desde 0€

Sobresaliente 4.9rating (22)

Volunteer Coordinator for Cultural Exchange Centre

12 - 50 semanas  ·  Edad 20 - 50+

rating  Sobresaliente 4.9  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  Ratio de respuesta excelente

Puntos Relevantes

  • Use your coordination skills to help build, maintain and run a community space where visitors and locals will work on sustainable development projects.
  • Experience traditional indigenous culture: language, clothing, markets, music, food, buildings, and ways of life!
  • Get to know the warm local people of Ecuador and improve your Spanish with them; they are always keen to chat.
  • Strengthen your leadership skills and build friendships with international volunteers and interns.
  • Experience Ecuador's huge diversity in only an hour's drive - hiking in the mountains, bird watching in the jungle, and exploring colonial villages.

Especialmente adecuado para

Edad 20+
Solteros y solteras

Sobre el programa

Immerse yourself in a rural Ecuadorian community while using your coordination skills to support impactful projects happening at our cultural exchange centre.

Want to use your coordination skills to help create something meaningful? This position is for you! Manage a volunteer programme that maintains a thriving cultural exchange centre, in the heart of the Ecuadorian Andes. Coordinate and help with the cooking and chores around the centre to create a ...

Sobre el programa

Want to use your coordination skills to help create something meaningful? This position is for you! Manage a volunteer programme that maintains a thriving cultural exchange centre, in the heart of the Ecuadorian Andes. Coordinate and help with the cooking and chores around the centre to create a clean and welcoming space for visitors and locals to live and work. Join us in supporting those who serve the community!


  • Coordinate and train new volunteers.
  • Help with cooking, cleaning & chores around the centre.
  • Work to implement strategies that will promote a clean and welcoming space.
  • Write procedures to help with the implementation of the volunteer programme.
  • Evaluate your success and add your valuable experience to your resume.


El Terreno is on a hillside in the little-known province of Bolívar, just outside of the quaint colonial town of Guaranda in central Ecuador. It's nestled in a valley surrounded by traditional farmland and indigenous communities, with a spectacular view of the majestic Chimborazo Volcano (the point on earth closest to the sun!)

40% of the population around Guaranda live in poverty, yet it has enormous human and cultural capital, presenting a fantastic opportunity for sustainable development if unlocked. With the current systems and structures, however, the likelihood of this happening is remote. At El Terreno, we believe that cultural exchange has the potential to create a more prosperous, sustainable and meaningful world, which is why we're building a center for social innovation in one of the most unlikely places.

The organisation was founded in mid-2021, and as with anything innovative and a multi-cultural context, it provides novel challenges that require creative solutions. We're looking for a talented, committed and forward-thinking associates to join the team here in the beautiful Ecuadorian Andes. Your efforts will be reflected in the success of an ambitious project that brings together local indigenous communities, NGOs, international volunteers, educational institutions and tourists from around the world.


As a centre of cultural exchange and social innovation, we bring together local Ecuadorians and others from around the world through sustainable tourism, culture, education and ecology – to create a more meaningful, sustainable and prosperous world.

We’re in the early stages - starting in July 2021 - but we have big ambitions! We aspire to regenerate local ecosystems, build pride in indigenous culture, provide dignified employment opportunities, offer a wide variety of unique eco & community tourism experiences, and ensure volunteers like you learn new skills, meet extraordinary people and leave with unforgettable memories.


My name is Joshua and I am from the UK. I first came as a backpacker to Ecuador in 2013 and fell in love with the place - the people, the culture, the biodiversity and of course, with my Ecuadorian partner, Karina. In 2017, I returned on a one-way ticket and after time spending 3 years searching the country looking for land, we found the perfect spot to begin building a vision we had been nurturing for many years. More recently, we've been building a team of locals and international volunteers & interns to help our programme grow and thrive.

Día típico

For 25 hours a week (Mon-Friday) you'll dedicate your time to helping and supporting our volunteering programme. Tasks will mostly comprise of manual work. If you come to stay with us we will provide you the following:

  • Comfortable dormitory accommodation
  • Cooked Lunches Monday-Friday
  • Essential ...

Día típico

For 25 hours a week (Mon-Friday) you'll dedicate your time to helping and supporting our volunteering programme. Tasks will mostly comprise of manual work. If you come to stay with us we will provide you the following:

  • Comfortable dormitory accommodation
  • Cooked Lunches Monday-Friday
  • Essential amenities ( bedsheets, blankets, hand soap, bottled water, and toilet paper).
  • Access to a communal kitchen furnished with a cooker, fridge, microwave, and coffee maker
  • Personal storage space for food items.
  • 20mb/s fiberoptic WiFi.
  • Dedicated hand-washing station for laundry
  • Available office amenities (desks, projector, whiteboard)
  • Recreational activities (hammock, ping pong table, guitar)
  • Free-Time Activity Recommendations
  • Cultural Immersion in Rural Community
  • Optional ability to help out with weekly English classes with local children
  • Written Personal Reference


  • 8am: Group warm up, check-in, and quick clean 
  • 8.30am: Coordinating and doing chores, cleaning & manual labour
  • 10.30pm: Cooking lunch or meeting with the team
  • 12.30pm: Group lunch provided by El Terreno
  • 2pm: Free Time

Weekly Activities

  • Mon 2pm: Community meeting and deep cleaning
  • Tue 3pm: English classes, Atandahua (optional)


We're looking for someone who is feels comfortable leading and willing to take responsibility for managing others. You will be a role model for other people and need to transmit the values and work ethic of the organisation. You must also value living in a clean space and feel comfortable helping to cook for a group.

>>> ATTITUDE <<<

It's often said that the people make the place. In creating a positive, environment, experience shows us that we're looking for people who have the following qualities:

- Hard-workers: tasks can be very physical, often in a variety of weathers and temperatures
- Positive: determined, solution-focused and able to take the initiative when required
- Organised: punctual, meet deadlines, takes responsibility, and keep communal spaces clean and tidy
- Interpersonal skills: sensitivity to others needs and good communicators
- Contextual understanding: align with our vision and are respectful of cultural difference

Actividades de tiempo libre


With your time off, you can take a walk around any of the beautiful local trails around the communities, down to the river or jump in a taxi to savor the spectacular could-covered sunset. There are regular buses into town if you would like to go shopping, try the local food ...

Actividades de tiempo libre


With your time off, you can take a walk around any of the beautiful local trails around the communities, down to the river or jump in a taxi to savor the spectacular could-covered sunset. There are regular buses into town if you would like to go shopping, try the local food or learn about Guaranda’s Carnaval - the most infamous in the country.

For a day’s outing, don’t miss hiking up to Chimborazo’s refuge and enjoying a hot chocolate at over 5,000m above sea level. Alternatively, take a tour around the salt mines and micro-businesses of the nationally renowned village of Salinas de Guaranda. If you prefer warmer climates, within an hour you can drop down to sea level and go hiking in protected virgin forests in the search of pristine rivers, tropical birds and immense waterfalls. Bolívar really has it all (minus the tourist traps!).


We are at almost 3,000m (10,000ft) above sea level and the average temperature is 13°C (55°F). Below is a list of typical weather patterns throughout the year, though climate change is definitely throwing these off, so be ready for anything!

  • Summer (Jun - Sep, around Christmas): hot sunny days (leading to water shortages), colder cloudless nights and often a strong wind
  • Winter (Feb - Apr): Often dry mornings and heavy rain in the afternoon. Less day/night temperature change and no wind.
  • Spring/Autumn (May, Oct - Jan): Somewhere between summer and winter!

Due to the high altitude, the sun feels cooler but will burn you more easily - so be prepared with a hat and sun screen. The temperature is cool at night and Ecuadorian houses have no insulation/central heating, we have blankets and hot water bottles to help keep you cosey. Fortunately there are no mosquitos at this elevation!



Edad mínima: 20 años

Para participar en el programa es necesario tener al menos 20 años en la fecha de inicio del programa.

Conocimientos lingüísticos

Tienes que hablar (nivel intermedio) Inglés o (nivel intermedio) Español

Restricciones de nacionalidad

Sin restricciones. Las manos amigas de todo el mundo son bienvenidas.

Tiempo dedicado

Necesitaremos tu ayuda los Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes de 08:00 - 12:30

Servicios incluidos

Servicios incluidos


As the coordinator, you will be living with other volunteers and interns. We have a total of 4 rooms with space for 20 people. We have shared hot-water showers, toilets and a communal kitchen, office and large living area. It has fiberoptic WiFi and all the basics to help you feel at home. We have a laundry room where you can wash by hand, or pay to have your clothes washed (we have had experience of people damaging machines in the past through misuse).

Comida y bebida

We provide lunch during your work days, which we can accommodate most dietary requirements.

The remainder of your food you must cook yourself, you will receive a personal basket and fridge space to store food. There are basic shops in the village and nearby town (10mins bus/30 minutes walk) or supermarkets in Guaranda (30 minutes bus)

Acceso a Internet

Buen acceso al lugar del proyecto

¿Qué NO está incluido?

¿Qué NO está incluido?

Recogida en el aeropuerto Mariscal Sucre International Airport

La recogida en el aeropuerto tampoco está incluida en el precio del programa.

Boletos de avión

El aeropuerto más cercano es Mariscal Sucre International Airport (UIO) en Quito. Te ayudamos a encontrar vuelos baratos a Ecuador. ENCONTRAR VUELOS BARATOS

Seguro de viaje

Ir al extranjero es una aventura y siempre es mejor estar preparado. Enfermedad o lesión repentina, cancelación o robo: un seguro de viaje para Ecuador proporciona seguridad y es una ventaja tenerlo. OBTENER UN PRESUPUESTO


Si tiene intención de realizar un voluntariado en Ecuador, debe solicitar asesoramiento médico antes de iniciar su viaje social. Comprueba las vacunas que necesitas para Ecuador. COMPROBADOR DE VACUNAS

Detalles a la llegada

Start Date & Duration

We receive associates for a minimum of 12 weeks, generally starting in January, May and September.

Getting To Us

  • Guaranda is equal distance between the two international airports, Quito and Guayaquil
  • Bus travel is cheap and low-risk, $7 for a 5 hour journey
  • Shared shuttle cars are available $45 for a 4 hour journey
  • 10 minutes by bus you reach the nearest town with some food & vegetables
  • 30 minutes by bus you arrive in Guaranda with supermarkets and the large weekly market

Enero Feb. Marzo Abr. Mayo Jun Jul Agosto Set. Oct. Nov. Dic.

Cuotas del programa

12 semanas (estancia min.) 0€
50 semanas (estancia max.) 0€
Cuota promedio 0€/semana

Cuotas del programa

0€ cuotas semanales 12 - 50 semanas Edad 20 - 50+

Métodos de pago

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



12 - 50 semanas


El depósito es simplemente para reservar tu vacante de voluntario. Los pagos se gestionan a través de PayPal, nuestro proveedor global de confianza. Si no tienes una cuenta PayPal, también puedes pagar con tarjeta de crédito.

Pago final

El pago final se acordará con El Terreno durante el proceso de solicitud. Las soluciones habituales son la transferencia bancaria o el pago en efectivo en el lugar del proyecto.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

El Terreno

Sobresaliente 4.9 rating (22 reseñas)

Agencia - fundada en 2021

Verificado por Volunteer World

  Ratio de respuesta excelente

Coordinado por


Idiomas hablados: Inglés, Español

sobre la organización

Cultural Exchange Centre in the heart of the Ecuadorian Andes. Our internships help you develop skills, make a difference to low-income communities, and travel the world.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

Nestled within the heart of the Ecuadorian Andes, El Terreno is encompassed by picturesque valleys, the warmth of its people, and the richness of culture. Since 2021, El Terreno has been building a dynamic cultural exchange centre, uniting global citizens and local communities in a shared mission to foster a more meaningful, prosperous, and regenerative world. 

We are Joshua (UK), Karina (Quito, Ecuador) and our toddler son, Liam. We have a strong passion for positive change and years of experience in social development, volunteer coordination and sustainable tourism. We chose to dedicate our lives to Atandahua due to it's amazing landscapes and people, but it's also a place with a lot of need:

  • 40% poverty
  • 48% child malnutrition
  • 75% children don't go to high school
  • 26% teenage pregnancy rate
  • >5% indigenous children speak the native language
  • 3-4 months of water shortages per year
  • 95% local forests destroyed

With your help, we're working to regenerate local ecosystems, build pride in indigenous culture, provide dignified employment opportunities, offer a wide variety of unique eco & community tourism experiences, and ensure interns like you learn valuable skills, meet extraordinary people and leave with unforgettable memories.

22 reseñas · rating4.9

I love my time at the terreno in Guaranda, Ecuador. I needed in my life during this tough pandemic time a place where I can voluntering, not for saving money in staying or related to my benefits. If not a place where I am useful and have a social benefit and also learn from the culture, traditions ...
Great project, i was so free to make my work and have a good space to meet people. I went to there to take photos of a indigenous people and I make a lot of contacts and recognize things about the culture of this comunite. It was amazing for my personally life. ..
Joshua and Karinas project is well organized, they are always approachable and caring, creating a space where everyone feels comfortable. It’s a super living space, and the work is diverse and super enriching and humane. They support your personal strength and interests and the social community ...
during my time in el terreno i truly felt part of a big family. with the other volunteers, we cooked, worked, watched movies and went to a party un the near city Guaranda. we also worked in exciting projects within the indigenous community San Juan, 25 minutes away from the house. i learned about ...
What an amaizing experience in the heart of the Ecuadorian Andes. I learned a lot about permaculture and I help to teach English to the kids of the neighborhood, it was a lot of fun and a fulfilling experience. Those beautiful kids ‘hearts are full of love and they will make every volunteer ...
I think and hope this project will have a big future. All the projects Joshua wants to implement in life sound just amazing. I stayed only one week at the place but it was totally enough to fall in love with it. I wish I could have stayed longer. If you are into sustainability, cultural ...


América > Sudamérica > Ecuador > Guaranda

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Contacto Joshua
  Ratio de respuesta excelente
Inglés, Español

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