à partir de 1 000€

Excellent 4.8rating (7)

Empower Students with vital IT skills

6 - 16 semaines  ·  Âge 18 - 50+

rating  Excellent 4.8  · 
  Vérifié par Volunteer World


  • Empower young students in Africa with digital & soft skills
  • Gain insights in social entrepreneurship in Africa by visiting our local tech start-ups
  • Enjoy living in a typical Ghanian community - close to the Beach
  • Feel true appreciation of our students - they love our program
  • Build skills in fundraising and keep our project alive

Particulièrement approprié pour

Âge 18+
Seul voyageur

À propos du programme

Grow Ghana seeks to empower and orient students with digital & soft skills that really matter for their future with the help of our local team and volunteers from abroad.

We care about true impact. This is why we put a high effort in designing, preparing and conducting the school workshops. We are dedicated to empower our students to make a real change & impact for Ghana.

  • Key part of our program are workshops at schools with pupils aged 12-18 years (Junior & Senior ...

À propos du programme

We care about true impact. This is why we put a high effort in designing, preparing and conducting the school workshops. We are dedicated to empower our students to make a real change & impact for Ghana.

  • Key part of our program are workshops at schools with pupils aged 12-18 years (Junior & Senior High School)
    • On 3-4 days per week, we run workshops at local schools
    • Our program is on top of the regular school curriculum and have a focus on digital & soft skills
    • We use experimental coding (Raspberry Pi) and tools like LEGO & Eit-ech to practically teach
      • Critical thinking
      • Team work
      • Leadership
      • Communication
    • The topics are prepared from us and are easy to learn & adapt for the volunteers - you do not have to be an IT expert to create impact!
    • However, we are always happy to include your ideas!
The volunteers support our local team in creating, preparing and conducting these workshops and initiatives. Based on your experience and interests, you can focus on the topics that are most interesting for you and were you can create the biggest impact.

For this role, we do not charge our volunteers any fees. To keep our project running, part of your work will be fundraising activities to contribute to our operating budget. We will support you with tools & approaches, but also need your dedication, ideas and support on this topic.

Journée typique

Every day is different in Ghana, ...
... but a typical project day looks like this:

  • 8-9 am breakfast in our volunteer house (+jogging at the beach if you like?!)
  • 9-10 am morning briefing with the team
    • fundraising ideas & activities (social media, approaching new sponsors etc.)
  • 12-1 pm lunch break with ...

Journée typique

Every day is different in Ghana, ...
... but a typical project day looks like this:

  • 8-9 am breakfast in our volunteer house (+jogging at the beach if you like?!)
  • 9-10 am morning briefing with the team
    • fundraising ideas & activities (social media, approaching new sponsors etc.)
  • 12-1 pm lunch break with local food (if you want)
  • 1-3 pm afternoon meetings with the team
    • preparation of next school session
  • 3-4 pm school session
    • 1-4 volunteers run the school workshops together with 1-2 local staff
    • the roles will be discussed upfront
  • 4-5 pm feedback meeting & discusion about the lesson

Activités de loisirs

Our little paradise Kokrobite is a hot spot for backpackers & volunteers, interested in the "untouched" pure Ghana - off the beaten track. You can swim & surf in the ocean, there are Yoga and drum lessons available, each weekend there are legendary Reggea nights and the vibrant capital Accra is just ...

Activités de loisirs

Our little paradise Kokrobite is a hot spot for backpackers & volunteers, interested in the "untouched" pure Ghana - off the beaten track. You can swim & surf in the ocean, there are Yoga and drum lessons available, each weekend there are legendary Reggea nights and the vibrant capital Accra is just an hour away. You can also explore the surrounding villages, mountains and pure beaches along the Gold Coast. Ghana is different and never boring - that's a promise.



Âge minimum: 18 ans

Pour participer à ce programme tu dois avoir au moins 18 ans quand le programme commence. Il peut y avoir des exceptions si tu peux montrer la permission de ton tuteur légal ou si tu es accompagné(e) par l'un de tes parents.

Compétences linguistiques

Tu dois parler Anglais (couramment)

Exigences en matière de formation

à niveau High School

Vérification des Antécédents Criminels


Restrictions de Nationalité

Aucune restriction. De l'aide venant de tous les coins du monde est bienvenu.

Autres Compétences

- high motivation - interest to work with children 12-18 years - interest to understand Ghanian culture - adaptable to new situations - motiviated to contribute to our fundraising - willigness to activate own network for fundraising

Engagement horaire

Nous avons besoin de ton aide pour mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi et samedi de 09:00 - 17:00

Services inclus

Services inclus

Services de Grow Ghana

The fee will be used for your accommodation and transportation.

Transfert de l'aéroport Kotoka International Airport

One of our team members always picks you up from the airport and ensures that you arrive safely at your lodge. The airport is approx. 1 hour away from the project. Akwaaba to Ghana!


You will live in the yellow house which is the office at the same time.

4 other volunteers live in the house too. Two of them are some of your co-workers and the other two work for one of our partner NGO´s.

In the yellow house you can find everything you need to life ( Bathroom, fridge, cooking facilities etc. ).

Accès à Internet

Accès limité sur le site du projet

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

Aliments & Boissons

Aliments, collations et boissons sont disponibles contre supplément.

Billets d'avion

L'aéroport le plus proche est Kotoka International Airport (ACC) à Accra. Nous t'aidons à trouver des vols pas chers pour aller en Ghana. TROUVER DES VOLS PAS CHERS

Assurance Voyage

Partir à l'étranger est une aventure et c'est toujours mieux d'être bien préparé. Que ce soit une maladie soudaine, une blessure ou du vol - une assurance voyage pour Ghana te protège en cas de situation imprévue. OBTENIR UN DEVIS


Si tu envisages de faire du bénévolat en Ghana, nous te conseillons de consulter un médecin avant le début de ton voyage. Renseigne-toi sur les vaccins nécessaires pour Ghana. INFOS VACCINS

Informations sur l'arrivée

You are always welcome - the start dates are fully flexible. We always pick you up from the airport!

Please note that we do not charge any fees from you. However, you have to cover your costs for accomodation (approx. 100 EUR / week):

  • 4 Weeks = 800€
  • 6 Weeks = 1000€
  • 8 Weeks = 1200€
  • 3 Month = 1600€
  • Intressted in a longer stay? = You are welcome to send us an email with all ur questions!

You will share the yellow house with four other volunteers. Two of your housemates are also your co-workers. The other two volunteers work for a partner NGO.

You will find everything you need to live in our volunteer house (bathroom, fridge, cooking possibilities, etc.) and good company.

janv. févr. mars avril mai juin juil. août sept. oct. nov. déc.

Frais de Programme

6 semaines (durée min.) 1 000€
12 semaines 1 600€
16 semaines (durée max.) 2 000€
Prix moyen 145€/semaine

Frais de Programme

145€ par semaine 6 - 16 semaines Âge 18 - 50+

Méthodes de payement

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



6 - 16 semaines


L'acompte sert à réserver ta place avec l'organisation. Les paiements sont effectués par Paypal, notre partenaire de confiance pour les solutions de paiements internationales. Si tu n'as pas Paypal, tu peux également utiliser ta carte de crédit.

Paiement final

Le paiement du montant restant doit être organisé avec Grow Ghana durant le processus de candidature. Très souvent ce paiement est effectué par virement bancaire ou en espèces.

Rencontrez votre hôte

Grow Ghana

Excellent 4.8 rating (7 avis)

Non lucratif - fondée en 1

Vérifié par Volunteer World

Hébergé par


Langues parlées: Anglais

Sur le projet

Talents need structure, mentorship and jobs to grow. We work hand in hand with local schools, universities and companies to develop talents and bring them in jobs.

Rencontrez votre hôte

Our story started 5 years ago – we went for a consulting project in Ghana and immediately fell in love with the country. We decided to leave our jobs to build a German-Ghanaian ecosystem, based on the principle of social entrepreneurship. We founded local start-ups in tech and graphic design to serve German clients with a delivery team from Ghana.

As the companies grew, we realized that training on the job is just a start, but it needs more for a real change. Consequently, the Grow Ghana initiative is targeting young talents at universities and local schools. The program is supported by our start-ups and the next step in our mission to develop talents in Africa.

Our vision is to enable meaningful and sustainable job creation in Africa. And to empower people who are often overlooked: the hidden talents of Africa – e.g. young women in small villages with no access to higher education.

In theory, there are a lot of job opportunities that could be created: International corporates are highly interested to outsource value creation to Africa. And promising local start-ups are rising and strive to create impact.

In practice, they all need a pre-qualified workforce with the right mindset to realize those job potentials sustainably.

Out of our experience as entrepreneurs in Africa, we derived a curriculum based on 5 key skill areas which we found critical for future employees to create value and impact. We target young students in schools who are eager to learn and searching for additional educational input to make a difference. We focus on a playful, gamefication-like approach to make the workshops with the student clearly different from the regular school setup.

We act according to our 6 values:

  1. Grow Ghana is a non-profit initiative and strives to create tangible impact for the society
  2. The initiative aims to impact 2 sides equally:
    1. The pupils and students in the schools
      (job-relevant skills, access to job-market )
    2. Our team incl. our global volunteers
      (personal growth by intercultural exchange & coaching)
  3. We never replace local teachers – our program is an addition to the governmental curriculum
  4. We are not competing with other NGOs or programs, but strive for cooperation & synergies
  5. We are self-critical and want to improve constantly
  6. We always show full respect to our environment, yet challenging the status-quo

7 avis · rating4.8

Bismark Osiakwa rating4.2

2019 at Empower Students with vital IT skills

I had a wonderful experience volunteering with Grow Ghana. I had the opportunity to bring on board my ideas and also exhibit my skills. Grow Ghana is a non-profit Initiative in Ghana, West Africa that targets young talents in the local schools and at Universities. The Program targets Identifying ...
I lived in an idylic beach loadge in Kokrobite 1.5 hours outside of Accra and enjoyed getting in touch with the locals (also at the 'legendary' Reggae beach parties). The local NGO team did a great job of preparing me with intense training sessions for my work at local schools. The team is highly ...
I helped give soft skills trainings to middle school students. Was taken care of really well by Gifty, got to stay in a real cool lodge close to the beach and even surfed in Krokrobite on my days off. Highly recommend going volunteering with them! ...
Heiko Köbert rating5

2019 at Empower Students with vital IT skills

Teach ComputerPendingskills at Junior High School in Ghana The NGO Grow Ghana offers add on lessons in schools to improve soft- and computerskills to pupils in the age of 10 - 14. I introduces new computersystems (raspberry pi) and the pupils love it. It was a very nice expierience to work with ...
I wanted to try out something different and decided to travel to Africa and also do some volunteer work there. I also wanted to improve and practice English. I enjoy very much to work with the team, they are really motivated to bring important skills to the pupils. The place (Kokrobite, a small ...
Tina Tilgner rating5

2019 at Empower Students with vital IT skills

Coaching , consulting and training in the field of Agile Mindset, Scrum, Communication, Teamwork and Leadership in schools, universities, Network Organisations and IT ...


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