Anjali House Cambodia

  Verifisert av Volunteer World






år i virksomhet

Anjali is a community learning center in Siem Reap, that serves 200 students and their families through our Young Explorers, Future Leaders, and Active Community programs
By providing experiential learning, supplementary skills training, and scholarships, we support our children and their community to commit to education and make positive decisions about their futures.

Anjali is a community learning center in Siem Reap, Cambodia, that serves over ...


By providing experiential learning, supplementary skills training, and scholarships, we support our children and their community to commit to education and make positive decisions about their futures.

Anjali is a community learning center in Siem Reap, Cambodia, that serves over 200 students and their families through our Young Explorers, Future Leaders, and Active Communities programs. Our vision is that students from low-income families are empowered to access higher education and become leaders in our community.

We believe that no child should be forced to beg or work, and that they have the right to enjoy their childhood – to learn, play, make friends, and grow in a safe and happy environment. These are basic rights that no child should be denied. Our ultimate goal is to see the students we support develop into healthy, well-adjusted adults, equipped with the skills they need to enter the workforce, continue their education, and succeed in their future endeavors.

Our work is divided into three main programs:
  • Young Explorers (ages 4 - 13): We believe that every child’s journey toward a better future begins with access to education. We support all of our children and young adults to attend local Khmer public schools, which provide classes for half a day. Students come to Anjali for the other half of the day for supplementary learning in English, computer skills, arts, gardening, sports, and more.

  • Future Leaders (ages 14 and older): We strive to give young adults the skills they need to become successful, independent adults. To prepare these young leaders to continue education after high school or find gainful employment, we provide IT/computer classes, English classes, and soft and hard skills workshops. We support our students through career counseling and job searches, and provide scholarships for both high school tutoring and university or vocational training programs.

  • Active Communities: We know that for our children to succeed, they need to have the support of strong families and communities. Our social worker runs workshops and home visits on topics like parenting skills, mental health, and domestic violence. We support the wider community through community service, a community library, community English classes, and collaboration with local schools and government.


Anjali House

Snakkede språk: Engelsk
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Anjali House Cambodia gjennomganger

Samantha Scaringella rating5.0

2019 at Teaching English to the youngest

I just started this new experience in Anjali House but I've already understood that Anjali is a great place to be. The positive attitude you can feel around you is amazing! I will assist some classes such as english, gardening, sport and I will organize some workshops, hoping to contribute as well ...
Marianne Landmann rating5.0

2019 at Communication and fundraising assistant

Volunteer in communication, events, computer science, English teaching, gardening I volunteered at Anjali House for a year and it was an amazing experience! This NGO is supporting 120 students through 4 programs but also the local community. As I stayed a long time, I was able to see the ...
Nona Soumahu rating5.0

2019 at Community Development Support

Through my internship at Anjali House, I have learned a lot about the Cambodian culture and about myself as a social worker and a human being. My colleagues have made me feel at home and are like my ...
Antoine Delepierre rating5.0

2019 at Community Development Support

I did a volunteering in Anjali House for 1 year, and I really enjoy this experience. All the work I did was appreciated and really useful, the staff was very pleasant and kind. This association is really a good one, this is absolutly not like the fake humanitarian projects you can find in Cambodia. ..
Salomé Devillers rating4.4

2019 at Communication and fundraising assistant

I was a communication and fundraising volunteer for four months at Anjali House in Cambodia. I helped managing social media accounts, writing the newsletter. I gave workshops about writing to the oldest students. I felt very welcomed there and i recommend this exeprience! ...

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Anjali House Cambodia prosjektfokus

UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education
  • Decent Work And Economic Growth