Volunteer in Colombia

  Verified by Volunteer World






Years in business

By reinforcing the workforce we are working to help our community. Supporting their own projects to achieve their goals and aims, to broad their chances and opportunities

Volunteer In Colombia social projects have been created to support the communities to stay together, to empower them,  to keep their youngster into the villages and families and to keep alive the production of sugar cane and coffee beans, and to protect the environment through increasing the ...

Review Description

Volunteer In Colombia social projects have been created to support the communities to stay together, to empower them,  to keep their youngster into the villages and families and to keep alive the production of sugar cane and coffee beans, and to protect the environment through increasing the beehives . Our commitment is to help and support  the community with their own social projects, to achieve their goals in order to improve their financial and socio-economic situation, their quality of life and their main income support, as well as to protect the bees and the environment.  

There is a big shortage of staff and qualified workers to carry on maintaining small communities. Big families have found themselves behind technology losing the aim for farming, looking after the elderly or educating children.  Now day’s the youth are attracted to live and work in a big city where they feel they can become more successful, leaving behind their parents, small children and farms, but most of them cannot achieve it for the lack of education putting themselves into gangs, drug addiction, prostitution, and child trafficking among other social problems. 

Volunteers will be able to choose the project that want to support like to help the youth at the youth center to broaden their views, by teaching them new ways of living in their own community, new skills to carry on farming, English language skills and tourism as well as support the learning disabilities, the elderly day centers, school,  farmers and bees. Please refer to each project description for more information.

#Acommodation #Nature #Freiwillage #Volontaires #Rivers #Volunteers#BirdWatching #Coffee #SugarCane #LearningDisabilities #YouthCentre#GeriatricCentre #SocialProjects #VolunteerProjects #Voluntariados#Naturaleza #HillWalking #ProyectosVoluntariados #Ecofarm#FreiwilligenarbeitinKolumbien, #SozialProjekte, #Unterrichten, #Umweltschutz, #Weihnachten, #Naturschutz, #GastFamilie, #VolunteeringinKolumbien #FrivilligeprojekteriColombia#Vapaaehtoistyöprojektit #Volontärprojekt #Vrijwilligersprojecten #bees #beekeeping 

Contact Person

Blanca Usuga

Spoken languages: English, Spanish
  Excellent response rate

Volunteer in Colombia reviews

Sinead Brereton rating4.2

2024 at Farming and Beekeeping Support needed

We are staying with Blanca who runs an NGO which helps the local community with farming, bees, speaking English with children in the local schools and the elderly projects. Blanca lives in a rural village about 2 hours from Bogata called, San Javier. The roads to get there are dirt tracks and Blanca ...
Volunteering in Colombia is a special experience. The country is incredibly beautiful, the people are friendly and the food is delicious. San Javier is a rural village outside of La Mesa, Cundinamarca. There are opportunities to support local schools such as teaching English from 1st Grade to the ...
Viviana Colagrossi rating4.8

2023 at Support the Youths near Bogotá, Colombia

I embarked on this experience with enthusiasm and passion, since I've always had a desire to help others. Living in a rural area, I had to walk through Colombia's spectacular natural landscape to reach the village of ""La Mesa"" and catch a small bus. The village is safe, and people are ...
Volunteering in Colombia was amazing for me. I could make a lot of experience in doing creativity with elderly people as well as support children in their leisure activities in a youth center. Furthermore I could teach science in a local school in La Mesa, including experiments. The children were ...
During my time in La Mesa I combined teaching English at the school with working at the your center. Both Programs were a great experience that I have learned a lot from. Blanca from the organisation immediately made us feel welcome and guided us through the program. I would definitely recommend ...
Dominique Oberlaender rating4.0

2022 at Teach English Skills to Colombia Rural Communities

Ich hatte einen intensiven Monat in San Javier und La Mesa. Es war ein extrem spannender Einblick in die kolumbianische Gesellschaft auf dem Land. Die Arbeit mit den Kindern ist wundervoll und wird hoch geschätzt. ..

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Volunteer in Colombia project focus

UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Zero Hunger
  • Quality Education