à partir de 1 150€

Génial 4.7rating (20)

Humpback Whale Research

2 - 8 semaines  ·  Âge 18 - 50+

rating  Génial 4.7  · 
  Vérifié par Volunteer World
  Taux de réponse très élevé


  • Bridging crucial data gaps for a better understanding of the conservation status of the humpback whale subpopulation, assisting conservation strategy development in the region.
  • Participating in systematic small boat surveys censusing charismatic humpbacks, witnessing loads of surface activities.
  • Experiencing research activities in the most data deficient yet incredibly biodiverse area of the West Indian Ocean – Tanzania.
  • Honing your filed data collection techniques, enhancing theoretical knowledge, learning data management and analysis, developing report writing skills.
  • Working alongside a combined team of passionate locals and experts in cetacean research, giving a great platform to learn a deeply about the research and the site.

Particulièrement approprié pour

Âge 18+
Seul voyageur

À propos du programme

Focuses on monitoring of the migrating humpback whales in Tanzania, via boat surveys with data collection on distribution, behaviour, photo-ID and acoustics.

The project focuses on monitoring of the migrating humpback whales in Tanzania waters, using variety of methods, including systematic small boat surveys with data collection on distribution, behaviour, group cohesion, photo identification and acoustics, in strategically selected areas. The project ...

À propos du programme

The project focuses on monitoring of the migrating humpback whales in Tanzania waters, using variety of methods, including systematic small boat surveys with data collection on distribution, behaviour, group cohesion, photo identification and acoustics, in strategically selected areas. The project will begin around the 15th of August, so please be mindful of this when selecting dates for a project application.

The Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) - is a cosmopolitan species which undertakes extensive annual migrations, and yearly arriving to Tanzania waters for breeding activities, and are observed around the Archipelago of Zanzibar from July to October. Tanzania is witnessing remarkable recovery of these charismatic baleen whales after the sever depletion of the population by industrial whaling. Despite being the most studied species globally, there has been very limited research conducted in Tanzania, leaving a considerable data gap, which prevents a conservation status assessment. The current project aims to enhance information on species ecology, population structure, connectivity, abundance estimates, distribution, migration patterns, habitat use and breeding ecology by conducting pertinent research that began in 2018.

By participating in the research, you’ll help to bridge crucial data gap for better understanding of the conservation status of the humpback subpopulation which will assist conservation strategy development in the region. At the same time, you’ll have an opportunity to explore cultural and historical sites of Zanzibar, which are part of the UNESCO world heritage, as well as visit its terrestrial national parks with loads of endemic species and variety of habitats including rain forests and mangroves. 

We expect volunteers to be promptly, and passionate, and willing to get stuck in with the exciting research, we recommend to bring binoculars.

Journée typique

        There are up to 3 small boat surveys a week from stunning locations around Zanzibar (subject to suitable weather);

        The survey starts with the first light, it is an early wake up on the day. The survey lasts for 4-6 hours. By lunch the team is back at the ...

Journée typique

        There are up to 3 small boat surveys a week from stunning locations around Zanzibar (subject to suitable weather);

        The survey starts with the first light, it is an early wake up on the day. The survey lasts for 4-6 hours. By lunch the team is back at the accommodation base, and have the whole afternoon for processing collected data, learning and resting.

        Practical and theoretical daily trainings on GIS mapping, Photo-identification, Discovery software and Logger 2010 software, efficient use of Excel, R for statistical analysis, systematic data collection and data analysis are available and will be provided based on needs and planned learning schedule.

        Bad weather days will be dedicated to learning and data processing.

        There is always room for site seeing and touristic activities in the spare time.  

●        The day may start very early as boat based surveys will start at sunrise,  non-survey days will begin at 9am.

Activités de loisirs

Leisure activities (all at extra cost):


        Jozani Forest National Park visit

        Stone Town – UNESCO cultural heritage

        Various ruins – UNESCO cultural heritage

        Endless white sand beaches

Activités de loisirs

Leisure activities (all at extra cost):


        Jozani Forest National Park visit

        Stone Town – UNESCO cultural heritage

        Various ruins – UNESCO cultural heritage

        Endless white sand beaches

        Sunset Cruises

        Prison Island

        Grave Island

        Sand bank

        Stand Up Paddling in mangroves



Âge minimum: 18 ans

Pour participer à ce programme tu dois avoir au moins 18 ans quand le programme commence. Il peut y avoir des exceptions si tu peux montrer la permission de ton tuteur légal ou si tu es accompagné(e) par l'un de tes parents.

Compétences linguistiques

Tu dois parler Anglais (niveau de base)

Restrictions de Nationalité

Aucune restriction. De l'aide venant de tous les coins du monde est bienvenu.

Autres Compétences

● Genuine interest in marine conservation, self-motivated, working responsibly ● Physical fitness and mental endurance - for long hours at sea ● Ability to cohabit in a dynamic and multicultural environment ● Respect for the project's rules and work ethics; learning new techniques ● Willingness to learn new software and field techniques ● Ability to handle equipment responsibly and with due care ● Background in marine biology and previous fieldwork experience are an advantage

Engagement horaire

Nous avons besoin de ton aide pour lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi et samedi

Services inclus

Services inclus

Services de DMAD

-Accommodation in a shared with other volunteers and researchers house

-Transportation to the survey sites in Zanzibar

-Training and lectures with a copy of the lecture on PDF

-Fieldwork (boat surveys)

-Use of the equipment (subject to respective skills)

Transfert de l'aéroport Zanzibar International Airport

You’ll be collected by one of our team members at the arrivals lounge at the airport of Zanzibar, and brought to the volunteers house for settling in. 
This will take approximately 15 minutes.


You’ll live in the Mbweni area, only 3 km away from the Stone Town – the cultural heart of Zanzibar. The accommodation is included in the participation fee. Volunteers will have a bed in a shared room with access to a communal kitchen and bathroom. There are supermarkets, cafes and a beach in a  walking distance from the house. 

Accès à Internet

Bon accès sur le site du projet

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

Aliments & Boissons

Aliments, collations et boissons sont disponibles contre supplément.

Billets d'avion

L'aéroport le plus proche est Zanzibar International Airport (ZNZ) à Zanzibar. Nous t'aidons à trouver des vols pas chers pour aller en Tanzanie. TROUVER DES VOLS PAS CHERS

Assurance Voyage

Partir à l'étranger est une aventure et c'est toujours mieux d'être bien préparé. Que ce soit une maladie soudaine, une blessure ou du vol - une assurance voyage pour Tanzanie te protège en cas de situation imprévue. OBTENIR UN DEVIS


Si tu envisages de faire du bénévolat en Tanzanie, nous te conseillons de consulter un médecin avant le début de ton voyage. Renseigne-toi sur les vaccins nécessaires pour Tanzanie. INFOS VACCINS

Informations sur l'arrivée

You can start as of mid-July onwards for a period of 2-12 weeks.

You’ll be collected by one of our team members at the airport of Zanzibar, and brought to the volunteers house for settling in. You’ll receive pre-departure information where everything you need to know about staying in Zanzibar will be provided. Exact schedule of activities and field work will be discussed in detail upon your arrival. 

janv. févr. mars avril mai juin juil. août sept. oct. nov. déc.

Frais de Programme

2 semaines (durée min.) 1 150€
4 semaines 1 725€
8 semaines (durée max.) 3 450€
Prix moyen 503€/semaine

Frais de Programme

503€ par semaine 2 - 8 semaines Âge 18 - 50+

Méthodes de payement

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



2 - 8 semaines


L'acompte sert à réserver ta place avec l'organisation. Les paiements sont effectués par Paypal, notre partenaire de confiance pour les solutions de paiements internationales. Si tu n'as pas Paypal, tu peux également utiliser ta carte de crédit.

Paiement final

Le paiement du montant restant doit être organisé avec DMAD durant le processus de candidature. Très souvent ce paiement est effectué par virement bancaire ou en espèces.

Rencontrez votre hôte


Génial 4.7 rating (20 avis)

Non lucratif - fondée en 2016

Vérifié par Volunteer World

  Taux de réponse très élevé

Hébergé par


Langues parlées: Anglais

Sur le projet

DMAD, is a non-profit and a non-governmental organization that aims to create an ecological consciousness through its scientific research and outreach activities.

Rencontrez votre hôte

Who is DMAD?
DMAD-Marine Mammals Research Association was established in 2015 to understand the current situation of cetacean species, to gather baseline knowledge which is an essential tool for their effective conservation and to assess human pressures within the territorial waters of Turkey.

What we do?
Our research efforts have identified critical habitats for both coastal and deep-sea species within the territorial waters of Turkey, contributing to the selection of Istanbul Strait and its adjacent waters as an “Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMA)” and the Gulf of Antalya selected as an “Area of Interest” by the Marine Mammal Task Force. The research in partnership with WWF-Turkey and TUDAV led to the acceptance of Istanbul Strait and its adjacent waters as an IMMA. Furthermore, the first ever dedicated research effort, covering the entire waters of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea of Turkey, has now been started by DMAD. Rather than restricting survey efforts to the summer months like many research projects, DMAD also considers the spatial-temporal distribution of these important species within our waters. Turkey is a country that holds critical habitats for cetaceans such as foraging, nursing, and socializing grounds for coastal and deep-diving species, throughout its waters in the Turkish Strait System, Aegean Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean. Our research effort highlights the invaluable importance of these waters for top predators that are known as climate warriors. 

While taking a scientific approach to the assessment of species and the existing threats, DMAD values the importance of public engagement for the successful implementation of project results and in-situ conservation actions and therefore have developed public awareness projects and capacity enrichment both for early career researchers, students and anyone interested in learning.

Where we work? 
We carry out our projects at Turkey and Montenegro where both country and the regions we work are completely safe and more over popular with national and international tourists. There are no particular special health requirements needed. 

In Turkey, our projects cover Istanbul Strait, Dilek Peninsula (Kuşadası), the Gulf of Antalya the entire Eastern Mediterranean Sea of Turkey, covering the coastal and deep-sea habitats between Gocek and Hatay.

Istanbul is one of the most beautiful cities in the entire world with its historical places, social life and fascinating view of the Strait all the way long with wonderful touristic attractions. Contrary to the extremely active nature of Istanbul, Dilek Peninsula has a peaceful environment with its protected land and waters although it is in very attractive and busy city boundaries called Kuşadası on the Aegean Sea coast. Following the beautiful Aegean Sea, we sail through entire Eastern Mediterranean Sea of Turkey from one of the tourist hotspots, the Gulf of Antalya to Hatay the southernmost city of Turkey with remarkable monuments and spectacular cuisine.

We have also many projects and volunteer placements at Montenegro. Anyone considering to join our program is welcome to visit our office at Kotor Old Town in Montenegro. Also, accommodation house for volunteers is at Tivat close to the port of Montenegro, a city not far from Kotor. We run our projects at Bar and Budva regions.

For both the country we carry out our research are safe and no need for extra health requirements. Moreover, working is like is more fun and fulfilling than a holiday in those regions that are mostly preferred for touristic reasons.

Our mission and vision
The projects of DMAD stretch from one of the busiest waterways in the entire world, the Istanbul Strait, to the protected waters of the Dilek Peninsula, while conducting dedicated effort in one of the tourist hotspots, the Gulf of Antalya and more recently the entire Eastern
Mediterranean Sea of Turkey, covering the coastal and deep-sea habitats between Gocek and Hatay. While taking a scientific approach to the assessment of species and the existing threats, DMAD values the importance of public engagement for the successful implementation of project results and in-situ conservation actions and therefore have developed public awareness projects and capacity enrichment both for early career researchers, students and anyone interested in learning. 

Turkey is a country that holds critical habitats for cetaceans. Our research effort highlights the invaluable importance of these waters for top predators that are known as climate warriors. Yet, our effort has also revealed sharp declines in the sighting rates of species since 2015 and an ever-increasing uncontrolled human presence within the same waters. With the current pandemic our world is facing, this is a year to question our actions and understand how fragile we actually are if we do not work hand in hand with nature. We believe that self-awareness' will create the CHANGE we need for our survival that completely relies on decreasing our footprint on the only planet we know we can live on! In order to trigger this, DMAD values particularly to build public awareness efforts as well as
scientific and educational projects. DMAD has been already taken an important role in Marine conservation actions not only regional but also internationally. Our energetic and dynamic team with its dedicated soul had extended the research boundaries from Turkey to Montenegro with new projects.

Our goals
Our goals are determination of more critical habitats for cetaceans such as foraging, nursing, and socialising areas at both Turkey and Montenegro and taking conservation actions. Filling the information gap about these precious creatures through our research efforts both at the sea and the land. Giving volunteers and local people more chance to be active in the research and the conservation actions.

Widening the education opportunities for from researcher to anyone who is willing to learn more.

Who are we looking for?
People who are
*Interested in nature studies,
*Willing to learn and take responsibility,
* Those who want to improve themselves in practical and scientific methods in the field of marine mammal research.

Why choose us
DMAD offers nature lovers and scientists keen on marine mammal research to conduct scientific research in a pleasant environment in stunningly beautiful and safe waters. In addition, being the working areas are not far from the tourist attractions, the time on the land can be also lively and enjoyable depending on the season. Moreover, DMAD provides the opportunity to experience traditional and technological
methods in the field, as well as providing certified trainings such as ' “ACCOBAMS High Quality Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring” As a young organization whose projects are supported by highly respected international organizations, DMAD already has more than 38 articles and publications, most of which are in peer-reviewed journals. For those who are not able to participate in the program, we also have the distance internship programs covers some hot topics such as ‘Interpretation of Scientific Data’, Geographical Information System; and also, video trainings that 3500 people benefit from free of charge.

20 avis · rating4.7

Greta Liscio rating5

2024 at Humpback Whale Research

The time I spent volunteering in Tanzania was amazing. Basecamp was in a dream location, the team felt like a family, they made me feel welcomed and at home from second one. Plus, the research is really legit and follows high academic standards, procedures, as well as methodologies. This project is ...
Violette Coppens rating5

2023 at Humpback Whale Research

I joined during the first 2 weeks of this program. No words are sufficient to describe what a life altering experience that was, on so many levels... 1) Cetacean biodiversity and numbers: WAUW 🤩🤩🤩🤩 Every time we sailed we saw so many animals... Humpback whales playing with Spinner ...
Eliane Moine rating2.4

2024 at MDR-Montenegro Dolphin Research

During my stay in July 2024, we unfortunately did not have the opportunity to take part in as much practical work as indicated in the description (only 1-2 land surveys each of app. 4-5h duration per week, 1 boat survey per month). Instead, the work included a lot of self-studying. During free time ...
Nina Fulep rating4.4

2023 at MDR-Montenegro Dolphin Research

Dmad is a very personable and small ngo located at the coast near kotor in Montenegro. It has a small team and many lovely interns you will spend your time with. I was amazed at the freedom to choose our own projects and the opportunity to publish your work using DMAD's data, you don't get that ...
Nathalie Porsiel rating5

2022 at MDR-Montenegro Dolphin Research

I am now 5 weeks in Montenegro volunteering at DMAD. So what can I say? I love the freedom we have in choosing what we want to learn additionally to the land and boat surveys to record dolphins and their behavior. Doing the work for the training on GIS or photo-ID can be challenging, but if I can ...
Yildirim Mutlu rating4.8

2022 at MDR-Montenegro Dolphin Research

There is just one word to explain 2022 East Mediterranean Summer Survey “FANTASTIC”. I’m definitely grateful to become a part of the Marine Mammals Research Association on this research expedition project. From beginning to finish (actually I should use nautical terms anymore as a ...


Afrique > Afrique orientale > Tanzanie > Mwbeni, Zanzibar

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