fra 720€

Utmerket 4.8rating (43)

Dog and Cat Shelter Assistant in Tanzania

4 - 26 uker  ·  Alder 18 - 50+

rating  Utmerket 4.8  · 
  Verifisert av Volunteer World
  utmerket Svarprosent

Frivilligprosjekt med høyeste kvalitet. Dette prosjektet tilbyr høyeste kvalitet som setter standarder - langt over gjennomsnittet.


  • Enjoy the walks with the animals close to the beautiful arusha national park and surrounding forests
  • Be yourself and grow beyond yourself!
  • Have a wonderful time and help the staff to provide for the animals.
  • Immerse yourself in African culture by getting in touch with lots of locals.
  • Make new experiences and enjoy your African dream.

Spesielt egnet for

Alder 18+

Om programmet

Support the team at the shelter with the handling and care of the strays. Take the dog on walks next to a beautiful national park. Provide medical care and training.

We are STEP Africa – Exchange for Change, a Tanzanian social enterprise that was founded in German-Tanzanian cooperation in 2014. We organize and supervise meaningful and ethical volunteer placements and internships in Arusha, Northern Tanzania. Till date we have hosted over 1000 interns and ...

Om programmet

We are STEP Africa – Exchange for Change, a Tanzanian social enterprise that was founded in German-Tanzanian cooperation in 2014. We organize and supervise meaningful and ethical volunteer placements and internships in Arusha, Northern Tanzania. Till date we have hosted over 1000 interns and volunteers from all over the world.

With our programs we aim to contribute towards international understanding and give our participants intercultural and global ability to act. With the support of our participants we are committed to worthy projects and initiatives in Tanzania. We believe that working together in intercultural teams by exchanging ideas and viewpoints will let everyone involved, Organizations such as volunteers and interns, benefit in the long run.

Our team combines relevant qualifications and many years of experience in project coordination, volunteer mediation and social work in Tanzania and abroad. Our supervisors are available as contact persons on site at any time for our volunteers and projects. We offer our volunteers the opportunity to use their knowledge in Tanzania to get involved in meaningful projects and to gain valuable professional experience in different fields such as Social Work, Women’s Rights, Primary Schools, Daycare Center, Health Care, Animal Welfare and Environmental Protection.

We firmly believe in the power of change through intercultural exchange. With our programs we promote and demand equal rights and cultural tolerance. We place our volunteers exclusively in projects in which they can gain valuable experience for their future. Our volunteers do not replace local employees. Volunteers are assistants who offer support to local staff and, for example, perform tasks for which there is otherwise too little time. It is important to us that we only place our volunteers in projects that share our values towards international volunteering.

Our Volunteers are encouraged to start fundraisers for their respective institutions in Tanzania before, during or after their stay in Arusha. We have experienced great success with this in the past and present and saw our volunteers making great impacts in this area as well. We are connected to several European NGOs founded by our former volunteers that are continuing to support and promote their former work institutions here in Tanzania.


Project description 

Mbwa wa Africa (“African Dog”) is an animal shelter with an attached veterinary clinic in the village of Sanganano, Usa River, surrounded by forests and located in the immediate vicinity of Arusha National Park. The shelter was founded in 2012 by two Germans (Sandra and Jens), initially in their own garden. Since then, the organisation has grown massively and is a permanent contact point for animal owners and animal welfare activists in Arusha.

The shelter takes in injured and abused street dogs, treats them and then places them in responsible hands. Cats and other animals are also repeatedly taken in at the shelter. In addition, Mbwa wa Africa carries out systematic spay and neuter and rabies vaccination campaigns to put a stop to the government’s current practice of regularly shooting street dogs indiscriminately.

Many of the dogs are traumatised and need special attention and care. Among others, numerous paralysed dogs also live permanently at Mbwa wa Africa. All dogs are walked daily, and helping hands are always needed. Taking care of sick and injured dogs, as well as teaching basic commands are also part of the volunteers’ tasks. Since the shelter is located a bit outside and can only be reached by piki piki (motorbike taxi), you should plan on paying about 25 euros per person per week as travel costs.

Sandra and Jens are passionate about their work and have given many former street dogs a home themselves. If you have just such a heart for animals, you are in good hands as a volunteer here! Qualified volunteers are also welcome to help in the veterinary clinic.

As volunteers at Mbwa wa Africa are firmly integrated into the work schedule, a full-time stay of at least four weeks is mandatory (5 days in shifts, including weekends). Travel and visits to other projects should not take place during this time.

Further important Information: 

In order to work at Mbwa wa Africa Animal Rescue you need to have an up to date Rabies Vaccination as well as the COVID-19 vaccination. For the participation in the animal shelter also a mandatory volunteer donation (100$ for the first month, 25$ for each additional week) is required that has to be made on the first project day. All donations are in good hands at the shelter and are urgently needed for paying food, veterinary expenses, operations, medication, the purchase of wheelchairs for paralyzed dogs, etc. Additional fundraisers are strongly supported but not mandatory.

The money can also be transferred to the German association Tierhilfe Tansania e.V. then you will get a tax deductible donation receipt.

The shelter mainly needs good bandages (self-adhesive bandages, etc.), pantanths and penthanol cream, disinfectant sprays and diapers to be able to take good care of their injured dogs. Toys, leashes, collars and treats are not absolutely necessary, but are still welcome. Donations of money are in good hands at the shelter and are urgently needed for operations, medication, the purchase of wheelchairs for paralyzed dogs, food, etc.

For a small fee, you are welcome to join the local workers for lunch.

Preparing for a volunteering assignment abroad isn't always a simple task as there is a lot to keep in mind. Our team will be there for you along the way. We have our own STEP Africa Volunteer Area. Once you apply and we confirm your application you will get online access to this area where you find a detailed 90 pages preparation handbook as well as many further updates & information and the contacts of other volunteers travelling at the same time as you. In case of any questions you will always be able to reach us via E-Mail or Phone / WhatsApp. 

On the Ground Support and Emergency Availability
The whole STEP Africa Team is on the ground in Tanzania. We are like an extended family and you will always be able to talk to us in case of any problems, questions or if you simply want to have a chat. We are there for you! Of course we are available 24/7 in case of any emergency.

Vaccinations/ Medical Care in Tanzania
We recommend that you consult your trusted travel doctor for individual advice on travel vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis. There aren't any mandatory vaccinations for entering Tanzania and the risk of contracting malaria is considered very low in Arusha due to the altitude. If you plan a trip to the island of Zanzibar, you will need to get a yellow fever shot as it is mandatory there. 

Arusha has some good private medical facilities, so in case you fall ill you will be in safe hands. 

In order to work at Mbwa wa Africa Animal Rescue you need to have an up to date Rabies Vaccination.

Booking of Flights and Insurances
Booking your flights and respective travel insurance is not included in our fees and will be your own responsibility. This however is an advantage for you, as you will be able to scan for the best and most affordable offers from your home country or country of residence. Of course we are always happy to help and offer advice in case you are unsure what is the best solution for you. Our arrival day is Thursday and our departure day is Wednesday. Please take this into account when booking your flights.

In order to volunteer in Tanzania you will need a Visa for Humanitarian and Charity Activities which costs $100 for US-citizens and $50 for citizens of all other countries. This visa is valid for 3 months. Those planning to stay for up to 6 months will need a visa extension which costs $300 ($250 for non US-citizens respectively)

Typisk dag

A normal day at the shelter starts at 9 o’clock. One way takes about one hour so you should leave your hostel at round about 7.30 o’clock to use the public transport and a motorbike taxi to arrive the shelter. The transport will cost you about $5 per day.  

At the shelter you have many ...

Typisk dag

A normal day at the shelter starts at 9 o’clock. One way takes about one hour so you should leave your hostel at round about 7.30 o’clock to use the public transport and a motorbike taxi to arrive the shelter. The transport will cost you about $5 per day.  

At the shelter you have many different tasks, every day is different. Usually you start your day with taking the dogs for a walk, they try to walk every dog twice a day, which is not always possible because of the amount of dogs they have. After you take care of the injured dogs, give medicine and nurse them or train the dogs and their behavior to socialize them so they’re have a better opportunity to get adopted, doing physio for example in the pool with disabled dogs, washing the dogs and puppies, feed the puppies, help to vaccinate, build new beds/games for the dogs or repair the wheelchairs. Your working hours are variable. You are always welcome. 

There are also helping hands needed for the systematic castration and vaccination campaigns.

Your day ends at 4pm even though you are welcome to stay longer to help with additional tasks. 


The project is based in Arusha, Tanzania. There are several free time activities volunteers can engage in. We help to organize Safaris, mountain climbs and shorter tours like hiking, horse riding, visit to a nearby massai village, trip to the hotsprings and waterfalls, coffee tours, etc. to the ...


The project is based in Arusha, Tanzania. There are several free time activities volunteers can engage in. We help to organize Safaris, mountain climbs and shorter tours like hiking, horse riding, visit to a nearby massai village, trip to the hotsprings and waterfalls, coffee tours, etc. to the nearer surroundings at affordable rates. There are lots of things you can do during your free time or at the weekends in Arusha itself. There are different markets like second hand market, spice markets or massai market, as well as typical african restaurants and bars. Furthermore, the area you will live is very beautiful and you can either go to a lake and do canoeing or you can go to a lodge with a pool near to the hostel to relax.
With so many possible activities, you should always keep in mind that the project assignment always comes first and excursions have to be adapted to the shift plan. You should only go on longer trips after you have completed your volunteer placement.



Minimumsalder: 18 år

For å bli med i programmet må du være minst 18 år gammel på programmets startdato. Det kan være unntak hvis du kan gi tillatelse fra dine foresatte eller hvis du er i følge med foreldrene dine.


Du må snakke Engelsk (grunnleggende nivå)

Kontroll av kriminell bakgrunn


Påkrevde dokumenter

CV und introduction letter


Ingen restriksjoner. Hjelpende hender fra hele verden er velkomne.

Andre ferdigheter

Veterinary Medicine skills are an additional advantage but not a must. Above all you should have a deep love and understanding for animals.


Din hjelpende hånd vil bli påkrevd Mandag, Tirsdag, Onsdag, Torsdag, Fredag, Lørdag og Søndag fra 09:00 - 16:00

Hva inngår

Hva inngår

Tjenester fra STEP Africa

The STEP Africa Program Fees include the following:

- 2-way airport transfers

- pre-departure support

- preparation handbooks

- orientation day

- project support 

- STEP Africa T-Shirt

- bed in a shared dormitory at on of our Volunteer Houses in Arusha

- breakfast and dinner from Monday to Friday

- on-the-ground support and supervision by the STEP Africa Team (our office is in Tanzania!)

- 24h emergency contact. 

Important Note: To keep it transparent we do not add any donation to our program fees (which are entirely used for your preparation, supervision and accommodation) but encourage you to raise some funds among your family and friends prior to your arrival or once you have arrived in Tanzania. For the work in the animal there is a mandatory donation of $100 per month ($25/week) which helps the shelter to cover part of its running costs. This is to be paid directly to the animal shelter at your first working day.

Henting fra flyplassen på Kilimanjaro International Airport

Airport Pick-up is included in the costs. Volunteers can be picked up at any day and night time. Possible Arrival Airports are Kilimanjaro International Airport and Arusha Airport. Our arrival day is every Thursday and our departure day is Wednesday. Please take this into account when booking your flights.



Our STEP Africa houses are centrally located in the district of Njiro, Arusha, from where the projects can be easily reached. The houses are not far from each other, so that volunteers can visit each other and spend time with the residents of the other houses at any time. 

Our “headquarters” in Arusha is the STEP Africa house on Rashida Street, where our office is also located. However, our volunteer supervisors divide their time between the houses so that our volunteers are well looked after at all locations. Each house has a team of lovely house mums who are responsible for cooking and cleanliness, as well as our night guards and gardeners.

What unites our volunteer houses is that they are located in the middle of Tanzanian life, central yet quiet. Bus connections, restaurants, cinemas, pharmacies, supermarkets and numerous other shops are located in the village, and the city centre is only 10-15 minutes away by bus. All our projects can be easily reached from here. In the STEP houses you will always meet like-minded people with whom you can exchange ideas and gather new ideas for your project. We serve a typical Tanzanian breakfast consisting of white bread and black tea and other side dishes such as eggs, fruits and mandazi and delicious local dishes for dinner (vegetarians/vegans are catered for separately!). We want you to feel comfortable in our accommodation, so we place a lot of emphasis on friendly interaction and a family atmosphere. In the cosy courtyards and gardens you can relax from work and the sometimes exhausting African daily life.

The STEP Africa houses each consist of shared rooms with bunk beds and double (+50€/week) / single rooms (+95€/week). In addition, there is a kitchen with its own refrigerator for our volunteers, an oven, bathrooms, common rooms equipped with comfortable sofas and TV facilities, as well as covered outdoor dining areas.

HOST FAMILIES (+50€ / week)

There is also the possibility to stay with a host family during your time in Arusha. Our host mamas Vicky and Salma offer a total of 18 spaces within their respective homes and have years of experience hosting international volunteers.

It will be easy to socialise with other volunteers and meet like-minded people. Vicky is located in the same district as our STEP-Africa Hostels while Salma’s home is in Kimandolu which is further from the other accommodation but a little more convenient to some of our projects. Our Host Mamas offer the volunteers a typical Tanzanian breakfast as well as a hot dinner. Large common areas invites you to sit together and exchange ideas after an exciting day. Living in a Host Family in Tanzania gives you an even closer insight into the lives of African families.

Mat og drikke

Food (breakfast and dinner) is provided from Monday to Friday. The breakfast includes tea, white bread, butter, jam, peanutbutter and an african special of the day like Mandazi or cooked banana. Our house mamas cooks delicious typical tanzania dinner for you e.g. rice with beans or chapati. 

During the weekends volunteers can use the kitchen for cooking or eat in one of the several restaurants in and around Arusha. 

Safe filtered drinking water as well as the fridges in the kitchen are available for all volunteers. Even as a vegetarian, you will not have problems either at the hostel, nor outside at local restaurants in Arusha.  


Begrenset tilgang på prosjektstedet

Hva er IKKE inkludert?

Hva er IKKE inkludert?


Den nærmeste flyplassen er Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) i Kilimanjaro. Vi hjelper deg med å finne billige flyreiser til Tanzania. FINN BILLIGE FLYREISER


Å reise til utlandet er et eventyr, og det er alltid best å være forberedt. Plutselig sykdom eller skade, avbestilling eller tyveri – en reiseforsikring for Tanzania gir trygghet og er et pluss å ha. FÅ ET TILBUD


Hvis du har tenkt å jobbe frivillig i Tanzania bør du søke medisinsk råd før du starter din sosiale reise. Sjekk de nødvendige vaksinasjonene dine for Tanzania. VAKSINESJEKKER

Detaljer ved ankomst

Our arrival day is every Thursday and our departure day is Wednesday. Please take this into account when booking your flights. You can join our program throughout the year and on any month (availability provided!). Our driver can pick you from Kilimanjaro Airport at any day or night time. The airport shuttle is already included in our program fees, so we do not charge extra costs. The day following your arrival (Friday)you will receive a detailed briefing and orientation from us. Our supervisor will show you Arusha town, you will get a local SIM card, go together to an ATM and you will get the chance to go buy anything necessary at the supermarket. The weekday following your orientation day (Monday) is usually your first day at the project. On your first day you will be joined by one of our team members.

Jan. Febr. Mars Apr. Mai Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Okt. Nov. Des.


4 uker (min. opphold) 720€
5 uker 850€
6 uker 980€
7 uker 1,110€
8 uker 1,240€
9 uker 1,370€
10 uker 1,500€
11 uker 1,630€
12 uker 1,760€
13 uker 1,890€
14 uker 2,020€
15 uker 2,150€
16 uker 2,280€
17 uker 2,410€
18 uker 2,540€
19 uker 2,670€
20 uker 2,800€
21 uker 2,930€
22 uker 3,060€
23 uker 3,190€
24 uker 3,320€
25 uker 3,450€
26 uker (max. opphold) 3,580€
Gjennomsnittlig gebyr 158€/uke


158€ per uke 4 - 26 uker Alder 18 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 26 uker


Depositumet er rett og slett for å reservere frivillig plassering. Betalinger håndteres av PayPal, vår pålitelige globale betalingsleverandør. Hvis du ikke har en PayPal-konto, kan du også betale med kredittkort.

Endelig Betaling

Din sluttbetaling vil bli avtalt med STEP Africa under søknadsprosessen. Vanlige løsninger er enten via bankoverføring eller kontant betaling på prosjektstedet.

Møt din vert

STEP Africa

Utmerket 4.8 rating (43 gjennomganger)

Byrå - grunnlagt i 2014

Verifisert av Volunteer World

  utmerket Svarprosent

Arrangert av

Juliane Döhler

Snakkede språk: Tysk, Swahili, Engelsk

Om prosjektet

STEP Africa is a Tanzanian social enterprise founded in German-Tanzanian cooperation. We offer a variety of volunteer projects, internships and culture-sensitive travel.

Møt din vert

Our programs are based on the principle of learning with and from each other in an increasingly globalized world. Broadening your horizons and looking outside the box is one of the most valuable experiences that will shape your future life. A trip to Africa opens your eyes to other realities and perspectives. We firmly believe in the power of change through intercultural exchange. With our programs we promote and demand equality and cultural tolerance. We know and love Tanzania like no other country and can tell exactly what is important when organizing your stay. As a sustainable organization, we support, with the help of our volunteers, selected projects and initiatives in Tanzania.

Step Africa - Exchange for Change Limited was founded in 2014 in German - Tanzanian cooperation and is led by Kira Uher as its on site director in ArushaWhile Kira works hand in hand with her administration team behind the scenes, our volunteers are accompanied through their time in Tanzania by a wonderful German-Tanzanian team of supervisors. Our entire team is based on-site in Tanzania, eliminating the need for expensive administrative structures.  

Meaningful Volunteering

We only place our volunteers into projects in which they can gain a lot of valuable experience for their future. Our volunteers do not replace local workers. Volunteers are assistants who offer support to employees. They also use their expertise to teach their target groups new skills and to open new perspectives.

Reducing Prejudices

What many of us have learned about Africa in the media doesn’t always reflect the truth. In Africa there is more than just poverty and misery. Tanzania is a country full of ideas and resources, politically stable and of breathtaking beauty. 

STEP Africa wants to give people of every age the chance to get to know the beauty but also the difficulties and challenges of Tanzania with their own eyes. Internships are a wonderful opportunity to meet people and small aid initiatives on an equal footing, to learn how to work, to assist the local workforce and to develop long-term and sustainable friendship and cooperation through intercultural dialogue.

We know what we are talking about! Our team combines relevant qualifications and many years of experience in education and social work in Tanzania. 

Our team is looking forward to welcoming you in Tanzania!

43 gjennomganger · rating4.8

Freja Mågård-Hansen rating2.8

2024 at Dog and Cat Shelter Assistant in Tanzania

*****Statement of the organization below***** Even though I had a good time and met a lot of wonderful people, then I would never recommend StepAfrica to someone who is not from Germany. If I knew almost everyone was from Germany, then I would definitely have found a different organization. ..
Marie Helene Rigård Rohleder rating3.8

2022 at Dog and Cat Shelter Assistant in Tanzania

I worked at the Animal shelter for 1 month in february 2022. My primary tasks was to walk the dogs in the beautiful nature and activate the dogs with games, training and just cuddling. The staff and owner of the shelter is really nice and helpfull, and all the animals is taking good care of. I ...
Annalena Wachmeier rating5

2021 at Dog and Cat Shelter Assistant in Tanzania

I stayed at the Mbwa Wa Africa Animal Shelter for four weeks. The founders Sandra and Jens and everybody else are incredibly friendly people. They really have a huge love for dogs. I definitely would like to be back and can highly recommend it! Asante ...
I stayed at the STEP Africa hostel as volunteer for three months and I really enjoyed my time here. It was definitely the right decision to choose Step, the planning of my trip to Tanzania was simple because Kira had good tipps and helped a lot. I was assigned to my dream project, the dog shelter ...
Africa differs from Europe in many ways, but that was clear from the outset. For me personally, these are mainly advantages. I was able to learn a lot about Africa and Arusha in paticular during this time. Thanks to the organization and projects it is possible to get to know Arusha not as a Tourist ...
I felt very comfortable during my stay. It was a very nice time that I will certainly never forget. The team was also very open and kind. I also find it very positive to get to know a new culture, the new food and many new people. My highlight was definitely working with the children. I will never ...


Afrika > Øst-Afrika > Tanzania > Arusha

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  utmerket Svarprosent
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