från 3 658€

Brilliant 4.7rating (15)

Primate Behaviour Research Internship with Howlers

12 - 50 veckor  ·  Ålder 18 - 50+

rating  Brilliant 4.7  · 
  Verifierad av Volunteer World
  Bra Svarsfrekvens


  • Break free from your classroom routine and gain hands-on field experience alongside award-winning experts.
  • Enjoy the incredible opportunity to study the highly adaptable arboreal black-&-gold howler monkeys in a variety of different habitats, from riparian forests to the city parks.
  • Make lifelong friends from all over the world that are just as passionate about wildlife and conservation as you are, while gaining insights into the open and laid-back Paraguayan culture.
  • Contribute to long-term conservation in a country with a record of extreme habitat loss.
  • Take control of every step of your own scientific project to boost your resume and kick-start your primate career!

Särskilt lämplig för

Ålder 18+

Om programmet

Design your own research project with the Black-&-Gold Howler Monkeys of Paraguay, while contributing to long-term conservation of their highly endangered habitats!

About Para La Tierra

Fundación Para La Tierra is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of fragile habitats in Paraguay. Our vision is to change the course of Paraguayan environmentalism by inspiring people to appreciate the value of nature. We are working together with ...

Om programmet

About Para La Tierra

Fundación Para La Tierra is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of fragile habitats in Paraguay. Our vision is to change the course of Paraguayan environmentalism by inspiring people to appreciate the value of nature. We are working together with the Paraguayan government, local community members, national and international NGOs, and national and international volunteers and interns to protect Paraguay’s unique environment.

Para La Tierra achieves this mission through three primary programs: Scientific Research, Community Engagement, and Environmental Education.

Based in Paraguay, the ‘heart of South America,’ we are the country’s only year-round research station. Over the past 12 years, we have published over 130 peer-reviewed articles and discovered more than 10 new species. Along the way, over 500 interns have helped contribute to the better understanding of Paraguay’s understudied habitats.

About the Primate Behaviour Research Internship position:

Para La Tierra is searching for talented and hardworking research interns to join our team in Paraguay for 3 to 6 months. Our internship program provides young biologists an opportunity to step out of the classroom and into the field, gaining hands-on experience running a research project of their own design. With its basis in Pilar, the centre of the Ñeembucú Wetland System, our research station offers an incredible opportunity to study the highly adaptable arboreal black and gold howler monkeys in a variety of different habitats, from riparian forests to the city parks.

As tropical forests continue to disappear, it is increasingly important to understand how wild animals can survive alongside human populations. Para La Tierra is interested in understanding how the primates are affected by the urban environment of the city of Pilar, how their behaviour varies from that of the groups located outside the city, and what can be done to better protect the wild animals from the negative effects of the near constant human-wildlife interaction. The focus of the study will be completely defined by the intern’s own interests. Previous interns have studied: Parasitology, Human-Wildlife Interactions, Acoustic Behaviour, Social Structure, and Dietary Diversity.

Before arriving, our interns are challenged to come up with a research topic, review the relevant literature, and create a methodology with the support of our expert researchers. Once in-country, interns are trained in the field techniques required for their project, collect independent data, and analyse their results. Towards the end of the stay, all our interns give a final presentation in which they share the results of their study with the rest of the research team. The internship program is designed to give young scientists the opportunity to take control of every step of a scientific project. From conception to completion, our interns are in the driver seat.

Design your own wildlife project and contribute to long-term research in Paraguay!

Typisk dag

Daily activities will vary depending on your internship focus area, season, local events, and other factors. A typical day for a primate behaviour research intern might look like:

  • 05:00: Wake up and prepare yourself some coffee, tea, porridge or bread with the utensils provided by us.
  • 05:30: Our ...

Typisk dag

Daily activities will vary depending on your internship focus area, season, local events, and other factors. A typical day for a primate behaviour research intern might look like:

  • 05:00: Wake up and prepare yourself some coffee, tea, porridge or bread with the utensils provided by us.
  • 05:30: Our Intern Coordinator will drive you to one of our fieldsites outside of town with a group of other interns.
  • 06:00: Arrive at our fieldsite just before sunset and start your walk to your study area.
  • 06:30: Find the black-and-gold howler monkeys and start your data collection.
  • 11:30: Meet the other interns back at the car and make your way back to the house.
  • 12:30: Enjoy a delicious lunch, prepared by our amazing Paraguayan cooks Rocio & Delia.
  • 13:30: Time for siesta! Get some sun or take a nap in the cool dorm.
  • 15:00: Work on your data entry or paper in one of our shared working spaces or head back out to one of your closer field sites.
  • 19:00: It's dinner time! Have a look at what Rocio & Delia have prepared for us today.
  • 20:00: Enjoy you free time with the other interns: Head to the local plaza with frequent cultural events and local musicians, have a drink at one of the nearby bars or go stargazing at the beautiful riverside.
This schedule will vary a lot depending on your project and on the fieldsites you're using. While our Intern Coordinator will drive groups of interns to the fieldsites that are further out of town, you can bike to the closer fieldsites and even walk to the city sites.


The quaint city of Pilar is the capital of Ñeembucú, tucked away in a quiet corner of Paraguay. The 'City of Birds' doesn't get its name from nothing, you will be able to spot a multitude of bird species when strolling through the streets. And it's also home to a myriad of other animals: The ...


The quaint city of Pilar is the capital of Ñeembucú, tucked away in a quiet corner of Paraguay. The 'City of Birds' doesn't get its name from nothing, you will be able to spot a multitude of bird species when strolling through the streets. And it's also home to a myriad of other animals: The black-and-gold howler monkeys call the backyards their homes, toads roam the streets after sunrise, and you will just have to keep your eyes open to spot a neotropical otter at the river site.

But of course not only wildlife calls Pilar its home, the lovely Pilarenses are a laid-back and friendly community, that will warmly welcome you into their little paradise. The lively plaza of Pilar, only three blocks from PLT, offers the great opportunity to directly jump into Paraguayan culture: meeting point to most Pilarenses, you will be able to watch one of the many cultural performances that are organised regularly at night or join the locals in drinking a refreshing Tereré. Another two blocks from our home, the rivers Río Paraguay and the Arroyo Ñeembucú that encircle Pilar offer multiple free time activities: The newly built Costanera along the Río Paraguay invites you to watch breathtaking sunsets over Argentina or join the Pilarenses in their evening walks and runs. Along the Arroyo Ñeembucú you can find a variety of nice little beaches to soak up the sun and jump in the cool water, a definite must during the hot summer months! With the regular ferries across the Río Paraguay, Argentina is only a 30-min boat ride away and weekend trips to Resistencia or Corrientes a fun adventure. Regular buses to Asunción and Encarnacion offer opportunities to spend some time in bigger cities or to travel to one of the 7 Natural World Wonders, the Iguazú Falls at the intersection of Paraguay, Argentina and Brasil.



Minimiålder: 18 år

För att kunna delta i programmet måste du vara minst 18 år gammal på programmets startdatum. Det kan finnas undantag om du kan visa upp tillstånd från din(a) vårdnadshavare eller om du åtföljs av dina föräldrar.


Du måste tala Engelska (mellannivå)

Dokument som krävs


Begränsningar av nationalitet

Inga begränsningar. Hjälpande händer från hela världen är välkomna.


Din hjälp kommer att behövas på Måndag, Tisdag, Onsdag, Torsdag och Fredag

Vad som ingår

Vad som ingår

Tjänster av Para La Tierra

Para La Tierra charges interns to cover costs of room and board. The price includes all living costs during their stay with us and a personal pick-up upon arriving. Interns receive three meals a day, unlimited coffee, tea, yerba mate and diluting juice, as well as a bed in shared accommodation with hot showers and access to WiFi. It also includes organized activities & trips for our interns such as barbeques, game nights, beach trips and much more.
The fee further covers assistance with project development and execution, the use of PLT’s scientific equipment, transportation to field sites, administrative costs associated with the stay, and a small contribution to Para La Tierra's conservation and education projects.
Weekly basis pro rata payments are accepted in special cases. There is a 25% discount for South American nationals.


Interns will stay in our Centro IDEAL, with dorms between 2 - 7 interns and volunteers. All rooms have closet space, electricity outlets, and WIFI (reaches most places in the house). Rooms offer either an en-suite bathroom or bathrooms across the corridor with hot-water showers.
Our lovely cleaning ladies provide basic cleaning services and fresh bed linen once a week. They will also do your laundry on three laundry days a week for 20.000 Guaraní per bag (~$3)
Centro IDEAL offers a big lounge area with a pool table and a private bar, run by our staff, as well as a backyard where we have meals together and where you can soak up some sun.
Smaller shops, cafes, bars and restaurants are within 300 m walking distance. Bigger shops and more restaurants can be reached by a 15-min walk or a 5 min-bike ride.
For an extra 20% you can book a private room.

Mat och Dryck

We offer three varied meals a day at 7 days a week. Interns can prepare their own breakfast with utensils provided which include oats, fruits, bread, jam, dulce de leche, coffee, tee, milk, and eggs for Sundays. Lunch and dinner are prepared by our two cooks Delia and Rocio and consist of a mix of Paraguayan and international food. They will cater to most dietary requirements, so don't hesitate to ask!

Tillgång till Internet

God tillgång till projektområdet

Vad ingår INTE?

Vad ingår INTE?

Hämtning på flygplatsen på Silvio Pettirossi International Airport

Hämtning på flygplatsen ingår inte heller i programavgifterna.


Den närmaste flygplatsen är Silvio Pettirossi International Airport (ASU) i Asuncion. Vi hjälper dig att hitta billiga flyg till Paraguay. HITTA BILLIGA FLYG


Att resa utomlands är ett äventyr och det är alltid bäst att vara förberedd. Plötslig sjukdom eller skada, avbokning eller stöld - en reseförsäkring för Paraguay ger trygghet och är ett plus att ha. FÅ ETT PRISFÖRSLAG


Om du har för avsikt att arbeta som volontär i Paraguay bör du söka medicinsk rådgivning innan du börjar din sociala resa. Kontrollera vilka vaccinationer som krävs för Paraguay. KONTROLL AV VACCIN

Detaljer vid ankomsten

The application period is rolling and there are no start or end dates, so the trip can be organized to suit your schedule and your project. You must be available to stay for a minimum of three months.
Jan Febr Mars Apr Maj Jun Jul Aug Sept Okt Nov Dec

Pris för programmet

12 veckor (min. vistelse) 3 658€
15 veckor 4 229€
50 veckor (max. vistelse) 12 450€
Genomsnittliga priser 276€/vecka

Pris för programmet

276€ per vecka 12 - 50 veckor Ålder 18 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



12 - 50 veckor


Depositionen är bara för att reservera din volontärplats. Betalningar hanteras av PayPal, vår betrodda globala betalningsleverantör. Om du inte har ett PayPal-konto kan du också betala med kreditkort.


Din slutbetalning kommer att överenskommas med Para La Tierra under ansökningsprocessen. Vanliga lösningar är antingen via banköverföring eller kontant betalning på projektplatsen.

Möt din programledare

Para La Tierra

Brilliant 4.7 rating (15 fältrapporter)

Non-profit - grundades 2010

Verifierad av Volunteer World

  Bra Svarsfrekvens

Värd är


Spoken languages: Spanska, Engelska, Tyska

Om projektet

Fundación Para La Tierra is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of fragile habitats in Paraguay.

Möt din programledare

Located in the quaint city of Pilar, Para La Tierra is a Paraguayan NGO that is protecting habitats in Paraguay, a country with a record of extreme habitat loss. Since 2010, we have been achieving this mission through scientific research, community engagement and environmental education.

Para La Tierra is currently the only year-round scientific research station in Paraguay and has been working on the first inventory of the Ñeembucú wetlands. With the help of our interns and volunteers, we have discovered 100 new faunal records for the area in under four years, frequently publishing our studies in peer-reviewed publications. We are also caring for the country’s second largest natural reference collection.

Our vision is to change the course of Paraguayan environmentalism by inspiring people to appreciate the value of nature. We are working together with the Paraguayan government, local community members, national and international NGOs, and national and international volunteers and interns to protect Paraguay’s unique environment.

Para La Tierra achieves this mission through three primary programs: Scientific Research, Community Engagement, and Environmental Education.

15 fältrapporter · rating4.7

I loved my internship at Para La Tierra. They provided a great platform to enable me to generate a research project that suited my specific interests: from pre-departure chats regarding my project proposal, to having a dedicated supervisor on the ground with me. The atmosphere created in the house ...
A great organisation and group of people, doing the right thing for the environment, and making everyone feel welcome. I learnt so much in my time there and learnt so much about wildlife, which is literally on the doorstep. Seeing the Howler Monkeys in the city was amazing! ...
My experience with Para La Tierra (PLT) was absolutely incredible. For me, it was the missing piece of the puzzle. I did not know what I wanted to do before interning with PLT, and it wasn't until I started my research project with the howler monkeys that I knew I wanted to be a primatologist. PLT ...
I loved volunteering with Para La Tierra! I was able to get involved with several different project and gain skills in identification and data collection. I especially enjoyed the optional trips to different parts of the country, and the staff and interns were so friendly and ...
Maxim Koschmann rating5

2022 at Tropical Ecology Research Internship

My experience at Para La Tierra can only be described as amazing, I learned so many things that helped me in finding what i want to do in my future that i can only recommend this experience to everyone ...
Kim Hordijk rating4.4

2022 at Tropical Ecology Research Internship

Besides the fact that I met the most amazing people during my stay, with whom I hope to remain friends for the rest of my life, I also learned more than I could have dreamed of. The possibility to execute your own scientific project at Para la Tierra, from design to publication, is what makes them ...


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  Bra Svarsfrekvens
Spanska, Engelska, Tyska

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