vanaf 1.869€

Perfect 4.6rating (195)

Amazon Rainforest Conservation

2 - 6 weken  ·  Leeftijd 18 - 50+

rating  Perfect 4.6  · 
  Geverifieerd door Volunteer World
  Zeer hoog Responsgraad


  • Join conservation researchers and community development staff in their daily efforts to make a difference to the Amazon's phenomenal wildlife!
  • Experience the Amazon - the largest and most species-rich rainforest in the world
  • Contribute to garnering data and honing techniques, which are vitally important to the future of not just Manu National Park but also the entire Amazon rainforest ecosystem
  • Explore the local village with fellow volunteers!
  • Meet like-minded volunteers from all over the world!

Vooral geschikt voor

Leeftijd 18+

Over het programma

Volunteer in Peru and have a lasting impact on Amazon conservation efforts, in the Manu National park – one of the most diverse environments on earth. 🌿

About the Project

Join conservation researchers and community development staff in their daily efforts to make a difference to the Amazon's phenomenal wildlife!

Upon arrival at the project, which is situated on the fringe of Manú National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and only a short journey ...

Over het programma

About the Project

Join conservation researchers and community development staff in their daily efforts to make a difference to the Amazon's phenomenal wildlife!

Upon arrival at the project, which is situated on the fringe of Manú National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and only a short journey from the Inca capital of Cusco, you will learn what it takes to be part of a dedicated conservation team through an initial training process. This experience will help to educate you and give you a better understanding of conservation science and community development in the Amazon rainforest.

The Amazon is the largest and most species-rich rainforest in the world, covering a staggering 5.5 million km2 and due to its varied topography; the Manú Biosphere Reserve has one of highest levels of biodiversity of any national park. It is home to over 1000 species of birds, as well as larger wildlife including jaguar, puma, giant otter, giant anteater, giant armadillo and two and three-toed sloth. There are also 14 species of monkey, including marmoset, capuchin, tamarin, squirrel monkey, spider monkey and woolly monkey.

Volunteering in South America you are sure to have an unforgettable experience and will enjoy playing an integral part in conservation research and sustainable community initiatives. Doing so involves tasks such as data-collection, animal-tracking and survey-recording. By taking part in this project you will spend time working with fascinating wildlife and alongside local people, striving to create a truly sustainable Amazon environment. 

This project is at the forefront of conservation and research in one of the most ecologically important ecosystems in the world. The work undertaken here consists mainly of garnering data and honing techniques, which are vitally important to the future of not just Manu National Park but also the entire Amazon rainforest ecosystem. The project works towards:

Conservation Research: The project explores and supports the value of the Amazon rainforest through scientific research on its biodiversity and complex ecosystems. By studying endangered species and discovering new ones, the project is able to inform government decision making and help protect the rainforest from irreversible destruction.

Community Initiatives: Manu currently supports four native ethnic groups: the Machiguenga, the Mascho-Piro, the Yaminahua and the Amahuaca. These people are considered part of Manu's ecosystem and are left to use the area as they please. The project provides local communities with the finance and training needed to develop sustainable enterprises as well as education. This empowers people to create a positive future and diverts labour and resources away from damaging practices (such as logging and mining).

Prior To Arrival

If you are from the UK, USA, Canada, Australia or most of the EU you do not require a visa to come to Peru as a tourist as a stay of around 6 months is granted on arrival for tourism purposes.

You will need to arrive into Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport in Cusco on the start date of your project between 7am - 5pm where you will be picked up by a project representative and transferred to your hostel in Cusco. From here you will be transferred to every stage of the project.

For this project, you must be vaccinated against Hepatitis A, Typhoid Fever, and Tetanus. Other vaccinations required can depend on your medical history and specific requirements, we therefore recommend that you consult your GP regarding your own immunisation needs before travelling to Peru.

Dagelijkse activiteiten

Day 1-2 - The Adventure Begins:

Arrive at Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport, Cusco and transfer to temporary accommodation at a hostel in Cusco. You will spend the day acclimatising to the altitude and can explore the city. In the early evening, there is a briefing where you will meet ...

Dagelijkse activiteiten

Day 1-2 - The Adventure Begins:

Arrive at Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport, Cusco and transfer to temporary accommodation at a hostel in Cusco. You will spend the day acclimatising to the altitude and can explore the city. In the early evening, there is a briefing where you will meet your fellow volunteers and learn more about the project itself. The next day you will get a brief registration in the morning and then you will be able to explore Cusco and experience Andean culture. This day is also a great opportunity to ensure you have everything you need for the project and, if not, you can pick it up in Cusco. In the evenin,g you will be back at the hotel for a good night's sleep before travelling into the jungle the following morning.

Day 3 - Transfer to the Cloud Forest Lodge:

Today you will begin your trip to the Manu Biosphere over the Andes, through the cloud forest and into lowland Amazon. Upon arrival into the cloud forest you will have the opportunity to learn about the local ecosystems and hopefully meet the national bird of Peru, the Cock of the Rock. You will stay in lodge accommodation for the night.

Day 4 - Transfer to Manu National Park:

This is your final transfer to the project site which is a 3-hour journey through the foothills of the Andes and includes a visit to a cocoa plantation on the way. The final part of this journey is a 45-minute boat ride on the meandering Amazonas river. Upon arrival, you will settle into your accommodation before heading out into the jungle for your first taste of Amazonian living.

Day 5-9 - Training Period:

On these days you will learn about the aims of the project and the conservation tasks that take place, as well as learn how to live in the Amazon jungle safely. Education will also centre on indigenous species and how to recognise them. Training will be mainly field-based, but will also involve regular presentations.

Day 10-31 - Project Days:

Activities during these days will vary according to which of the smaller projects volunteers are assigned to day by day. There are usually morning and afternoon work sessions, interspersed with meals and breaks with Sunday being a rest day. Activities during these days include:

Amphibians & Reptile Monitoring:

Amphibians are excellent indicator species as they are extremely vulnerable to changes in their environment. Studying the way they use regenerating forest is therefore vital for assessing its conservation value. As a volunteer you will carry out transect surveys, walking slowly along a 100m trail through the forest looking for amphibians and reptiles. 

Avian Monitoring:

The field site location is one of the best places for bird watching in the world. As bird species composition and diversity can signify many different things about the forest, such as forest type, structure, age, health, and level and type of human impact you will conduct early morning transects along the reserve to listen and look for birds. This is important as not only is the ecology of many of these tropical foothill species poorly known, but the true value of regenerating forest for birds is understudied.

Mammal Monitoring Project:

Here the aim is to understand the importance of regenerating rainforest as habitat for different mammal species. So far more than 40 large mammal species have been recorded at the field location through survey methods such as transects, camera traps and tracking. Camera traps have suggested that 13 individual jaguars have been recorded at the field site since 2010. 


Butterflies are vitally important in pollinating the rainforest, and it is important to ensure that their populations are doing well. Join your group in setting up butterfly nets baited with fermented bananas to carefully capture, retrieve, and identify the specimens.


The project works specifically with local mothers to combat malnutrition, by providing resources and knowledge to build biogardens that produce nutritious, fresh food for families, and extra income through surplus crops. So far volunteers and local mothers have created over 50 family biogardens, and have helped build six institutional biogardens.

Day 32-33 - Final Days:

Transfer back to Cusco, spend the night in a city hostel and the next day transfer back to the airport for your return flights. Please note that a return airport transfer is not included in the project fee. 


On Sundays you will be free to relax and enjoy some fun activities with the other volunteers! The project is located in a very remote area so it is not possible to travel away from the project site, but on Sundays you will be able to go on walks, play football, read a book, or simply relax in the ...


On Sundays you will be free to relax and enjoy some fun activities with the other volunteers! The project is located in a very remote area so it is not possible to travel away from the project site, but on Sundays you will be able to go on walks, play football, read a book, or simply relax in the hammocks!



Minimum leeftijd: 18 jaar

Om deel te nemen aan het programma dien je tenminste 18 jaar oud te zijn op de startdatum van het programma. Er kunnen uitzonderingen gemaakt worden indien je een bewijs van toestemming kan aantonen van uw wettelijke voogd(en) of samen met je ouders deelneemt.


Je dient over volgende taalkennis te beschikken Engels (basis niveau)


Geen beperkingen. Helpende handen van over de hele wereld zijn welkom.

Andere vaardigheden

This project involves a fair amount of manual work, mainly involved in construction tasks. There are also many treks involved in the programme, and so a fairly high level of fitness is advised. No specific tasks or qualifications are required to partake in this project, simply a positive attitude, ability to work in a team and commitment to the cause and its aims.


Uw helpende hand wordt verwacht op maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag, vrijdag en zaterdag van 09:00 - 16:00

Diensten ingesloten

Diensten ingesloten

Diensten door The Great Projects

What's included in the price of the project? 
  • Cusco airport collection
  • 2 nights lodging in a hostel in Cusco at programme start
  • Transfers between Cusco and Manu National Park
  • An overnight stay in the cloud forest
  • Full training & orientation programme
  • Accommodation at the MLC in Manu National Park
  • Three meals per day
  • An additional night's lodging in Cusco at the programme's end

Afhaal aan de luchthaven op Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport

You will need to arrive into Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport in Cusco on the start date of your project between 7am - 5pm where you will be picked up by a project representative and transferred to your hostel in Cusco. From here you will be transferred to every stage of the project.


For the first two nights and last night in Cusco, you will stay in a comfortable hostel within the city centre in a twin room with en-suite bathroom and breakfast provided. The third night will be spent in a beautiful lodge within the cloud forest.

Accommodation whilst on the project at Manu National Park consists of comfortable and airy pods, which each feature two to three beds, bed linen, mosquito nets, and a magnificent view of the rainforest. There are toilets, solar-powered showers and a solar-powered internet connection.

Eten & Drank

Food is provided three times a day, and will consist of local style meals. This will include rice, vegetables, meat and fish and potatoes. Vegetarian and vegan diets can be catered for but we ask that we are notified at the time of booking, so that the team can prepare appropriate meals. 

Internet toegang

Beperkte toegang op de project site

Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

Wat is er NIET inbegrepen?

Vlucht tickets

De dichtste luchthaven is Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport (CUZ) in Cuzco. We assisteren u met het vinden van goedkope vluchten naar Peru. VIND GOEDKOPE VLUCHTEN


Naar het buitenland reizen is een avontuur en het is best om goed voorbereid te zijn. Plots ziek worden of gewond raken, annulaties of diefstal - een reisverzekering voor Peru biedt zekerheid en is een meerwaarde. KRIJG EEN OFFERTE


Als je de intentie hebt om als vrijwilliger aan de slag te gaan in Peru dien je eerst medisch advies in te winnen alvorens je eropuit trekt. Kijk de benodigde vaccinaties na voor Peru. VACCINATIE CHECKER

Gegevens over jouw aankomst

This project runs on specific start dates throughout the year, which can be seen below. Please contact us to find out whether your preferred start date is still available.

2023 - 14th Aug, 11th Sept, 9th Oct, 6th Nov, 4th Dec

2024 - 1st Jan, 29th Jan, 26th Feb, 25th Mar, 22nd Apr, 20th May, 17th Jun, 15th Jul, 12th Aug, 9th Sept, 7th Oct, 4th Nov, 2nd Dec

jan. feb. mrt. apr. mei. jun. jul. aug. sep. okt. nov. dec.


2 weken 2 dagen (min. verblijf) 1.869€
4 weken 5 dagen 2.744€
6 weken 2 dagen (max. verblijf) 3.619€
Gemiddelde kosten 696€/week


696€ per week 2 - 6 weken Leeftijd 18 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



2 - 6 weken


De waarborg dient om je plek als vrijwilliger te verzekeren. Betalingen worden door PayPal behandeld, onze betrouwbare betalingsprovider. Indien je niet over een PayPal account beschikt, kan je ook met een credit kaart betalen.

Finale betaling

Uw finale betaling zal worden goedgekeurd door The Great Projects gedurende de aanmeld procedure. Veel voorkomende oplossingen zijn een banktransfer of contante betaling op de projectsite.

Ontmoet je organisatie

The Great Projects

Perfect 4.6 rating (195 beoordelingen)

Agentschap - opgericht in 2003

Geverifieerd door Volunteer World

  Zeer hoog Responsgraad

Gepresenteerd door


Gesproken talen: Engels

Over de organisatie

The Great Projects work with organisations worldwide to establish high standards in animal welfare and conservation within the responsible tourism sector.

Ontmoet je organisatie

Looking to volunteer abroad with animals? Here at The Great Projects we believe that there is a better way to holiday. Our award-winning wildlife volunteering abroad with animals projects and signature tours are not only designed to provide truly unique and life-changing experiences for volunteering worldwide, but our donation and conservation pledges ensure that your travel will have a lasting and sustainable impact on some of the planet's most incredible and endangered species and the local communities which live alongside them.

It all began with The Great Orangutan Project in Malaysian Borneo and after a number of years working with local authorities, passionate project facilitators, and hard-working volunteers to create a sustainable, progressive, and effective project - The Great Projects decided to use the experiences and knowledge we had gained to expand our expertise to other projects in Asia, Africa, South America and Europe!

Now with over 35 projects, you can be confident in the fact that you’ll be able to volunteer with some of the world's most incredible wildlife species in completely breath-taking environments. From orangutans in the Bornean rainforest to whale sharks in the Indian Ocean; you’re sure to find something suited to your interests. What’s more, The Great Projects make sure that with us, volunteers are completely immersed into the heart of the matter, at site, delivering an experience like no other as you become familiar with the life of an animal keeper, game ranger, or wildlife conservationist.

Plus, every time someone volunteers with The Great Projects  in addition to their fee which covers accommodation, food, and transfers, we donate up to £350 to the project visited to help the project itself. Therefore, our ecotours and projects are not only designed to be an experience that you will remember for the rest of your life, but you will also join a project knowing that your travel truly does help to save endangered animals and the local communities with which they live alongside.

Here at The Great Projects, we believe that we should practice what we preach. We send volunteers to worldwide destinations on a range of truly unique and thoroughly worthwhile projects that make a real, sustainable difference to their causes. What’s more, The Great Projects provide them with dedicated UK-based staff that ensure volunteers have informative and friendly help throughout all stages of their experience, from initial enquiry to their return.

Through this, we can show volunteers that there is a better way to holiday. Our award-winning wildlife volunteering abroad with animals projects and signature tours are not only designed to provide truly unique and life-changing experiences for volunteering worldwide, but our donation and conservation pledges ensure that your travel will have a lasting and sustainable impact on some of the planet's most incredible and endangered species and the local communities which live alongside them.

Further, The Great Projects does not only aim to provide travel destinations that hold responsibility for animal welfare, but also to the environmental, economic and social impact of our conservation projects as a whole.


Here at The Great Projects, we are completely dedicated to providing our volunteers with the utmost protection with regards to health and safety.

Adventurous travel always involves some degree of risk. Our priority is to keep you safe and protect you as much as possible whilst still giving you an authentic experience of life in your chosen destination.

We conduct extensive risk assessments to make sure we have identified potential hazards and done everything we can to reduce them and we make sure you have the information you need about the destination you are visiting and how to stay safe and healthy while you are out there. We also are partnered with Endsleigh Insurance who are able to offer volunteers comprehensive insurance for all of our projects.

195 beoordelingen · rating4.6

The natural aura of the jungle was simply amazing. Sights and especially sounds at night. The sheer volume of rain smashing down at night, with the associated lightning eruption into the pods. And the fire-flies at dusk in the ...
Lissa rating4.4

2017 at Amazon Rainforest Conservation

I have so many special memories, but my favourite moment has to be seeing a rainbow boa curled around a branch watching us as we crept through the forest on a night trek. If you want an adventure and a journey of discovery I cannot recommend this trip highly enough. A truly amazing ...
Natascha Zeiler rating5

2024 at Wildlife Sanctuary Supporter

It was the best experience in my whole life. I will definitely return to see those great and special people living and working there again. I met so many great people from around the world. These two weeks were absolutely awesome. ..
Bente van Veggel rating4

2024 at Harnas Wildlife Sanctuary

I had the best time at Harnas. I met the most amazing people and I learned a lot in the 2 weeks I was there. I truly recommend spending time here for anyone who loves animals. ..
Petra Noordanus rating5

2024 at Wildlife Sanctuary Supporter

My experience with The Great Project is very good! I had a great time at Naankusé Wildlife Sanctuary. Everything was well organized and when we had changes to our arrival time at the last minute, this was arranged immediately. I recommend The Great ...
Sarah Dunn rating1.6

2024 at Elephant Conservation

To view these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat is truly an amazing experience! Interaction with the local community was also incredible. However the staff & Field Centre is not terribly welcoming, not good at sharing important information, and lacking energy. Nothing like it’s ...


Amerika > Zuid-Amerika > Peru > Manu National Park

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