Pupu Rangi Nature Sanctuary

  Verificado por Volunteer World






anos de atividade

An initiative to protect the kiwi and the native New Zealand forest.

About us

The Pupu Rangi Nature Sanctuary is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the protection of New Zealand’s native flora and fauna. Our goal is to protect and extend a vibrant ecosystem while educating others on the importance of conservation. We view ourselves as partners with our ...

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About us

The Pupu Rangi Nature Sanctuary is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the protection of New Zealand’s native flora and fauna. Our goal is to protect and extend a vibrant ecosystem while educating others on the importance of conservation. We view ourselves as partners with our volunteers, visitors, community, and the environment.

We are not on the tourist maps and we prefer to focus on the conservation and education aspect of our work rather than on mass tourism. We host a small group of international volunteers that together learn, work, and explore this unique environment.

The location

The Pupu Rangi Nature Sanctuary is located 250km from a crowded city, 50km from the closest supermarket, 2km from the next door neighbour, and at an arm's length from the Milky Way. In our world, seeing two cars in a day is a traffic jam and being able to live in the middle of the forest is the ultimate lifestyle.

Nestled on the slopes of the Tutamoe peak in Northland, New Zealand, the Pupu Rangi Nature Sanctuary consists of 100 hectares of regenerating rainforest. This native forest is classified as having national significance and no logging is allowed within the sanctuary.

The Sanctuary

We are also located within a greater area in which kiwi are present and one of our long-term goals is to establish and maintain a protection area that will support twenty pairs of resident kiwi birds.

Pupu Rangi is home to other native species of trees and birds that have require active protection from introduced pests. Cows, possums, rabbits, and feral goats browse indiscriminately on young plants thus preventing the forest renewal. Possums, stoats, ferrets, and feral cats eat eggs and young bird chicks endangering the native species that are not adapted to the introduced mammalian predators. Through different techniques recommended by the Department of Conservation, we try to keep down the numbers of pests to give the seedlings and the native birds a chance to develop and mature.

Sustainable Living

The sanctuary is named after one of the many fascinating creatures that calls it home: the kauri snail, or, as it is named in Maori, pupurangi.

To minimize the impact on the environment, we chose not to build an ecolodge but rather borrow some tricks from pupurangi's philosophy; all structures are portable and the kitchen, showers, and the dinning hall are set-up in recycled shipping containers. Our tents are suspended from the trees and do not touch at all the forest floor.

The rain water is collected from the roof, filtered, and used for drinking, washing, and showering. We have a small herb garden so we can cook with fresh herbs. The meat that we eat is mostly organic, from cows that graze in our neighbour's paddock. We milk those cows and we also use the milk to make our own cheese, butter, and yoghurt. The honey that we eat is made by bees foraging in the native trees of our forest. We also compost and recycle as much as we possile.

The little electricity that we use is generated by solar panels and by the occasional use of a generator. At night, we dine by candlelight and walk on paths lit by moonlight.

Pessoa de contacto

Octavian Grigoriu

Línguas faladas: Inglês
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Pupu Rangi Nature Sanctuary revisões

Natalia Chiriatti rating5,0

2019 at Native Forest Conservation Helper

I had a wonderful time in the Pupu Rangi Nature Sanctuary. I learned a lot about the nature, the species in the forest and the forest itself. I worked with amazing people and Octavian is really kind. There's always a good ambiance in the camp and the landscapes, forests are very ...
A fantastic host and very accommodating with our plans. We had a great time at Pupu Rangi assisting with getting the place set up for the conservation volunteers. The group was great and the food was excellent. It was good to get a tour through the reserve and see the conservation work that had ...
Kate Unknown rating5,0

2015 at Native Forest Conservation Helper

An amazing place to escape from it all and learn about the native plants and animals in NZ. Simple, back-to-basics accommodation with a wonderful host and a great chance to meet like-minded ...
Yeon Unknown rating5,0

2015 at Native Forest Conservation Helper

It was great honour for my children and me to be the first South Korean Volunteers for Pupu Rangi Nature Sanctuary. There was no power but extremely pure nature and a very different thinking person! Thanks Octavian for offering awesome ...
Stephen Unknown rating4,8

2015 at Native Forest Conservation Helper

I spent nearly a month at Pupu Rangi and would highly recommend it to anyone who is considering. I learned so much about the history and present day state of New Zealand's ecosystem and really felt like I was able to make a difference. Octavian's passion for the project rubs off on everyone that is ...
Heather rating5,0

2014 at Native Forest Conservation Helper

If you are looking for a project that will challenge you both physically and mentally, this place is for you! We thoroughly enjoyed our week at the sanctuary and learned more than we could have anticipated. Octavian was a spectacular host with a great sense of humor and the gift of strong management ...

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Pupu Rangi Nature Sanctuary foco do projeto

UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Life On Land