a partir de 263€

Fantástico 4.5rating (2)

Business Supporter for Women Empowerment

1 - 12 semanas  ·  Idade 18 - 50+

rating  Fantástico 4.5  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  taxa de resposta moderada

Especialmente adequado para

Idade 18+
Cadeiras de Roda

Sobre o programa

This is an economic empowerment program transforming lives of women and youth through small scale businesses and skills sharing.

This program promotes environment friendly farm enterprises that both earn income to local people, preserve the environment as well and support social well being among communities.  Through small scale farm businesses such as livestock rearing, vegetable growing and craft making women and youth ...

Sobre o programa

This program promotes environment friendly farm enterprises that both earn income to local people, preserve the environment as well and support social well being among communities.  Through small scale farm businesses such as livestock rearing, vegetable growing and craft making women and youth earn incomes that support their families and provides for their basic needs.

A typical rural woman will spend most of her time looking for firewood to make meals for her family, fetching water and looking after their children and husband. This means that they entirely rely on their husbands for a living since they don’t have any employable skills and thus live in very poor conditions in their communities and can’t support their families on their own. 

This program empowers rural women and youth to engage in productive smallholder environment friendly enterprises such as paper bag making, knitting, hand craft making from waste material and others besides their farming activities to earn an extra income besides their domestic work. The integration of livestock such as piggery, goats and poultry with crop farming on smallholder farm lands supports healthier and more stable soils which supports increased farm productivity.

Some of the key issues that the program seeks to address include;
  • Unemployment among rural women and youth.
  • Poverty among farmer families that can’t afford their subsistence basic needs at some point in life.
  • The high prevalence of domestic valance which always lead to loss of established enterprises in farmer families.

We are working with community groups to improve their skills in small scale businesses for as this is the only way for rural people to help themselves out of poverty.

We have established a small computer training center in Luteete village to give basic computer skills to young women and other community people who want to get these skills.

Three women’s groups have been supported with material to make hand craft products such as handbags, paper beads, mats and others. More women have picked interest in the enterprise and make the products from their homes and later market them collectively through their groups.

Through smallholder vegetable growing in kitchen gardens, some women are now able to earn some income from the selling the vegetables in the community.

As a volunteer, you will closely work with the people to support and boost the entrepreneurial spirit that the local people have towards helping themselves out of poverty.

If you have got skills in organic farming and animal husbandry you’re welcome to share sustainable farming skills that increase productivity of smallholder farms for increased farm incomes.

For those who are interested in other activities such as craft making, computer skills among young women and youth who are unemployed and need these skills to earn an income to sustain their livelihoods you're also welcome in this program.

Your roles as a Village Enterprise Assistant.

Sharing business skills with the women so they can improve their small scale farm businesses and other side businesses. If you have skills in product improvement and record keeping or business sustainability, share them with the local entrepreneurs to make their businesses more profitable.

Train the women or youths in basic computer skills so that they can be able to use these skills to earn a living in life. The skills can help a young woman start a small village stationery shop.

 You can as well share marketing skills with the women/youth to get better market for their products both locally and internationally. This would mean higher profits from their products.

You can as well fundraise to support a farmer family to start a small farm enterprise such as rearing local chicken, start a goat or a pig rearing enterprise.  

Have you got any drama or acting skills? The drama skits made by the youth are used to raise awareness in the community on issues affecting the community such as domestic violence and HIV/AIDS in an educative and entertaining way. These issues are the main issues in destroying the established enterprises in families. Help the group to improve their skits or direct their next show.

Sensitise the community about basic human rights and best ways how to end domestic violence against women and its effects to development.

Your workplace surroundings.

Volunteers will be working in a rural setting with wonderful people especially women and youth working to improve their living conditions through small enterprises.

The area has good internet access however, you will need a personal computer because the people you will be working with may not have computers. The area is close to places where you can access internet cafes in case you need this service.

You will be staying with one of our host families in the community where you will be working, our host families are wisely selected and they speak English so, you won’t have any language barriers with them.

In this location is about 12 minutes drive to Masaka town which is an urban center where you will be able to do some more cool free time activities

Volunteers are expected stay for at least one week, be willing to live and work with local people in a rural community.

Uganda is one of the most gifted countries with beautiful weather conditions, so you won’t need any special wear. However you’re encouraged to have longer skirts or shorts since what you may consider to be normal wear in a western culture may be considered too short in the culture of the local people you will be working with.

When you arrive in Uganda, we will be waiting for you in Entebbe and we will go with you to our operation area in Lwengo near Masaka.

On arrival, you will be introduced to important places such as restaurants, internet cafes, hospitals/ medical centers, get cultural orientation about the local people and introductory classes to basics of the local language so that you can get some of what locals will be saying and speak to them too!


Dia típico

A typical day in a rural setting will be start at 8am with breakfast and head to the community to work with community groups on enterprise development projects. You will have lunch between 12pm and 1pm  and then continue with the work until 3pm/4pm.

You will be free to have free time activities, ...

Dia típico

A typical day in a rural setting will be start at 8am with breakfast and head to the community to work with community groups on enterprise development projects. You will have lunch between 12pm and 1pm  and then continue with the work until 3pm/4pm.

You will be free to have free time activities, have Yoga session, hangout with community friends or with fellow volunteers in the area.

Dinner will be served between 7pm and 8pm and then the volunteer will rest until the next morning.

  • Share practical small business skills with community groups to improve their businesses.
  • Help the groups improve their craft products to meet international standards.
  • Share/teach better marketing skills in the community to have better markets both locally and internationally.
  • Teach computer skills to rural young women.
  • Represent CIIRD Uganda in community meeting and workshop.
  • Direct a village drama show is you have the skills.

Actividades em tempo livre

Volunteer will be free to use their free time for excursions especially during weekends or selected days other than week days. Volunteers will be free to spend their free time  in Masaka town which is about 15 minutes from where they will be working from.

Volunteers may also choose to spend a ...

Actividades em tempo livre

Volunteer will be free to use their free time for excursions especially during weekends or selected days other than week days. Volunteers will be free to spend their free time  in Masaka town which is about 15 minutes from where they will be working from.

Volunteers may also choose to spend a few days or one of their weekends at one of Uganda's most popular National Parks especially Lake Mburo National park that is about 2 hours drive fro where the volunteer will be working.

You can also spend some free time at Nabugabo Sand beach or take a trip to Ssese Islands on Lake Victoria.

Volunteers will have to pay extra fees for these activities.



Idade mínima: 18 anos

Para aderir ao programa é necessário ter pelo menos 18 anos de idade na data de início do programa. Poderá haver excepções se puder fornecer a permissão do(s) seu(s) tutor(es) legal(ais) ou se estiver acompanhado pelos seus pais.

Habilidades linguísticas

Precisa de falar Inglês (nível básico)

Restrições de Nacionalidade

Sem restrições. São bem-vindas as mãos que ajudam de todo o mundo.

Outras Competências

Art and craft Organic farming Animal husbandry Dance and drama

Compromisso de tempo

A tua mão auxiliadora será necessária na Segunda-feira, Terça-feira, Quarta-feira, Quinta-feira e Sexta-feira de 08:00 - 15:30

Serviços incluídos

Serviços incluídos

Serviços por Integrated Villages Uganda

3 meals a day
Bottled water

Recepção no aeroporto em Entebbe International Airport

We provide airport pickups for all arrivals before 11:00Pm. Kindly do your best to consider this when booking flights.


Volunteers will get a private bed room that is 10ft x10ft, well furnished with a bed, mosquito net and a power source.The volunteer will have to share a dining, sitting room and a bathroom with the host family.

The host families are with in the communities you will working in and they are safe and trusted families

Alimentos e Bebidas

We will provide the volunteer with three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner/supper) You will get both local and international dishes on special days and for those who want to try new recipes on their own, they will be given the opportunity to have it.

Volunteers will also get bottled water and fruits included.

Volunteers with special dietary considerations such as vegetarians will be catered for based on their needs

Acesso à Internet

Bom acesso no local do projecto

O que NÃO está incluído?

O que NÃO está incluído?

Bilhetes de avião

O aeroporto mais próximo é Entebbe International Airport (EBB) em Entebbe. Ajudamo-lo a encontrar voos baratos para Uganda. ENCONTRAR VOOS BARATOS

Seguro de viagem

Ir para o estrangeiro é uma aventura e é sempre melhor estar preparado. Doença ou lesão súbita, cancelamento ou roubo - um seguro de viagem para Uganda proporciona segurança e é uma vantagem a ter. OBTENHA UMA COTAÇÃO


Se pretende ser voluntário em Uganda deve procurar aconselhamento médico antes de iniciar a sua viagem social. Verifique as vacinas necessárias para Uganda. VERIFICADOR DE VACINAS

Detalhes à chegada

Arrival: Open throughout the year therefore volunteers can arrive any time of the year.

When you arrive in Uganda, we will be there at the airport to welcome you to the Pearl of Africa. We will escort you to our operation area which is 3hours drive away from Entebbe airport.
You will however meet your meet your own airport pickup costs.

* You will get a Uganda tourist visa when you arrive at Entebbe Airport at USD $50 for your stay during your Volunteer period.

Jan Feb Março Abril Maio Jun Jul Ago Set Out Nov Dez

Preços do programa

1 semana (estadia min.) 263€
2 semanas 167€
3 semanas 241€
4 semanas 315€
6 semanas 462€
8 semanas 608€
12 semanas (estadia máx.) 2.914€
Preços médios 253€/semana

Preços do programa

253€ por semana 1 - 12 semanas Idade 18 - 50+

Métodos de Pagamento

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



1 - 12 semanas


O depósito é simplesmente para reservar a sua colocação como voluntário. Os pagamentos são tratados pelo PayPal, o nosso fornecedor de pagamento global de confiança. Se não tiver uma conta PayPal, também pode pagar usando um cartão de crédito.

Pagamento final

O teu pagamento final será acordado com Integrated Villages Uganda durante o processo de candidatura. As soluções comuns são ou através de transferência bancária ou pagamento em dinheiro no local do projecto.

Conheça seu anfitrião

Integrated Villages Uganda

Fantástico 4.5 rating (2 revisões)

Non-profit - fundada em 2011

Verificado por Volunteer World

  taxa de resposta moderada

Hospedado por


Sobre o projecto

This project seeks to alleviate poverty and improve the livelihoods of rural people in Lwengo, Uganda through innovative and sustainable community based solutions.

Conheça seu anfitrião

Integrated Villages Uganda (formerly knaown as CIIRD) was founded to alleviate poverty among rural people and address Environmental challenges in different communities; reduce food insecurity and improve on livelihoods of rural people especially smallholder farmer families through micro enterprise while conserving the Environment as well .

Since Agriculture is the main employer of the largest population in rural areas, it was prioritized to be integrated with conservation strategies to help in improving the livelihoods of people in our target communities.

We work with women, youth and marginalized groups of people including children, elderly and institutions such as schools.

Our mission is to alleviate poverty among smallholder farmer families through productive Climate smart activities and community capacity building to increase household incomes and social wellbeing for self-sustaining livelihoods.

We promote environment conservation through sustainable and innovative methods such as Sustainable Agricultural Land Management practices(SALM) and Conservation agriculture which integrates tree planting, best soil and water management practices with other farm interventions on farmland thus improving the productivity smallholder farm productivity.

We promote sustainable energy through promoting safe and sustainable energy options that cause less harm to the environment and the users. These include use of wood saving stoves, solar and biogas which our beneficiaries have found very helpful and lifesaving.

We work with women and youth to improve their economic conditions through improving access to affordable credit, skills development and gender equality which gives them the power to drive development in their communities

We also sensitise and mobilise community members on water and sanitation, reproductive health, outreaches to HIV/AIDS affected communities, Human rights education and other issues that directly affect the lives of local people and their communities.

 Integrated Villages Uganda works is an indigenous organization operating in Uganda, Lwengo district near Masaka town. This region is in a rural setting with good roads and thus easily reachable. The area is safe all the time and favorable for any health condition.  

Kkingo Subcounty is located 9km from Masaka town and is one of our main Subcounties that volunteers shall be working with. The Subcounty has 55 villages however, smaller roads from the main roads may be hard to use during the rain season.

 We are looking for volunteers that can work with local people on projects that conserve the environment, improve food security, enhance local people's incomes and bring about lasting impact in the lives of local people.

2 revisões · rating4.5

Anouk Hoeijmakers rating4.4

2023 at Business Supporter for Women Empowerment

Participating in the volunteer program was an extraordinary experience that I will cherish forever. The program proved to be a beautiful opportunity for personal growth and connection, reminding us all that sometimes, the simple act of engaging in conversation can bring about a profound impact on ...
Daniela Rueting rating4.6

2022 at Business Supporter for Women Empowerment

It was my first time in Africa and I specifically decided for Uganda because I heard the people were nice. And they are! I have lived with a local family for two weeks. That is something I really liked about this program: to dive deep into the culture and get to know their daily life. Godfrey and ...


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