Akwaaba Volunteers

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Immerse yourself in the local culture as you join us in Ghana to help brighten the future of the next generation through our projects in health, education and sports.

Akwaaba Volunteers was founded in 2015 by Jordan Palmer and King Boateng. Jordan spent time in Accra as volunteer and fell in love with the people, culture and the country and King grew up in Accra before pursuing a career as a professional footballer in the UK. Both founders share a passion for ...


Akwaaba Volunteers was founded in 2015 by Jordan Palmer and King Boateng. Jordan spent time in Accra as volunteer and fell in love with the people, culture and the country and King grew up in Accra before pursuing a career as a professional footballer in the UK. Both founders share a passion for creating better opportunities for young, disadvantaged people in Ghana through 4 key areas, health, education, sports and working with animals.

Akwaaba Volunteers have been operating in Ghana since 2016 working with over 1000 young people and families in our community. We offer you the opportunity to have a life changing experience whilst helping to work towards our goals of creating a better future for young people. We believe everyone should have the right to education, have access to healthcare and that children should be able to play in a safe environment, be treated with respect and have the right to dream big and smile freely. Together we can make a bigger impact.

Our Aims
The aim of Akwaaba volunteers Ghana is to “Brighten the future of the next generation”, alleviate poverty and create better opportunities for underprivileged children and disadvantaged communities through our projects in health, education, and sports.

Why Choose us
Akwaaba Volunteers has a diverse range of sustainable and ethical projects that allow you to have a once in a lifetime opportunity to make a positive impact on people’s lives and gain amazing experience on your chosen project. We are committed to providing responsible volunteering experiences that offer you a unique view of Ghana and the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in Ghanaian culture, make your impact, change lives, develop relationships with communities, build friendships, use your skills to inspire others and to travel around this vibrant, safe, and friendly country. We have a dedicated team that are committed to working with you for the duration of your stay in Ghana to make sure you love every second of your experience. 


Situated in West Africa and often referred to as the Gateway to Africa, Ghana is one of the most accessible and stable countries on the continent. Formerly known as the Gold Coast, Ghana gained it’s independence from Britain in 1957, with Gold, Cocoa and Oil helping to fuel its economic boom.

Ghana is a safe, friendly, vibrant country with a rich history and is rapidly modernising and becoming more established.


  • Capital – Accra
  • Population – 25.5 Million
  • Languages – English is the official language
  • Local languages include Akan, Ga, Twi, Ewe, Hausa and Fante
  • Religion – Christian, Islam, Traditional Beliefs.
  • Currency – Cedi
  • Climate – Tropical

Why Accra?

  • 3.5 million children in Ghana live in poverty and over one third of those live in extreme poverty.
  • There are 61492 children living on the streets of Accra. Girls under the age of 10 represent 59% of this total number.
  • Children in Ghana are 40% more likely to live in poverty than adults.
  • One quarter of students in Ghana never complete primary school. 65% of children under 18 don’t attend school in Accra.
  • Urban poverty is increasing with a rapidly growing urban population and an increase in segregation as inequality gaps grow larger.
  • Accra has the highest unemployment rates and lack of basic housing and sanitation (with a housing deficit of 1.7 million units and projected to increase to 2.4 million in 2018.

Our Values

  • To make a long-term positive change to the lives of the people we are working with. We believe every child deserves happiness, respect and the right to dream.
  • To create sustainable projects based on the needs of our community. By working closely with the community, we can work together to create simple and low cost solutions through our projects.
  • To be transparent with how we run our projects and the use of our funding to create better understanding and trust
  • To empower local people to create their own futures.
  • We love what we do, work hard and give our volunteers the best experience possible

Akwaaba Volunteers aim is to “Brighten the future of the next generation”, alleviate poverty and create better opportunities for underprivileged children and disadvantaged communities.  Our projects are based in Labadi, a suburb of Ghana’s capital city. We work closely with our community and work in areas based on the needs of the community. Through our projects we aim to empower, develop and create sustainable futures to alleviate poverty and change lives.
At Akwaaba Volunteers we understand that choosing your volunteering experience may not be an easy decision, so we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help put your mind at ease.

Why Volunteer with Akwaaba Volunteers?
Volunteering requires giving up your time and money to help people less fortunate than yourself. However, we always find volunteers leave us having gained considerably more than this in life experience. At Akwaaba Volunteers we provide everyone with the experience of a lifetime, immersing volunteers in local culture and activities, and providing the opportunity to make a direct impact in your child’s chosen programme. Akwaaba Volunteers provides a safe and exciting way to volunteer in a new country at the lowest possible prices as we strive to change the future for the next generation.

How safe is Ghana?
Ghana is the most peaceful country in West Africa with some of the friendliest people in the world. However, it is imperative to us that our volunteers feel comfortable at all times: our volunteer accommodation is in a secure compound, has 24 hour staff supervision and there is always a member of staff on site. Our volunteers are met at the airport upon arrival and accompanied to all placements and excursions that they wish to attend in order to provide them with the best experience possible while feeling, and being safe.

What age do you have to be to volunteer?
Volunteers are welcome from the age of 17 upwards. Most of our volunteers are aged between 18 – 30 but we welcome anyone wishing to take a career break or that simply want to make a difference. 

Can I volunteer with friends?
Of course you are more than welcome to book with friends or as a group. If you wish to do so we would advise letting us know in our booking form so that we can try and organise your placements and living arrangements to be together.

What do i need before travelling to Ghana?
You will need a visa to enter Ghana. Obtaining a visa can be done online by visiting the Ghana high commission website. We will send you a letter from Akwaaba Volunteers inviting you to Ghana to attach to your visa application. This process can take up to 3 weeks so make sure you apply well before your travel date. You will also need your yellow fever vaccination and we recommend bringing anti malaria medication too but you can discuss this with your GP or travel clinic. 


Jordan Palmer

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Akwaaba Volunteers gjennomganger

Mario Shears rating5.0

2023 at Teaching Enthusiast

Earleir this year I joined Akwaaba Volunteers with a group of 6 other volunteers from around the world including England, the Netherlands and Germany. We were all volunteering on different projects that Akwaaba offer. I love football so I chose to volunteer as a sports coach The kids have so ...
Jade Ho rating5.0

2023 at Teaching Enthusiast

I am doing an internship with Akwaaba Volunteers. It has been incredible! I love creating worksheets and lessons for the school kids Akwaaba Volunteers supports. The kids are so happy and are excited to learn what the school, teachers, and I work on with the kids. The kids' energy and love for ...
Mark rating5.0

2023 at Teaching Enthusiast

Life changing experience and really well organised. Enjoyed helping at the school and also some of the animal work. It was also brilliant to help with the Street 2 School soccer project. 150 kids a day take some looking after! Everyone shoukd come ...
Amy Westmarland rating5.0

2022 at Teaching Enthusiast

During my time volunteering with Akwaaba volunteers we had the opportunity to do lots of football coaching in a fun, friendly environment. We also visited and spent time in a local school and felt very welcomed. Their 'street to school' project is hugely beneficial to changing the future life of ...
Amber Brinkhuis rating5.0

2022 at Teaching Enthusiast

I had the most amazing time in Ghana with Akwaba Volunteers! When I arrived at the airport, Jordan, King and one other volunteer were waiting for me. The work at the Future Leaders School was wonderful. I got to work with all different classes. Started in the creche, singing songs with the ...
Talia Rabinowitz rating4.6

2022 at Teaching Enthusiast

My time in Ghana was highly beneficial. I learnt so much, and also had a really good time. I got many transferable skills, such as communication and ...

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UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health And Well-Being
  • Quality Education
  • Gender Equality