from 1,160€

Brilliant 4.7rating (191)

Support Woman & Children Commune

4 - 12 weeks  ·  Age 18 - 50+

rating  Brilliant 4.7  · 
  Verified by Volunteer World
  Excellent response rate

Especially suitable

Age 18+

About the program

Help support this community made up of almost 400 people from dis-advantaged backgrounds. Home to predominantly single mums, their children and some extended family...

PLEASE NOTE: Program closed between Saturday December 15th to January 11 2025 

Background Information
This community is made up of almost 400 people, divided into 9 villages consisting of 4-5 flats, home to 4 different families. It is a place for ‘disabled’ people, predominantly single mums and ...

About the program

PLEASE NOTE: Program closed between Saturday December 15th to January 11 2025 

Background Information
This community is made up of almost 400 people, divided into 9 villages consisting of 4-5 flats, home to 4 different families. It is a place for ‘disabled’ people, predominantly single mums and their children and/or extended family.   The community receives some government support and social assistance but has very limited resources and can really use a helping hand.  Unfortunately, pleas for help by the passionate community administration staff regularly go unanswered.

With very little government support, the workload for the community staff is immeasurable and ongoing, and the community greatly benefits from having volunteers to assist in various support roles within the community.  

Role of volunteers
The role of our volunteers is varied, but ultimately, you are there to offer an extra set of hands to help lessen the burden of day to day operations around the commune, so that the residents can utilize their time in pursuit of economic opportunity to help bring themselves and their family out of poverty.   Volunteers are expected to bring a positive can do attitude and a willingness to help those less fortunate.  Typically, this involves between 4-6 hours of volunteer assistance at the commune during Monday to Friday.  Upon orientation , you'll be assigned a coordinator who will help you integrate into the community so that you can feel at home and welcome here.  

These support roles may involve but are not limited to:
- Kindergarten assistant teaching
- Woman's empowerment teaching
- Micro-business & economic empowerment
- Renovation and grounds maintenance
- Office administration & computer skills education

Typical day

Kindergarten & Teaching Project
Unfortunately, even in today’s day and age, not everyone has the luxury of basic education. Beginning with basic education is the first step to leading a life with opportunity, in order to deliver basic education the kids need a classroom of their own.

The ...

Typical day

Kindergarten & Teaching Project
Unfortunately, even in today’s day and age, not everyone has the luxury of basic education. Beginning with basic education is the first step to leading a life with opportunity, in order to deliver basic education the kids need a classroom of their own.

The kindergarten makes use of the community hall with classes running 8am-11am. (teachers finish approx. 12pm) Unfortunately, there is no dedicated classroom for the students and teachers to make use of.  As this is a shared spaced, disagreements about the state of the hall occur between the various youth groups, church gatherings & village meetings. In terms of school supplies these are provided annually by the head office in Suva.

There are 36 students registered (aged 3-5 years) with around 20+ in attendance each day. Two teachers certified (USP or FNU) in Early Childhood teaching run the class. The students come from within the community housing as well as the surrounding farmland areas. Travelling to school on foot or by bus.

Classroom Construction Project
A dedicated classroom built for the community would immensely aid the facilitation of teaching the students, in a nurturing environment that is solely for the care and education of the students. Teachers wouldn’t have to worry about equipment & supplies being misused; class could run for a full day instead of only a few hours, members of the community would then have their hall back to regular use without education paraphernalia covering the walls and ceiling.  For this to happen, materials and volunteers skilled in construction are required. 

Community Support & Administration 
With so many ongoing social, environmental and physical needs, volunteers need only some care, motivation and creativity to assist with various community needs such as;

  • Office administration & paperwork (bring your own laptop)
  • Healthcare (Nutritionists, Doctors, Nurses well needed)
  • Repair of a flat destroyed in Cyclone Winston
  • Assisting with tenant applications
  • Gardening
  • Finance
  • Building Maintenance & repairs
  • Creative/ cultural workshops
  • Counselling services

Free-time activities

Lautoka is approx 20 min from Nadi which is the main tourist hub of Fiji and the gateway to the famous Fijian islands.  

We can help you source island hopping ferry tickets are local rates and can even provide you access to remote island village stays if you're after something truly unique.  

The ...

Free-time activities

Lautoka is approx 20 min from Nadi which is the main tourist hub of Fiji and the gateway to the famous Fijian islands.  

We can help you source island hopping ferry tickets are local rates and can even provide you access to remote island village stays if you're after something truly unique.  

The coral coast is only a 2 hour drive and includes picturesque beaches, horseback riding and adventure travel options at Pacific Harbour.  

These options are all close enough to make a day trip and our local team will help you with all the specifics.  



Minimum Age: 18 years

In order to join the program you need to be at least 18 years old on the program start date. There might be exemptions if you can provide the permission of your legal guardian(s) or if your are accompanied by your parents.

Language Skills

You need to speak English (basic level)

Education Requirements

at High School level

Criminal Background Check


Required Documents

We require your Police Clearance and Passport page and Vaccination Card 30 days prior to the project start date.

Nationality Restrictions

No restrictions. Helping hands from all over the world are welcome.

Time Commitment

Your helping hand will be required on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

What's Included

What's Included

Services by Involvement Volunteers IVI

Return airport pickup/drop off
Accommodation  (Home Stays – Sharing with other volunteers)
2 meals p/day (Breakfast & Dinner)
Filtered drinking water, coffee & tea daily
Full day orientation & training + cultural sightseeing
In country 24/7 coordination & emergency assistance
Fundraising support
University course credits (where applicable)
Certificate of Completion    

Airport Pickup at Nadi International Airport

For home stay placements, arrival and departure airport transfers are included in the cost of your volunteer program for a pick-up from Nadi to the Nadi / Lautoka areas. 

Transportation to/from your home stay to the placement each day is generally your responsibility, however your home stay family will assist you and ensure you receive local rates for any costs involved. We’ll place you as close as possible to the placement to limit daily travel times. Expect between 5-50 min each way for a small local transport fee.

If arriving on the Saturday, you’ll need to book an extra nights accommodation in advance for an extra cost p/night, which includes meals. 


Location Lautoka, located 20 min north of Nadi, is a lovely and safe working class harbour city with many areas to explore (eg. hiking trails, mud pools etc). You will be spending time in the working class areas where the genuine needs exist.

Enjoy living like a Fiji local. You’ll have your own single or twin share room within private, clean and safe western style homes. You will have a place to store your personal belongings, a private bathroom and toilet (where possible – not all placements include this), a fan and single mattress or double/queen if sharing with your partner. Some home stays have self contained flats separate from the main residence. You can choose this option if desired. Internet is usually not included with most volunteers purchasing a temporary 3G plan for their own device.

Food & Beverages

3 good meals per day are provided as part of the program fee.  Typically, you can expect a fairly 'western' style diet which includes.   Many of our home stays are amazing cooks!  We can cater to various needs (such as vegetarian)

Breakfast – Wheatbix, cornflakes, bread, butter etc, tea, coffee, milo. Volunteers can make their own eggs should they wish.
Lunch – Volunteers to prepare their own sandwich. Tuna, cold meat, salad, eggs. Some prefer to take left over dinner from the night before for lunch.
Dinner – Cooked meal (eg. stews, soups, curries, fish, roast vegetables, taro, sweet potato, bread, rice etc.

Internet Access

Good access at the project site

What's NOT included?

What's NOT included?

Flight Tickets

The nearest airport is Nadi International Airport (NAN) in Nadi. We assist you to find cheap flights to Fiji. FIND CHEAP FLIGHTS

Travel Insurance

Going abroad is an adventure and it is always best to be prepared. Sudden illness or injury, cancellation or theft - a travel insurance for Fiji provides security and is a plus to have. GET A QUOTE


If you are intending to volunteer in Fiji you should seek medical advice before starting your social journey. Check your required vaccinations for Fiji. VACCINE CHECKER

Details on arrival

Arrival into Nadi during Sat/Sun preferred

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Program fees

4 weeks (min. stay) 1,160€
8 weeks 1,771€
12 weeks (max. stay) 2,359€
Average fees 243€/week

Program fees

243€ per week 4 - 12 weeks Age 18 - 50+

Payment methods

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 12 weeks


The deposit is simply to reserve your volunteer placement. Payments are handled by PayPal, our trusted global payment provider. If you don't have a PayPal account, you can also pay using a credit card.

Final Payment

Your final payment will be agreed with Involvement Volunteers IVI during the application process. Common solutions are either via bank transfer or a cash payment at the project site.

Meet your organization

Involvement Volunteers IVI

Brilliant 4.7 rating (191 reviews)

Non-profit - founded in 1989

Verified by Volunteer World

  Excellent response rate

Coordinated by


Spoken languages: English

About the project

IVI are a non profit org with 28 years experience providing responsible volunteer placements in 15 countries worldwide. We help you connect with inspiring opportunities

Meet your organization

Involvement Volunteers International delivers positive social change to developing communities and vulnerable populations through local, national & international volunteering.  Our projects empower the skilled & un-skilled to catalyse the efforts of local partners in creating a better world.


Founded in 1989, IVI is a pioneer of overseas volunteering.  Back when there was no internet and phones were a luxury in many parts of the world, we traveled to developing countries in search of credible NGO's in need of manpower and global volunteer resources.  Some of the many relationships we forged are utilized to this day. 

We are passionate about volunteering and giving back to society and in particular developing communities which are less fortunate than us.  In this way, we combine travelling with volunteering to help people make a positive impact overseas.

All of IVI’s projects have a strong social element at the core.  With more manpower (& womanpower!) we can truly catalyse the efforts of our local partners.  This means you're sure to meet loads of like-minded people from all parts of the world.   This type of experience truly broadens your understanding of the world and yourself, opening your heart to new enlightened ways of thinking .   With your new found travel companions, you'll have plenty of opportunity to explore and have fun!  

Our projects create a unique platform to experience the true heart and soul of a destination rather than simply the tourist areas.   We'll involve you in meaningful & responsible volunteer work that really benefits the local communities.

As a non profit org, we are not motivated by shareholder profits.  Our fee structure is fully transparent to ensure volunteers hard earned money is going directly to the areas where it is most needed.  It is vitally important to us that the presence of volunteers has a positive and sustainable impact on the local communities we work with.   

We charge a one off US$275 application fee per volunteer to cover the running of IVI including administration overheads, project inspection costs, marketing, and salaries.

The program fee starts at $150 p/week and goes straight to the in country management to cover arrival airport transfers, on the ground coordination, orientation, accommodation, meals, in country 24/7 project support, project development, donations and related administration costs.   

In comparison to many of our competitors, our programs are incredible value.

With approx 80-90% of our volunteers being single young female travelers, volunteer safety is of the utmost importance.  All of our projects include a dedicated 24/7 in-country management support contact as well as a dedicated placement manager pre/post journey.  This ensures you will be cared for every step of the way.    The local teams are highly experienced and qualified to manage emergency situations.

All IVI projects have been personally inspected to ensure the standards meet necessary guidelines for quality and safety.  In addition, we monitor and maintain communication with local embassies to oversee potential issues in order to notify volunteers and their families accordingly.   

Our Australian team are available 24/7 and only a phone call away.

Our responsibility also extends to the local people which is why volunteers working in childcare related fields must provide a criminal background check before they travel.   Our ultimate goal is the long term development of the communities we work with, hence we work closely with our local partners to ensure that projects are needs driven and sustainable. 


From your very first inquiry, right through to your welcome home, you'll have the same dedicated volunteer manager at every stage.  We are experts in the field and will provide you in depth insights about what to expect and how to prepare to ensure you have an amazing experience overseas.  Every project includes a detailed welcome pack which provides all aspects needed such as in country contacts, what to pack, cultural values, basic language guides and much much more.   

On arrival at your destination, you'll be greeted by one of our in-country team and in many cases 1 week orientation is provided to help ease you into the way of life and ensure you're equipped with the right customs to ensure a successful volunteer abroad experience.  

Volunteering abroad is quite possibly the most rewarding experience you will have in your life!   We know this not only through our own experiences, but through the testimonies from thousands of volunteers we have successfully placed worldwide over 27+ years in operation.  Volunteering overseas is not only rewarding.   It's fun!   You're meeting new people, you're seeing new sights, and you're expanding your understanding of yourself and the world.  You're experiencing something real and life changing in many ways...  


191 reviews · rating4.7

Jennifer Steinborm rating4.4

2024 at Support Woman & Children Commune

From the first day in Fiji I felt incredibly welcome there! Mere and Masi were very helpful from the start and showed me everything. I enjoyed working with the women at the Lovu HART Village at the office and when kindergarten started I loved seeing the kids every day and helping them where I could. ..
What a fantastic trip! It all came about when I didn’t get into an overseas program with University and knew I had to have some sort of learning experience whilst overseas. And what a great experience where I have learnt so much! Each day we would assist in the kindergarten from 8 till 12, then ...
Absolute highlight being able to share this experience with my friends. We were also shown an awesome waterfall by one of the residents which I will always remember! Running water and food made by ‘mum’ every day. Really grateful for being looked after so well. ..
Masi and Mere, I cannot thank you both enough for being hosts to an incredible program and for looking after me when I fell ill myself out on Yanuya Island. Knowing I was being picked up by a member of your family when I arrived back in Denarau and having a dr's appointment all set up for me gave ...
Home stay – It was terrific! Our family were very welcoming and catered a lot to our needs during our stay there. We had an amazing start of the trip with them briefing us through some historical, cultural, social, political and economic situation in Fiji. It was very important for us as ...
Nico rating4.8

2024 at Lemur Conservation Associate

We had good two weeks (4.8. - 17.8.). We have cleaned the cages, prepaired the food and feeded the animals. Really special moments were the contact with the animals. The team was pretty nice and like friends. Food and accomodation were good. Especially the second week with our guide LAURIANA PRISCA ...


Oceania > Melanesia > Fiji > Lautoka

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