desde 752€

Perfecto 4.6rating (26)

Childcare and Community Development

4 - 20 semanas  ·  Edad 18 - 50+

rating  Perfecto 4.6  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  Ratio de respuesta muy alto

Puntos Relevantes

  • Experience the Tanzanian way of life and live within the local community
  • Gain professional experience working with children in schools with limited resources and support
  • Become passionate about children's education and expand your professional skills and experience working Internationally
  • Enjoy travel alongside a group of likeminded volunteers, stay in vibrant accommodation and enjoy weekend trips and tours!
  • Develop further Swahilli language skills and cultural education

Especialmente adecuado para

Edad 18+
Solteros y solteras
Sillas de Ruedas

Sobre el programa

Working with a local pre-primary school, the Child Care programs offer volunteers the opportunity to work with children supporting their development.

Working with a local pre-primary school, the Child Care programs offer volunteers the opportunity to work with children supporting their physical and cognitive development in a day-care style environment. Run by a qualified educator, the daycare you will be working at was established to support ...

Sobre el programa

Working with a local pre-primary school, the Child Care programs offer volunteers the opportunity to work with children supporting their physical and cognitive development in a day-care style environment. Run by a qualified educator, the daycare you will be working at was established to support low-income families, offering quality, inquiry/play-based education to children in the local area.

First is all about making sustainable solutions and making a beneficial impact on the local community, which is why we require our volunteers to be at the placement for at least 4 weeks. The reason for this is, that we wish to create as much consistency for the children in the daycare as possible. Volunteers are more than welcome to work on the Child Care program even longer, as there is no maximum limit to this placement. Laughter is what we wish our volunteers to be spreading through the work with the permanent teachers and the love and energy, the volunteers will bring.

Anyone who has a heart, that cares for children can volunteer in this placement. As the daycare is run by 3 educated teachers, we don’t require the volunteers to have a certain degree of education to volunteer at this placement. You must however be a minimum of 18 years and provide a clean criminal record when applying for volunteering with us. If you do however have previous experience of working with children, this will only be an advantage.

Día típico

After having breakfast at your accommodation, you will head to your childcare placement, which is close by and located in the same area.

Depending on where you are during your stay will determine what your day-to-day might look like. Typically, volunteers will spend the first part of their stay ...

Día típico

After having breakfast at your accommodation, you will head to your childcare placement, which is close by and located in the same area.

Depending on where you are during your stay will determine what your day-to-day might look like. Typically, volunteers will spend the first part of their stay focusing on developing an understanding of the key challenges and ways in which the school operates, to contribute sustainably. This could mean in the beginning, you work more alongside the teacher, observing and enjoying playtime with the children. As your time goes on, you will be able to become more heavily involved, perhaps helping run activities, lessons, units, and more.

 The children attend school up until noon. Therefore, also being an Inquiry school, the day is generally broken into 5 main blocks:

  • Start the day with a fun exploration-based activity to promote wonder and questions in children.
  • Following this, the children will move into Literacy, where they will focus the learning activities around exploration or play-based activities.
  • The children then break for porridge.
  • After porridge, the play-based learning continues, however focusing on developing their early childhood math.
  • Finally, the day is wrapped up with games, play, songs, or any other fun winding-down activities before the children head home!

After 12, you will head back to the accommodation, where you can spend your free time with other travelers, exploring the city, relaxing, and many continue working on developing ideas, resources, and activities for your school in the afternoons also.

At the accommodation, there are several weekend tours, safaris, daily activities, and events which you can also join to make the most of your time here in Tanzania.

Actividades de tiempo libre

There are plenty of good weekend activities that can be done whilst you are in Arusha. With these, you can arrange these from your accommodation, where you will get to join a group to enjoy activities with. 

The main things people can look at doing on weekends would be:

  • Hot springs and ...

Actividades de tiempo libre

There are plenty of good weekend activities that can be done whilst you are in Arusha. With these, you can arrange these from your accommodation, where you will get to join a group to enjoy activities with. 

The main things people can look at doing on weekends would be:

  • Hot springs and waterfalls day tour (Maji Moto)
  • Moshi Tour, which visits coffee plantation and making, banana plantations, Chugga Caves tour, waterfalls on the base of Mt Kilimanjaro, Moshi town tour, etc.
  • Arusha National Park Walking Safari
  • Mto Wa Mbu 2-day tour
  • Massai Village Tours
  • Mt Kilimanjaro day hike
  • You can do 1-day safaris to Lake Manyara, Tarangire and Ngorongoro
General things around Arusha would be Snake Park, the Cultural Heritage Museum, Mt Meru day hikes, Massai Market, there are plenty of Cafes, hotels with pools, etcetera. 



Edad mínima: 18 años

Para participar en el programa debes tener al menos 18 años en la fecha de inicio del programa. Puede haber excepciones si muestras el permiso de tu(s) tutor(es) legal(es) o si vas acompañado de tus padres.

Conocimientos lingüísticos

Tienes que hablar (nivel intermedio) Inglés

Verificación de antecedentes penales


Documentos necesarios

CV, Certificates and Proof of Qualifications

Restricciones de nacionalidad

Sin restricciones. Las manos amigas de todo el mundo son bienvenidas.

Otras habilidades

Relevant work experience and qualifications

Tiempo dedicado

Necesitaremos tu ayuda los Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes de 08:00 - 12:00

Servicios incluidos

Servicios incluidos

Servicios de Boresha Maisha Projects

The fee covers your living expenses whilst here in Tanzania, and a percentage goes towards your placement itself, to further support the projects. During your stay, you will be living at a vibrant volunteer house, located in Njiro, only a short drive from the city centre.

Program Inclusions:

  • Accommodation at our lively volunteer and backpacker’s house
  • 2 meals per day (Breakfast and dinner)
  • Airport pick up
  • Orientation and town tour
  • In-country program support
  • Your placement
  • Program Certificate
  • Access to a range of Day Tours and Safaris to experience more of Tanzania!

Recogida en el aeropuerto Kilimanjaro International Airport

Your airport pickup will be arranged closer to the time. All we need is your flight and arrival information.


During your stay you will be accommodated in the coziest and most friendly hostel in Arusha, The White House of Tanzania. Upon your arrival, you will meet our staff as well as the Mboje family, who runs and manages Fursa Projects Tanzania as well as the hostel. The family also lives on site once in Arusha, and there is therefore always staff around. 

The hostel is a newly renovated big house located in an area of Arusha called Njiro. It is approximately 15 minutes drive fromt the center of the city, but within 10 minutes walking from the house you will find a big compound called Njiro Complex. Here you will find ATMs, various restaurants, gym, cinema, supermarket and much more. From here, it is very easy to either find a taxi or to catch the local mini-buses - dalla-dalla's - and get to the center of Arusha. 

All the rooms in the hostel are spacious and clean with their own private ensuite-bathrooms with hot shower. We have no single rooms, and as a volunteer you will most likely share a room with other volunteers and travelers. However, we find that this makes the experience much richer for the volunteers, as they get to know their fellow house-mates that much better. 

The hostel have various common-areas both indoor and outdoor, where guests and volunteers relax and enjoy their evenings after a day full of adventure - either at their placements or on different trips. As mentioned in the section below, all three meals are included in your accommodation price and all guests and staff enjoy dinner together every night. This is usually a time of day, where guests and volunteers will share experiences and get new inspiration for activities for their days off. 

Included in your accommodation price, you will also find a good functioning WIFI at all times, so you can easily communicate with your friends and family at home.

Comida y bebida

Breakfast and Dinner is provided each day.

Acceso a Internet

Acceso limitado al lugar del proyecto

¿Qué NO está incluido?

¿Qué NO está incluido?

Boletos de avión

El aeropuerto más cercano es Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) en Kilimanjaro. Te ayudamos a encontrar vuelos baratos a Tanzania. ENCONTRAR VUELOS BARATOS

Seguro de viaje

Ir al extranjero es una aventura y siempre es mejor estar preparado. Enfermedad o lesión repentina, cancelación o robo: un seguro de viaje para Tanzania proporciona seguridad y es una ventaja tenerlo. OBTENER UN PRESUPUESTO


Si tiene intención de realizar un voluntariado en Tanzania, debe solicitar asesoramiento médico antes de iniciar su viaje social. Comprueba las vacunas que necesitas para Tanzania. COMPROBADOR DE VACUNAS

Detalles a la llegada

You can start working at this project on the first and second Monday of each month.

When you arrive, you will be picked up from Kilimanjaro and transported to your accommodation at Tribe Nomads Hostel in Arusha City. On your first day, you will receive an in-depth program orientation where we also do a town tour showing you Arusha, how to use the public buses, where to find ATMs, exchange money and much more. The next day one of our staff members will take you to your project showing you the way and making sure you are always safe. 

Fursa projects have a primary focus on having a sustainable and ethical impact on the community and placements we work with. As such, your program does have set guidelines and key focuses that ensure the people you work with are protected, their needs are put first, the community remains at the forefront of development and to ensure a that volunteers continually contribute to long-term, overarching goals.

We will recommend that you arrive to Tanzania by the end of the week so that you have the weekend to settle in and get comfortable in the house and area before beginning your work the following Monday. 

Enero Feb. Marzo Abr. Mayo Jun Jul Agosto Set. Oct. Nov. Dic.

Cuotas del programa

4 semanas (estancia min.) 752€
5 semanas 940€
6 semanas 1.128€
7 semanas 1.316€
9 semanas 1.692€
11 semanas 2.068€
20 semanas (estancia max.) 3.760€
Cuota promedio 188€/semana

Cuotas del programa

188€ cuotas semanales 4 - 20 semanas Edad 18 - 50+

Métodos de pago

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 20 semanas


El depósito es simplemente para reservar tu vacante de voluntario. Los pagos se gestionan a través de PayPal, nuestro proveedor global de confianza. Si no tienes una cuenta PayPal, también puedes pagar con tarjeta de crédito.

Pago final

El pago final se acordará con Boresha Maisha Projects durante el proceso de solicitud. Las soluciones habituales son la transferencia bancaria o el pago en efectivo en el lugar del proyecto.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

Boresha Maisha Projects

Perfecto 4.6 rating (26 reseñas)

Agencia - fundada en 2014

Verificado por Volunteer World

  Ratio de respuesta muy alto

Coordinado por


Idiomas hablados: Suajili, Inglés

sobre la organización

Boresha Maisha Projects seek to provide communities with education about sustainable solutions to their problems through the work of experienced volunteers.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

We wish to create possibilities for communities and individuals to grow and develop in order to create a better future. We seek to provide communities with education about sustainable solutions to their problems instead of fast and easy solutions. How do we plan to do that? By continues education provides by experienced individuals with knowledge and specific education to a certain field. And this is where we need you!

Dealing with the challenges of today requires problem-solvers who bring different perspectives and are willing to take risks. We are searching for strong individuals, who wish to bring their knowledge and education and pass it on to communities and work places in Arusha, Tanzania. We believe that this education and sharing of knowledge is the way to solve many of the problems, the developing countries in the 21st century are facing. But we need you to help us with it.

Boresha Maisha Project emerged out of a pursuit to inspire and support the community. Having seen the bad effects of "voluntourism" many of the volunteering platforms create, we wished to find more sustainable projects, where the impacts will last and not just be forgotten with the next arriving volunteers. We wish to create platforms specifically for volunteers with the appropriate skills and this way ensure that the volunteers will be in surroundings where they feel safe and have an expertise. Look through our projects and see if we have one, that fits you. They get updated regularly, so don't worry if you don't find the one, you were looking for.  

Established in 2017, we’re an organization driven by progressive ideas and bold actions. Help us break the circle of "voluntourism" and projects who are ruining communities and families instead of keeping them together.

26 reseñas · rating4.6

I volunteered with Fursa Projects on their Childcare program on in January, and absolutely loved it! As I want to work in development, this program allowed me to get a really in-depth understanding of the challenges that face children and families being able to access quality education in Tanzania. ..
Alexander Bohlin rating5

2023 at Childcare and Community Development

Earlier this year, my brother and I went to Tanzania with the intentions of volunteering. We got our placement through the hostel we stayed at, White House of Arusha, and we ended up at Mwanga’s Children Foundation, Arusha. It was such a lovely experience! We both had our separate groups of ...
My volunteer experience in Africa was something I never could have imagined. From the moment I planned to go to the minute I got home ,Lucy and junior at fursa Projects were extremely helpful and kind. Junior was there in Arusha to look after me throughout my whole trip and was always there if I ...
Leena Vasishta rating5

2022 at Childcare and Community Development

Volunteering with the child care program in Arusha, Tanzania was an enriching experience that extended beyond the confines of the children's center and reached into the heart of community development. The program not only focused on the well-being and education of the children but also actively ...
I got to work at the most amazing childcare centre. The kids were absolutely amazing and so happy. This was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had and the culture I got to be a part of was vibrant, energetic and bright. ..
Brooklyn keogh rating5

2022 at Childcare and Community Development

I loved loved my time in Tanzania and at the white house hostel! I wasn't sure what to except before going and I was of course nervous, but now I am itching to go back. The accommodation was fun and I met so many cool people, the children at the school really made me fall in love and all in all, ...


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Contacto Lucy
  Ratio de respuesta muy alto
Suajili, Inglés

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