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As a volunteer with Vivamar you’ll help in conservation and research of the last resident bottlenose dolphins in the off Istria, NE Adriatic Sea.

Last Bottlenose Dolphin Conservation in Istria, Croatia, NE Adriatic

VIVAMAR is the NGO, established in 2002, is the research team dedicated to the conservation of the Bottlenose Dolphins off Istria, Croatia. This dolphin volunteer program in North-eastern Adriatic focuses on the relationships, group ...

Descrizione della recensione

Last Bottlenose Dolphin Conservation in Istria, Croatia, NE Adriatic

VIVAMAR is the NGO, established in 2002, is the research team dedicated to the conservation of the Bottlenose Dolphins off Istria, Croatia. This dolphin volunteer program in North-eastern Adriatic focuses on the relationships, group size, composition and population dynamics, as well as obtaining scientific data about the fishing industry and negative influence from nautical tourism on the dolphin community. To volunteer for the last marine mammals in the area one of the aims is to ensure that sustainable and environmentally safe tourism is accomplished by offering certified training programs for dolphin watching. 

Persona di contatto

Darja Ribaric

Lingue parlate: Inglese
  Tasso di risposta moderato

VIVAMAR recensioni

Antonio Ilic rating5,0

2019 at Dolphin Conservation & Research

I joined Vivamar as a volunteer to gain skills in dolphin monitoring and to collect data for my undergraduate thesis project. From the very beginning even during my first email conservation Darja the project leader was very helpful and enthusiastic. Whilst volunteering I learnt essential skills for ...
Linn Samualson rating4,8

2019 at Dolphin Conservation & Research

Personally, this project gave a strong impact on me. It was a great feeling to know that you are contributing to something good in the world. It was also a fun experience with a lot of laughter! I felt very safe during the project and in the village. I could always trust our host Darja and knew that ...
Jessica rating4,8

2019 at Dolphin Conservation & Research

Volunteering with Darja and Vivamar was both exciting AND educational – until now I never knew how endangered this marine ecosystem was or just how much more we could be doing to preserve the way of life of these beautiful mammals. Out in the Vivamar Research Boat most days we were able to get up ...
Isabel rating5,0

2016 at Dolphin Conservation & Research

The time I spent with the project leader and the other volunteers was an experience I surely will never forget. You get a good insight into the life of the dolphins living in the adriatic sea and the threats that endanger them. This knowledge that we gained from this dedicated Dolphin conservation ...
Project for the bottlenose dolphins which was a total jackpot… After a short search on volunteer opportunities I became quickly aware of the project for the bottlenose dolphins, which was, in my opinion, a total jackpot. From the first day on I got the feeling I was into something important. ..
I have always been into the sea and dolphins so I was really excited when I found out this project for dolphin conservation. I thought to volunteer for such a purpose would be a good thing. When I had to choose what to do for my matura, final work exam at school, I asked if I could do it about ...

VIVAMAR inserzioni

VIVAMAR località

VIVAMAR focus del progetto

UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Life Below Water