from 1,132€

Brilliant 4.7rating (191)

Amazon Rain Forest Conservation

2 - 8 weeks  ·  Age 18 - 50+

rating  Brilliant 4.7  · 
  Verified by Volunteer World
  Excellent response rate


  • The fate of the Amazon and the countless animals and plant species, along with the people who live there, rely on reforestation efforts.
  • Reforestation is a key action to help mitigate the effects of climate change, as new trees help reduce the amount of CO2 in the air and also limit erosion.
  • Peru’s Amazon Jungle is one of the last primary forests in the world, has a unique ecosystem and is one of the most biologically diverse areas on Earth.
  • The species that live in the rainforest are native to the area and would disappear if their natural habitat were ruined.
  • Amazon projects have a clear impact you can directly see, and if you return in just a few years you are able to witness just how much your work literally transforms the area.

Especially suitable

Age 18+

About the program

Home to an incredibly diverse array of flora and fauna, these forests are at severe risk to deforestation through the effects of commercial logging and cattle production

It is no secret that the greatest rainforest in the world which plays a vital role in the Earth’s eco system is under severe threat due to commercialism, deforestation and land acquisition from major corporations. Given the incredibly rich soil and agriculture growing opportunity, private and ...

About the program

It is no secret that the greatest rainforest in the world which plays a vital role in the Earth’s eco system is under severe threat due to commercialism, deforestation and land acquisition from major corporations. Given the incredibly rich soil and agriculture growing opportunity, private and government enterprises are enticed by the economic opportunity of this region. With increased environmental protection, deforestation has slowed, however assistance from global volunteers is needed to ensure these efforts continue to be enforced and the damaging trends reversed.  

The Peruvian Amazon is one of the most bio diverse regions on the planet. The work you do here is vitally important on a local scale but also a macro global scale in an effort to help save the planet and combat climate change. To help reduce the amount of Co2 in the atmosphere, planing trees and inhibiting further deforestation is vital.  

In this incredible project, global volunteers assist in various reforestation, wildlife monitoring, organic gardening, educational workshops, trail maintenance and related activities. The daily efforts are directed by local environmentalists, biologists and local professionals who have an in depth understanding of the local needs and opportunities. These projects server remote communities who have a deep connection and reliance on the forest. 

*Please note that this project is in a remote area away from our institute in Cusco. Depending on the time of year, there may be no other volunteers at the project with you. You should prepare yourself for some independence and be open to new experiences in an isolated rural setting.


Jungle Conservation project sites and accommodations are located 8 to 10 hours (or longer) outside the city of Cusco. Public bus transportation to and from the project site is included at both the beginning and end of your program. Please note that this is often an overnight journey, plus a boat ride.

Project Tasks

  • The project tasks will vary depending on local needs and various factors such as Spanish language skills, expertise and ability in this field of work. You’ll be expected to follow the directed work and tasks handed down by the on-site project managers.  
  • Reforestation work is physically demanding. Tasks include planting trees, shrubs and removing non-native species.   
  • Taking wildlife inventory of local flora and fauna
Please note...
Because Jungle Conservation sites are very rurally located, some of the comforts and conveniences you are used to may not be available. While you have access to all the standard Local Services while in Cusco, please keep in mind that at Jungle project sites:

 • Local transportation is limited and walking is the best way to get around. Taxis or water taxis into nearby towns are available if you want to buy snacks or charge electronic devices. 
• There is no Wifi at Jungle projects and electricity may be very limited, if available. 
• There may not be ATMs nearby. You should take the cash you need with you when you leave Cusco – our local team can help you to budget for the duration of your stay.
• Medical services are available between 30 and 90 minutes away, depending on the project. The project staff have training in first aid and can support you.
 • You should be prepared to entertain yourself in creative ways during your free time. 

Typical day

The Jungle Conservation program begins with a mandatory 1-2 day orientation session in Cusco, where you receive vital information about your project and trip to the project site.

A rough itinerary:
  • Breakfast at the accommodation
  • 4-8 hours of work per day (Monday to Saturday)
  • Work is generally in the ...

Typical day

The Jungle Conservation program begins with a mandatory 1-2 day orientation session in Cusco, where you receive vital information about your project and trip to the project site.

A rough itinerary:
  • Breakfast at the accommodation
  • 4-8 hours of work per day (Monday to Saturday)
  • Work is generally in the morning of afternoon
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
  • Free time to socialize / relax / explore

Free-time activities

Machu Picchu Baby!

Built somewhere in the 1400's, this is the site of massive significance spiritually & historically to the Incan people .  Tourists from around the world travel to Peru just to see it, and Cuzco is the gateway to Machu Picchu.   We can help you book your tour in advance or when ...

Free-time activities

Machu Picchu Baby!

Built somewhere in the 1400's, this is the site of massive significance spiritually & historically to the Incan people .  Tourists from around the world travel to Peru just to see it, and Cuzco is the gateway to Machu Picchu.   We can help you book your tour in advance or when you arrive in Cuzco.   There are various options including train ride + hike or a 4 day hike.   Book in advance to ensure you get a spot though!

The historic capital of the Inca Empire, rests at very high altitude in the Andes Mountains.   It's really one of the most sought after travel destinations in the world.   Besides just soaking up the atmosphere of Cuzco, some sights to visit include; Cristo Blanco monument offers amazing views of the city, the Planetarium provides Incan history, the ruins of Qorikancha, in the heart of the city or for the foodies, check out the Choco Museo for everything chocolate!

Moray, Maras And Salinas
These are incredible Incan ruins with many levels of concentric circles like an ancient amphitheater.   This is located only a short bus ride from Cuzco with a nice 4km hike to get to the Maras village and a further 9km hike or taxi to the Moray ruins.   A brilliant day out. 

Amazon Jungle
Peru has managed to do a great job in protecting the Amazon, and has many well protected very large forest areas where you can explore with a guide.   Take a boat down the Rio Tambopata river, experience jungle lodges from Peurto Maldonado and experience one of the most bio diverse regions in the entire world!  

Lake Titicaca
The largest lake in South America, is the birthplace of the sun according to Andean legend.  The town of Puno is a great base with cool local culture and nightlife also with various ruins sights scattered around the islands. 

An overnight bus from Cuzco will take approx 20 hours, alternatively you can fly to Lima and take a 5 hour bus.   This area is best known for dune buggy rides, sandboarding and cool bars, cheap cocktails and heaps of fun!



Minimum Age: 18 years

In order to join the program you need to be at least 18 years old on the program start date. There might be exemptions if you can provide the permission of your legal guardian(s) or if your are accompanied by your parents.

Language Skills

You need to speak English (basic level)

Criminal Background Check


Nationality Restrictions

No restrictions. Helping hands from all over the world are welcome.

Time Commitment

Your helping hand will be required on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday

What's Included

What's Included

Services by Involvement Volunteers IVI

  • Accommodation - Home Stays (Single or twin share rooms, you can choose.)
  • Breakfast & dinner daily 
  • Arrival airport transfer (Sat/Sun arrivals)
  • Project materials & equipment
  • Transportation to/from jungle project site (6 hour drive)
  • Free salsa lessons & spanish cooking classes
  • Optional Spanish language lessons (additional cost)
  • Filtered drinking water, coffee & tea
  • 1 day orientation
  • In country 24/7 support & emergency assistance
  • Fundraising support
  • University course credits (where applicable)
  • Certificate of Completion

Airport Pickup at Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport

Arrivals are on Saturday and Sundays. If arriving Sat, an extra night is charged. You will spend the first couple of days in Cusco for orientation. 


While in Cusco for your orientation, you stay with a pre-approved middle class Peruvian family in a shared room. You share with 1-3 other people of the same gender.

At the jungle project, your accommodation will be in the conservation reserve which is communal, remote and rustic but actually quite comfortable. Volunteers are housed in single gender dormitory style bungalows which are equipped with basic amenities such as running water, bed linen, and squat toilets. The cold showers are invigorating and remind you that you are in the jungle baby!

There will be limited to no WiFi access in this region but there is a phone in case of emergency.  The in-field coordinators will check-in with you regularly to ensure you are adapting well as this is a no frills type of experience and suitable for those who enjoy totally off the beaten path. There will be limited access to wifi, medical facilities, transportation and ATM's. 

Food & Beverages

Breakfast, lunch & dinner are included each day.   Peruvian food is very nice!   Rice, beans, and corn are popular ingredients, and fresh root vegetables like cassava, taro, and sweet potato are in most dishes.   You can also expect some fruits and vegetables, such as avocados (palta) accompanied by spicy aji salsa.

What's NOT included?

What's NOT included?

Internet Access

Sorry, no access at the project site

Flight Tickets

The nearest airport is Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport (CUZ) in Cuzco. We assist you to find cheap flights to Peru. FIND CHEAP FLIGHTS

Travel Insurance

Going abroad is an adventure and it is always best to be prepared. Sudden illness or injury, cancellation or theft - a travel insurance for Peru provides security and is a plus to have. GET A QUOTE


If you are intending to volunteer in Peru you should seek medical advice before starting your social journey. Check your required vaccinations for Peru. VACCINE CHECKER

Details on arrival

WEEKLY (SAT/SUN ARRIVALS). If arriving Sat, an extra night is charged.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Program fees

2 weeks (min. stay) 1,132€
3 weeks 1,376€
4 weeks 1,606€
8 weeks (max. stay) 2,565€
Average fees 443€/week

Program fees

443€ per week 2 - 8 weeks Age 18 - 50+

Payment methods

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



2 - 8 weeks


The deposit is simply to reserve your volunteer placement. Payments are handled by PayPal, our trusted global payment provider. If you don't have a PayPal account, you can also pay using a credit card.

Final Payment

Your final payment will be agreed with Involvement Volunteers IVI during the application process. Common solutions are either via bank transfer or a cash payment at the project site.

Meet your organization

Involvement Volunteers IVI

Brilliant 4.7 rating (191 reviews)

Non-profit - founded in 1989

Verified by Volunteer World

  Excellent response rate

Coordinated by


Spoken languages: English

About the project

IVI are a non profit org with 28 years experience providing responsible volunteer placements in 15 countries worldwide. We help you connect with inspiring opportunities

Meet your organization

Involvement Volunteers International delivers positive social change to developing communities and vulnerable populations through local, national & international volunteering.  Our projects empower the skilled & un-skilled to catalyse the efforts of local partners in creating a better world.


Founded in 1989, IVI is a pioneer of overseas volunteering.  Back when there was no internet and phones were a luxury in many parts of the world, we traveled to developing countries in search of credible NGO's in need of manpower and global volunteer resources.  Some of the many relationships we forged are utilized to this day. 

We are passionate about volunteering and giving back to society and in particular developing communities which are less fortunate than us.  In this way, we combine travelling with volunteering to help people make a positive impact overseas.

All of IVI’s projects have a strong social element at the core.  With more manpower (& womanpower!) we can truly catalyse the efforts of our local partners.  This means you're sure to meet loads of like-minded people from all parts of the world.   This type of experience truly broadens your understanding of the world and yourself, opening your heart to new enlightened ways of thinking .   With your new found travel companions, you'll have plenty of opportunity to explore and have fun!  

Our projects create a unique platform to experience the true heart and soul of a destination rather than simply the tourist areas.   We'll involve you in meaningful & responsible volunteer work that really benefits the local communities.

As a non profit org, we are not motivated by shareholder profits.  Our fee structure is fully transparent to ensure volunteers hard earned money is going directly to the areas where it is most needed.  It is vitally important to us that the presence of volunteers has a positive and sustainable impact on the local communities we work with.   

We charge a one off US$275 application fee per volunteer to cover the running of IVI including administration overheads, project inspection costs, marketing, and salaries.

The program fee starts at $150 p/week and goes straight to the in country management to cover arrival airport transfers, on the ground coordination, orientation, accommodation, meals, in country 24/7 project support, project development, donations and related administration costs.   

In comparison to many of our competitors, our programs are incredible value.

With approx 80-90% of our volunteers being single young female travelers, volunteer safety is of the utmost importance.  All of our projects include a dedicated 24/7 in-country management support contact as well as a dedicated placement manager pre/post journey.  This ensures you will be cared for every step of the way.    The local teams are highly experienced and qualified to manage emergency situations.

All IVI projects have been personally inspected to ensure the standards meet necessary guidelines for quality and safety.  In addition, we monitor and maintain communication with local embassies to oversee potential issues in order to notify volunteers and their families accordingly.   

Our Australian team are available 24/7 and only a phone call away.

Our responsibility also extends to the local people which is why volunteers working in childcare related fields must provide a criminal background check before they travel.   Our ultimate goal is the long term development of the communities we work with, hence we work closely with our local partners to ensure that projects are needs driven and sustainable. 


From your very first inquiry, right through to your welcome home, you'll have the same dedicated volunteer manager at every stage.  We are experts in the field and will provide you in depth insights about what to expect and how to prepare to ensure you have an amazing experience overseas.  Every project includes a detailed welcome pack which provides all aspects needed such as in country contacts, what to pack, cultural values, basic language guides and much much more.   

On arrival at your destination, you'll be greeted by one of our in-country team and in many cases 1 week orientation is provided to help ease you into the way of life and ensure you're equipped with the right customs to ensure a successful volunteer abroad experience.  

Volunteering abroad is quite possibly the most rewarding experience you will have in your life!   We know this not only through our own experiences, but through the testimonies from thousands of volunteers we have successfully placed worldwide over 27+ years in operation.  Volunteering overseas is not only rewarding.   It's fun!   You're meeting new people, you're seeing new sights, and you're expanding your understanding of yourself and the world.  You're experiencing something real and life changing in many ways...  


191 reviews · rating4.7

Alessandro rating4.8

2020 at Amazon Rain Forest Conservation

A real funny and interesting immersion in the jungle (Tierra Linda) where I learnt a lot of things about reforestation. A perfect mix between work and fun!!! You can have the possibility of living a unique experience without internet and electricity. You will eat healthy a delicious dishes made by ...
I can’t express enough how much Meki, Tima and Paulina took care of me. They would even fan me when I was eating and if I was lying on the front deck (anywhere I was actually if they thought it was needed😆) I’ve never been fanned before😆 Sitting up the head of the table being fanned and ...
christina perkin rating1.8

2024 at Lemur Conservation Associate

Unfortunately nothing as described the park was the worst 'zoo' I have ever visited. There was no rehabilitation no conservation at all. Information given was often wrong when asking questions about the animals and lifestyles etc. There was no native habitat for the lemurs and some of them had come ...
Nico rating4.8

2024 at Lemur Conservation Associate

We had good two weeks (4.8. - 17.8.). We have cleaned the cages, prepaired the food and feeded the animals. Really special moments were the contact with the animals. The team was pretty nice and like friends. Food and accomodation were good. Especially the second week with our guide LAURIANA PRISCA ...
Lenard rating4.8

2024 at Food Support for the Homeless

The volunteering was a lot of fun. I become more skilled in cooking techniques, and learned many things. It was also exciting for me to live by myself in a foreign country and I had a lot of fun with exploring Lisbon by myself. The food and accommodation was very good. The staff were always ...
Jennifer Steinborm rating4.4

2024 at Support Woman & Children Commune

From the first day in Fiji I felt incredibly welcome there! Mere and Masi were very helpful from the start and showed me everything. I enjoyed working with the women at the Lovu HART Village at the office and when kindergarten started I loved seeing the kids every day and helping them where I could. ..


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