fra 400€

Utestående 4.9rating (67)

Construction and Maintance Assistant

2 - 50 uker  ·  Alder 18 - 50+

rating  Utestående 4.9  · 
  Verifisert av Volunteer World
  utmerket Svarprosent


  • Gain English Fluency and learn the culture by leaving and working with the locals in the communities
  • Become more passionate about your major and propel your career with international experience
  • Become more open and adapt to working with a team.
  • learn about community work, its possitives and negatives and help in making meaningful inputs.
  • Make memories and life time forgetable experience with the people yor meet during your stay.

Spesielt egnet for

Alder 18+

Om programmet

This project is to provide and encourage maintenance culture in already existing facilities.

About The Placement. 
Our construction project is to provide and encourage maintenance culture in already existing facilities. In the past years we have invested in acquiring a land for a proposed building of training center and shelter. This building is to provide the kids we work with skills in ...

Om programmet

About The Placement. 
Our construction project is to provide and encourage maintenance culture in already existing facilities. In the past years we have invested in acquiring a land for a proposed building of training center and shelter. This building is to provide the kids we work with skills in dress making, baobab processing and basket weaving. The center is to be able to cater for children who prefer vocational training and also provide vocational training in various fields, such as entrepreneurship equipping the children and youth with valuable skills and knowledge to live and lead transformative change. 
Working to improve the local infrastructure, educational facilities and Helping build our proposed training center and shelter. As a member of the construction project. Focusing on improving existing facilities and building on our land. From painting classrooms and creating board displays and plastering. 
This project focuses on the construction, renovation of partner schools and libraries.  Volunteers work closely with the local people and f4a staff on tasks. If you're a keen outdoors person with a good level of fitness, this will be a perfect project for you. The Construction and Renovation project offers volunteers the special opportunity to work alongside local people to help improve the infrastructure in the communities we work with. 


Typisk dag

Typical day 
Construction usually start in the morning, you will be working with a group of other volunteers and people from the community. Helping mix concrete, painting, brick laying, plastering, digging, block shaping, carpentry, steel bending, mortar mixing, etc. You will work from 9am to 2pm ...

Typisk dag

Typical day 
Construction usually start in the morning, you will be working with a group of other volunteers and people from the community. Helping mix concrete, painting, brick laying, plastering, digging, block shaping, carpentry, steel bending, mortar mixing, etc. You will work from 9am to 2pm in the afternoon. You use the rest of the day to explore the community or help out in some of our other evening projects. 


Volunteering for Future For Africa is flexible. This provides you with great chances to get out and see as much of Ghana as you can. Weekends provide a good time to get into the cites and the countryside  and see the sights or even take an overnight bus to an attraction further afield and you can ...


Volunteering for Future For Africa is flexible. This provides you with great chances to get out and see as much of Ghana as you can. Weekends provide a good time to get into the cites and the countryside  and see the sights or even take an overnight bus to an attraction further afield and you can take a few extra days on to weekend trips to make them worthwhile. Places to visit includes Mole National Park, Kakum National Park ,Paga Crocodile Pond ,Tongo Hills , Green House Eco Village Karimenga and the Cape Coast Castle.



Minimumsalder: 18 år

For å bli med i programmet må du være minst 18 år gammel på programmets startdato. Det kan være unntak hvis du kan gi tillatelse fra dine foresatte eller hvis du er i følge med foreldrene dine.


Du må snakke Engelsk (grunnleggende nivå)


Building and Construction , Architecture , Arts på University , High School nivå

Kontroll av kriminell bakgrunn


Påkrevde dokumenter

CV, Certificate and Proof of Education


Ingen restriksjoner. Hjelpende hender fra hele verden er velkomne.

Andre ferdigheter



Din hjelpende hånd vil bli påkrevd Mandag, Tirsdag, Onsdag, Torsdag, Fredag, Lørdag og Søndag fra 08:00 - 17:00

Hva inngår

Hva inngår

Tjenester fra Future4Africa

The little participants pay is divided into three parts, where 70% goes to the program-participants costs during the stay. Another 20% goes directly into our development projects. The final 10% will be spent on administrative costs.

Henting fra flyplassen på Kotoka International Airport

You will arrive at kotoka International Airport or tamale airport and a staff of future4Africa will pick you up from the airport.
Volunteers can join this program anytime throughout the year.


Future4Africa has a volunteer house located at the Yikene.
The house has almost all the basic facilities you need and there is an opportunity to interact with other participants from all over the world and the wider community.

Mat og drikke

3 (three) meals a day with water 


Begrenset tilgang på prosjektstedet

Hva er IKKE inkludert?

Hva er IKKE inkludert?


Den nærmeste flyplassen er Kotoka International Airport (ACC) i Accra. Vi hjelper deg med å finne billige flyreiser til Ghana. FINN BILLIGE FLYREISER


Å reise til utlandet er et eventyr, og det er alltid best å være forberedt. Plutselig sykdom eller skade, avbestilling eller tyveri – en reiseforsikring for Ghana gir trygghet og er et pluss å ha. FÅ ET TILBUD


Hvis du har tenkt å jobbe frivillig i Ghana bør du søke medisinsk råd før du starter din sosiale reise. Sjekk de nødvendige vaksinasjonene dine for Ghana. VAKSINESJEKKER

Detaljer ved ankomst

Our project is avaliable throughout the year. You will arrive at kotoka International Airport or tamale airport and a staff of future4Africa will pick you up from the airport. A timetable will be drawn for your project schedule.

Jan. Febr. Mars Apr. Mai Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Okt. Nov. Des.


2 uker (min. opphold) 400€
3 uker 469€
4 uker 500€
5 uker 600€
9 uker 940€
17 uker 1,455€
50 uker (max. opphold) 4,042€
Gjennomsnittlig gebyr 140€/uke


140€ per uke 2 - 50 uker Alder 18 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



2 - 50 uker


Depositumet er rett og slett for å reservere frivillig plassering. Betalinger håndteres av PayPal, vår pålitelige globale betalingsleverandør. Hvis du ikke har en PayPal-konto, kan du også betale med kredittkort.

Endelig Betaling

Din sluttbetaling vil bli avtalt med Future4Africa under søknadsprosessen. Vanlige løsninger er enten via bankoverføring eller kontant betaling på prosjektstedet.

Møt din vert


Utestående 4.9 rating (67 gjennomganger)

Non-profit - grunnlagt i 2014

Verifisert av Volunteer World

  utmerket Svarprosent

Arrangert av


Snakkede språk: Engelsk

Om prosjektet

F4A works for a fair world where all children have equal access to social amenities, resources and influence through strong partnerships, and inspires the youth.

Møt din vert

About F4A Organization
Future for Africa (F4A) is a Ghanaian voluntary, non-profit and Non-Governmental Organization working at local levels to create a future of hope for children in economically poor areas of northern Ghana.
Established in February 2014 but legally registered in 2016, F4AO operations covers the entire three regions of Northern Ghana namely; Northern, Upper East and Upper West with the headquarters in Bolgatanga, the regional capital of Upper East.
F4AO approach is working through strong partnerships with civil societies,institutions and using volunteers, to reach out to the deprived and vulnerable children and families in its operational areas. (The organization also seeks to promote intercultural awareness, tolerance and communication of our Youth.)
F4A works for a fair world where all children have equal access to social amenities, resources and influence through strong partnerships, and inspires the younger generation’s to aspire to the future with good health, respect and equal rights.
We seek to engage and empower children especially, the vulnerable in society and to provide meaningful interventions in areas of education, health, Water and sanitation, and Livelihoods. This will be done through partnership and with volunteers. F4AO will endeavour to influence policies and actions at all levels of society towards inspiring hope in the younger generations of society and also to promote intercultural awareness, tolerance among the youth.
Core Values
Compassion: we are committed to act with compassion in all situations to engage and protect the welfare of the poor in society
Listen with respect to our volunteers, stakeholders and the people of the community we work with.
Integrity: to adhere to moral and ethical principles of non-discrimination-regardless of their color, race, religion, language or locality and ensure transparency in our operations.
Empowerment: building the human resource capacity of partners on both social and economic livelihoods.
Excellence: Consistently create better ways of doing our work; efficiency and effectiveness.
Respect: adhere to individual difference, promote tolerance and cross cultural learning.
Safety: We are committed to the highest safety standards and environmental practices.
Accessibility: Improve NGOs accessibility and presence at all levels in Africa
(Education: Education / Capacity Development)
Advocating: Advocate on the Principles and Goals that NGOs share
Goal: Improve the lives of children and their families now and for the future
To achieve reliable child access to basic amenities water, toilets, health, and education.
Inspire community participation in solving local problems.
Promoting demand for accountability by community

67 gjennomganger · rating4.9

Giovanni Casonato rating4.8

2023 at Construction and Maintance Assistant

It was a great experience and I was able to make a direct impact on those communities that needed. The activities were well planned and we had many options for free-time activities. For the living conditions we had a few times without running water or electricity but the problem was solved within a ...

2022 at Construction and Maintance Assistant

The experience was very good in general. We learned to work with other resources, to value the little things that we have in our day to day. The staff that welcomed us were very friendly, always attentive to ...
Gaëtan VANLERBERGHE rating4.8

2022 at Construction and Maintance Assistant

My experience in Ghana went extremely well. I carried out several missions related to education, water supply and the construction of sustainable, economical houses adapted to the hot environment. The members of the association have put in place a lot of means so that the integration goes well, ...
Maurice Azinim rating4.6

2021 at Construction and Maintance Assistant

Future for Africa provides an avenue for the practical use of knowledge I have gained academically and an opportunity to be exposed to people of diverse backgrounds and culture. ..
Dominic Peter rating5

2023 at Shelter ChildCare Assistant

My time in Bolga was truly wonderful. Firstly, the people there are incredibly welcoming and dedicated to making your stay as comfortable as possible. Interacting with the locals provides a unique opportunity to learn about their cultures, lives, and the challenges they face. The passionate ...

2023 at Community Health Outreach Assistant

J'ai vécu ce dernier mois la plus belle expérience de ma vie. Nous avons été entourées de personnes bienveillantes dans chacune de nos missions, qui nous ont accompagnées de façon à vivre notre expérience de la façon la plus impactante et bénéfique possible. Les missions proposées ...


Afrika > Vest-Afrika > Ghana > Bolgatanga

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