desde 212€

Sobresaliente 4.9rating (8)

Assistant in Education Initiative

4 - 50 semanas  ·  Edad 20 - 50+

rating  Sobresaliente 4.9  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  Ratio de respuesta muy alto

Puntos Relevantes

  • Experience the Chewa way of life, afternoon siestas of course included
  • Immerse yourself in our cultural traditions
  • In your spare time you can join activities such as drumming, cooking, soap making and weaving.
  • You can climb our mountain, get on a biking tour or visit the local market in Katete
  • You can go to a short vacation into nearby South Luangwa National Park. There you go an a safari and see the Big Five. Tiko volunteers get a discount

Especialmente adecuado para

Edad 20+
Solteros y solteras
Sillas de Ruedas

Sobre el programa

Education initiative volunteers will assist in pre-primary and secondary education initiatives that support over 100 students!

The project

Our mission is to fight poverty in Katete through better education, health and entrepreneurship; helping people to help themselves while maintaining their traditional values. 

Tiko has had an early childhood education centre since 2008 with some 80 children and has helped set up another ...

Sobre el programa

The project

Our mission is to fight poverty in Katete through better education, health and entrepreneurship; helping people to help themselves while maintaining their traditional values. 

Tiko has had an early childhood education centre since 2008 with some 80 children and has helped set up another four in the villages. A secondary school is opening in 2018 with grades 8 and 10 and vocational options for agriculture, carpentry and metal work. There is also an unending amount of informal teaching to do. 

Volunteer work

Education volunteers can work with the pre-primary or secondary education students. Volunteers will assist with lessons including reading, maths, English, and computer skills. We encourage volunteers to also make educational aids for students and keep doing mental arithmetic. There are also extra curricular activities like cooking, sports and traditional dancing. The children in pre-primary will capture your heart. 

The laboratory may be of particular interest for any volunteer. 

How it works

The individual activities are tailored to the skills and interests of the volunteers. We encourage volunteers to pick one of the education projects or a combination of projects. Volunteers can also suggest a program to add to that area of concentration if the inspiration should strike them. Each project does have a different schedule and can also depend so much on the day, the season, what holidays are happening, community events like a headman initiation, how many funerals are going on, etc. It is almost impossible to dictate a typical day because there isn't one. Usually, volunteers establish their own routine

The location

Volunteers will be living at Tiko Lodge which is part of Tikondane Community Centre. They will be able to go into the villages nearby and host seminars at Tiko. You will quickly become part of the Tiko family and community.

Who we are looking for

Volunteers should be open minded, caring, and have a sense of humor. People in Katete are especially nice and volunteers can expect support from the Tiko crew and Elke, Tiko’s director. No special equipment is required; just a lot of patience in the knowledge that changing mindsets is a multi generational job.

We are looking forward to you joining the Tiko family. Zikomo!

Día típico

A typical day at Tikodane depends on the volunteer and the project. Most volunteers work Monday to Friday during the hours of 08:00 to 16:30. However, volunteers decide what schedule is best for their project. In the rainy season for instance they get two days off to work in their own fields. There ...

Día típico

A typical day at Tikodane depends on the volunteer and the project. Most volunteers work Monday to Friday during the hours of 08:00 to 16:30. However, volunteers decide what schedule is best for their project. In the rainy season for instance they get two days off to work in their own fields. There is a management committee meeting every Monday and intern meeting every Wednesday. Volunteers will be welfared with an afternoon party and we'll go along for cultural safari's when there are tourists. It helps to be used to go by bike, otherwise a bike taxi might do the trick to go to the villages. It gets dark at 18:00 but it's always nice to sit on the verandah to eat African food from the restaurant, but self catering is possible.  

Actividades de tiempo libre

Free time and entertainment

Katete is a quiet town so you won’t be out partying every night. However, you experience life in a small rural area as many people in Zambia live and get to spend time working with Zambians that you probably won’t find in a city or typical gap year package. There are ...

Actividades de tiempo libre

Free time and entertainment

Katete is a quiet town so you won’t be out partying every night. However, you experience life in a small rural area as many people in Zambia live and get to spend time working with Zambians that you probably won’t find in a city or typical gap year package. There are activities and places to visit nearby and in the surrounding area:

  • Katete market for local food
  • Cultural safari to Kachipu village – A local friend gives an in-depth tour of a Zambian village followed by a vegetarian feast, travelling via oxcart. Gulewamkulu, the Nyau ghost dance, is performed in villages for the whole night. It is recognized by UNESCO in 2005. When dancing, the men are believed to be spirits with magical powers and no longer mortals.The corresponding female dance is called Cinamwali and is practiced every Friday at Tiko - you may want to learn it!  Both give an intriguing and invigorating insight into local culture and tradition. 
  • Bike ride with Tiko bikes
  • Visit St Francis Hospital
  • Hike up Mphangwe mountain
  • Katete nightclub – maybe not for everyone or every week but worth a visit for the experience!
  • Film afternoon on Saturday and Sunda
  • Trip to Msoro cathedral – worst road ever but an adventure to a cathedral build by the first missionaries arriving in Zambia.
  • South Luangwa National Park (3 hours) – You can take a taxi direct (US$ 90) or a bus (US$9). You can stay at Flatdogs Camp sleeping in a safari tent surrounded by elephants and hippos. This is one of the lower end luxury lodges and Tiko volunteers get a discount. Well worth it!



Edad mínima: 20 años

Para participar en el programa es necesario tener al menos 20 años en la fecha de inicio del programa.

Conocimientos lingüísticos

Tienes que hablar (con fluidez) Inglés

Requisitos educativos

a nivel de High School, University

Verificación de antecedentes penales


Restricciones de nacionalidad

Sin restricciones. Las manos amigas de todo el mundo son bienvenidas.

Otras habilidades

work with young children work with mothers work with young people sports games arts - drawing, work with clay office work discussion groups laughter small business - costing gardening

Tiempo dedicado

Necesitaremos tu ayuda los Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes de 07:30 - 16:30

Servicios incluidos

Servicios incluidos

Servicios de Tikodane Community Center

This includes 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and accommodation at Tiko.

The standard package includes all meals, but if volunteers stay longer and decide they prefer to self-cater, the price will be reduced for accommodation only.

NOT INCLUDED: Drinks, transfers, accommodation in Lusaka, and tourist activities  


Accommodation is in the lodge at the community centre. Rooms are simple twin or double rooms, most with ensuite toilet and bath. Volunteers will have their own room unless they prefer to share. You can also pick a dorm bed in our traditional African hut, albeit without toilet and bath

Comida y bebida

We include 3 meals a day at our wonderful restaurant. We are able to provide vegetarian meals. We serve traditional African food as well as some western options like spaghetti. Water is available from the tap and is safe to drink.

Acceso a Internet

Acceso limitado al lugar del proyecto

¿Qué NO está incluido?

¿Qué NO está incluido?

Recogida en el aeropuerto Kenneth Kaunda International Airport

La recogida en el aeropuerto tampoco está incluida en el precio del programa.

Boletos de avión

El aeropuerto más cercano es Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (LUN) en Lusaka. Te ayudamos a encontrar vuelos baratos a Zambia. ENCONTRAR VUELOS BARATOS

Seguro de viaje

Ir al extranjero es una aventura y siempre es mejor estar preparado. Enfermedad o lesión repentina, cancelación o robo: un seguro de viaje para Zambia proporciona seguridad y es una ventaja tenerlo. OBTENER UN PRESUPUESTO


Si tiene intención de realizar un voluntariado en Zambia, debe solicitar asesoramiento médico antes de iniciar su viaje social. Comprueba las vacunas que necesitas para Zambia. COMPROBADOR DE VACUNAS

Detalles a la llegada

It takes around 6 hours to get to Tiko from Lusaka, so we recommend spending the night in Lusaka and setting off early at 06:00 – If you come with a later bus, you may have to wait for hours, until it is full.

(Please contact us for information on getting here from Lilongwe, Malawi which is also around 6 hours away)

Lusaka airport transfer: Taxis can be found outside the airport and cost around US$30 to the city.

Lusaka accommodation: There are many backpacker hotels in Lusaka close to the busstation

Lusaka to Tiko transfer:

Bus to Tiko is US 17 one way from Lusaka Intercity Bus station and takes 6-7 hours.

Taxi is US$ 280, if you want to be fetched from Katete.

At the end of August there is a very impressive traditional ceremony taking place near Katete. For that you have to book early.

Enero Feb. Marzo Abr. Mayo Jun Jul Agosto Set. Oct. Nov. Dic.

Cuotas del programa

4 semanas (estancia min.) 212€
5 semanas 423€
6 semanas 634€
7 semanas 846€
11 semanas 1.692€
19 semanas 3.384€
50 semanas (estancia max.) 10.575€
Cuota promedio 132€/semana

Cuotas del programa

132€ cuotas semanales 4 - 50 semanas Edad 20 - 50+

Métodos de pago

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 50 semanas


El depósito es simplemente para reservar tu vacante de voluntario. Los pagos se gestionan a través de PayPal, nuestro proveedor global de confianza. Si no tienes una cuenta PayPal, también puedes pagar con tarjeta de crédito.

Pago final

El pago final se acordará con Tikodane Community Center durante el proceso de solicitud. Las soluciones habituales son la transferencia bancaria o el pago en efectivo en el lugar del proyecto.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

Tikodane Community Center

Sobresaliente 4.9 rating (8 reseñas)

Sin fines de lucro - fundada en 1999

Verificado por Volunteer World

  Ratio de respuesta muy alto

Coordinado por


Idiomas hablados: Francés, Alemán, Inglés

sobre la organización

Tikondane Community Centre works to help locals lift themselves out of poverty through better education, health, and entrepreneurship.

Conoce a tu anfitrión(a)

Who we are?

Tikondane Community Centre is run by a diverse crew of 85 local volunteers (the Tiko crew) led by a local Board of Directors and Tiko Director- Elke Kroeger-Radcliffe. 

What we do?

Tikondane Community Centre works to provides technical, educational, and financial supports for charitable activities that reduce poverty, fight disease, provide education, promote entrepreneurship, and create jobs. These activities include our primary school, HIV/AIDS counselling, agricultural shows,lessons for adult learners, and teaching 19 Steps out of Poverty for the Subsistence Farmer. We also provide allowances for our 85 volunteers.

Where we work?

Zambia is one of the poorest and least developed nations on earth. Katete is a rural area in the Eastern Province, roughly 6 hours from Lusaka and 2 hours from the Malawi border. There are 244,000 people living in Katete District. Tikondane’s catchment area covers approximately 16,000 people and 53 villages. Most of our catchment area depends on subsistence farming to produce the staple food crop of maize. 

The soil is poor, due to the use of artificial fertilizer (which is now incredibly expensive) resulting in low crop yields. After the harvest, some produce is sold to provide cash for necessities such as salt, soap, school fees, and clothes.As a result by January, three months before the next harvest, supplies of maize run out and the hungry season begins. Add to this an imbalanced diet, contaminated water supplies, the consequences of HIV/AIDS, and the general lack of educational opportunities, and it becomes obvious that life is extremely difficult in Katete.

However, the local population is very friendly and hospitable. Many rely on extended family for assistance and generosity is a hallmark of Chewa culture. The area is safe as most crime is opportunistic petty theft. For travellers, malarial prophylaxis is strongly recommended as malaria is very common here. Many locals use boreholes for water, which is very safe to drink.

Our history

Tiko owes much of its success to the efforts and wisdom of one woman – Elke Kroeger-Radcliffe (pictured right). A German-born Australian widow, Elke has travelled the world spending many years studying cross-cultural psychology. Sister Elke, as she is affectionately called, arrived at the nearby St. Francis Hospital in 1993, to teach trainee nurses, having just done a nursing course in Sydney to be ready to fight HIV & AIDS.

In the years that followed, she immersed herself in Zambian culture, attempted to learn the local language and very soon started to work on the most pressing and obvious problem of illiteracy. When villagers came to join the classes in the nursing school hospital, management became a bit worried and restricted this to staff personnel only. A venue for literacy classes was found next to the hospital, given by the Chief. ‘Tikondane Community Centre’ was born!

Professor Jack Radcliffe, Elke’s late husband, provided the real foundation on which Tiko was built. It is the independence through a widow’s pension that allowed Elke to found Tikondane. He is respectfully commemorated at ‘Agogo House’, which means ‘Grandfather’ in ‘Chichewa’.

It was obvious from the beginning that Tikondane could not survive solely on donations, and so it was necessary to establish Income-Generating Activities (IGAs). Thus, other than the verandah for teaching, the existing structure was turned into guest rooms. A restaurant was also added. Elke’s brother and his wife helped to set up other activities, such as soap making and a first attempt at the now famous peanut butter. 

Tikondane Community Centre was formally established as a community-based organization under the Societies Act on 30th July 1999 when it was granted a certificate of registration, and officially opened in September of that year. From the beginning, the centre received support from many different areas, all over the world. Such generosity is recognized by the names given to the various buildings and guestrooms.

 All of this has allowed a strong foundation, on which Tikondane is built today.

Our mission/vision

To fight poverty in Katete through better education, health and entrepreneurship; helping people to help themselves while maintaining their traditional culture and values

Our goals

  • To promote sustainable farming techniques and entrepreneurship through our 19 Steps out of Poverty for the Subsistence Farmer
  • To encourage responsible sexual behavior including knowing your HIV/AIDS status and encouraging child spacing
  • To provide education for children and adult learners
  • To teach about hygiene, sanitation, and clean water
  • To provide resources about a balanced diet and the importance of proper nutrition, especially for children

Who are we looking for?

We offer our volunteers a chance to work in the fields of education, healthcare, agriculture, marketing, handcrafting, radio production, and more! We also encourage our creative volunteers to propose their own ideas and projects, and independently execute them with us at Tiko. Love art? Perfect, start art classes for children or adults. Have a degree in Business? Hold seminars for our workers on how to invest. We are always working to encourage creativity that can be used to better both the volunteer and the community of Tikodane.

We accept volunteers from all backgrounds and experiences as long as they come with a sense of humor, an open mind and a willingness to become a part of the Tiko community. 

 Why choose us?

Katete is not part of your typical traveller route, offering a look into an area seeped in history and ‘Chewa’ culture. As such, volunteers will have a unique, authentic Zambian experience. You will quickly become part of the Tiko family and community. Your work and presence will leave a lasting impact.

8 reseñas · rating4.9

ero christine HABER rating5

2024 at Assistant in Education Initiative

I have spent 5 weeks at Elke's wonderful Tikondane Community Centre. Initially I just wanted to teach English. Nevertheless these incredible, kind and hardworking people make you feel a part of their family. I have sung, danced, taught literacy to adults, learnt how to grow organic vegetables, how ...
Mark Burke rating5

2019 at Assistant in Education Initiative

From the ground up and with remarkable vision Elke built from scratch a community centre in rural Africa that redresses the failings of other developmental and governmental organisations. Development is a policy area awash with jargon and lip service, but Tikondane Community Centre was from the ...
Jan Beterams rating4.8

2014 at Assistant in Education Initiative

We found the project in our Lonely Planet guide and contacted the leading lady Elke Kroeger who 15 years ago had started the project. It was a real pleasure to do volunteering at this place. The Tikondanians are so warm, open and positive! It's really a pleasure to realise things together with ...
Claire Arthurs rating4.4

2013 at Assistant in Education Initiative

Tiko is a unique place to spend any amount of time, but staying longer helped us to get to know the Tiko community more personally and find ways to be more useful. We (my boyfriend and I) felt privileged to be part of the community for a short time, and were welcomed with open arms. It gave us ...
In 2006, as part of a 3.5 month trip through Africa, I spent an extraordinary week at Tikondane in Zambia. My partner and I stayed in the guest accommodation on site and met the people involved, got to know how the place operated, learnt about the issues facing the community, and undertook ...
Ulrike Stierle rating4.8

2018 at Assistant in Agriculture Initiative

I visited Tiko with 2 friends. All in all, Tiko staff showed us so many things, and we learned how much people there struggle on a daily basis. An average European person can certainly not imagine. It was a very different experience and we are glad we were able to help a little bit. We will ...


También te puede interesar

Contacto Elke
  Ratio de respuesta muy alto
Francés, Alemán, Inglés

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