vanaf 1.500€

Perfect 4.6rating (10)

Hyena Conservation Assistant

2 - 12 weken  ·  Leeftijd 18 - 50+

rating  Perfect 4.6  · 
  Geverifieerd door Volunteer World
  Uitstekend Responsgraad


  • Embark on captivating bush walks to uncover fascinating tracks and scat, immersing yourself in the wonders of nature
  • Gain valuable insights into Human-Hyena-Conflict and its impact on hyena conservation, deepening your understanding of this vital issue
  • Contribute to front-facing research, actively participating in finding resolutions to Human-Wildlife-Conflict for a more harmonious coexistence
  • Enjoy a tranquil retreat by Tanzania's 3rd largest lake, conveniently located near the stunning Ngorongoro Conservation Area, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes and abundant wildlife

Vooral geschikt voor

Leeftijd 18+

Over het programma

Field work consists of trekking, camera trapping, clan monitoring, Photo-ID, determination of home ranges using ArcGIS, household interviews and education & awareness.

Lake Eyasi, situated in Northern Tanzania, is the 3rd largest Lake close to Ngorongoro Conervation Area and Serengeti National Park. It is situated between the Upper Kitete/Selela corridor and another potentially severed corridor. These corridors once maintained important migration routes for ...

Over het programma

Lake Eyasi, situated in Northern Tanzania, is the 3rd largest Lake close to Ngorongoro Conervation Area and Serengeti National Park. It is situated between the Upper Kitete/Selela corridor and another potentially severed corridor. These corridors once maintained important migration routes for wildlife. A key feature of the Selela corridor is that it connects Ngorongoro Conservation Area to the lowlands below the Great Rift Valley escarpment with Lake Manyara National Park.

Where we are located:
Our Hyena Bush Camp is located on the southern edge of Ngorongoro, where elephants, buffalos, leopards, lions, giraffe and other herbivores pass through during the migration. The threats outside the Ngorongoro Conservation Area are increased human settlement and cultivation causing interruption to their movement. Even though cultivation was stopped, homes, domestic livestock and cattle dips still exist within the corridor. Lake Eyasi is also home to indigenous tribes. While the Hadzabe traditionally inhabited the lake shores, the Datoga are mainly centered in the Yaeda Valley.

About the hyena:
The striped hyena is classed as near threatened by the IUCN list, with population trends currently decreasing. Little is known about the species, and more work is needed to understand this species densities in all areas. Although there are reported sighting  in the Serengeti, Ngorongoro and even Lake Eyasi, there have been no studies on the species at Lake Eyasi. There has been numerous past photo evidence of striped hyenas in the area, including a breeding female seen for 15 years, but the last sighting of this individual was over five years ago. Since then, there has been reported sightings from local communities and fishermen throughout the area.

Hyenas have communal dens, visited regularly by each clan member and are usually the central point of the clans territory. Along with the distribution data from the hyena clans, we plot the extension of human settlements to determine the overlap. This enables us to narrow down potential conflict hotspots, whereby a hyenas home range overlaps with human inhabited areas. Working with the communities within these hotspots, we apply a so-called Conflict Reporting Network (CRN) where communities and United Tansania enter into a dialog on how to work transparently together, exchange data and the interpretation of findings. Then we are able to put agreed upon preventative measures in place to reduce the incidences of conflict.

What's your role:
  • You will assist with camera traps set up, their maintanance and collection. They`re placed at den sites and throughout the area.
  • You will record tracks and scat spoors of wildlife species via GPS device before the data get transered to ArcGIS.
  • You will help us to compile  our hyena ID catalogue in which all data of captured and recaptured hyenas are collected.
  • You will conduct household interviews with the communities using questionnaires.
  • You will be involved in front-facing research to understand Human-Wildlife-Conflict resolutions.
  • We also run an education & awareness program in a Secondary School which is located in the nearest village, called Endamaghan.
  • In addition you will also assist with social media, project reports, ArcGIS, and helping with camp maintenance.
  • You will use our infra-red video camera to monitor our hyenas at night.

You'll be working with our Field Research Assistant Lauren, who is always there for you! You can ask her any questions, she will assist you with advice and support at any time. 

You don't need to bring special equipment. All you need is being passionate to drive research forward, being interested in Hyena Conservation and bringing human being as well as animal habitats in harmony! 

Dagelijkse activiteiten

We start our work relatively early in the morning: 

  • Trekking and camera trapping
  • walking transects and marking tracks with the help of GPS 
  • collecting faecal samples
After lunch: 
  • analyze images and identify individuals using our ID catalog
  • work on social media posts for Facebook, Instagram, etc.
  • one ...

Dagelijkse activiteiten

We start our work relatively early in the morning: 

  • Trekking and camera trapping
  • walking transects and marking tracks with the help of GPS 
  • collecting faecal samples
After lunch: 
  • analyze images and identify individuals using our ID catalog
  • work on social media posts for Facebook, Instagram, etc.
  • one day a week we visit a school and teach the children
  • we accompany cattle drovers
  • in case of incidents (human-hyena attacks) we investigate the incident 

This could be a daily routine, but for the most part it is relatively dynamic, as many things cannot be planned and depend on circumstances that change depending on the event. For example, we also visit communities that currently have a problem with hyenas, then we are out in other parts of Karatu. We respond to all incidents that affect our area. If we have hyenas with snares on our pictures, again everything changes, because then of course we focus on freeing the animals from their snares.


We have all the big national parks around the corner, because we look at the mountains of Ngorongoro from our camp. 

National Parks and stunning nature near by:

  • Serengeti, 
  • Ngorongoro Crater,
  • Tarangire National Park
  • Manyara National Park
  • Lake Natron 
at Lake Eyasi:
  • hiking
  • boat trips
  • visiting hotsprings
  • visit


We have all the big national parks around the corner, because we look at the mountains of Ngorongoro from our camp. 

National Parks and stunning nature near by:

  • Serengeti, 
  • Ngorongoro Crater,
  • Tarangire National Park
  • Manyara National Park
  • Lake Natron 
at Lake Eyasi:
  • hiking
  • boat trips
  • visiting hotsprings
  • visiting tribes like the Datoga and Hadzabe and spending a day with them (honey production, bow & arrow making etc).



Minimum leeftijd: 18 jaar

Om deel te nemen aan het programma dien je tenminste 18 jaar oud te zijn op de startdatum van het programma. Er kunnen uitzonderingen gemaakt worden indien je een bewijs van toestemming kan aantonen van uw wettelijke voogd(en) of samen met je ouders deelneemt.


Je dient over volgende taalkennis te beschikken Engels (gemiddeld niveau)


Geen beperkingen. Helpende handen van over de hele wereld zijn welkom.

Andere vaardigheden

having good physical conditions


Uw helpende hand wordt verwacht op maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag en vrijdag

Diensten ingesloten

Diensten ingesloten

Diensten door United Tansania e.V.

Fees include: 
  • Pick up and drop off at Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO)

  • Accommodation in a Safari-Tented Bush-Camp

  • 3 meals a day prepared by our Chief

  • Cleaning and Laundry Service provided

  • Local SIM card

  • UNITED TANSANIA T-SHIRT with our logo

  • Introduction and training on the project 

  • Donation to support the running costs of the project

    50% of the total amount for placement reservation is due after confirmation of booking.

    Rest payment is due 6 weeks before arrival.

Afhaal aan de luchthaven op Arusha Airport

We'll pick you up at the Kilimanjaro International (KIA) or Arusha Airport!


You will be accommodated in a Safari tent sharing with other wildlife- and bush-enthusiastics. The tent offers all amenities such as bed, wardrobe table etc. with a washroom unit in the back of the tent. The camp offers an open air shower under the African sky to cool down after a long day of tracking for hyena, setting cameras or other activities at the camp. A solar system and satellite internet are available.

Eten & Drank

The Bush-Camp is equipped with an open kitchen in which you get served 3 meals a day.
Drinking water is available 24/7.

Internet toegang

Makkelijke toegang op de project site

Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

Vlucht tickets

De dichtste luchthaven is Arusha Airport (ARK) in Arusha. We assisteren u met het vinden van goedkope vluchten naar Tanzania. VIND GOEDKOPE VLUCHTEN


Naar het buitenland reizen is een avontuur en het is best om goed voorbereid te zijn. Plots ziek worden of gewond raken, annulaties of diefstal - een reisverzekering voor Tanzania biedt zekerheid en is een meerwaarde. KRIJG EEN OFFERTE


Als je de intentie hebt om als vrijwilliger aan de slag te gaan in Tanzania dien je eerst medisch advies in te winnen alvorens je eropuit trekt. Kijk de benodigde vaccinaties na voor Tanzania. VACCINATIE CHECKER

Gegevens over jouw aankomst

You can join us any time of the year! 

The nearest international airport is Kilimanjaro International Airport. There is another smaller airport in Arusha, if you prefer this one.

Pickup & drop off is possible at any time. Mostly 1 overnight stay in Arusha is necessary, depending on arrival and departure time.

jan. feb. mrt. apr. mei. jun. jul. aug. sep. okt. nov. dec.


2 weken (min. verblijf) 1.500€
4 weken 2.600€
6 weken 3.600€
8 weken 4.400€
10 weken 4.800€
12 weken (max. verblijf) 5.600€
Gemiddelde kosten 608€/week


608€ per week 2 - 12 weken Leeftijd 18 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



2 - 12 weken


De waarborg dient om je plek als vrijwilliger te verzekeren. Betalingen worden door PayPal behandeld, onze betrouwbare betalingsprovider. Indien je niet over een PayPal account beschikt, kan je ook met een credit kaart betalen.

Finale betaling

Uw finale betaling zal worden goedgekeurd door United Tansania e.V. gedurende de aanmeld procedure. Veel voorkomende oplossingen zijn een banktransfer of contante betaling op de projectsite.

Ontmoet je organisatie

United Tansania e.V.

Perfect 4.6 rating (10 beoordelingen)

NGO - opgericht in 2020

Geverifieerd door Volunteer World

  Uitstekend Responsgraad

Gepresenteerd door


Over de organisatie

Our Monitoring Program surveys the population of spotted and striped hyena at Lake Eyasi. Our aim is to establish a mitigation solution for Human-hyena conflict.

Ontmoet je organisatie

United Tansania e.V. was established in 2020 (originally under the name Endangered Species Conservation Foundation), which is now an international NGO, based in Berlin, Germany. The founder and Director is a veterinarian by profession, supported by a Field Research Assistant from UK, holding a Masters in Endangered Species Recovery and Conservation, and 6 permanently employed locals including trekker and staff for the Hyena Bush Camp. That project base is located at Lake Eyasi in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, in the Northern part of Tanzania.

The first aim of this project seeks to mitigate the conflict between human and spotted hyena at Lake Eyasi. The project focuses on the determination of spotted hyena density and their geographical distribution.  Through this we can evaluate the density of hyena species, their distributions and clan-sizes via our monitoring program, which will enable us to determine the overlap of areas used by both human and hyena in which we expect to find conflict hotspots. For these hotspots we will implement a conflict solution in collaboration with the concerned communities. Furthermore, we are able to observe the impact of hyena on human livelihood and the effects of retaliations.


We use multiple techniques to monitor our hyenas at Lake Eyasi. We place camera traps at active communal den sites to observe each of our clans. Each hyena also has their own unique spot pattern and we use this method to identify individuals. In addition to camera traps at den sites, we also use camera traps throughout the study area. Through the use of individual ID, we can see when these hyenas are captured on these additional camera traps in order to identify distribution and home ranges, a method known as capture-recapture. In addition, track and camera trap surveys allow us to identify the presence of prey species and other carnivores throughout our study area. With the use of a GPS to record tracks, all this data can be transferred on to mapping system GIS for us to display different species habitat use. We are then also able to look at community settlement to determine the overlap between humans and hyenas.


The second aim is to carry out a feasibility study on striped hyena. Since this species is near threatened according to IUCN categories and rare to spot, there are just a few reports and sightings confirm that there is a small population of striped hyena around Lake Eyasi. By exploration of the area and further interviews we discovered 2 potential areas occupied by the species so far. Household interviews and public notification to inform the people of Lake Eyasi about our aim and objectives give us advice as where to intensify our transect surveys.


  • Hyena population density and geographical distribution
  • Clan sizes and their geographical distribution
  • Photo-ID of individuals
  • Home range of individuals (Capture-Recapture Method)
  • Evaluation of sightings
  • Attack incidence investigation
  • Building an emergency response
  • Determination of conflict hotspots
  • Implementation of mitigation solution for Huma-Hyena-Conflict in collaboration with concerned communities
  • Feasibility study to establish a program on striped hyena
  • Workshops on awareness and educational training for schools and concerned communities

Currently we’re working on the implementation of a rabies eradication program for Lake Eyasi`s dog population. Rabies is the main risks for hyena through contract from dogs. This would also be a huge benefit for people. In the few cases where hyenas attack people, there is a risk that this is due to rabies and post exposure rabies vaccination are not available in Tanzania. 

10 beoordelingen · rating4.6

Drew Blair rating5

2023 at Hyena Conservation Assistant

Had a great time volunteering! I learned how to identify different tracks and how to use camera traps. I also got the chance to explore more of the area including picnics at the lake and visits to the local hot springs. I even got the chance to go on Safari which was amazing, we saw so much! It's a ...
Spencer Elsworth rating4.4

2023 at Hyena Conservation Assistant

So far my time out here at United Tansania has been an eye opener and a way for me to get out my comfort zone and get stuck in with some amazing work. Ive met great people, made new friendships and experienced life outside of my own. There has been some hard days of course but they dont outweigh the ...
Chirag Patel rating5

2023 at Hyena Conservation Assistant

This location is a paradise for a scientist and a magnet to all other adventure seekers. You practically are surrounded by abundant wildlife, yes it does include the local villages but also surrounded by the lush wilderness. The experience is unique as you will be exposed to the local way of ...
Dorothee Ulrichs rating5

2023 at Hyena Conservation Assistant

I learnt a lot during my stay. I was part of the camp and helped out on all levels . People and in particular Judith were very warm and helped me with all matters of needed as well as let me have responsibilities. ..
Lauren Stokes rating5

2023 at Hyena Conservation Assistant

This isn’t like a “game drive” project, where you are in a reserve and not really contributing much, here you see a different side to African conservation, outside of the protected areas and national parks. Everyone works hard to find the den, collect data and work for mitigation with the ...
Hans-Joachim Kehlert rating5

2023 at Hyena Conservation Assistant

I would really recommend this Projekt!You really feel Like your contributing surveys and going though the camera Trap Images!The staff are really passionate about their Work!Also Had the opportunity to See local culture with the Hadzabe tribes,See mo at Serengeti re of Lake Eyasi and go on Safari ...


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