Natembelea Africa V Residence

  Verified by Volunteer World






Years in business

We recruit and host volunteers from across the world with different passionate missions who come to volunteer and experience life with the local people. Karibu Tanzania!
 Natembelea Africa Volunteer Residence is a registered non-profit organization located in Arusha, one of the busiest cities and a tourist destination in Tanzania, Africa. We recruit and host volunteers from across the world with different passionate missions who come to volunteer and ...

Review Description

 Natembelea Africa Volunteer Residence is a registered non-profit organization located in Arusha, one of the busiest cities and a tourist destination in Tanzania, Africa. We recruit and host volunteers from across the world with different passionate missions who come to volunteer and experience life with the local people. The volunteers stay in our volunteer house as their primary destination while they are attending to their programs respectively.

Program Start Dates
Our programs start on the 1st and on the 15th of every month respectively. One night before the program starts is not charged.(Group of 5 people and above, 50$ off from everyone in the group)
What we do?
The organization is working in cooperation with other centers and organizations to provide specific placements according to the various volunteer projects we offer, and also offers accommodation and facilities as the primary destination for our volunteers.

Currently we have eight (8) Programs namely: Teaching and Educating Children, Medical Assistance and Medical Outreach, Empowering Women and Girls, Friends Childcare Supporter, Animal Welfare and Animal’s Shelter, Special Needs and Assisting the Disabled, Construction and Renovation Collaborator and Water Management Assistant.
Is Tanzania safe?
Tanzania is a rich and diverse country with different tribes, religions, and customs. Tanzanians are very friendly, conversational, and hospitable. There is a general safety that enhances the cultural experience. Our accommodations are also safe spaces provided by high security and are located at a safe neighborhood. 

Majority in Tanzania are living in poor life and unsustainable income which made us to establish the volunteer organization to help the community and welcoming people with open minded with good heart.

Realize shared values while engaging local societies first hand and dedicating abilities in making use of accessible resources to advance and sustain livelihoods.
Our goals
To provide volunteers with placements that enable them to show their compassion and utilize their skills, experience to improve and inspire as they engage the local societies. Exposure, tactics, values and experience sharing between volunteers and the locals. Creating new bonds and bridging cultures across the world with dedication to progress. Learning and appreciating applications observed and attained from the volunteer engagement projects.

What to expect
Expect to be proactive and prompt, as the experience will be out of your comfort zone in case of inadequate resources it will be on you to apply initiatives that would satisfy the particular situations. Expect to learn, be challenged, and to experience a sort of fun you have never known
while engaging with the children and the people.
What not to expect
Limit your expectations, the work is fulfilling but not easy as our conditions in Africa derive unique approaches to everything. The placements are underfunded and with inadequate resources, do not expect to change everything at the same time; be proactive and collaborate with the local coordinators and placement supervisors to improve the work condition and to cater to the needs of the project. We encourage you to be proactive and embrace the norms as part of a learning experience and ensure the locals team from you as well.

What to bring
You are not required to bring anything on your volunteer placements, but if you feel like donating and sharing it will be appreciated. In regard to the need and relationship created it is always important to choose a better fit for your donations given that there are many needs due to the limited resources the schools have ranging from needs and requirements.


All volunteers must have a Volunteer Visa to volunteer in Tanzania. This is because foreigners are not allowed to volunteer in Tanzania under a Tourist Visa.

A Volunteer Visa which is also referred to as Humanitarian Visa in Tanzanian airports. Once you have cleared your program fees, we will send you the Invitation letter and NGO Certificate. These will be required when applying for your visa on the immigration website. 

Vaccination & Treatment

We highly recommend you to consult your doctor for advice on immunizations. We all understand human beings get sick, we have several hospitals and clinics in town in case volunteer get sick and the organization will ride you to the hospital for free with a coordinator to assist , and there are many pharmacies available to get medicine.

Certificate of Appreciation

We appreciate your time! After your program ends we will provide you with a certificate of completion.

Criminal background check

Our first priority is safety. Safety for our volunteers and for the people receiving services in our volunteer programs. This is standard for any quality volunteer program.


Tanzania is a safe country and we will do our best to ensure your safety and well-being but illnesses happen and sometimes unfortunate incidents such as theft happen. Travel insurance will pay for your medical bills if you become ill and will cover expenses if something were lost or stolen.

Speak local language (Swahili)

You do not need to know it but learning a few words and phrases will be helpful. There are many helpful sites that can help you before you arrive and we will help you when you are here.

What to bring with me,

We recommend to bring flashlight, long-sleeved clothes, mosquito repellent, copy of your passport and ID – best not to carry your identification with you, you can establish fundraisers, bring donations for the centers.

Going tours and safaris during your program

Of course! Tanzania is a beautiful country and we would not want you to miss out on seeing some of the wonderful places here. We can help you arrange tours and safaris at discounted rates for our volunteers!

Contact Person

Schola Ndimgwango

Spoken languages: English, Swahili
  Excellent response rate

Natembelea Africa V Residence reviews

Mila Guichard rating5.0

2024 at Teaching and Educating Children

It was an incredible experience to take part in classes with students of all levels. We were made very welcome by Schola and her husband Gift. Thank you for ...
Rebecca Graff rating5.0

2024 at Teaching and Educating Children

Dear volunteers, I guess you just arrived here at the Volunteer residence while reading these pages with all the experiences from other volunteers. Even though I was really excited about my time as a volunteer, it was a big challenge when I arrived but I promise you one thing: Schola and Happy ...
olivia huslage rating3.8

2024 at Teaching and Educating Children

Dear Future Volunteers, I have completed a 6 weeks program staying in the Volunteer house in Arusha. During my time there I was placed in the Ereto Pre and Primary School in Kimandolu. This volunteering experience made me grow so much as a person and made become more independent every single ...
Edward Hues rating5.0

2023 at Teaching and Educating Children

My mate and I volunteered as teachers at Ereto Primary School in eastern Arusha. I volunteered there for 14 days and had the most interesting and fun time. We got to experience local cuisine through school lunches and it was a great insight into Tanzania, especially the street. I enjoyed going to ...
Dear Volunteers, I had a great time and a wonderful experience here. Schola is very involved and wants the organization to be better. I worked at the Levolosi Hospital. The people are very friendly but it is best to communicate before you start about your skills and knowledge, so that everyone ...
I stayed with Natembelea Africa in Arusha for 2 weeks, and I had the best experience from A to Z. Contacts with Schola and her husband were always good, and I felt ever more welcomed when in arrived in Tanzania. The place where we stay is super safe, in a beautiful place in Arusha. I loved to ...

Natembelea Africa V Residence listings

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Natembelea Africa V Residence project focus

UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health And Well-Being
  • Quality Education
  • Gender Equality
  • Reduced Inequalities
  • Sustainable Cities And Communities
  • Life On Land