from 2,700€

Excellent 4.8rating (7)

Dolphin behavior and conservation

2 - 2 weeks  ·  Age 18 - 50+

rating  Excellent 4.8  · 
  Verified by Volunteer World
  Excellent response rate


  • Rangiroa Atoll is a world famous scuba diving destination.
  • We focus on close human / dolphin interactions in the context of wildlife tourism.
  • We study each of the dolphins’ history, behavior and personality, and issues related to their conservation.
  • "Understand more to care more" is an essential axis of our volunteer program.
  • Rangiroa Atoll is a perfect location to enjoy the kindness of Polynesian people.

Especially suitable

Age 18+

About the program

We look for certified scuba divers to help collect demographic and behavioral data on a small bottlenose dolphin community impacted by wildlife tourism.


The Tuamotu Archipelago - population of 15,000 people -, an area highly threatened by climate change, contains 78 atolls spread across an 800,000-square-kilometer ocean surface. It has 800 square kilometers of land for 20,000 square kilometers of lagoon - 0.1% and 2% of its ...

About the program


The Tuamotu Archipelago - population of 15,000 people -, an area highly threatened by climate change, contains 78 atolls spread across an 800,000-square-kilometer ocean surface. It has 800 square kilometers of land for 20,000 square kilometers of lagoon - 0.1% and 2% of its maritime area respectively -, demonstrating how fragile this oasis of aquatic biodiversity is. The Tuamotu atolls are characterized by their height, shape, exposure to the ocean, population, and the activities performed there. There are small, closed lagoons, both hypersaline and brackish, and large lagoons open to the ocean like Fakarava, which features the largest pass in French Polynesia at 1,600 meters, and even a raised coral atoll, Makatea. Coral growth, which allows these small island reefs of only a few meters in altitude to exist, is directly affected by the slow and irreversible acidification of the oceans - a 30% increase over two and a half centuries. Here, as anywhere else, ecosystems are defenseless against commercial, demographic, and climate pressures.


Yet 350 kilometers from Tahiti in the Northwest Tuamotu Islands, the giant atoll of Rangiroa - 'Great Sky' in Paumotu -, a true oasis of life in the heart of the tropical Pacific Ocean, stretches its 170 kilometers of coral reefs, sands, and coconut trees around a 1,600-square-kilometer area with waters so fish-laden that it has become one of the world's top diving destinations. The atoll's impressive size - 80 kilometers long by 20 kilometers wide on average - and its two large channels, Avatoru and Tiputa passes, make it home to marine wildlife as exceptional as it is impressive.


The common bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, is distributed throughout French Polynesia. However, the species is more easily and frequently observed in Rangiroa Atoll than in other Polynesian islands. Here, adults can reach up to 3.3 meters and weigh up to 450 kilos. They are identified by their stocky and grayish body prolongated by a thick rostrum. The line of their mouth, curved upwards, gives them a smiling appearance. Nevertheless, this morphological feature does not reflect the overall species’ behaviors as these dolphins have an extremely complex social life and may display affiliative behaviors such as play and petting behaviors as well as agonistic behaviors - e.g. intimidation, aggression. The numerous scars and notches visible on the adult males’ bodies perfectly illustrate these animals’ strength.


For many years, scuba divers have been illegally encouraging physical interactions with Tiputa bottlenose dolphins, especially with young individuals. Nowadays, some of Tiputa dolphins are highly tolerant to humans, making them particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic activities. Indeed, overconfident animals may easily be injured by human activities, or even destroyed if they display intrusive or aggressive behavior toward humans.

1. Through our long-term demographic and social monitoring of Tiputa dolphins, we aim at spotting any deleterious impact of human activities on the dolphin community.

2. Through our long-term behavioral monitoring, we aim at better understanding the impacts of tourism on the dolphins’ behaviors, and identify and prevent the risks associated with close dolphin / diver interactions.

3. Through our education program, we aim at sharing results and recommendations with the general public to help develop ethical and sustainable dolphin watching activities.


First, the volunteers discover the dolphins' habitats and our monitoring program. Then, they are trained to identify the dolphins individually, to spot basic affiliative and agonistic dolphin behaviors, and to help collect underwater and shore-based photo and video data. They are asked not to attract or otherwise disturb the dolphins and other marine wildlife, but to adopt a passive attitude underwater. After the dives and shore-based sightings, the volunteers enter the data collected into our databases.

Our 14-day missions need certified scuba divers with a minimum Open Water certification and an experience of at least 20 dives at sea. The volunteers must show their credential before starting diving with us. They must be in good physical and mental conditions and demonstrate good team spirit. They must not be too sensitive to seasickness.

In order to enjoy the lagoon during free time, we advise our volunteers to bring their own fins, masks and snorkels.


1. Underwater sightings

All the dives are supervised by professional diving instructors. Before each dive, a briefing focuses on the dive spot, safety procedures, and marine life. Our dive spot is located at about 5 minutes by boat from the dive center. The volunteers must remain with their instructor throughout the dive which generally lasts between 45 and 70 minutes. They are invited to take video footage of the dolphins. Divers without cameras may record environmental parameters. After the dives, we debrief on the environmental conditions, underwater sightings, dolphins' IDs and behaviors.

We strongly recommend you to bring your own underwater camera. 

2. Shore-based sightings

All the land-based sightings are supervised by DDR's president. Long breaking waves - locally called 'mascaret' - resulting from a strong tidal current run through Tiputa pass two times a day. This exceptional setting constitutes a privileged socialization ground for the dolphins which regularly come to surf and leap into the waves. This location is perfect to spot and take dolphin pictures without influencing their behaviors, and to record information on boats and divers that travel through the dolphins' core habitat. This activity is strongly dependent on currents.

3. Part of the day is dedicated to data processing, training courses, comments, and debates. Depending on the time of the year, the volunteers may be invited to participate in public outreach activities.


The volunteers are supervised by DDR's president, diving instructors, and captains.


Our mission is a participative tool for the demographic and behavioral monitoring of a small dolphin community impacted by wildlife tourism. It allows you to better understand the dolphins' routine, issues related to their conservation, and complexity of human / wildlife relationships. We expect our volunteers to get involved in our fieldwork to help the NGO sustain its long-term dolphin monitoring program.


DDR's president has a PhD in ethology / behavioral ecology. She has been working on this dolphin community for more than 15 years. She will share her experience and knowledge objectively and with passion. Volunteers usually leave the mission with a new perception of dolphins and their environment. Our captains and diving instructors know the location very well and share their knowledge with great pleasure and spontaneity.


We strongly recommend the volunteers to bring their own fins, masks and snorkels, a long sleeve lycra or wetsuit, and an underwater camera. It may be useful to bring a laptop and hard drive. We also advise everyone to bring a hat or cap, polarized sunglasses, a seasickness remedy, a raincoat, a mosquito repellent, and an antibiotic ointment.


  • Volunteers must be in good physical and mental conditions, with no heart disease or treatment requiring immediate proximity to hospitals.
  • We strongly advise people who did not dive for more than six months to do a security visit to an ENT and a refresh dive.
  • Volunteers must be able to live with other people.
  • Adaptability, patience, thoroughness and good humor are welcome.


  • A biometric passport and an ESTA form are required for stopovers in the USA.
  • The voltage used is 220V.
  • All field activities are dependent on the weather and currents.
  • It is prohibited to dive less than 12:00 before a domestic flight and 24:00 before an international flight.
  • Water is always at perfect temperature - between 25 and 29°C. However, you should beware of currents, especially along channels.
  • Avoid swimming at night or wearing shiny jewelry while swimming or diving near the reefs - moray eels, barracudas. We do not recommended swimming in areas where fish have recently been cleaned. Beware of stonefish and do not touch the coral or other animals. Never collect live coral or shells.
  • We recommend wearing a Neoprene suit. You should generally avoid walking barefoot in the water.
  • Be careful of the sun and dehydration. We strongly recommend you to bring a sunscreen, antibiotic ointment, and antihistamine cream.
  • Beware of mosquitoes.
  • Fresh water is a rare and precious commodity in the Tuamotu Islands.
  • The local currency is the French Pacific franc, which is indexed to the euro. €1=XPF 119.33. Cash is handy when you need to buy a sandwich or drink, or take a taxi. ATMs are found at Rangiroa airport and Tiputa village.
  • Rangiroa has a medical center, doctors, and a pharmacy.
  • Baggage from overseas must not exceed 30 kilograms.
  • Drugs are strictly prohibited.

Typical day


We first meet on Monday at 10:00 am at the 'Teina and Marie' guesthouse in Rangiroa to introduce you to the team, location and safety tips. The mission then takes place over 14 days (14 nights): one dive is scheduled every day and part of the day ...

Typical day


We first meet on Monday at 10:00 am at the 'Teina and Marie' guesthouse in Rangiroa to introduce you to the team, location and safety tips. The mission then takes place over 14 days (14 nights): one dive is scheduled every day and part of the day is dedicated to debriefings and training courses. When the conditions are good, we do shore-based sightings.

The first Sunday and second Monday of the mission are free.

The mission ends on the last Sunday morning.


Field sessions typically last about three hours. Training courses and data analysis typically last about three hours every day. These activities will usually take place somewhere between 7:30 and 11:30 am, and 13:30 and 16:00 pm.

Free-time activities


In French Polynesia, water is always at perfect temperature. However, you should be careful of currents, especially along channels. We also recommend swimmers to wear a wet suit and avoid walking barefoot in the water.


It is possible to book fun dives.


Volunteers can ...

Free-time activities


In French Polynesia, water is always at perfect temperature. However, you should be careful of currents, especially along channels. We also recommend swimmers to wear a wet suit and avoid walking barefoot in the water.


It is possible to book fun dives.


Volunteers can visit Avatoru and Tiputa villages. They can also book local tours.



Minimum Age: 18 years

In order to join the program you need to be at least 18 years old on the program start date. There might be exemptions if you can provide the permission of your legal guardian(s) or if your are accompanied by your parents.

Language Skills

You need to speak French (basic level) or English (basic level)

Nationality Restrictions

No restrictions. Helping hands from all over the world are welcome.

Other Skills

Scuba divers must have minimum an Open Water or Level 1 certification, an experience of at least 20 dives at sea, and must have dived less than 6 months before the mission starts​.They must not be too sensitive to sea sickness​.

Time Commitment

Your helping hand will be required on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 08:00 - 16:00

What's Included

What's Included

Services by Dauphins de Rangiroa (DDR)

- Pick-up and drop-off from Rangiroa airport to the guesthouse

- Accommodation in a dorm room (14 nights) at the Teina & Marie guesthouse (you can book a private single bungalow at the guesthouse or a room at another guesthouse but the fees will be higher)

- Breakfast and dinner

- Per diem for lunches

- 10 dives at the 'Rangiroa Diving Center'

- Training courses, presentations and supervision

The fees do not include international and domestic flights to Rangiroa and extra expenses - e.g. restaurants, extra dives, excursions.

Airport Pickup at Rangiroa Airport

Volunteers are expected at Rangiroa airport by the guesthouse. The taxi may take some time to come.

We meet at the guesthouse on the first Monday at 10:00 am.


DDR works with the local ‘Teina & Marie’ guesthouse located close to the lagoon, Tiputa pass, the diving center, and our dolphin lookouts on shore. Accommodation is in a dorm room with shared bathroom fitted with a toilet, cold shower and access to electricity. It is possible to request a private bungalow with hot shower but the fee will be higher. This guesthouse is typical from the Tuamotu Islands and may appear too 'roots' for participants accustomed to higher standardsIt is possible for the volunteers to choose a higher standard accommodation located close to our study area (Les Relais de Joséphine, Vaa i te Moana, Coconut Lodge, etc.). However, it is important to book at least six months before the mission starts to ensure availability.

Our NGO works in partnership with the ‘Rangiroa Diving Center‘, an ethical dive shop located next to the guesthouse.

Food & Beverages

Breakfast and dinner are prepared and served at the guesthouse. Local meals are often based on fish but may be adapted for vegetarian diets. Lunches may be organized collectively or taken at a local snack or restaurant.

Two food stores, three snacks and a small pizzeria are located a few minute-walk from the guesthouse. The shops are relatively well stocked but fruits and vegetables are scarce in the atolls. A meal at the snack will cost about 2,000 XPF (USD20 or 18€). Liquors are not included in the fees.

Internet Access

Limited access at the project site

What's NOT included?

What's NOT included?

Flight Tickets

The nearest airport is Rangiroa Airport (RGI) in Rangiroa. We assist you to find cheap flights to French Polynesia. FIND CHEAP FLIGHTS

Travel Insurance

Going abroad is an adventure and it is always best to be prepared. Sudden illness or injury, cancellation or theft - a travel insurance for French Polynesia provides security and is a plus to have. GET A QUOTE


If you are intending to volunteer in French Polynesia you should seek medical advice before starting your social journey. Check your required vaccinations for French Polynesia. VACCINE CHECKER

Details on arrival

International flights to Tahiti often land at night. You may book a night at a guesthouse in Tahiti. From Tahiti international airport participants must take a Tahiti-Rangiroa domestic flight - 1:00 for a flight without stopovers.

At Rangiroa airport you meet a taxi provided by the guesthouse. The taxi may take some time to arrive. The six-kilometer taxi ride between Rangiroa airport and the guesthouse lasts about five minutes.

Between 3 and 5 participants are required on each of our missions.


  • June 8 to 22 (14 nights)
  • July 6 to 20 (14 nights)
  • October 19 to 31 (12 nights)
  • November 16 to 30 (14 nights)

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Program fees

2 weeks 2,700€
Average fees 1,350€/week

Program fees

1,350€ per week 2 - 2 weeks Age 18 - 50+

Payment methods

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



2 - 2 weeks


The deposit is simply to reserve your volunteer placement. Payments are handled by PayPal, our trusted global payment provider. If you don't have a PayPal account, you can also pay using a credit card.

Final Payment

Your final payment will be agreed with Dauphins de Rangiroa (DDR) during the application process. Common solutions are either via bank transfer or a cash payment at the project site.

Meet your organization

Dauphins de Rangiroa (DDR)

Excellent 4.8 rating (7 reviews)

Non-profit - founded in 2019

Verified by Volunteer World

  Excellent response rate

Coordinated by


Spoken languages: French, Spanish, English

About the project

The French Polynesian NGO "Dauphins de Rangiroa" carries out research, public outreach, and conservation programs on Rangiroa Atoll bottlenose dolphins.

Meet your organization


Since 2009, the NGO Dauphins de Rangiroa - DDR carries out research, public outreach, and conservation programs on Rangiroa Atoll bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Tuamotu Islands, French Polynesia.

From 2012, ecovolunteers began to join us every year to help us complete our fieldwork.


DDR focuses on:

1. Demographic and social parameters of the small dolphin community inhabiting Tiputa waters, on Northern Rangiroa Atoll.

2. The dolphins' underwater behaviors in the context of their interactions with scuba diving tourism.

3. The implementation of ethical and sustainable dolphin watching tourism.


French Polynesia is located at the center of the South Tropical Pacific Ocean, between 5° and 30°S, and 130° and 155°W. It is composed of five archipelagoes and 121 islands spread over a 5 million-square-kilometer area. The French Polynesian EEZ is one of the most remote worldwide and stands for almost 50% of the French EEZ. About 20 cetacean species may be observed in French Polynesia.

Yet 350 kilometers from Tahiti in the Northwestern Tuamotu Islands, the giant atoll of Rangiroa - "Great Sky" in Paumotu -, a true oasis of life in the heart of the tropical Pacific Ocean, stretches its 170 kilometers of coral reefs, sands, and coconut trees around a 1,600-square-kilometer area with waters so fish-laden that it has become one of the world's top scuba diving destinations. The atoll's impressive size - 80 kilometers long by 20 kilometers wide on average - and its two large channels, Avatoru and Tiputa passes, make it home to marine wildlife as exceptional as it is impressive.

French Polynesia enjoys a very mild tropical climate and is equipped with modern infrastructures.

No vaccinations are required to come and stay there.


Since 2009, DDR's president has been studying the small bottlenose dolphin community inhabiting Northern Rangiroa Atoll. Her work mostly focuses on the impacts of tourist activities on the dolphins’ behaviors. She did her PhD in ethology / behavioral ecology on this topic.

Indeed, Rangiroa dolphins are targeted daily by commercial dolphin watching tours as literature, the media, and theme parks have endowed dolphins with a reputation that predisposes people to expect friendly interactions with them.

Truly, the popularity of marine mammal viewing activities may have conservation and socioeconomic benefits for the dolphins and local communities alike if they are conducted responsibly and with care, in accordance with existing regulations that protect these iconic animals. However, if they are not conducted appropriately, they can place dolphins at significant risk of harassment, injury or death.

In Rangiroa, some bottlenose dolphins are conditioned to tolerate or seek out physical interactions with scuba divers which raises concerns as there are risks associated with close dolphin / human encounters, e.g.:

1. An increasing number of accidents involving dolphins and scuba divers ("pushy" dolphin behavior toward divers, scuba divers who forget basic safety rules, etc.).

2. Pathogen transmission (zoonoses, etc.).

3. Increased dolphin vulnerability to human activities (boat collisions, propeller injuries, fishing gear entanglement, etc.).

4. Changes in the dolphins' ranging and social patterns.


1. Through our long-term demographic and social monitoring of Tiputa dolphins, we aim at spotting any deleterious impact of human activities on this dolphin community.

2. Through our long-term underwater monitoring of the dolphins' behaviors, we aim at better understanding and prevent the risks associated with close dolphin / diver interactions.

3. Through our education program, we aim at sharing results and recommendations to help developing ethical and sustainable dolphin watching activities.


We look for committed scuba divers who are conscious that we must respect rules when interacting with wildlife in order to preserve the animals' welfare and observers' safety. Understand more to care more is an essential axis of our work. No touching, no feeding, no teasing: Respect them, respect us!


Our mission allows you to better understand the dolphins' routine, the issues related to their conservation, and to learn more about human / wildlife paradoxical relationships. Also, you will help DDR sustain its long-term dolphin monitoring program.

7 reviews · rating4.8

Béatrice Pujo rating5

2020 at Dolphin behavior and conservation

Google Translator: I loved the experience, everyone involved (Pamela, the people from the boarding house and the dive club) are very caring. A rich training on the dolphins of the pass of Tiputa to Rangiroa, beautiful dives and great stay. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...
Google Translator: Impact of tourism on bottlenose dolphins in Rangiroa Participation in the study: observation (photos, videos), sampling and understanding Changes in behaviour with divers. Awareness of the socialisation of bottlenose dolphins through slide shows, but also the processing of ...
Céline Kreder rating4.4

2019 at Dolphin behavior and conservation

It was a wonderful experience to share the today's life of the doplhin researcher and member of the GEMM association : They kindly introduce us to their way of life, to the fantastic submarine life by teaching us how to recognize every dolphins on the site, and introduce us to the researcher work of ...
Google Translator: Whether at sea or on land, having the opportunity to observe the dolphins in Tiputa Channel is well deserved. In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the atoll of Rangiroa is a haven of peace and to participate in the research of Pamela, the marine biologist, is a real chance. Lovers ...
Guillaume Saumier rating5

2019 at Dolphin behavior and conservation

Google Translator: Demographic monitoring of RANGIROA dolphins and awareness raising Learning techniques for monitoring populations of marine species (underwater photo-identification and video recording). Daily observations of individuals in the channel. Participatory tool for demographic, ...
Olivier Claer rating5

2018 at Dolphin behavior and conservation

In order to help the phd student to learn as much as possible about dolphins, we were asked to collect the mime of information of every living species: their faeces. Analyses would be useless without videos to identify the dolphin the data come from. As a result after diving, time to study videos to ...


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  Excellent response rate
French, Spanish, English

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