desde 400€

Sobresaliente 4.9rating (67)

School Teaching Assistant

4 - 50 semanas  ·  Edad 18 - 50+

rating  Sobresaliente 4.9  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  Ratio de respuesta excelente

Puntos Relevantes

  • Gain English Fluency and learn the culture by leaving and working with the locals in the communities
  • Become more passionate about your major and propel your career with international experience
  • Become more open and adapt to working with a team of educational professionals.
  • learn about our educational system , its possitives and negatives and help in making meaningful inputs.
  • Make memories and life time forgetable experience with the people yor meet during your stay.

Especialmente adecuado para

Edad 18+
Solteros y solteras

Sobre el programa

Voluntary teaching assistant work in Ghana is an ideal way to get involved and help improve the welfare and education of children.

As a volunteer in our school project, you will have the opportunity to teach children in Yikene Primary School in Bolga. Most children in these schools are between the ages 3 - 15 years.With a wide range of subjects to select, volunteers can choose to teach English Language, Arithmetic and ...

Sobre el programa

As a volunteer in our school project, you will have the opportunity to teach children in Yikene Primary School in Bolga. Most children in these schools are between the ages 3 - 15 years.With a wide range of subjects to select, volunteers can choose to teach English Language, Arithmetic and Information Communication technology which are the most common past volunteers love. Volunteers will be under the direct supervision of a trained teacher.

A class contain between 20 - 35 students. We do encourage volunteers to add their own creativity to make their class sessions lively and engaging for the children.

In our education project, you will learn among other things:

• How to relate with school children

• How to control a class

• How a typical class sessions in Ghana are held

• How to conduct class assessment

Volunteers who arrive during normal school periods will have the opportunity to enjoy a typical class sessions in the school.Future For Africa organizes extra classes for these school children during the vacation period which usually fall within our summer programme.

We also provide assistance for volunteers to adapt,especially those who find it difficult engaging these children either because of language barrier or lost of class control to make teaching and learning easier and interesting.

By the end of your volunteer period with these children, you would have imparted knowledge to them and also get to engage with one on one.


o Prepare lessons note to serve as a guide during teaching lessons.

o Conduct daily class exercises and assignments to evaluate students understanding of lessons taught in class.

o Establish rules for students to abide by.

o Making sure students are well controlled and are of the best behavior to ensure maximum discipline and order in class.

o Manage and find solutions to problems in the class whiles teaching.


o Identify good students in class and award them.

o Identify weak students and those with special needs in class and help them out.

o Identify emerging problems in the school and help find solutions to them.

Día típico

A program/timetable for your stay will be designed by the program coordinator, and you will have the chance to contribute to this program to ensure that you make the best use of your time in Ghana. Depending on what you will be doing, your days will start at 8am and will end at 5pm. You will also ...

Día típico

A program/timetable for your stay will be designed by the program coordinator, and you will have the chance to contribute to this program to ensure that you make the best use of your time in Ghana. Depending on what you will be doing, your days will start at 8am and will end at 5pm. You will also have free time for personal explorations and to plan any projects that you would like to implement in the community.
Please note that your safety is very important to us. We will provide the support and guidance you need to carry out your work. You are also welcome to talk to our coordinators in your home countries.

Actividades de tiempo libre

Volunteering for Future For Africa is flexible. This provides you with great chances to get out and see as much of Ghana as you can. Weekends provide a good time to get into the cites and the countryside  and see the sights or even take an overnight bus to an attraction further afield and you can ...

Actividades de tiempo libre

Volunteering for Future For Africa is flexible. This provides you with great chances to get out and see as much of Ghana as you can. Weekends provide a good time to get into the cites and the countryside  and see the sights or even take an overnight bus to an attraction further afield and you can take a few extra days on to weekend trips to make them worthwhile. Places to visit includes Mole National Park, Kakum National Park ,Paga Crocodile Pond ,Tongo Hills , Green House Eco Village Karimenga and the Cape Coast Castle



Edad mínima: 18 años

Para participar en el programa debes tener al menos 18 años en la fecha de inicio del programa. Puede haber excepciones si muestras el permiso de tu(s) tutor(es) legal(es) o si vas acompañado de tus padres.

Conocimientos lingüísticos

Tienes que hablar (nivel básico) Inglés

Requisitos educativos

mathematics, English, science, information technology a nivel de high school

Verificación de antecedentes penales


Documentos necesarios

CV and Certificates

Restricciones de nacionalidad

Sin restricciones. Las manos amigas de todo el mundo son bienvenidas.

Otras habilidades

be ready to render your service.

Tiempo dedicado

Necesitaremos tu ayuda los Lunes, Martes, Miércoles y Viernes de 08:00 - 16:00

Servicios incluidos

Servicios incluidos

Servicios de Future4Africa

The services we provide include.
- Accommodation
- Transportation (airport pickups)
- Administrative support by the staff as you volunteer
- 3meals a day
The little participants pay is divided into three parts, where 70% goes to the program-participants costs during the stay. Another 20% goes directly into our development projects. The final 10% will be spent on administrative costs.

Recogida en el aeropuerto Kotoka International Airport

You will arrive at kotoka International Airport or tamale airport and a staff of future4Africa will pick you up from the airport.


Future4Africa has a volunteer house located at the Yikene.
The house has almost all the basic facilities you need and there is an opportunity to interact with other participants from all over the world and the wider community.

Comida y bebida

3 (three) meals a day with water 

Acceso a Internet

Acceso limitado al lugar del proyecto

¿Qué NO está incluido?

¿Qué NO está incluido?

Boletos de avión

El aeropuerto más cercano es Kotoka International Airport (ACC) en Accra. Te ayudamos a encontrar vuelos baratos a Ghana. ENCONTRAR VUELOS BARATOS

Seguro de viaje

Ir al extranjero es una aventura y siempre es mejor estar preparado. Enfermedad o lesión repentina, cancelación o robo: un seguro de viaje para Ghana proporciona seguridad y es una ventaja tenerlo. OBTENER UN PRESUPUESTO


Si tiene intención de realizar un voluntariado en Ghana, debe solicitar asesoramiento médico antes de iniciar su viaje social. Comprueba las vacunas que necesitas para Ghana. COMPROBADOR DE VACUNAS

Detalles a la llegada

You will arrive at kotoka International Airport or tamale airport and a staff of future4Africa will pick you up from the airport.
Volunteers can join this program anytime throughout the year.
Enero Feb. Marzo Abr. Mayo Jun Jul Agosto Set. Oct. Nov. Dic.

Cuotas del programa

4 semanas (estancia min.) 400€
6 semanas 600€
7 semanas 700€
11 semanas 1.100€
19 semanas 1.786€
50 semanas (estancia max.) 4.700€
Cuota promedio 97€/semana

Cuotas del programa

97€ cuotas semanales 4 - 50 semanas Edad 18 - 50+

Métodos de pago

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 50 semanas


El depósito es simplemente para reservar tu vacante de voluntario. Los pagos se gestionan a través de PayPal, nuestro proveedor global de confianza. Si no tienes una cuenta PayPal, también puedes pagar con tarjeta de crédito.

Pago final

El pago final se acordará con Future4Africa durante el proceso de solicitud. Las soluciones habituales son la transferencia bancaria o el pago en efectivo en el lugar del proyecto.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)


Sobresaliente 4.9 rating (67 reseñas)

Sin fines de lucro - fundada en 2014

Verificado por Volunteer World

  Ratio de respuesta excelente

Coordinado por


Idiomas hablados: Inglés

sobre la organización

F4A works for a fair world where all children have equal access to social amenities, resources and influence through strong partnerships, and inspires the youth.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

About F4A Organization
Future for Africa (F4A) is a Ghanaian voluntary, non-profit and Non-Governmental Organization working at local levels to create a future of hope for children in economically poor areas of northern Ghana.
Established in February 2014 but legally registered in 2016, F4AO operations covers the entire three regions of Northern Ghana namely; Northern, Upper East and Upper West with the headquarters in Bolgatanga, the regional capital of Upper East.
F4AO approach is working through strong partnerships with civil societies,institutions and using volunteers, to reach out to the deprived and vulnerable children and families in its operational areas. (The organization also seeks to promote intercultural awareness, tolerance and communication of our Youth.)
F4A works for a fair world where all children have equal access to social amenities, resources and influence through strong partnerships, and inspires the younger generation’s to aspire to the future with good health, respect and equal rights.
We seek to engage and empower children especially, the vulnerable in society and to provide meaningful interventions in areas of education, health, Water and sanitation, and Livelihoods. This will be done through partnership and with volunteers. F4AO will endeavour to influence policies and actions at all levels of society towards inspiring hope in the younger generations of society and also to promote intercultural awareness, tolerance among the youth.
Core Values
Compassion: we are committed to act with compassion in all situations to engage and protect the welfare of the poor in society
Listen with respect to our volunteers, stakeholders and the people of the community we work with.
Integrity: to adhere to moral and ethical principles of non-discrimination-regardless of their color, race, religion, language or locality and ensure transparency in our operations.
Empowerment: building the human resource capacity of partners on both social and economic livelihoods.
Excellence: Consistently create better ways of doing our work; efficiency and effectiveness.
Respect: adhere to individual difference, promote tolerance and cross cultural learning.
Safety: We are committed to the highest safety standards and environmental practices.
Accessibility: Improve NGOs accessibility and presence at all levels in Africa
(Education: Education / Capacity Development)
Advocating: Advocate on the Principles and Goals that NGOs share
Goal: Improve the lives of children and their families now and for the future
To achieve reliable child access to basic amenities water, toilets, health, and education.
Inspire community participation in solving local problems.
Promoting demand for accountability by community

67 reseñas · rating4.9

Johana pires rating5

2023 at School Teaching Assistant

Ce voyage aura été la plus belle expérience de ma vie. ceci en partie grâce à l’association qui nous a accompagné du début jusqu’à la fin, nous étions entourées de personne bienveillantes et grâce à qui nous nous somme sentit en sécurité tout le long de notre séjour ! Les missions ...
Fabian Garcia Lagos rating5

2023 at School Teaching Assistant

🌟 Positive Experience with Future for Africa in Bolgatanga I had a fantastic experience with Future for Africa in Bolgatanga. 🌍 Exciting Projects and Activities During my time at Future for Africa, I actively contributed to the Yikene School by implementing a sustainability ...
Maria Soler rating5

2022 at School Teaching Assistant

Incredible experience!! Would recommended to everyone. It was amazing to discover Ghana’s culture and its people. I was amazed by its happiness, hospitality and being always grateful. Mansur and Samuel ( the responsible for the NGO) and all the people supporting them on this are doing a great job. ..
Marta Paredes rating5

2022 at School Teaching Assistant

-I went with my daughter to Bolgatanga for a couple of weeks and I can only share good things. At the moment that you arrive you realize that the decision of going there was the correct one. As summary I would highlight the incredible people, their kindness and their inspiring attitude. We went to ...
Paqui Garcia Machin rating4.4

2022 at School Teaching Assistant

Ghana is a wonderful place with a lot of different attractions to see! It’s a place filled with kind people. It has been a grateful experience. I had left a piece of my heart in this country and the organitation. Tears always come down when I remember all the memories that I have got in my mind ...
Carlota Cuesta rating5

2022 at School Teaching Assistant

It was a great experience were you get to see how the reality is. I went for 4 weeks during august to the educational project were, in the mornings, we used to go to the school to teach different subjects and, in the afternoons, to communities with children were you can enjoy the time with them. ..


África > África Occidental > Ghana > Bolgatanga or Sogakope

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Contacto Mansur
  Ratio de respuesta excelente

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