desde 1.128€

Fantástico 4.5rating (11)

Cheetah and Wildlife Centre Supporter

1 - 8 semanas  ·  Edad 18 - 50+

rating  Fantástico 4.5  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  Ratio de respuesta excelente

Puntos Relevantes

  • Daily feeding of the cheetahs and other animals
  • Enjoy a break away in the south african bush, no city noises or other disturbances while you sit and listen to our lions roaring the night away
  • Learn how to work with wildlife in a captive and wild situation
  • You can choose to have your down time while sitting with the animals you were feeding and caring for earlier in the day.
  • Have the opportunity to observe and study cheetah behaviour

Especialmente adecuado para

Edad 18+
Solteros y solteras

Sobre el programa

We specialize in cheetah and take great pride in our breeding project. We house over 30 cheetah (including king cheetah) and a variety of other wildlife.

About the Program

Your program is situated at the base of the Waterberg Mountain range on a beautiful 1000Ha farm that boasts a variety of fauna and flora.

Our main focus is on conserving the cheetah species and this with our breeding program. Our breeding is a precise science as we pride ourselves on ...

Sobre el programa

About the Program

Your program is situated at the base of the Waterberg Mountain range on a beautiful 1000Ha farm that boasts a variety of fauna and flora.

Our main focus is on conserving the cheetah species and this with our breeding program. Our breeding is a precise science as we pride ourselves on the breeding of the valuable bloodlines needed for the species to continue.

The volunteers are an extremely important part of our program as education is key for conservation. Our program includes many activities like feeding of all the animals on the farm which includes the preparation of the food, cleaning of enclosures, assist in the training and care of boith hand and parent reared cheetahs, daily maintenance of the farm such as enclosure maintenance, relocating animals to new enclosures, revamping enclosures, ongoing enrichment for all our animals. This is not limited to these tasks as we are a working farm and up keep is endless. 

Game counts (on the 1000ha farm we have free roaming giraffe, zebra, kudu, impala, blesbok, waterbok, sable, wildebeest and warthogs), are also an important part of volunteer work and is coupled with animal identification and part of the learning process for them. We have introduced giraffe identification as part of the program which involves the volunteers photographing the giraffes and identifying them via special marks they can see. This data will then be captured for each giraffe. When we do supplement feed, the volunteers are the ones to put out the feed for our free roaming game with a feeding spot right in front of our volunteer house. 

We pride ourselves that our volunteers are hands on with everything and are educated in conservation matters facing these endangered species. We find the hands-on, ethical approach to be the most rewarding for our volunteers and they go away with a sense of accomplishment and an eagerness to conserve. 

As our environment is under huge pressure, we have decided to switch our farm to solar energy-this lessens the carbon footprint and immerses everyone on the farm into nature.

In addition to the program, there are optional additional activities in the area that they can do in their free time. these are also frequently reviewed and new additions are always in the pipeline.

Día típico

A day in the life of a volunteer starts with you waking up to the amazing sounds of the bush world and enjoying breakfast at the volunteer house which offers you the opportunity to see some of the free roaming animals walking past while waking up and getting ready for the day. After breakfast, we ...

Día típico

A day in the life of a volunteer starts with you waking up to the amazing sounds of the bush world and enjoying breakfast at the volunteer house which offers you the opportunity to see some of the free roaming animals walking past while waking up and getting ready for the day. After breakfast, we generally do the feeding and cleaning and any other tasks we have for the morning, which takes us up to lunch time. After lunch we complete any tasks around the farm that need to be done or completed until we knock off. You will have a period of rest before dinner and the evenings to yourself. 

Weekends are your time off, especially Sundays and there are a variety of activities we can arrange for you in the area (at your own cost). It's a long day but a very rewarding one.

Tasks vary on the farm but are of a wide variety so you will be involved in all aspects of running a farm. Tasks may include but are not limited to the following:

  • Preparing raw game meat or chickens for the carnivores
  • Helping on the feeding round where we dish out the prepared meat to the cats
  • Cleaning enclosures
  • Helping with the daily maintenance or upkeep of the enclosures
  • Assisting the animal team in activities, such as the cheetah run
  • Assisting the animal team in daily training session with young cats or the adult cats who enjoy some extra love
  • Doing fence checks on the farm (enclosures and perimeter fences)
  • Putting out Lucerne (special feed) for the free roaming game
  • Doing general game counts, Giraffe identification, tracking and camera trap data
  • General Maintenance such as road erosion control, thatch grass cutting and collection and/or any other jobs that are needed to be completed. 

Actividades de tiempo libre

We offer a number of free time activities off the property at the volunteers own expenses and cater towards to volunteers need to experience as much as they can during their stay with us. This can range from physical activities such as hiking, Golfing to adrenaline pumping paintball wars to visiting ...

Actividades de tiempo libre

We offer a number of free time activities off the property at the volunteers own expenses and cater towards to volunteers need to experience as much as they can during their stay with us. This can range from physical activities such as hiking, Golfing to adrenaline pumping paintball wars to visiting other accredited facilities in and around the area. We can also offer them custom made tours during their stay. All free time activities are extra and at their own expense.



Edad mínima: 18 años

Para participar en el programa debes tener al menos 18 años en la fecha de inicio del programa. Puede haber excepciones si muestras el permiso de tu(s) tutor(es) legal(es) o si vas acompañado de tus padres.

Conocimientos lingüísticos

Tienes que hablar (nivel intermedio) Inglés o (nivel intermedio) Inglés

Verificación de antecedentes penales


Restricciones de nacionalidad

Sin restricciones. Las manos amigas de todo el mundo son bienvenidas.

Otras habilidades

Volunteers need to be interested in the animal field and must want to work hard. We have lots of fun but our daily tasks need to get finished as we are a working farm.

Tiempo dedicado

Necesitaremos tu ayuda los Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes de 08:00 - 17:00

Servicios incluidos

Servicios incluidos

Servicios de Feracare Wildlife Centre

Funding from the volunteer program firstly covers the logistic cost (food etc). The rest and bulk of the money is put back into the farm, whether it's to buy new tools to complete the volunteer jobs or to fund vet bills to keep our animals healthy or purchase food for our animals. In the end the money received from the volunteers is put directly back into the farm and is direct contribution to the survival of these species.

Recogida en el aeropuerto O.R. Tambo International Airport

We will pick you up at O.R Tambo International Airport, Johannesburg on the day of your arrival (unless stipulated elsewhere) and have you back on the day of your departure. One of our friendly staff members will be there waiting for your arrival at the airport with a name board.


We have a volunteer house as well as chalets on the property. Linen and towels are provided. All accommodation is sharing 2-3 persons per room(unless stipulated) with sharing bathroom facilities. There is an equipped kitchen, lounge and dining area that is communal. Wifi is also available at the accommodations. Electrical outlets are ample for charging phones and cameras.

Comida y bebida

Our volunteer house is stocked with food so the volunteers can make meals as they please. We have fresh food brought in twice a week and volunteers are encouraged to help make the shopping list so we can cater to their needs. We can supply all diets and cooking meals together encourages volunteers from different backgrounds to mingle in the kitchen while preparing the food.

Acceso a Internet

Acceso limitado al lugar del proyecto

¿Qué NO está incluido?

¿Qué NO está incluido?

Boletos de avión

El aeropuerto más cercano es O.R. Tambo International Airport (JNB) en Johannesburg. Te ayudamos a encontrar vuelos baratos a Sudáfrica. ENCONTRAR VUELOS BARATOS

Seguro de viaje

Ir al extranjero es una aventura y siempre es mejor estar preparado. Enfermedad o lesión repentina, cancelación o robo: un seguro de viaje para Sudáfrica proporciona seguridad y es una ventaja tenerlo. OBTENER UN PRESUPUESTO


Si tiene intención de realizar un voluntariado en Sudáfrica, debe solicitar asesoramiento médico antes de iniciar su viaje social. Comprueba las vacunas que necesitas para Sudáfrica. COMPROBADOR DE VACUNAS

Detalles a la llegada

We prefer if volunteers can arrive at the airport on a monday morning so all new volunteers joining us can start together but if this is not possible we can start the program on any other day.

Enero Feb. Marzo Abr. Mayo Jun Jul Agosto Set. Oct. Nov. Dic.

Cuotas del programa

1 semana (estancia min.) 1.128€
2 semanas 1.692€
3 semanas 2.256€
4 semanas 2.820€
5 semanas 3.290€
6 semanas 3.760€
7 semanas 4.230€
8 semanas (estancia max.) 4.700€
Cuota promedio 857€/semana

Cuotas del programa

857€ cuotas semanales 1 - 8 semanas Edad 18 - 50+

Métodos de pago

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



1 - 8 semanas


El depósito es simplemente para reservar tu vacante de voluntario. Los pagos se gestionan a través de PayPal, nuestro proveedor global de confianza. Si no tienes una cuenta PayPal, también puedes pagar con tarjeta de crédito.

Pago final

El pago final se acordará con Feracare Wildlife Centre durante el proceso de solicitud. Las soluciones habituales son la transferencia bancaria o el pago en efectivo en el lugar del proyecto.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

Feracare Wildlife Centre

Fantástico 4.5 rating (11 reseñas)

Agencia - fundada en 2013

Verificado por Volunteer World

  Ratio de respuesta excelente

Coordinado por


sobre la organización

We strive to care for all creatures. The main focus is on cheetahs as we run the cheetah breeding project and play a big part in conserving valuable bloodlines.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)


Feracare Wildlife Centre is a recently founded organisation and stands for the care of all wild creatures. The project lives up to its name by providing a safe haven to all the animals on the farm. Our fantastic team is made up of a variety of experienced and knowledgeable staff members who are passionate and dedicated on the conservation of the species on the farm.


The cheetah is fast becoming extinct as a species, with numbers dwindling from over 100 000 in the 1900's to a mere 10 000 in 2000 and according to the latest statistics released in 2017, now number only in the region of 7500 individuals. In the 1970's the cheetah species was classified as endangered, however as the result of a very successful breeding project, spearheaded by the legendary Ann van Dyk, were later, in 1986 downgraded to vulnerable. Sadly, there is once again an urgent need to reclassify this species as endangered once again. In the means to secure the future of the cheetah, it is imperative to retain a strong, healthy genetic pool and this is where the vision of Feracare Wildlife Centre comes into play. We breed such a genetic pool, while researching possible areas into which cheetah can be released to ensure their long term survival.  Other releases back into the wild with species such as leopard, tortoises, hedgehogs and a variety of bird species are not a daily occurrence but do happen and we are proud to be part of that


We are nestled in the base of the beautiful Waterberg Mountain Range in the Limpopo Province, South Africa. We are a 856ha secure farm. Fortunately we have a great climate, our summers are hot and our winters are a perfect combination of warm and cold. We are located in a malaria-free zone of South Africa too.

History of Feracare Wildlife Centre:

We continue to strive for the follow in the footsteps of the cheetah legend herself Ann Van Dyk, and have taken over where she left off. The work that Ann herself is accomplished over a span of 46 years is truly inspiring. Feracare Wildlife Centre was a little seed that started growing when Kim Hiltrop was a young girl. Kim had a passion for animals from the start and when the time was right she decided to move from Belgium to South Africa to pursue her dream.Kim spent a number of years gaining experience with various cat species and wildlife until the opportunity arose to take over Ann van Dyk's life work, her private cheetah farm in the Waterberg area, there was not a moment of doubt and in April 2015, Feracare Wildlife Centre was born.

Our Mission Statement:

To ensure the long term survival of the cheetah species through maintaining a strong genetic pool with the aim to release the into protected areas if and when they become available.

Our Aims:

  • Maintain a strong genetic pool through our cheetah breeding program
  • Create an awareness of the plight of these species through education via tours and mainly our volunteer program
  • Create a safe haven for our existing species
  • Rehabilitation and Release of any indigenous local species where possible.
  • Assist in the conservation and preservation of all the species on the farm, specific focus on the wild dog and cheetah species.

11 reseñas · rating4.5

Clara Skipka rating5

2023 at Cheetah and Wildlife Centre Supporter

First of all, I want to thank you for the incredible memories that I was allowed to make here. I am glad to have been here as a volunteer. The farm, the landscape, the animals and the owner are simply wonderful. A big thank you again to Kim. As a volunteer, we had fixed tasks on the farm, but we had ...
Elaine Cooper rating5

2023 at Cheetah and Wildlife Centre Supporter

I can't begin to express the amazing experience Kim provides for volunteers at Feracare/Nova's Legacy! I've been dreaming of this type of experience since I was 10 years old, and this facility went above and beyond my wildest dreams! While providing hands on, personal interaction with cheetahs, ...
Paula Wright rating4.2

2023 at Cheetah and Wildlife Centre Supporter

My 2 weeks at Feracare was better than I ever dreamed possible. I learned so much about the animals, their history and their care. Kim is amazing beyond belief. She knows every one of those animals so well because she thinks like an animal. She can look at them and immediately know if anything ...
Nicole Dal Santo rating4.6

2019 at Cheetah and Wildlife Centre Supporter

I was there for 3 weeks and it was unforgettable. The staff was very friendly and nice and we had a lot of fun and wonderful moments. Anyone who loves big cats and animals in general is definitely in the right place here! Many thanks to Chantal, Nelda and Kim and ...
Sandra Röthlin rating4.2

2019 at Cheetah and Wildlife Centre Supporter

It was a great experience. Tank you Feracare! The supervisors and the owners were very loving and helpful. They do everything to make the animals well. Your primary goal is to reintroduce the animals where it is possible. You have a structured daily and weekly schedule. The day begins with preparing ...
Julia Kramer rating4.8

2018 at Cheetah and Wildlife Centre Supporter

As a volunteer it is so rewarding to see your hard work help an animal! For free days I went horse back riding and on two safaris. Our accommodations were comfortable, the food was delicious, and the overall hospitality from the staff was unbeatable. You can tell they love their jobs and would go ...


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  Ratio de respuesta excelente

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