar är antingen via banköverföring eller kontant betalning på projektplatsen.

Möt din programledare

South America Inside

Perfect 4.6 rating (115 fältrapporter)

Byrå - grundades 2003

Verifierad av Volunteer World

  Mycket hög Svarsfrekvens

Värd är


Spoken languages: Engelska, Tyska, Spanska

Om projektet

South America Inside promotes intercultural, linguistic and educational exchanges. Its volunteer programs are addressed to students, professionals and retirees.

Möt din programledare

South America Inside is an intercultural management agency, founded back in 2003, which specializes in the promotion of programs abroad, language travel and educational programs throughout Latin America.

Since 2007, to enrich the experience of our global-minded clients and to provide them with even more possibilities, South America Inside has been expanding their program offerings throughout South and Central America.

Working together with some of the best language schools in Latin America, South America Inside provides high quality language courses in almost every Latin American country.

Thanks to a professional team of motivated and friendly staff, South America Inside has been very successful over the past several years and have been able to establish an outstanding network of what we call "Insider Contacts." To enrich the experience of their clients and to provide them with more possibilities, South America Inside has been expanding our program offerings throughout Central and South America, in addition to our well-established Chilean programs.

Volunteer Work

Do you dream of staying abroad while doing something positive? Are you looking for a unique experience that will leave a mark on your life? Then a Volunteer Work program in South America or Central America is perfect for you!

With South America Inside you can combine an adventure abroad with social commitment, and create lasting memories in Latin America. Support the protection of endangered species; help a local community construct new homes; give new hope to impoverished children.

The possibilities to lend a hand are diverse, as there are the many places where help is needed. We have classified our volunteer projects in different areas so you can easily find the one (or more!) projects that best match your needs and interests.

Why with us

There are many persuasive reasons that speak in favor of South America Inside when it comes to selecting your perfect provider of language, study and volunteer travel abroad. Following, we have prepared a short summary so that you can get us to know a little better.

Our Insider benefits at a glance:

  Regional Experience
Over one decade (established in 2003) of dedication to language, work and study travel programs in Latin America. Thanks to our long standing work and life experience in the South American continent, we know this region really well. Therefore, we can help and inform you in a professional and competent way.

  Multifaceted Offers
Over time we have developed new programs to offer a wide array of work abroad opportunities to our clients. We have been pioneers in launching new exchange programs, as we have been the first in offering Work & Travel/Working Holiday and Farm Stays in Chile and successfully introduced these programs into the market back in 2005. Since 2012, we are the only agency to offer this type of program in Costa Rica.

  Insider Advice
Despite living in the modern era of the internet, we know that reliable and competent advice is still an important criterion for most of us. At South America Inside, you will find the benefits of an internet provider and an independent travel agency. We will be glad to pass on our extensive knowledge and regional experience.!

It is difficult to run programs when there is nobody “on the ground” to evaluate existing options and search for new opportunities. So, we are located in Chile, on location, and we know everything that is going on first hand. We know what it is like to live as a foreigner in South America and will be happy to assist you in making your stay unforgettable!

South America Inside is an independent provider of language courses, internships, volunteer work, Farm Stays and Work & Travel programs in Latin America. We neither depend financially nor structurally on any other company, language school, association or organization. Therefore, we are able to give personalized information in accordance to your needs and availability.

•  Multilingual Team

Our team is multilingual and international! We speak fluent English, Spanish and German, as well as some French and Portuguese. With our customers, we can communicate in their native language and we avoid misunderstandings with local partners by communicating in Spanish with them. You can be sure that there will be an English-speaking contact person for you before, during, and after your stay.

  Customer Service
Excellent customer service is one of the most important goals for South America Inside, and this is evident with the positive feedback we regularly receive from our many happy clients. Emails are answered within 48 business hours and every client is treated with the same friendliness and expertise.

  Gapless and Accurate Information flow
With South America Inside you will have one and the same contact person before, during and after your trip. With that said, we guarantee a gapless and accurate information flow and you will always be very well informed.

  Approved Program Places
Many of our program places, especially in the area of internships and volunteer work, are designed in the way that they will be recognized by most universities, colleges or academies.

115 fältrapporter · rating4.6

Anna W. rating5

2024 at Work in a National Park

I’m good! The National Park is a beautiful place, the food is nice too ( and they give vegetarian options for the vegetarians too ) All in all I am very ...
Oihane B. rating4.8

2024 at Nature Park Protector

La estancia está siendo genial, estoy aprendiendo mucho además de pasándolo realmente bien. En cuanto al alojamiento y la comida no tengo quejas, todo está limpio y es cómodo y hay abundante comida. El ambiente de trabajo es muy bueno y siempre hay cosas para hacer y ...
Mattia Malfanti rating5

2024 at Countryside School Assistant

Very good location and people. Really good organization and people are really hospitable. Peumal is a really good alternative school. I sincerely advice if you want help in an alternative school to go ...

2024 at Work in a National Park

When I scheduled volunteer time the indication was that there was a limited number of volunteers based on the projects/work to be done. As more and more volunteers arrived i realized that we were more valued for the money we paid than for the limited amount of work to be done. Also, I felt that ...
Nathalie K. rating5

2024 at Local Wildlife Helper

Everything is alright. The family host in San José is very kind. I visited San José yesterday. This morning I arrived at the rescue center and it's amazing! It beautifull, the animals are so cute. And the volonteers are very friendly. Thanks for everything and have a good ...
shelley cannon rating4.2

2024 at Work in a National Park

It was very interesting not as many animals as I would have thought. The local people were awesome . The other volunteers were all very young 20’s and from Europe. Mostly from Netherlands, Germany and Austria. It was incredibly hot and humid for me. I’m from San Diego, ...


Amerika > Sydamerika > Ecuador > Quingue

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