from 517€

Excellent 4.8rating (31)

Medical Health Intern

4 - 8 weeks  ·  Age 18 - 50+

rating  Excellent 4.8  · 
  Verified by Volunteer World
  Very high response rate


  • Volunteer and show hands on mentality
  • Conduct and observe mental health doctors during during consultation periods.
  • Gain a broad overview and understanding insight into mental health care and needs within a different culture
  • Make memories you wil never forget
  • Experience the cultural of Malawi and the see lake Malawi

Especially suitable

Age 18+

About the program

Our health projects provide an exceptional opportunity for volunteers to acquaint themselves with the challenges and health concerns prevalent in developing countries.

Our healthcare placements offer an unparalleled learning experience, coupled with a rewarding volunteering opportunity. These placements act as an international training ground where you can observe healthcare practices firsthand and witness the tangible impact of volunteering overseas in the ...

About the program

Our healthcare placements offer an unparalleled learning experience, coupled with a rewarding volunteering opportunity. These placements act as an international training ground where you can observe healthcare practices firsthand and witness the tangible impact of volunteering overseas in the healthcare sector. We firmly believe that healthcare is a basic human right and should be accessible to all. 

We collaborate with hospitals and clinics who share this belief and are tirelessly working towards fulfilling this need. Your assistance can be of immense value to them. Our health projects provide a unique chance for volunteers to understand the health challenges and issues faced by developing countries. Rest assured, all our partner hospitals and clinics are government-approved.

Working in our projects will be a different experience compared to what you might be used to. It requires an open mind and flexibility to accept the limited healthcare options that are sometimes available. This project welcomes anyone keen to make a meaningful difference in the lives of the underprivileged population in Malawi, particularly in the field of Medical Health Care.

Available Departments:
We have a variety of departments that would greatly benefit from your support. You have the freedom to combine different departments simultaneously. These departments include:

#General Medical Department
#Nursing Department 
#Accident and Emergency Department
#General Surgery Department
#Maternity and Midwifery Department
#Outpatient Department (OPD)
#Dentistry Department
#Optometry Department
#Laboratory and Research Department
#Pediatric Ward

These placements offer an excellent chance to gather significant experience in your field, amidst a culturally diverse setting with practices that might considerably differ from what you are accustomed to. 
You have the option to assist or shadow the healthcare staff members across different medical departments. Your role and tasks will largely depend on your skills and strengths, as patient health and safety remain our utmost priority.

Being part of the daily operations in hospitals and clinics, you will be working directly with the doctors and nurses. If you aim to specialize in a specific medical field, we can accommodate you in the relevant department. By sharing your knowledge, you can learn from our local professionals and contribute meaningfully.

Your responsibilities may comprise of the following: accompanying doctors on rounds to examine patients and decide treatment plans, following up on cases to ensure proper medication dispensation, assisting with patient history recording and diagnosis, general consultation activities, observing procedures, undertaking administrative tasks, health data recording, overseeing patient care for outpatient and admitted patients, changing bandages, recovery monitoring, checking blood pressure, weighing infants, and assisting with first aid treatment.

Typical day

Volunteers are typically engaged at the hospital from 8 am to 1 pm or 2 pm, from Monday to Friday. There is the flexibility to choose between morning or evening shifts based on your preference. 

After a morning meal, you will proceed to the hospital alongside other volunteers. You have the liberty ...

Typical day

Volunteers are typically engaged at the hospital from 8 am to 1 pm or 2 pm, from Monday to Friday. There is the flexibility to choose between morning or evening shifts based on your preference. 

After a morning meal, you will proceed to the hospital alongside other volunteers. You have the liberty to choose the department you wish to serve in. Moreover, if you desire a broader experience, you can opt to work in a different department each week to gain a comprehensive understanding of all facets of the healthcare system.

Free-time activities

Karonga, nestled near the northern shores of the lake, offers a range of leisure activities. In your spare time, you can enjoy swimming, kayaking or simply unwinding by the lake. You can also journey out on a lake cruise. Our local museum provides a fascinating showcase of prehistoric human ...

Free-time activities

Karonga, nestled near the northern shores of the lake, offers a range of leisure activities. In your spare time, you can enjoy swimming, kayaking or simply unwinding by the lake. You can also journey out on a lake cruise. Our local museum provides a fascinating showcase of prehistoric human artifacts, dinosaur fossils, and valuable information about Malawian history and culture.

For those eager to discover other areas of Malawi, you can visit Livingstonia, hike amidst the stunning landscapes of the Nyika Plateau, or explore various mines in the region if mining interests you. A weekend getaway to Nkhata Bay is also an option, where you can try your hand at scuba diving. If wildlife intrigues you, the Vwaza Wildlife Reserve and National Park in Rumphi are conveniently accessible for game viewing or adventurous bushwalks.

Alternatively, you can immerse yourself in the local culture in Karonga, savoring Malawian music, dance and getting a hands-on experience in traditional cooking. Please note, extra activities need to be organized by the volunteers themselves, and they will need to cover costs relating to travel, food and accommodation.

Additionally, for those interested, we can arrange a photo tour around the area, ensuring there's always something new and intriguing to uncover.

You can also make the most of your free time by watching TV, reading a book, swimming, or visiting the local gym for a workout.



Minimum Age: 18 years

In order to join the program you need to be at least 18 years old on the program start date. There might be exemptions if you can provide the permission of your legal guardian(s) or if your are accompanied by your parents.

Language Skills

You need to speak English (basic level)

Required Documents

CV and certificates and proof of education.

Nationality Restrictions

No restrictions. Helping hands from all over the world are welcome.

Other Skills

Relevant work experience.

Time Commitment

Your helping hand will be required on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 08:30 - 14:00

What's Included

What's Included

Services by Helping Your Community Forum

The 'Helping Your Community Forum' (HYCF) calculates its fees as follows:

A one-time application fee is charged, which covers pre-departure support, preparation handbooks, orientation day, and consistent project support.

Program fees are applicable for stays at the HYCF House, which includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner from Monday to Friday.

Important Note: To maintain complete transparency, we do not incorporate any donations into our program fees (which are exclusively used for your preparation, supervision, and accommodation). Instead, we encourage you to raise funds among your family and friends either prior to your arrival or during your stay in Malawi. Regardless of its size, every donation is deeply appreciated. You also have complete autonomy in deciding how your donation is utilized within the project. 

This allows you to witness firsthand the significant difference donations can make, which can be an immensely rewarding experience. 

We perceive volunteering as a reciprocal process of assistance and learning. While your daily efforts as a volunteer are invaluable, we think it's important to recognize that no project can survive without financial support as well.

Airport Pickup at Lilongwe International Airport

We can arrange for one of our partnered drivers to collect you from the airport and bring you directly to the volunteer house although fuel, airport parking and toll fees must be covered by yourself - payable in US dollars on the day.

After you have booked and confirmed your placement, please book your flights to arrive at either Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe.


Volunteers will be accommodated by the Chief Executive Officer in their family home, offering an exceptional opportunity to enjoy the rich culture of Malawi and interact closely with a local family. Rest assured, you will have your own private room for rest and relaxation. The house is equipped with a single bed, and we will strive to ensure your comfort and well-being during your stay.

Our secure, fenced-off property consists of a house with five rooms. For added safety, trained dogs patrol the compound. Delightful green vegetation surrounds the house, and the location offers easy access to the town and the beautiful Lake Malawi nearby. We assure comfortable rooms and satisfying meals.

For any specific dietary requirements, such as vegetarian or vegan meals, please inform us before your arrival so adequate arrangements can be made. If volunteers wish to have snacks in addition to the three main meals provided, these can be procured from the local market.

Our home also features a kitchen, complete with a fridge, available for volunteers' use. Additionally, it includes an oven, bathrooms and a common room furnished with cozy sofas. Outdoors, there are several tables and benches for volunteers to use.

Food & Beverages

At the HYCF house, meals are prepared by the host family seven days a week, from Monday to Sunday. Breakfast typically consists of tea or coffee, white bread, chips, rice, porridge, and cake. 

For lunch and dinner, the fare usually includes rice or Nsima (a local dish made from maize flour) served with vegetables, beans, meat, or fish. Sometimes, fruits or salad will also be made available. These staple dishes constitute a significant part of the local cuisine, and we hope that you will grow to appreciate them!

Internet Access

Good access at the project site

What's NOT included?

What's NOT included?

Flight Tickets

The nearest airport is Lilongwe International Airport (LLW) in Lilongwe. We assist you to find cheap flights to Malawi. FIND CHEAP FLIGHTS

Travel Insurance

Going abroad is an adventure and it is always best to be prepared. Sudden illness or injury, cancellation or theft - a travel insurance for Malawi provides security and is a plus to have. GET A QUOTE


If you are intending to volunteer in Malawi you should seek medical advice before starting your social journey. Check your required vaccinations for Malawi. VACCINE CHECKER

Details on arrival

Volunteers typically begin their work one or two days after arrival. We understand that long flights can be exhausting, so we ensure that volunteers have ample time to rest and recuperate before starting.

Arrival Details:
Upon your arrival at Lilongwe International Airport, I will personally greet you. From Lilongwe, we usually take an overnight bus journey to Karonga.

For those arriving from Tanzania, you will need to cross the border and choose either a bus or local shared car to get to Karonga. One of our HYCF team members can meet you at the bus station. Alternatively, we can provide you with the address of our office where you can meet us once you arrive in Karonga. Please note, we are always available on phone and Whatsapp for any queries you may have.

The day after your arrival, we will begin an orientation meeting and plan the days ahead.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Program fees

4 weeks (min. stay) 517€
8 weeks (max. stay) 1,034€
Average fees 129€/week

Program fees

129€ per week 4 - 8 weeks Age 18 - 50+

Payment methods

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 8 weeks


The deposit is simply to reserve your volunteer placement. Payments are handled by PayPal, our trusted global payment provider. If you don't have a PayPal account, you can also pay using a credit card.

Final Payment

Your final payment will be agreed with Helping Your Community Forum during the application process. Common solutions are either via bank transfer or a cash payment at the project site.

Meet your organization

Helping Your Community Forum

Excellent 4.8 rating (31 reviews)

Non-profit - founded in 2019

Verified by Volunteer World

  Very high response rate

Coordinated by


Spoken languages: English

About the project

The project is assisting women, children and youth in most vulnerable situations.

Meet your organization


Volunteer in Malawi with HYCF– a local organization that works with international volunteers with programs based in karonga & Mzuzu HYCF provides safe, trusted and affordable programs, with a range of volunteer projects in Malawi , including Childcare • English Teaching & Medical opportunities and also Law & Legal internships.

Our projects in Malawi run across the year and participants can join us from 2-24 weeks. Volunteers in Malawi are provided with an extensive pre-departure support service, airport pick-up, orientation, breakfast and dinner, accommodation and local support.

We strive to work with communities to foster change and through the generosity of donors and our wonderful team of volunteers, we are doing just that!

To achieve a sustainable community development in Karonga, Malawi, Helping Your Community Forum is working in five thematic areas:

1) Women and Youth Empowerment:

Training in income generation activities and encouragement to take part in decision making processes. Sexual and reproductive health Rights 

In order to contribute to the girl’s empowerment, the organization chose to focus on education. Many girls are not informed on how to handle their monthly period properly and miss school because they feel uncomfortable. Or they drop out after getting pregnant. This leaves them with a worse education than the male students are able to receive, limiting their future prospects. To avoid that, the organization takes responsibility by implementing sex education courses in secondary schools to raise awareness and provide accurate information to the students

2) Climate Change and Sustainable Agriculture: Tree planting activities, promotion and construction of improved firewood cooking stoves, briquette fabrication from rice husks, promotion of organic farming techniques and raising awareness about environmental issues.

3) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Training of villagers in hygienic issues, waste collection activities, facilitation of the construction of public toilets and awareness raising about the importance of a clean and hygienic environment.

4) HIV/AIDS and nutrition: 

Training and awareness raising on HIV/AIDS prevention and the importance of healthy nutrition.

5) Good Governance and Education:

Facilitation of access to schools for underprivileged girls and boys, managing pen-pal schemes to improve communication, cultural awareness and language skills. Also improving the transparency of governmental activities for the local communities.


Our Organization's vision is to achieve a society that is at least 75% free of social and climate problems through a sustainable environment, social, and education by 2030.
Our Organization's main mission is to bridge the gap in inequalities and address the vulnerability in the underserved communities of Malawi.

We try to empower women and girls, and men and boys through capacity building, tackling gender discrimination and violence, and supporting more equitable economic and social opportunities for the marginalized people.

HYCF consists of a team of eight HYCF secretaries, many having a background of community development and project management studies, as well as 20 women organized in a women’s group and 17 youngsters organized in a youth group which was set up in mid 2020. All of them are working on volunteer basis. Since early 2019 HYCF has hosted 22 international volunteers that were supporting in the field and brought new ideas in from which nine volunteers are still assisting HYCF through advices, providing of networks and processing of ongoing projects.

At Helping You Community Forum(HYCF), we take a collaborative approach to our work and believe that those who live in the area are best able to assess needs and create solutions for the community.

We do not impose what we think should be solutions from the top-down, but rather work with community members from the ground up.

Our commitment to collaboration allows us to maximize impact and assist in the development of Karonga in a responsible and positive way.

All our projects have community ownership, which is demonstrated in two ways:

First, communities are enlisted to identify their needs and solutions, which becomes the basis of our work. We participate in the regular village needs assessment meetings attended by Village Headmen (chiefs), local village development committees, women’s groups, civil society leaders, and other community members. It is from these meetings that the concept, planning, and implementation stages of any of our projects begin. Furthermore, all work is vetted by community stakeholders. 

Second, communities contribute to the running of each project. Our approach emphasizes the personal responsibility and accountability of all partners involved.

This grassroots model for development utilizes local knowledge and ensures that we work in collaboration with traditional leaders and other like-minded players respecting cultural values and traditions. This process is assisted by the community liaison officer, who ensures that we stay fully engaged with everything taking place in the villages and vice versa.

We have expanded our programming, but maintain our focus on a relatively small geographic area of Mwenilondo in Karonga, Malawi. Remaining a local organization has a number of benefits. We have developed a strong rapport with stakeholders in the area, which helps us to run our many projects effectively. Working on the ground also allows us to have close and ongoing monitoring of all projects, and we pride ourselves on being able to adapt projects where necessary and learn through evaluation. This approach also ensures that all money donated is used in the most cost-effective way, as we have minimal overhead costs.

As a development organization, it is important to us that our initiatives are in-line with those of broader development strategies, both in the national and international context. These strategies include the Karonga District Development Plan, Malawi Growth and Development Strategy III, and the United Nation’s Standard Development Goals. Each of these strategies includes specific actions for women and girls empowerment. By aligning our programs with the initiatives in these development strategies, we ensure that our programs are following the best fit for the development of Malawi.

31 reviews · rating4.8

Mees Molenaar rating5

2024 at Medical Health Intern

I stayed with David and his family for one month to work in the hospital. I had a very good time there. David’s family is very welcoming and friendly and I always felt very well taken care of. The house is very nice, the food is great and in the weekends we had time to explore the rest of Malawi ...
Oktavi Mood rating5

2023 at Medical Health Intern

This has been by far the best summer of my life, David and his family were extremly accomodating and nice. They provided me with 3 abundant meals a day, a king size bed to sleep on and an incredible oportunity to work in the district hospital and gain both personal and professional experience. ..
Roberta Nardin rating5

2024 at English teaching intern

I did this volunteer experience with a friend. We arrived to Malawi with high expectations about the experience and we are glad to say that all our expectations were met and achieved. We were able to understand and immerse ourselves in the local culture and with the local people. The hostage house ...
Mickeness Bandaah rating5

2024 at Law & Advocate Intern

A Rewarding Law & Advocacy Internship in Malawi with HYCF. I recently completed a law and advocacy internship with Helping Your Community Forum (HYCF) in Mzuzu, Malawi, and it was an incredible experience that exceeded my expectations. From the moment I arrived at Lilongwe Airport, I was warmly ...
David Namagowa rating5

2024 at Law & Advocate Intern

I had the privilege of volunteering in Mzuzu, Malawi through the Helping Your Community Forum (HYCF) and it was an incredible experience! I was warmly welcomed by David, the CEO of HYCF, who not only showed me around Malawi but also introduced me to the local culture and community. David's ...
Philip Petit rating5

2023 at Photography intern

I recently had the privilege of volunteering as a photographer with Helping Your Community Forum (Hycf) in Malawi, and it was an experience that will stay with me forever. From the moment I arrived at Lilongwe Airport, I was warmly welcomed by David, who hosted me throughout my stay. The drive to ...


Africa > Eastern Africa > Malawi > Karonga

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