desde 610€

Fantástico 4.5rating (39)

Community Empowerment Assistant

2 - 50 semanas  ·  Edad 18 - 50+

rating  Fantástico 4.5  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  Ratio de respuesta excelente

Puntos Relevantes

  • Enjoy the unique weather offered by the country of a thousand hills while contribute to the preservation of the biodiversity through capacity building
  • Gain the Rwandan experience through day to day interaction with local communities
  • Become more passionate about your major and propel your career with international experience
  • Make memories you will never forget during your free time like after work hours, weekend and day off excursions in a full comfort company of teammates and other travelers
  • Visit various wonders that this beautiful country offers including hiking, visiting national parks, beautiful lakes and beautiful beaches, learn the culture through story telling museums

Especialmente adecuado para

Edad 18+
Solteros y solteras

Sobre el programa

The programme offers applicants with opportunity to work towards local mindset about conservation by empowering former traditional hunters towards entrepreneurship.

The rationale:

This programme targets Historically Marginalised People which; is traditional forest dwellers living on hunting and fruits gathering. Unfortunately this way of living is no longer possible in Rwanda following the creation of national parks. A a result, this population has been evicted ...

Sobre el programa

The rationale:

This programme targets Historically Marginalised People which; is traditional forest dwellers living on hunting and fruits gathering. Unfortunately this way of living is no longer possible in Rwanda following the creation of national parks. A a result, this population has been evicted from their dwells for the creation of national parks without any compensation living them one of the poorest community nationwide. Through this programme, Partners For Conservation ensures they acquire basic knowledge, skills and related facilities necessary for them to adopt new way of living alternatively to illegal harvesting park's natural resources

This programme involves community projects, social integration and economic development projects 

Volunteer for this programme will be working with local beneficiaries and Partners For Conservation field staff including (Project Manager, and Technicians) and other stakeholders including conservation and development agencies as well as the local authorities with a particular focus on:

  • Community Based Organizations development and Management,
  • Community Based Organisations capacity building
  • Grants and proposal writing,
  • Fundraising, website management
  • Poverty alleviation
  • Social and economic integration
  • Women and youth empowerment
  • Financial literacy
  • Social justice
  • Community projects development and management
  • Rural development issues
  • Human Rights issues
  • Gender issues 
  • Crop management
  • Livestock management

In order to provide volunteers with many opportunities to learn and contribute to community conservation efforts in Rwanda, volunteers are elected to join the team that represents Partners For Conservation in functions, meetings and other conservation gathering.

The volunteer will be based and operate in Musanze district. Musanze is a district in the Northern Province of Rwanda. Its capital city is Ruhengeri which; is also sometimes known as Musanze. Musanze is Rwanda's most mountainous district, containing the largest part of the Volcanoes National Park and its head office at Kinigi. Five of the eight volcanoes of the Virunga chain (Karisimbi, Bisoke, Sabyinyo, Gahinga and Muhabura) are within the district boundaries. It is also in this district that most of Rwanda's mountain gorillas are found, making it the most popular tourist destination in the country. Musanze's capital, Ruhengeri, is one of the largest cities in Rwanda and serves as a hub for tourists.

It is easy for a volunteer to access the rest corners of the country from Musanze for example Musanze is at 1h drive from Gisenyi and the Democratic Republic of Congo border. Gisenyi is known for its super weekends for water sports lovers. Musanze is also at 2h30 drive from Kigali and at 25 minutes to the Cyanika, the Uganda border.

Día típico

A day as a volunteer varies on a daily basis. However, Partners For Conservation ensures volunteer intervention supports the necessary need and where a volunteer is happy to intervene.  Partners For Conservation supports volunteer’s intervention by providing a comprehensive team involving among ...

Día típico

A day as a volunteer varies on a daily basis. However, Partners For Conservation ensures volunteer intervention supports the necessary need and where a volunteer is happy to intervene.  Partners For Conservation supports volunteer’s intervention by providing a comprehensive team involving among others a driver (where necessary), a local interpreter and senior officer/ project manager.  This is key to ensure there’s excellent communication on and off the field for a successful intervention and teamwork.

Working days are Mondays to Fridays. Except Mondays which; is a planning and evaluation meetings, the rest of the days are reserved for field works. Field works start by 8:00am to 2:00pm. Partners For Conservation respects days- off and weekends. Volunteers staying for over 6 months are entitled to a leave of 10 days in conformity of the local labor law.


    Actividades de tiempo libre

    A volunteer is free agent on the free, public day and on leave. However, volunteers are required to follow rules provided by where they stay this implies that they are called to communicate about their time in and out of the lodge for example. Partners For Conservation recommends the best activities ...

    Actividades de tiempo libre

    A volunteer is free agent on the free, public day and on leave. However, volunteers are required to follow rules provided by where they stay this implies that they are called to communicate about their time in and out of the lodge for example. Partners For Conservation recommends the best activities based to those available in and around the town although volunteers are free to choose according to their preferences. For volunteers looking to travel away from their bases (for holidays for example,) they’re requested to dully fill leave application forms available at Partners For Conservation. Volunteers are free to do whatever they want except political activities.



    Edad mínima: 18 años

    Para participar en el programa debes tener al menos 18 años en la fecha de inicio del programa. Puede haber excepciones si muestras el permiso de tu(s) tutor(es) legal(es) o si vas acompañado de tus padres.

    Conocimientos lingüísticos

    Tienes que hablar (nivel básico) Inglés o (nivel intermedio) Francés

    Verificación de antecedentes penales


    Documentos necesarios

    Application letters, CV and proof of education

    Restricciones de nacionalidad

    Sin restricciones. Las manos amigas de todo el mundo son bienvenidas.

    Otras habilidades

    Vocational skills, Great understanding of Gender and equity

    Tiempo dedicado

    Necesitaremos tu ayuda los Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes de 08:00 - 16:30

    Servicios incluidos

    Servicios incluidos

    Servicios de Partners For Conservation

    1. Processing the visa
    2. Processing the working permit
    3. Lodging: Home stay or accommodations
    4. Meals: 3 per day
    5. Project Donation
    6. Airport transportation on arrival and departure.
    7. In-country training and orientation.
    8. In-country staff supervision.
    9. 24/7 in-country support from partner
    10. Personalized Local Guide and Volunteer Care and Other Services
    11. Around the clock emergency support

    Recogida en el aeropuerto Kigali International Airport

    As much as possible, a member of staff will meet you at the airport and take you to the program by car or bus.  If you are coming by other means we can make arrangements that work for you. 


    Accommodation is located in Musanze District. It's a comprehensive house with toilets and washing rooms inside as well as a garden outside. Musanze is a district in the Northern Province of Rwanda. Its capital city is Ruhengeri which; is also sometimes known as Musanze. Musanze is Rwanda's most mountainous district, containing the largest part of the Volcanoes National Park and its head office at Kinigi. Five of the eight volcanoes of the Virunga chain (Karisimbi, Bisoke, Sabyinyo, Gahinga and Muhabura) are within the district boundaries. It is also in this district that most of Rwanda's mountain gorillas are found, making it the most popular tourist destination in the country. Musanze's capital, Ruhengeri, is one of the largest cities in Rwanda and serves as a hub for tourists.

    It is easy for a volunteer to access the rest corners of the country from Musanze for example Musanze is at 1h drive from Gisenyi and the Democratic Republic of Congo border. Gisenyi is known for its super weekends for water sports lovers. Musanze is also at 2h30 drive from Kigali and at 25 minutes to the Cyanika, the Uganda border.

    Comida y bebida

    Volunteers will be provided with three meals a day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Any additional food is at the volunteers expense.  Please let us know if you have any food allergies and we are happy to accommodate you. 

    Acceso a Internet

    Buen acceso al lugar del proyecto

    ¿Qué NO está incluido?

    ¿Qué NO está incluido?

    Boletos de avión

    El aeropuerto más cercano es Kigali International Airport (KGL) en Kigali. Te ayudamos a encontrar vuelos baratos a Ruanda. ENCONTRAR VUELOS BARATOS

    Seguro de viaje

    Ir al extranjero es una aventura y siempre es mejor estar preparado. Enfermedad o lesión repentina, cancelación o robo: un seguro de viaje para Ruanda proporciona seguridad y es una ventaja tenerlo. OBTENER UN PRESUPUESTO


    Si tiene intención de realizar un voluntariado en Ruanda, debe solicitar asesoramiento médico antes de iniciar su viaje social. Comprueba las vacunas que necesitas para Ruanda. COMPROBADOR DE VACUNAS

    Detalles a la llegada

    Volunteer can join this programme at any time throughout the year as dictated by the farming seasons in Rwanda. On arrival, Partners For Conservation organizes a shuttle to pick up the volunteer at the airport (the organisation also provides a shuttle to drop the volunteer at the end of the volunteering). Upon arrival at PFC HQs and introduction to the staff, a volunteer is given a week for cultural immersion after which he’s introduced to the field and partners including beneficiaries and local authorities of where the activities are located. During the cultural immersion programme, the volunteer assisted by a personal interpreter visits important places in the area such as markets, recreation places etc and is introduced to the ways of living of Rwandans.

    Enero Feb. Marzo Abr. Mayo Jun Jul Agosto Set. Oct. Nov. Dic.

    Cuotas del programa

    2 semanas (estancia min.) 610€
    3 semanas 984€
    4 semanas 1.263€
    5 semanas 1.543€
    9 semanas 2.658€
    17 semanas 4.891€
    50 semanas (estancia max.) 11.750€
    Cuota promedio 270€/semana

    Cuotas del programa

    270€ cuotas semanales 2 - 50 semanas Edad 18 - 50+

    Métodos de pago

    Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



    2 - 50 semanas


    El depósito es simplemente para reservar tu vacante de voluntario. Los pagos se gestionan a través de PayPal, nuestro proveedor global de confianza. Si no tienes una cuenta PayPal, también puedes pagar con tarjeta de crédito.

    Pago final

    El pago final se acordará con Partners For Conservation durante el proceso de solicitud. Las soluciones habituales son la transferencia bancaria o el pago en efectivo en el lugar del proyecto.

    Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

    Partners For Conservation

    Fantástico 4.5 rating (39 reseñas)

    Sin fines de lucro - fundada en 2014

    Verificado por Volunteer World

      Ratio de respuesta excelente

    Coordinado por


    Idiomas hablados: Inglés

    sobre la organización

    Building communities capable to influence local conservation and development decisions through promotional protection and conservation actions for a biodiversity legacy.

    Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)


    Partners For Conservation is a Rwandan charity that was founded in 2014. It was registered by the Rwanda Governance Board as a local non-governmental organization under nº343/RGB/NGO/LP/07/2018.

    Its overall mission is to save a biodiversity legacy through the promotion, protection and conservation. Partners For Conservation serves as a platform that provides opportunities to everyone from farmers to businessmen; from children to adults; from illiterates to academics; from low-income people to donors; from volunteers to professionals, to appreciate and celebrate their contributions towards the conservation of the biodiversity.

    Objectively, Partners For Conservation is dedicated to the extension and sharing of opportunities in promotion, protection and conservation of biodiversity through Education, Community Empowerment and Entrepreneurship, Public Health and Environmental Justice.


    Partners For Conservation believes in the innate capabilities of every human being in biodiversity promotion, protection and conservation. For this, PFC advocates for a partnership of all stakeholder as an utmost requisite to ensure a biodiversity legacy while driving feeling of responsibility and ownership. Thus, the establishment of Partners For Conservation as platform where every single contribution is accounted for. Partners For Conservation believes that a such partnership remains a key drive of inclusive and participation of all stakeholders in local needs assessment, designing priorities and relevant strategies to address identified them. Our intervention is driven by the desire of promote education so to build the capacity of locals and raise their awareness to ensure they are empowered enough to actively participate in community and conservation processes and are capable to influence decisions affecting both the community and conservation welfare. 


    Partners For Conservation is dedicated to the extension and sharing of opportunities in promotion, protection and conservation of biodiversity through Education, Community Empowerment and Entrepreneurship, Public Health and Environmental Justice to allow all society members to appreciate and celebrate their contributions towards the conservation of the biodiversity.


    At Partners For Conservation, we believe in the innate capability of every human being to promote, protect and conserve biodiversity. We aim at driving everyone’s appreciation and celebration of her/his contributions towards the conservation of the biodiversity.


    Partners For Conservation aims at preserving a legacy through the promotion, protection and conservation of biodiversity.

    Partners For Conservation believes that everyone is born a conservator, and that only good will and means make the difference. We work to serve as the only platform through which; farmers to businessmen, children to adults, illiterates to academicians, poor to wealthy people, volunteers to professionals, interns to researchers are able to contribute towards a just world.

    Currently, Partners For Conservation is contributing to the promotion, protection and conservation of national biodiversity through a holistic intervention axed on Conservation, Education, Community Empowerment and Entrepreneurship, Public Health and Environmental Justice activities to promote the social-economic integration of poor, vulnerable and marginalized people surrounding the gorilla habitat.

    One of the national biodiversity flag-bear is Mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) one of the two subspecies of the eastern gorillas. One species is found in the Volcanoes mountains of Central Africa within three National Parks: Mgahinga in South-west of Uganda, Volcanoes in North West Rwanda, and Virunga in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. The other is found in Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. According to the most recent census mountain gorillas stands at an estimated 1,000 individuals (2018 gorilla census)

    Despite being removed from the IUCN Red List of critically endangered species, mountain gorillas remain endangered and their survival remains dependent on conservation efforts. (I.U.C.N Red list, 2018). This success is credited to a number of efforts by individuals and consortium initiated to support conservation interventions such as; research and monitoring of gorilla health, and improving social-economic living conditions of communities surrounding the park.

    For its exceptional biodiversity values, in 1983 UNESCO added this park to the International Man and Biosphere Reserves. Despite this, the park is subject to a variety of serious and growing anthropogenic pressures largely related to it being situated in one of the most densely populated parts of Rwanda.

    39 reseñas · rating4.5

    Katherine Son rating3

    2024 at Community Empowerment Assistant

    Program in Musanze, Rwanda, work with local communities and historically marginalized peoples. Great cultural immersion opportunities visiting local peoples and markets. ..
    Awa Tigane rating3.2

    2024 at Community Empowerment Assistant

    I spent 2 months here exploring Musanze and meeting community organizations. Experience varies based on what you are interested and what ongoing projects are available to work ...
    Partners for Conservation is the Organisation which provides all of the activities and programs in Musanze, Rwanda. The House is situated in Musanze a little bit outside the town in a good area. Emmanuel is the head of the organisation and knows many many people which makes it easy to get in touch ...
    Denise rating4.4

    2024 at Community Empowerment Assistant

    It was fun and interesting learning about the Rwandan Community. The host is very connected and supportive ensuring that we all explored what we were interested ...
    Stella rating4.2

    2024 at Community Empowerment Assistant

    During my time here I got to see an extensive and immersive experience in Rwanda, we visited all 9 districts! The housing was clean and nice, located in a safe and beautiful area with access to amenities and nearby things to do. The host was very friendly and a lot of fun to hang out with and talk ...
    Mwihaki Karanja rating3.4

    2023 at Community Empowerment Assistant

    The experience was overall okay. Good people. Good location. There was a lot about the culture of the place and people that was very evident. The accomodation could be a bit better especially for female volunteers. Dietary concerns can be looked into with a keen eye. Emmanuel the director was okay. ..


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      Ratio de respuesta excelente

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