Ranch Koiimasis

  Verified by Volunteer World






Years in business

Koiimasis is a 40k hectar Western Horse & Cattle Ranch located in the heart of the Tiras Mountain nature conservancy, right next to the Namib Desert.

Who we are and what we do?

Ranch Koiimasis is a western styled working-farm operation handling 250 horses, with an emphasis on specified wild-horse training.
But how did all this come about? The somewhat "moonstruck" Idea to bring the western lifestyle to Africa became reality by the hand of Rancher ...

Review Description

Who we are and what we do?

Ranch Koiimasis is a western styled working-farm operation handling 250 horses, with an emphasis on specified wild-horse training.
But how did all this come about? The somewhat "moonstruck" Idea to bring the western lifestyle to Africa became reality by the hand of Rancher and owner: Wulff Izko. Nevertheless; possesing passion for equine, bovine and general wild west culture when living in a place similar to the depictions of John Wayne & Clint Eastwood films; one cannot blame his decisions. Back then, the somewhat hundred head of Wild Horses were the only choice on the ranch & Cowboys sure had a hard time putting miles on their backs (one may say it got a little "western" at times). As years passed by and many different cowboys and their training methods became depleted, Wulff had to put some time in for research, and as a result stumbled upon the American Quarter Horse breed. Time was not wasted and the first Quarter horse stallion (Jabaroan) was bought. Since then thorough selection was done to keep only the best string of horses on the Ranch. The aim of the experiment was to implement the human tolerance & natural composure of the quarter horse back into the wild horses on the ranch, yet preserving their natural instincts & ecological niches. During the past 15 years this pursuit has most certainly been achieved and is still being fine-tuned today.

- the generation of the "Hardy Quarter Horse" was born.

Let´s have a look at the present time:
Our Horses are schooled with strong influence of traditional western; californio/vaquero horsemanship. The aim of this method of training is to build a strong relationship between horse and rider in order to produce a working horse that wants to function with the rider as one body and soul. Cattle herding / doctoring, roping, cutting, trail riding & many, many more, all form part of the practice to a sound & versatile Ranch horse. A convincing introduction to this fine art of Horsemanship was carried over by Ray Hunt student & follower Jaqueline Nadler, with ever so consuming cow-horse convidence lectures taught by Martin Black and thorough cowboying wisdom passed on by Mark & Miranda Lyon, it not only assures us & our horses a solid future foundation to sound horsemanship but to a whole lifestyle within. So go on, give rein to your curiosity & partake in our passionate lifestyle whilst browsing through the site!

Our Team contains of the farmers Wulff and Anke Izko and our Cowgirl that runs the so called "Cowboycamp". Her name is Freda, she is 32 years old, and comes from Germany. She´s riding her whole life and started her career at Koiimasis as a volunteer as well, in 2017. She´s responsible for horse training, tour guiding and what is particularly close to her heart: the volunteers! She is supported by a native horsetrainer who´s responsible for the colt starting of the wild ponies. Both of them run the Cowboycamp together and try to do all in the name of the horses, with all their passion and all their heart.

Where we work?
Namibia offers one of the most beautiful landscapes on earth, with an amazingly rich flora and fauna. The area around the ranch is home to numerous wild animals, perfectly adapted to the hard life in the desert. Among them are Oryx Antelopes, Kudus, Springboks and Zebras, but also numerous predators such as Cheetahs, Leopards, Jackals and Spotted Hyenas. But nobody has to be afraid of the latter, no wild animals are fed here, so they keep enough distance to humans.

Ranch Koiimasis is situated in the heart of the Tiras Mountains in the Karas region, 700 km south of Windhoek. Allow your soul be revived in this magnificent surrounding and enjoy a special feeling of endless freedom amongst shining red granite boulders. Listen to the secret ancestorial voices, which the echoing wind carries through the ancient valleys. The name Koiimasis is derived from the former living San (bushmen) and means: "Place, where people meet."

The nearest small town Helmeringhausen is located 70 km away (1,5 hours on gravel road). Our home is situated in a wild and rough environment, adventurous but totally safe - if you use common sense.

Please note, that the next hospital is placed in Windhoek, about 9 hours by car. So please, if you have medical history, ask yourself if youre willing to take the risk.

Our mission/vision
We want to create a horse experience that is unique for Africa. It should be a paradise for riders and horses by bringing together the wild untamedness of Africa with the romance of a Wild-West movie.

Our goals
The aim of this project is to create a unity with the people, the horses and the rustic, relaxed cowboy feeling that resonates everywhere.

Who are we looking for?

As the volunteers are self-sufficient in their accommodation, i.e. cooking, washing etc. you should be able to do this yourself. You should be open-minded and adventurous to fully engage with life here. And you should definitely be "horse crazy".  You don't have to be a horse trainer or successful tournament crack to get by here. Nevertheless, you should have a certain basic experience, be safe in the saddle and not be afraid. You also don´t have to be a western rider. We teach you all you have to know about riding in western style and ranch working on horseback.

Why choose us?
You´re gonna have the time of your life! Let a former volunteer, meanwhile your contact person and passionate horsewoman tell you: "this is not work! It is the best experience of your life and worth every cent. Since the majority of your work is riding, this is not work for us horse people - is it?"

Contact Person

Herman Erik Dormehl

Spoken languages: English
  Moderate response rate

Ranch Koiimasis reviews

Steffi rating5.0

2024 at Western horseriding experience

I spent just over four weeks as a Ranch-Dude on Koiimasis. Back again, I think to myself: I should have booked directly for three months! What can I say? In a nutshell: Great people, great horses and a beautiful spot on earth! When I arrived at the ranch I immediately felt welcome. I always found ...
Reiner rating5.0

2024 at Western horseriding experience

Thanks to Corona, I had the opportunity to spend 4 weeks on Koiimasis as a Ranch-Dude at very short notice. With 30 years of experience on different ranches in Wyoming and Montana, I was looking forward to my African adventure. As soon as I arrived, I was pleasantly surprised and very impressed by ...
Julia Konietz rating5.0

2019 at Western horseriding experience

Hi my name is Julia, I had amazing 2 month on Ranch Koiimasis. This place is really something special. I loved the countryside and the people there and of course the horses. I could ride as much as I wanted and never had to do stable work like cleaning paddocks or something. My riding experiences ...
Sara Derman rating4.6

2019 at Western horseriding experience

Hello, my name is Sara and I did a four-week voluntary service at the Ranch Koiimasis in Namibia 2019. How it came about It's not the first time I've been to the ranch. Last year I went there on a trail ride with a friend. The area touched me so much that I did not want to leave. For me ...
Pia Sandmann rating5.0

2017 at Western horseriding experience

I always wanted to go an American Horseranch, but all projects were really expensive and too crowded – too touristic if you know what I mean. When I found ranch Koiimasis in Namibia I was really excited because everything looked like in the US but they do speak German and it's way less expensive. ..
Freda Bauer rating4.8

2017 at Western horseriding experience

Hello my name is Freda and I spent three unforgettable months in Namibia on a Western Ranch. Now I am back home again and look back on an incredible adventure – the best time of my life. "Well, how was it?" I'm constantly being asked what it was like? Unfortunately I never know where to ...

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