à partir de 301€

Fantastique 4.5rating (18)

Leatherback Turtle Conservation

1 - 12 semaines  ·  Âge 18 - 50+

rating  Fantastique 4.5  · 
  Vérifié par Volunteer World
  Taux de réponse très élevé


  • Help us protect endangered leatherback turtles!
  • Take this opportunity to work with nesting turtles and to observe the babies hatch!
  • Experience the Pura Vide lifestyle of Costa Ricans!
  • Explore the local village with fellow volunteers!
  • Meet fellow volunteers from around the globe!

Particulièrement approprié pour

Âge 18+
Seul voyageur

À propos du programme

The program works with the local community, trained in sea turtle conservation who work together with volunteers to protect endangered turtles.

About the Program
Pacuare beach is located on the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica. Surrounded by beautiful nature, Pacuare beach is very remote, only accessible by boat, and it is a nesting site for Leatherback, Green and occasionally Hawksbill turtles. 

Illegal egg poaching and hunting for sea ...

À propos du programme

About the Program
Pacuare beach is located on the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica. Surrounded by beautiful nature, Pacuare beach is very remote, only accessible by boat, and it is a nesting site for Leatherback, Green and occasionally Hawksbill turtles. 

Illegal egg poaching and hunting for sea turtles, pollution and beach erosion are threatening the survival of the already critically endangered animals in Pacuare. This has caused an alarming decline in turtles being born on this beach. In particular the 7.1 km covered by the program are in danger, it has no legal protection whatsoever. Volunteers play a very important role in changing this situation. In Costa Rica the poaching of sea turtles or sea turtle eggs is considered a crime by the Law 8325, but the enforcement remains rather difficult.

This conservation program works together with the local community, former poachers trained in sea turtle conservation who, together with volunteers protect the critically endangered animals. The program does nightly beach patrols and operates a hatchery to protect the fragile eggs . 
Volunteers play an important part in Pacuare, as their fees generate an income for the local inhabitants. We strive to increase alternative livelihoods for coastal communities to take the need for poaching and hunting turtles away. From March to October, volunteers help patrol 7.1 km of nesting beach, collecting important data on nesting female turtles and their nests. Outside of main nesting season, volunteers are needed to help with vital hatchery construction and station maintenance.

The Location
The program is located on a remote Caribbean beach in Costa Rica, 2km north of the Pacuare river mouth. It covers 7,1 km of coastline of a black sand barrier, surrounded by rain forest and several coastal lagoons and palm swamp forests. The beach is part of the 50 km stretch between Tortuguero National Park (famous for its sea turtles) on the north Caribbean coast and the Port of Limón city. Fresh water canals and the tropical vegetation in Pacuare provide habitat for not only an abundant quantity of birds and mammals such as monkeys, tamanduas, raccoons, coati, sloths, but also for manatees and fresh water dolphins, turtles, crocodiles and iguanas. 
The area is not only unique in every way, but is also a famous nesting site for many Leatherback, Hawksbill and Green sea turtles that come ashore to lay their eggs. 
Remember we do not have standard electricity (we use solar panels), there are no grocery stores, no roads, and no public phone service or internet facilities.
You will need to purchase a SIM card from ICE Kölbi (1000 colones), due to the fact that this is the only provider that works in Pacuare and in most remote areas. Your phone needs to be 3G and unblocked for it to work.

The Best Time to Volunteer
At the Caribbean Pacuare program, sea turtle work depends on nesting seasons. From March - October you have the chance to work with nesting turtles and to observe the babies hatch (usually from May to November). Volunteers who want to participate during November - February will support our program with maintenance work at the station, beach clean-ups and beach preparation for turtle season, hatchery construction, inventory, etc. to keep the program station and our surroundings in good shape.

What to Bring
Pack for hot weather and dirty conditions. Lightweight, DARK and fast-drying articles are best. Don’t bring denim. It NEVER dries in tropical humidity.

  • Besides sufficient t-shirts and shorts, also dark* long sleeved shirts and long trousers for the nightly patrols
  • Raincoat or poncho, mosquito protection, Anti-ich 
  • Plenty of socks/ underwear
  • Swimsuits; Sunglasses/ hat; Towels (fast drying); Sunblock, A water bottle; Alarm clock
  • Headlamp with RED LIGHT – essential for night work since sea turtles don’t get disturbed by this light.
  • Padlock
  • Extra batteries, or a charger with rechargeable batteries
  • Day backpack for hikes 
  • Close-toed beach shoes that can get wet; Flip flops; Sneakers
Why Choose Us?

  • Observe giant Leatherbacks, beautiful Green and rare Hawksbill turtles in the wild
  • Actively protect endangered species from being poached
  • Support a good cause and to contribute to the improvement of local living conditions and the economy, to minimize poaching
  • Live surrounded by nature and in a remote place which offers a unique experience for everyone who is used to a modern life style

Journée typique

Volunteers will work 6 days per week, with one day off . This will be coordinated upon arrival.
Volunteers will participate in the following activities:

Night Patrol: 
Between March and November volunteers, international research assistants and local research assistants of the community of Pacuare ...

Journée typique

Volunteers will work 6 days per week, with one day off . This will be coordinated upon arrival.
Volunteers will participate in the following activities:

Night Patrol: 
Between March and November volunteers, international research assistants and local research assistants of the community of Pacuare will patrol the beach in three sectors (ca. 2.4 km each) and two shifts from 8 pm to 12 am and 12 am to 4 am. It will take at least 4 hours to patrol the beach effectively and if a nesting turtle is found, the eggs will be collected and relocated into a hatchery. 
The turtle work will be done following an official protocol and involves tagging, taking biometry and other important data of the nesting female. Former poachers using their know how and now trained in conservation techniques together with previously trained volunteers carry out the important work and are also responsible for guarding the nests at the hatchery and releasing baby turtles.

The Nest Hatchery:
The hatchery is an area prepared, cleaned and fenced on beach, exactly located on correct beach zones to relocate the nests by specie. This enclosure needs protection 24/7 and you will be involved in this work, by doing 4 - 6 hours shifts. You will receive training to relocate nests in this area, take environmental, physical and biological parameters.

Day shifts:
Day time work can be anything from beach cleaning, hatchery maintenance, station upkeep, and light construction.
Day shifts will be for approx. 2 hours in the morning, and 2 hours in the afternoon.
please note from February to April we will be constructing the hatchery - and most day shifts will involve shoveling sand!

Activités de loisirs

Volunteers receive one free day per week, but due to the remoteness of the program there are few activities to do! Time is spent catching up on sleep, relaxing on the beach or sharing with the local community. We often organize football or volleyball games with the locals.
For an additional cost, ...

Activités de loisirs

Volunteers receive one free day per week, but due to the remoteness of the program there are few activities to do! Time is spent catching up on sleep, relaxing on the beach or sharing with the local community. We often organize football or volleyball games with the locals.
For an additional cost, you can take a boat trip to Tortuguero, and the National Park.

There are many areas to walk or hike to , for wildlife spotting - including monkeys, sloths, crocodiles and birds!
Our staff can help with organizing any free time activities.



Âge minimum: 18 ans

Pour participer à ce programme tu dois avoir au moins 18 ans quand le programme commence. Il peut y avoir des exceptions si tu peux montrer la permission de ton tuteur légal ou si tu es accompagné(e) par l'un de tes parents.

Compétences linguistiques

Tu dois parler Anglais (niveau de base) et Espagnol (niveau de base)

Documents Requis

Letter of motivation

Restrictions de Nationalité

Aucune restriction. De l'aide venant de tous les coins du monde est bienvenu.

Autres Compétences

Enthusiasm and willingness to work! Prepared to adapt to basic conditions, and live without modern ameneties. Willingness to work at night. Good level of physical fitness.

Engagement horaire

Nous avons besoin de ton aide pour lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi et dimanche

Services inclus

Services inclus

Services de Latin American Sea Turtles

  • Orientation in San Jose
  • Volunteer manual
  • On site training
  • 3 meals per day
  • Shared accommodation at program
  • All materials used for conservation duties
  • Qualified staff 24/7
  • Fee does not include return boat transportation.

    13% VAT will be added to your final invoice


  • Shared beach cabins, dorm style, shared bathrooms
  • Basic but comfortable accommodation
  • No electricity (solar energy)

Aliments & Boissons

Breakfast, lunch and dinner provided. We can cater for any dietary requirements. Local costa rican cuisine is served - expect lots of rice and beans, vegetables, salads, pasta, plantains etc.
Cold drinks, tea and coffee are also available.
We can cater for all dietary requirements - please be sure to disclose this when you visit the office.

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

Transfert de l'aéroport Juan Santamaria International Airport

Le transfert de l'aéroport n'est pas inclus dans les frais non plus.

Accès à Internet

Désolé, aucun accès sur le site du projet

Billets d'avion

L'aéroport le plus proche est Juan Santamaria International Airport (SJO) à San Jose. Nous t'aidons à trouver des vols pas chers pour aller en Costa Rica. TROUVER DES VOLS PAS CHERS

Assurance Voyage

Partir à l'étranger est une aventure et c'est toujours mieux d'être bien préparé. Que ce soit une maladie soudaine, une blessure ou du vol - une assurance voyage pour Costa Rica te protège en cas de situation imprévue. OBTENIR UN DEVIS


Si tu envisages de faire du bénévolat en Costa Rica, nous te conseillons de consulter un médecin avant le début de ton voyage. Renseigne-toi sur les vaccins nécessaires pour Costa Rica. INFOS VACCINS

Informations sur l'arrivée

Arrival and departure days are Mondays and Thursdays only.

We will arrange a meeting with before traveling to the project, so we recommend booking flights that arrive on Sundays or Wednesdays, and have one night in San Jose.

You must bring a copy of your passport, a copy of your insurance travel or health, and full payment.

janv. févr. mars avril mai juin juil. août sept. oct. nov. déc.

Frais de Programme

1 semaine (durée min.) 301€
2 semaines 564€
3 semaines 827€
4 semaines 1 090€
6 semaines 1 617€
8 semaines 2 143€
12 semaines (durée max.) 3 196€
Prix moyen 283€/semaine

Frais de Programme

283€ par semaine 1 - 12 semaines Âge 18 - 50+

Méthodes de payement

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



1 - 12 semaines


L'acompte sert à réserver ta place avec l'organisation. Les paiements sont effectués par Paypal, notre partenaire de confiance pour les solutions de paiements internationales. Si tu n'as pas Paypal, tu peux également utiliser ta carte de crédit.

Paiement final

Le paiement du montant restant doit être organisé avec Latin American Sea Turtles durant le processus de candidature. Très souvent ce paiement est effectué par virement bancaire ou en espèces.

Rencontrez votre hôte

Latin American Sea Turtles

Fantastique 4.5 rating (18 avis)

Non lucratif - fondée en 2013

Vérifié par Volunteer World

  Taux de réponse très élevé

Hébergé par


Langues parlées: Anglais, Espagnol

Sur le projet

LAST (Latin American Sea Turtles) is dedicated to protecting and conserving endangered sea turtles on the Pacific and Caribbean Coasts of Costa Rica.

Rencontrez votre hôte

Who we are?

LAST (Latin American Sea Turtles) Association (formerly WIDECAST-Costa Rica) is a Costa Rican group with 11 members and a directive board of 5, working together to make a change in sea turtle conservation. We are member of WIDECAST, an international scientific network with country coordinators resident in more than 40 countries and territories of the Wider Caribbean Region. Our field teams are integrated by local assistants with unparalleled experience in sea turtle research and conservation, people with vast experience working with volunteers and environmental enthusiasts developing creative strategies to avoid the extinction of these species.

With close to thirty years' experience working with Costa Rican sea turtles, Latin American Sea Turtles Association Staff are experts when it comes to sea turtle population management, community based conservation, coastal management and volunteer assisted research.

Our Vision

Our vision is to realize a future where all inhabitants of the Costa Rican coasts, human and sea turtle alike, can live together in balance; where healthy populations of sea turtles fulfill their ecological roles and economic potential; and critical natural habitats are sustainably managed.

Our Work

In our effort to create environments where humans and sea turtles can live together in balance, we have developed different programs. The first, a group of conservation and research programs both on the Caribbean and Southern Pacific coasts of Costa Rica. The Caribbean program is located in Cahuita, Moin and Pacuare beaches, where we focus on the nesting of leatherback, green and hawksbill turtles, while the South Pacific program is located in Osa Peninsular, where we work in the recovery of mangrove forests and sea grass beds as well as the studies of the rare Eastern Pacific hawksbill turtles.

We have also generated a voluntourism program to create alternative livelihoods by training local partners on how to receive volunteers and tourism in community homestays. This increases strongly their local opportunities to have a better income and reduces the pressure over the turtles, their eggs and their critical habitats.

Besides that, we initiated programs to monitor reefs, train the park rangers in monitoring turtle nesting and educate hundreds of local students on the importance of marine and coastal conservation. Finally we also advise the government on marine environments, participate in several local, national and international networks and publish articles to improve the knowledge about the ocean and its life.

Why do we need your help?

The global oceans are showing an important decline in health and abundance. Sea turtles as important creatures of these ecosystems do not escape from this critical status. The multiple anthropic threats and the permanent impact of several human activities over sea turtles keep them in a critical endangered condition.

You and your help are crucial for the future of the oceans and sea turtles. Your time and hands make the difference to many baby turtles, to nesting turtle mothers and to incredible and productive tropical coastal ecosystems. Also your contribution supports the economy of the local communities we are working with. The results are better living conditions for local people and turtles alike.

Finally, you will be better human being, with great memories and incredible experiences for future. In our win-win programs you will enjoy hands on participation, undertaking conservation like no other.

What can you expect from us?

Latin American Sea Turtles guarantees a full experience of hard work, a direct interaction with sea turtles and their critical habitats. You will be participating in the development of proven, effective and interesting conservation practices, that will lead to understanding the true conservation with the participation of key stakeholders in the community. Full of experiences that enrich their lives, rebusterecean knowledge and skills for the future. It will work in multi-ethnic, multicultural and multilingual human teams that lead to extreme challenges of experience to save the life of our oceans. There’s no doubt that you will make a difference by supporting the survival of these amazing creatures: Sea Turtles!

Do I need to speak Spanish?

No, but it helps to communicate with your host families and locals.

When is the best time to volunteer?

Minimum participation time is one week at Latin American Sea Turtles. The best time to volunteer depends on the program you choose. Working with turtles is at some programs only available certain months a year because they depend on the nesting seasons. 

Why do I have to pay for my volunteering experience?

Our prices reflect the needs we have as a non-profit organization dedicated to sea turtle conservation and the improvement of local livelihoods. The rate includes an introduction; training for the work; volunteers' manual with general information about us, the program, sea turtles and your expected duties; professional assistance; three meals, and lodging in shared facilities. The money you spend for volunteering will be used towards your host family or accommodation, salaries of our local Latin American Sea Turtles staff, operation costs of the project (including boat and motor) rescue and rehabilitation center, and equipment and materials used for all the sea turtle conservation, as well as activities in environmental education and outreach.

18 avis · rating4.5

Bethany Rawson rating3.8

2022 at Leatherback Turtle Conservation

Positives - The training from the staff was great and I couldn't fault their support during the week. Working with the turtles and doing hatchery duty is a once in a lifetime opportunity so although tough at times, it was well worth it. Negatives - the information both on Volunteer World and ...
Claire Ceresa rating3.8

2022 at Leatherback Turtle Conservation

I spent 2 weeks at the Conservation Pacuare of LAST and it's one of the most amazing experience I've ever done ! The accomodation are very simple, no electricity, no connection, shared bathrooms, but you completely forgot about all of this after spending one night working with the leatherback ...
George Heywood rating5

2021 at Leatherback Turtle Conservation

Volunteering with LAST was truly incredible, would thoroughly recommend! Leo the co-ordinator and the research assistants Thona, Elena, Bella and Ruben were all so passionate and welcoming and the turtles were truly incredible, it was a real privilege to see them and get to work with them. The ...
Unknown rating4.8

2017 at Leatherback Turtle Conservation

The staff have trained me well for my first turtle encounter on patrol! I have loved talking to the biologist, and research assistants, as well as the locals and other volunteers. This beach is beautiful, and although it is sad to see the trash pile up, it makes me more aware and I feel motivated to ...
Cora Deschene rating5

2017 at Leatherback Turtle Conservation

I had a wonderful time at the Paquare program. Really inviting group, the bioligist and bioligist assistants were all very friendly and knowledgable. They cabins were cozy. Your given lots of free time between volunteer work activities. You are completely off the grid however, no wifi, limited data ...
Isabella Jusko rating4.2

2017 at Leatherback Turtle Conservation

This was worth the money and a very fulfilling, educational experience. I met great people here—ones that I will remember forever. You must be somewhat in a good physical condition to do the digging and patrols here, but I promise it is very rewarding! We were well trained with what to do with the ...


Amériques > Amérique centrale > Costa Rica > Barra de Pacuare

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  Taux de réponse très élevé
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