One, Two... Tree!

  Vérifié par Volunteer World






ans d'activité

We aim to make English accessible in Central America as a tool for social empowerment and intercultural exchange.

One, Two… Tree! is a non-profit organisation working on education in Central America. We aim to make English accessible as a tool for social empowerment and intercultural exchange.

We share a vision of strong united communities and individuals, in charge of their economies, ready to grasp and ...


One, Two… Tree! is a non-profit organisation working on education in Central America. We aim to make English accessible as a tool for social empowerment and intercultural exchange.

We share a vision of strong united communities and individuals, in charge of their economies, ready to grasp and create the opportunities that work best for their future.

Presentation of the programme

We teach in public schools, collaborate with local organisations and offer English classes to those keen to learn.

The idea is simple:  We collaborate with local organisations to use their premises and introduce English classes through volunteer work. This allows us to get involved in local educational systems and local initiatives, reaching a large number of kids and adults through a sustainable and flexible cost model that can be scaled up or down in response to the community’s needs at any given moment.

How we work:


As volunteers, we work as a team as we know we go further together. Locally, we look to collaborate with other organisations to make the most of available resources, creating synergies and using each organisation’s expertise to best serve the local community. 


We adapt and are flexible to changing situations with the aim to best support the community in every given moment. We use our imagination, skills, and proactiveness to make things work in a sustainable way. We are grateful for feedback so we can continuously improve.


We create on the ground and use active listening as our most precious tool. The program is developed with and within the communities, truly understanding the context, needs, and priorities. We seize on opportunities as they come and ensure personal growth and passions are tapped into as the program evolves. We look for passionate volunteers, keen to lead and be responsible for positive change. You will be part of a proactive and supportive team where your ideas and thoughts will count in the day-to-day of the project.


We live and teach with utter respect. We learn from the local culture and support each other with kindness, curiosity, humility, and empathy.


Candy Ramirez Sisay

Langues parlées: Anglais, Espagnol
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One, Two... Tree! avis

Solange Lodomez rating5,0

2024 at Teach English in primary schools

Lake Atitlán is an incredibly beautiful place with lots of different towns around. The volcanos make it so special 😍 The people are very nice, friendly and welcoming. And the children.... full of love and gratitude 🥰🙏 Love them all 💖 Guatemala offers a lot of amazing places to ...
Silvia Marinoni rating5,0

2022 at ... .....

A challenging and unforgettable community experience in Santiago Atitlán. I've been in Santiago Atitlán for three months volunteering for OneTwoTree and it was simply unforgettable. I shared the experience with other five amazing volunteers and we worked hard to manage all the activities and ...
Ania Piwonski rating5,0

2022 at ... .....

My time with One, Two...Tree Guatemala provided me with an awesome opportunity to engage with and support the community in Santiago, Lake Atitlan. The organization has a big focus on integrating with, and understanding the needs of, the community and works with public schools in the local area to ...
Lily Porter rating4,8

2022 at ... .....

Volunteering as an English Teacher in Santiago Atitlán. I have thoroughly enjoyed my last three months volunteering with ‘One, Two…Tree!’. Despite being a very small charity, ‘One, Two..tree!’ Is brilliantly organised, culturally aware whilst being connected to local people and managed ...
May Ling Cassards rating4,6

2022 at ... .....

Be a Volunteer for One, Two, Tree is a wonderful experience! Santiago Atitlan is a lovely and beautiful town with warm-hearted people! Teaching English there is an incredible experience to share moments, discover Guatemalan culture, feel useful and make a lot of friends! One, Two, Tree is a ...
Tomás Rodríguez rating4,2

2021 at ... .....

The experience with One, two... tree! was great. They made it easy from the first moment and we had fluent communication with the responsibles of the NGO from the first ...

One, Two... Tree! annonces

One, Two... Tree! emplacements

One, Two... Tree! axe du projet

UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education