vanaf 536€

Fantastisch 4.5rating (43)

Veterinary Medicine Internship

2 - 24 weken  ·  Leeftijd 16 - 50+

rating  Fantastisch 4.5  · 
  Geverifieerd door Volunteer World
  Uitstekend Responsgraad


  • Earn international volunteering experience working at a veterinary center in Ghana.
  • Perform a variety of tasks, including administration of medication and vaccines.
  • Learn new skills or improve on existing skills, such as animal examination and treatment.
  • Spend a few weeks in Ghana and explore the local culture while living with a host family.
  • Add to your CV or resume with this great experience

Vooral geschikt voor

Leeftijd 16+

Over het programma

This position has varying levels of animal contact, and can be informative for those considering a career in the field of veterinary medicine.

About the Program

If you have a passion for working with animals, either in the field of veterinary medicine or in a more general animal care-oriented role, then this program is a perfect way for you to gain some knowledge and put your skills into practice. The ...

Over het programma

About the Program

If you have a passion for working with animals, either in the field of veterinary medicine or in a more general animal care-oriented role, then this program is a perfect way for you to gain some knowledge and put your skills into practice. The veterinary volunteer/intern program is designed to provide a good learning experience for anyone who has an interest in animals and has a career goal in the veterinary profession.

Inexperienced vet volunteer/interns will participate in surgical pack sterilization while experienced vets will perform surgery, under the supervision and assistance of licensed host country veterinarians. Our veterinary program is available for undergraduates and recently graduated students taking a gap year or career break or for those professionals anxious to share their professional knowledge, experience, and expertise.

You would be involved in the day-to-day duties of the veterinarian center with the regular staff in animal health care issues and assisting with immunizations for parasite management, nutrition supplements, administration of medication, vaccinations to animals, assisting with animal examination, diagnostics, treatments of animal patient for and recovery from surgery.

Ghana has many veterinary problems peculiar to itself. This position has varying levels of animal contact, and can be informative for those considering a career in the field of veterinary medicine.

Our Veterinary Medicine internship is perfect for anyone interested in getting practical work experience with animals. This is especially useful if you want to become a vet in the future. It will add relevant work experience to your CV, and give you interesting points to talk about in interviews and applications.

You don’t need previous experience or training to do this internship. You’ll be supervised by a vet every step of the way, and they’ll teach you everything you need to know. They will be there to answer your questions as you learn about working with animals in a developing country. You can also reach out to OGVO staff for support and guidance at any time.

This project runs year round, so you can choose when you would like to join from a minimum of two weeks. We do, however, recommend that you stay for longer than two weeks to see and learn more.

As a Veterinary Medicine intern, you’ll either work with livestock on a farm or with domestic and farm animals at a local veterinary hospital. Here are some of the tasks you’ll be involved in:

  • Observe and assist local veterinarians as they assess the animals during routine consults and treatments
  • Assist with operations and observe post-mortems on farm or domestic animals
  • Educate the public and farm owners on the correct animal care procedures

At your Veterinary Medicine placement in Ghana, your work will focus on the following areas:

Observe and assist during routine consults and treatments

You’ll work alongside vets during farm visits or at a veterinary hospital. You’ll shadow them during the day and watch how they conduct consultations, work with the animals, and assess them for treatment. Under the supervision of the vet, you can also assist. If permitted, you can help with tasks like:

  • General care of the animals
  • Administer vaccines and medication
  • Dress wounds
  • Disease testing
  • Setting IVs

Lend a hand during operations and observe post-mortems

Depending on your level of experience, you may get to assist with more hands-on work. You can assist the vet by preparing surgical areas and equipment, and lending a hand during operations such as sterilizations. On the odd occasion, you’ll be able to observe post-mortem surgeries. Here, you’ll be able to find out if an animal died from injury, disease, or other complications.

Educate the public and farm owners on the correct animal care procedures

In Ghana, there is often a lack of knowledge about animal care. Many animal and farm owners do not take their livestock or pets to the vet as they are unable to afford the fees. They often don’t have the means to travel for veterinary care either.

Because of this, they either do not report cases of sick animals or leave it too late. If the animals do not recover by themselves, they can die from their conditions. By teaching the public about correct animal care, you’ll see lower mortality rates and help prevent the spread of disease.

Benefits as a Volunteer/Intern Abroad

         Increase Your Employment Opportunities
    • Such global working and living experiences help you build up your resume and stand out from the rest. Potential employers admire the tenacity it takes for someone to leave their comfort zone and challenge themselves.
    • International volunteer experience indicates valuable personal qualities. It shows that you are a responsible global citizen with a helping heart.
    • Knowledge of a second language or a foreign culture can dramatically increase exciting global employment opportunities. It is an excellent way of developing a competitive edge in the global employment market.
         Develop Global Networks
    • Our programs provide you a good opportunity to cultivate long lasting friendships. These networks will contribute to both your personal life and your professional life.
        Increase Your Cultural Intelligence
    • Open yourself to a transformative experience as you immerse yourself in a foreign culture first hand. Expand your world-view, and challenge your personal beliefs. Life’s too short to live in a bubble.
        Access Great Learning Opportunities
    • International volunteer/intern programs provide valuable on-the-job learning opportunities.
    • Many participants have taken our programs to earn university credits towards their degree, to take a co-op term, or to earn volunteer hours for medical school applications and graduate school application.
    • It helps you to enhance your language skills. The most effective way to learn a new language is to speak it in day-to-day life. It is much more rewarding than just learning it in a classroom.
        Travel and Have Fun
    • International volunteer travel is the best way to see the world as it gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself right into the local culture. What is the point of seeing the world in hotels when you can actually be a part of the local society? You will be living and working with the local people and other international volunteers.
    • Endless travel opportunities are excellent ways of exploring more places in the country. Whether you like to join a wildlife/scenery tour or a cultural tour, we can provide you flexible work schedule and free travel advice to facilitate travel arrangement.
Ghana is a peaceful and welcoming country; Ghana satisfies one's appetite for both modern and traditional life. Its wide valleys, low-lying coastal plains, and thick rainforests resound with the beat of traditional rituals, while her cities glow and vibrate with all the bustle of the modern world. The Ghanaians are the friendliest people in West Africa: warm, proud yet humble with a contagious and calming sense of funniness.

Ghana is hot. It is always hot. What’s more, it's always humid. Humidity usually lingers between 95 and 100 percent. The rainy season lasts from mid-June to mid-November - sometimes. The rain provides a little respite from the intense heat, but temperatures will still be in the mid-80s Fahrenheit. The south of the country experiences the heaviest rainfall during September.

Dagelijkse activiteiten

You’ll begin each morning with breakfast at your host family’s house. You’ll then get dressed into clothes you don’t mind getting dirty before grabbing a tro-tro or shared taxi to your placement. On your first day, a staff member will accompany you and show you the way.

A typical day on this ...

Dagelijkse activiteiten

You’ll begin each morning with breakfast at your host family’s house. You’ll then get dressed into clothes you don’t mind getting dirty before grabbing a tro-tro or shared taxi to your placement. On your first day, a staff member will accompany you and show you the way.

A typical day on this project can start as early as 7am and end around 3pm. You can either eat a packed lunch during the day, or wait until your shift is over and enjoy lunch back at your host family’s house.

You’ll meet with your supervisor and discuss the day’s activities before setting out for the day. You’ll either spend your time at farms or a veterinary hospital. You’ll be involved in administering vaccinations, as well as assisting with operations and routine treatments, and observing post mortems.

In the evenings and over the weekends, you’ll have time to yourself.


During weekends Volunteers/Interns have the opportunity to visit all that Ghana has to offer. Weekend trips available include visits to Mole National Park in the Northern Region of Ghana. This National Park offers a great Safari-like experience and is one of the biggest Elephant Sanctuaries in ...


During weekends Volunteers/Interns have the opportunity to visit all that Ghana has to offer. Weekend trips available include visits to Mole National Park in the Northern Region of Ghana. This National Park offers a great Safari-like experience and is one of the biggest Elephant Sanctuaries in Africa with the chance to spot Lions, Leopards & Antelopes in their natural habitat.
Volunteers can also take a trip to Cape Coast in the Central Region of Ghana to relax in the beautiful beaches and see the famous Cape Coast castle, the Kakum Canopy walkway and Elmina castle, where slave trade begun.

NOTE: We do provide tours, therefore you can add a tour before or after your volunteer program for an additional cost. We can perform quality tours and can offer discounts to volunteers.



Minimum leeftijd: 16 jaar

Om deel te nemen aan het programma dien je ten minste 16 jaar te zijn op de startdatum van het programma.


Je dient over volgende taalkennis te beschikken Engels (basis niveau)


op High School / University /College etc. niveau

Vereiste documenten



Geen beperkingen. Helpende handen van over de hele wereld zijn welkom.

Andere vaardigheden

No previous experience is required


Uw helpende hand wordt verwacht op maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag en vrijdag van 07:00 - 15:00

Diensten ingesloten

Diensten ingesloten

Diensten door Our Generation Voluntary Organization

  • Airport pick-up and transportation from Accra to your project sites
  • Three times daily local dishes
  • Introduction to host family and program
  • Accommodation
  • Placement and supervision in program
  • 24/7 Hotline for support
  • Recommendation Letter / Certificate
  • In country introduction/orientation
  • Regular Culture/Recreational Activities (Personal spending not included)

Afhaal aan de luchthaven op Kotoka International Airport

You will be met upon arrival and you will be transfer to your project site, it's about 4-5 hours drive from the airport, Accra.


All accommodation with a Ghana home-stay family is included. Rooms are private (you can share with other volunteers but the price will remain the same) and have all the basic furnishings you could expect, including running water, electricity & clean bathrooms. The home-stay families have been specially chosen by OGVO and have hosted many volunteers over the course of several years. Our home-stay families form some of the most memorable parts of Volunteer Programs and provide amazing insight...

Eten & Drank

Three meals a day are provided by the home-stay families and consist mainly of traditional Ghanaian meals with some flexibility for home comforts when available. If you have special eating needs, you can indicate that while applying. Even though special eating needs are not something we can guarantee, we will do our best to meet your needs.

Internet toegang

Makkelijke toegang op de project site

Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

Vlucht tickets

De dichtste luchthaven is Kotoka International Airport (ACC) in Accra. We assisteren u met het vinden van goedkope vluchten naar Ghana. VIND GOEDKOPE VLUCHTEN


Naar het buitenland reizen is een avontuur en het is best om goed voorbereid te zijn. Plots ziek worden of gewond raken, annulaties of diefstal - een reisverzekering voor Ghana biedt zekerheid en is een meerwaarde. KRIJG EEN OFFERTE


Als je de intentie hebt om als vrijwilliger aan de slag te gaan in Ghana dien je eerst medisch advies in te winnen alvorens je eropuit trekt. Kijk de benodigde vaccinaties na voor Ghana. VACCINATIE CHECKER

Gegevens over jouw aankomst

This program is available all year round, so volunteers or interns can arrive any day of the week or any month of the year with advance notice!

jan. feb. mrt. apr. mei. jun. jul. aug. sep. okt. nov. dec.


2 weken (min. verblijf) 536€
3 weken 630€
4 weken 724€
5 weken 818€
7 weken 1.006€
9 weken 1.194€
24 weken (max. verblijf) 2.604€
Gemiddelde kosten 188€/week


188€ per week 2 - 24 weken Leeftijd 16 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



2 - 24 weken


De waarborg dient om je plek als vrijwilliger te verzekeren. Betalingen worden door PayPal behandeld, onze betrouwbare betalingsprovider. Indien je niet over een PayPal account beschikt, kan je ook met een credit kaart betalen.

Finale betaling

Uw finale betaling zal worden goedgekeurd door Our Generation Voluntary Organization gedurende de aanmeld procedure. Veel voorkomende oplossingen zijn een banktransfer of contante betaling op de projectsite.

Ontmoet je organisatie

Our Generation Voluntary Organization

Fantastisch 4.5 rating (43 beoordelingen)

NGO - opgericht in 2004

Geverifieerd door Volunteer World

  Uitstekend Responsgraad

Gepresenteerd door


Gesproken talen: Engels

Over de organisatie

Our Generation Voluntary Organization (OGVO) works to foster cross-cultural understanding through travel and volunteer work experiences in Ghana, Africa.

Ontmoet je organisatie

The Our Generation Voluntary Organization (OGVO) was founded in 2004 in order to enable young people to use their leisure time for international volunteering, interns, cultural exchange programs etc. in Ghana. Our Generation Voluntary Organization is a non-profit and non-governmental African Organisation. Our volunteer programs/projects are suitable for anyone on a Gap Year, Career Break or for anyone looking to do a short term volunteer program.

Our Generation Voluntary Organisation provides safe, unique, flexible, meaningful and extremely affordable volunteer programs and non-paid internships work-experience in Ghana. We have a variety of programs on offer at affordable prices. Our projects are designed to cater to the needs of people from all backgrounds. 

Since its inception in 2004, OGVO has delivered great experiences to thousands of volunteers across the ten regions of Ghana. Our Medical and Healthcare internships are much admired amongst the medical students, and this is where medics get hands-on knowledge into complex medical procedures. Be it for college credits or an internship or volunteer certificate or even a service learning trip - schoolies, gapers and numerous high school students enroll for our programs throughout the year.

Our Generation Voluntary Organisation's volunteer and intern programs are available in both urban and rural areas. OGVO has flexible start dates and durations that runs from 1 week to 6 months depending on the program of your choice. Extensions can be arranged with advanced notice. You can arrive any day of the year with advanced notice as well. During this time, you will be staying in the home of a local Ghanaian family. Our host families are carefully screened, socially respected and experienced with hosting international volunteers.  Accommodation is simple but clean and includes 3 meals a day of local cuisine. Typically, volunteers eat breakfast and dinner at the host family and have lunch at their project.  

OGVO believes that home stays offer you the best experience during your time in Ghana by allowing you to save money, while providing you with an easy way to integrate into Ghanaian culture. In most cases, you will share a room with volunteers (of same gender). Your weekends are free to explore some of the amazing sights that Ghana has to offer. Volunteers regularly travel together and our team will help you plan weekend trips. Our staff visits volunteers regularly and always happy to help our volunteers in any way needed.

At Our Generation Voluntary Organisation  our programs are designed to help the local communities at the same time of providing a valuable learning and cultural experience to our volunteers and interns. We invite you to volunteer or intern in Ghana with us, and have the experience of your lifetime!

As a volunteer or intern in Ghana you will have the opportunity to work in number of different capacities including Teaching English & other subjects to kids, Medical & healthcare internships, Dental electives,Veterinary, and many more!

43 beoordelingen · rating4.5

Ciara Thomas rating4.2

2021 at Veterinary Medicine Internship

This trip was absolutely amazing! The experience you get from travelling to Ghana and staying in a small village is truly remarkable. My host was excellent in setting up everything before my arrival and I settled into my accommodation with my host family immediately. They were very welcoming and ...
Tom Stevenson rating5

2019 at Veterinary Medicine Internship

Living in Ghana will provide you with an entirely new view on the world, placing our daily issues into perspective when you can experience the pure unadulterated joy of Ghanaian locals despite living conditions. I have never felt more welcome than I did in Ghana, with everybody you meet willing to ...
Bárbara Aybar rating4

2024 at Assist with Medical Campaigns

My experience in Ghana has been great. The family I stayed with made me feel so comfortable and welcome. The hospital was good, but some nurses didnt want me there at first. However, they found the perfect place for me, where I couldnt be happier: the vaccination area for kids. All the team working ...
Owen Lanfrey rating5

2024 at Construction & Renovation

I spent 2 weeks in July with OGVO/ST miracle works educational foundation as a construction and renovation volunteer. During my stay, I got to rmix mortar, plaster walls and help with renovations that were needed but I also got to spend some time with the children of the school, building paper ...
Elisavet Goulia rating5

2023 at Mental Health and Psychology Internship

It was a greatful experience as the host family as my experience at Pantang hospital. Ghana is a polite and peaceful country with people with good vibes and the appetite for dance and ...
Leila Leloup rating5

2023 at Construction & Renovation

2 friends and I, aged 16 and 17, from the Uk, spent 2 weeks helping with construction in Senya Beraku, a small fishing village. We stayed with Seth and Naomi, our host family. Seth and Frank greeted us at the airport and we took a taxi to where we were staying. We arrived late so we set up our room ...


Afrika > West-Afrika > Ghana > Kumasi

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