desde 1.000€

Fantástico 4.5rating (92)

Social and environment entrepreneur

1 - 50 semanas  ·  Edad 14 - 50+

rating  Fantástico 4.5  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  Ratio de respuesta buena

Puntos Relevantes

  • Make positive impact by sharing your knowledge and time with organizations and contribute to their causes
  • Improve your spanish by working alonside locals
  • Become more passionate about your major or interest and propel your career with international experience
  • Bring home amazing memories from your experience and a fullfilled heart from helping others
  • Be concerned about the environmental impact of our actions

Especialmente adecuado para

Edad 14+
Solteros y solteras
Sillas de Ruedas

Sobre el programa

Learn new skills and contribute to minimize the adverse environmental impact of tourism and get involved in important conservation and research programs.


The mission of this program is to protect the amazing environment of Bilbao in Northern Spain and allow its people to better thrive. Volunteers will assist in areas such as developing recycling and environmental programs, creating education campaigns, working directly ...

Sobre el programa


The mission of this program is to protect the amazing environment of Bilbao in Northern Spain and allow its people to better thrive. Volunteers will assist in areas such as developing recycling and environmental programs, creating education campaigns, working directly with local community members and within garden and compost projects and generally helping to promote and educate on the importance of waste management.

This project allows volunteers hands-on experience as well as the opportunity to help behind the scenes with administrative tasks including social media, fundraising and promotional efforts, sourcing new alliances and drafting maps.  

Volunteers will be placed according to their personal interests, timeframe and profile. This promises to be a wonderful experience for volunteers to learn about the real Spain, spend time with its people and contribute to its future.

Volunteers will contribute in a number of ways and can expect to undertake many of the following tasks:

·                                 Develop recycling programs and workshops

·                                 Assist with hands-on projects such as light photography work, gardening, journalism, nutrition and sorting recycled materials.

  • Maintaining urban gardens and offering mobility challenges to society
  • Conservation  prevention projects
  • Replanting initiatives 
  • Assisting to beautify and maintain parks and biking /walking trails

·                                 Help raise awareness of the project and its importance within Bilbao and beyond, making new alliances and finding ways to grow its impact

·                                 Interact with locals and share personal experiences and ways of life

·                                 Assist with administrative tasks


Volunteers work to conserve, restore, rehabilitate and manage land using conservation tools and people power to improve conservation resources and to provide access for people to enjoy and appreciate nature. You will use social networks, crowdfunding etc  to report all information you get while doing your duties and missions every week

Working in diverse locations from inner-city parks to scenic hilltops overlooking the Atlantic ocean and coastal reserves, volunteers will work on restoring biodiversity in the area, support species protection, help to strengthen community networks, and provide enhanced conservation land for the benefit of future generations

Día típico

The first 2 weeks students take Spanish courses in the mornings from 9.30 to 13.30 Monday to Friday. There is a break between 11.30 to 12. You take a placement test before coming

Volunteers on this program can expect to work for around 3 - 5 hours per day, 4 or 5 days a week, typically Monday through ...

Día típico

The first 2 weeks students take Spanish courses in the mornings from 9.30 to 13.30 Monday to Friday. There is a break between 11.30 to 12. You take a placement test before coming

Volunteers on this program can expect to work for around 3 - 5 hours per day, 4 or 5 days a week, typically Monday through Friday. When not volunteering participants are free to enjoy this incredible city! Volunteer schedules depend on the needs at the time of placement but a typical day is likely to look something like this:

1:30 p.m Travel to the project site

2:00 pm Pre-start meeting with the program coordinator


Placements will be tailored both to the volunteer's preferences and skill-set and the needs of the community.


Exact finishing times will depend on the specific project

5:30 pm De-brief with the project coordinator

 Evenings, nights and weekends are free time to enjoy the sights, beaches sounds, vibes, cuisine and entertainment on offer in Bilbao.







Actividades de tiempo libre

Bilbao is an enchanting seaside city with boundless culture, fabled architecture, sun-drenched beaches, and picturesque neighborhoods. Every month there's a different celebration or main event in the city. If you happen to be around, check the festivities calendar for that month! Also, Bilbao is ...

Actividades de tiempo libre

Bilbao is an enchanting seaside city with boundless culture, fabled architecture, sun-drenched beaches, and picturesque neighborhoods. Every month there's a different celebration or main event in the city. If you happen to be around, check the festivities calendar for that month! Also, Bilbao is located in Northern Spain with amazing spots to discover, from paradisiac beaches to outstanding hiking trails and ancient villages. The transportation network in Spain is very complete which allows you to visit easily other cities in Spain like Madrid, Sevilla or Barcelona.

The local team will give you the best tips to make the most out of your stay.



Edad mínima: 14 años

Para participar en el programa es necesario tener al menos 14 años en la fecha de inicio del programa.

Conocimientos lingüísticos

Tienes que hablar (nivel intermedio) Inglés o (nivel básico) Español

Restricciones de nacionalidad

Sin restricciones. Las manos amigas de todo el mundo son bienvenidas.

Tiempo dedicado

Necesitaremos tu ayuda los Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes de 14:00 - 17:00

Servicios incluidos

Servicios incluidos

Servicios de Instituto Hemingway

 We include;

Pre-arrival support
» Airport pick up
» Accommodation in dorm room ,  city centre, walking distance to School. In case you want single room ask for a price difference
» Spanish courses for the first 2 weeks (20 hours per week) as well as placement test and Certificate upon completion
» Volunteer placement and coordination
» Program orientation
» 24/7 in-country support
» Free leisure and cultural activities

Recogida en el aeropuerto Bilbao Airport

The free airport pick up is from Bilbao airport

Our staff will pick you up at the airport and guide you by bus to the accommodation. It takes about 30 minutes from the airport to the accommodation.


You will stay accommodated in a dorm room with a meaningful social and environmental mission.  The apartment has the capacity to accommodate up to 8 conscious travelers who want to visit Bilbao in a responsible way.  In case you want a single room
There are various common areas such as kitchen and bathrooms.
The apartment is in a neighborhood where you can find everything you need: local coffee shops, supermarkets, ATMs, hospital, police and most utilities you will need just around the corner. The apartment is 10 minutes walking distance to our School and nearest metro stop. 

Acceso a Internet

Buen acceso al lugar del proyecto

¿Qué NO está incluido?

¿Qué NO está incluido?

Comida y bebida

La comida, meriendas y las bebidas tienen un coste adicional.

Boletos de avión

El aeropuerto más cercano es Bilbao Airport (BIO) en Bilbao. Te ayudamos a encontrar vuelos baratos a España. ENCONTRAR VUELOS BARATOS

Seguro de viaje

Ir al extranjero es una aventura y siempre es mejor estar preparado. Enfermedad o lesión repentina, cancelación o robo: un seguro de viaje para España proporciona seguridad y es una ventaja tenerlo. OBTENER UN PRESUPUESTO


Si tiene intención de realizar un voluntariado en España, debe solicitar asesoramiento médico antes de iniciar su viaje social. Comprueba las vacunas que necesitas para España. COMPROBADOR DE VACUNAS

Detalles a la llegada

You can join our program throughout the year. We are totally flexible in terms of dates but better coming on weekends and start the program on Mondays.

Enero Feb. Marzo Abr. Mayo Jun Jul Agosto Set. Oct. Nov. Dic.

Cuotas del programa

1 semana (estancia min.) 1.000€
3 semanas 1.350€
4 semanas 1.590€
8 semanas 2.760€
16 semanas 5.450€
50 semanas (estancia max.) 17.000€
Cuota promedio 670€/semana

Cuotas del programa

670€ cuotas semanales 1 - 50 semanas Edad 14 - 50+

Métodos de pago

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



1 - 50 semanas


El depósito es simplemente para reservar tu vacante de voluntario. Los pagos se gestionan a través de PayPal, nuestro proveedor global de confianza. Si no tienes una cuenta PayPal, también puedes pagar con tarjeta de crédito.

Pago final

El pago final se acordará con Instituto Hemingway durante el proceso de solicitud. Las soluciones habituales son la transferencia bancaria o el pago en efectivo en el lugar del proyecto.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

Instituto Hemingway

Fantástico 4.5 rating (92 reseñas)

Agencia - fundada en 1999

Verificado por Volunteer World

  Ratio de respuesta buena

Coordinado por


Idiomas hablados: Español, Inglés

sobre la organización

Instituto Hemingway is a worker-run service cooperative that works the local network of NGOs, associations and social enterprises with international volunteers.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

Our vision is to promote international volunteerism, local associations and social enterprises by strategically matching international volunteer with local talents and creative thinking. Our goal is to function as a hub of innovative ideas and projects that can have a positive impact on Bilbao and the surrounding region. To that purpose we are constructing a community of social innovators - an international network that combines the energy and passion of volunteers from all over the world with the knowledge and skills of local NGOs, associations and social enterprises.

Volunteers work with the International Bilbao Network to support the causes of many Bilbao associations, NGOs, and public schools. Our local partners are committed to fostering social inclusion – in particular with regard to children at risk and migrants – as well as promoting local cultural heritage, English language,  animal care and environmental protection. The different organisations are committed to fostering social inclusion – in particular with regard to children at risk, migrants and homeless – as well as promoting local cultural heritage, English language, and environmental protection.

We are located in downtown Bilbao, just a few meters from  Gran Via in the historical centre. Instituto Hemingway is hosted in a 19th-century building across two floors and a rooftop terrace with a panoramic view.

92 reseñas · rating4.5

Sofie Elise Gloslie rating1.8

2021 at Social and environment entrepreneur

You should read this before deciding any project in Bilbao. I came to Bilbao for the environmental entrepenour project. In reality the project is solely what you make it yourself. You are on your own with no leader. For me, I was told the first day that I was the only one at the project, and I could ...
Linnea Löfveberg rating4.6

2024 at Sustainable Urban Permaculture Initiatives

I had a great time both at the school and at the volunteering program. I met lovely people and got to know Bilbao which is a beautiful city. Only downside was that due to rain, we had to cancel gardening a few times. But overall, a great ...
Sofia Greco rating4

2024 at Animal Welfare Helper

The spanish lessons were organised very good, as well as the leisure time activities and the housing. The whole staff is very welcoming, ready to help and always available. Unfortunately, the cooperation between the voluntary programs (you can choose between some) was poorly organised. The ...
Marco Gnos rating5

2024 at Animal Welfare Helper

Ich habe zwei Wochen im refugio de los sabios mitgeholfen. Das kleine Tierheim wird privat und liebevoll geführt. Da der Grossteil der Arbeiten am Morgen erledigt wird, gab es während meiner Anwesenheit am Nachmittag nur wenig Arbeit. Gerne hätte ich handwerklich mehr geleistet. Trotzdem konnte ...
cinzia loiodice rating2

2024 at Football Assistant and Community Supporter

*****Organization's statement below***** Instituto hamingway it's very good from a language point of view. However the volunteering program has been truly different from what we were expecting. My son has just played football with people of his age (15) or older, playing every time in a different ...
Jonas Horn rating4.6

2024 at Beach and Mountain Cleaning Supporter

Für mich war die Reise unglaublich, da ich viele Menschen innig kennen lernte, selbstbewusster wurde, viel über mich und Spanien lernte und aus meiner Komfortzone kam. Das war mein Ziel. Ich empfehle es für jeden weiter. Außerdem habe ich nun viele Freunde in vielen Ländern der Welt, einfach ...


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Contacto Jose
  Ratio de respuesta buena
Español, Inglés

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