fra 1.066€

Excellent 4.8rating (872)

Greece Marine & Conservation Volunteers

2 - 4 weeks  ·  Alder 18 - 50+

rating  Excellent 4.8  · 
  Verificeret af Volunteer World
  Excellent Svarrate

Frivilligprojekt med højeste kvalitet. Dette projekt tilbyder den højeste kvalitet, der sætter standarder - langt over gennemsnittet.


  • 80% of PMGY volunteers are 18-22 years old
  • Undertake hands-on conservation work alongside qualified field assistants
  • Protect posidonia seagrass meadows and sand dune systems
  • Enjoy the island experience of Kefalonia in your free time
  • Volunteer in a top European location

Særligt velegnet til

Alder 18+

Om programmet

Protect large seagrass meadows and sand dune systems on a meaningful conservation and research experience in Kefalonia.

Protect large seagrass meadows and sand dune systems as a Greece marine conservation volunteer. Develop research experience and discover all the marine organisms that thrive within the protected marine plants. and explore the sand dunes and their critical role in climate change. Enjoy a fulfilling ...

Om programmet

Protect large seagrass meadows and sand dune systems as a Greece marine conservation volunteer. Develop research experience and discover all the marine organisms that thrive within the protected marine plants. and explore the sand dunes and their critical role in climate change. Enjoy a fulfilling conservation project as you explore the critical role of sand dunes in climate change when you volunteer in Greece.


Since 2012, we have been actively engaged in conservation and research on the Greek Island of Kefalonia. With origins in sea turtle protection, our conservation efforts have expanded to incorporate marine and coastal conservation. Indeed, the local team has always been monitoring the changes in beach profiles over time due to environmental and human-induced effects.

As sea turtles are part of both coastal and marine ecosystems, our research has widened to encompass the study of the protected Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows and the sand dune systems. Both of which are categorised as vulnerable on the Red List. This is a critical indicator that quantifies the health of the world's biodiversity. In addition to these ecosystems being important for the nesting and foraging of endangered sea turtles, they are important biomarkers for climate change.

Posidonia oceanica is more commonly known as Neptune grass or Mediterranean tapeweed. Specifically, it is a seagrass species that is endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. It forms large underwater meadows that are an important part of the ecosystem. Their conservation status was last assessed in 2018 around the Mediterranean by the European Environment Agency. The outcome for Posidonia was not a positive one. Whilst the habitat is not in danger of disappearing in the immediate future, the European Environment Agency explained how the Posidonia oceanica is in a situation where changes in policy are required for the area to return to the stronger position it requires.

Therefore, further studying of posed threats to Posidonia is hugely important for the future of the species and the planet. For the Posidonia to achieve and maintain a good environmental status, active conservation and study of the area is required. As a marine conservation volunteer in Greece, you will be at the forefront of helping the protected region to achieve this status.

It is not only the seagrass meadows that are under threat. Coastal sand-dune habitats are also endangered on the Greek island of Kefalonia. This is important to note because they play a huge role in maintaining plant and animal biodiversity, which contribute to coastal protection. Sadly, there is a lack of research into dune system changes in Kefalonia. As a result, there is a great need for further studies and research within this area. A large part of your volunteer work in Greece will be based on the sand dunes and conducting relevant habitat surveys.

Volunteer opportunities provided by PMGY offer a platform to make a positive impact when you’re volunteering in marine and coastal conservation. When working as a Greece marine conservation volunteer, it is important to maintain energy, enthusiasm and creativity. As a marine conservation volunteer, you will need to donate your time and skills effectively. This is to ensure you can maximise your conservation work and the impact of your field research through a volunteer experience. Greece is our only European destination where you can embark on a wildlife conservation program project.


Your marine and coastal conservation volunteer program will take place in one of two locations. Specifically, the Skala field station is situated in the south and the Svoronata field station is situated on the west coast of the island. Both locations have a Thursday arrival date. Having multiple coastal field stations, allows us to increase the research activities carried out. In turn, protecting more seagrass meadows and sand dune habitats on the island.

Skala - Situated in the south of Kefalonia, Skala is a village location that is within walking distance of the sand dunes and seagrass meadows. The traditional small fishing village has now grown into a modern seaside town. The beautiful sandy beach and crystal clear water make it one of the most popular beaches in Kefalonia.

In Skala, the program studies the Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows and the sand dunes along southeast Kefalonia within the Skala and Mounda beaches. Specifically, the location focus for the project is the coastal and nearshore marine zone of the Mounda Peninsula.

Svoronata - Located close to the capital of Argostoli, this field station is within walking distance to the touristic Ammes beach. This quaint beach town comes with everything you need such as mini markets, restaurants and a swimming pool nearby. The local bus stops daily to provide transport for volunteers into and out of Argostoli for leisure activities.

For those joining in Svoronata, research work on the sand dunes and seagrass meadows is focussed on Ammes Beach. This is a 5 minute walk from the Volunteer House. A key difference between the 2 field stations is that coastal bird surveys are only conducted in Svoronata. They will take place in key monitoring areas and contribute to Cornell University’s e-Bird Citizen Science database. Volunteers will perform timed transects and report incidental sightings of coastal and pelagic birds.

In both field stations, in-water seagrass meadow surveys remain a core shift activity. Seagrass meadows are a larger carbon sink than the rainforest and play a critical role in mitigating climate change. They form an important ecosystem, providing habitats and nursery grounds for many marine animals as well as other organisms. Sand dunes and their vegetation form a dynamic barrier between sea and land and a specialized ecosystem that is impacted by development and accelerated erosion.

The coastal and marine study areas will be mapped with a drone at regular intervals. Volunteers will not need to have drone skills but will have an opportunity to learn some of the latest uses of drones for environmental science. Surveys over the sea will help locate seagrass meadows and plan snorkel surveys. On the shore, sand dunes will be surveyed by drone to create both topographic and three-dimensional maps, which will help study the ecosystem and track changes over time.

Snorkelling teams will survey the nearshore area to collect geotagged photographs of the seagrass meadows. These will later be analysed to identify species, the types of meadows, and their current state as well as changes over time. The coastal sand dunes will be mapped and studied with beach profile and species identification surveys. The current state of the dunes will be studied, as well as their trends over time. The presence of plastics and other detrimental factors in both the marine and the coastal ecosystem will be recorded, and some shifts will focus on collecting those for recycling or disposal.

Participants in the Greece volunteer program will contribute their time and skills to help collect vital data and help support critical marine conservation work and understand how marine ecosystems are impacted by direct human activities and by climate change. Data collected by the project will help create one of the most detailed datasets on the coastal and marine ecosystems in the area.


Project Focus - This program is very much focused on conservation activities rather than a traditional gap year/volunteer travel experience. This involves working early morning starts and late afternoon shifts daily. There is plenty of downtime, but the team does expect people to be punctual and join all their assigned shifts. You need to have a big passion for marine and coastal conservation and use this as the main motivation for joining the trip. The vast majority of participants have a wonderful experience, but a small number of people can find the program to lack the cultural and travel balance that our other destinations offer.

Cycling (Skala Only) - The fieldwork covers a range of sand dunes that spans over a large area across the Skala and Mounda beaches. Both beaches are located under 2km from the volunteer accommodation and you will make the short distance to each project site on bikes. Therefore, volunteers must be comfortable cycling a bike on hilly terrain and be able to walk the beaches on hot days. You will always cycle as part of a team leaving at scheduled times. Moreover, you can use your free time to hop on the bike and explore the local area further. Volunteers will be given a bicycle safety briefing. Helmets and safety vests are required and provided. Cycling is only permitted during daylight hours.

Swimming and Snorkelling - As most afternoon volunteer activities involve you being in the sea, participants joining this program must be confident swimmers and previous snorkelling experience is highly recommended. Participants must bring their own correctly fitted mask and snorkel to the program. Furthermore, such equipment should be trialled before arriving to Greece in either pool or open water setting. It is recommended that volunteers bring their own fins, although they can be provided by the local team if required. A wet suit is optional. During snorkel survey shifts, volunteers will snorkel within a pre-determined area and will be monitored by a safety supervisor on a paddleboard. The safety supervisor will accompany the research team throughout their in-water shift. All team members will wear a life jacket provided and will rest on land mid-shift before finishing the remaining shift in the sea. All snorkel shifts are weather-dependent and will be cancelled if the sea conditions are deemed unsafe.

Volunteering with Friends - You are welcome to join the Greece marine and coastal conservation volunteer program with a friend. You can highlight this in the special requirements of the online application. Subsequently, our team can ensure you stay in the same accommodation and project location. Moreover, they will do their best to give you both the same free days each week. However, it is important to note that there is a large range of fieldwork covered each day. Consequently, it is not always possible for our team to place you with your friend in each fieldwork setting.

Days Off - Your project work in Skala runs for 6 days in your first week and for 5 days in your remaining weeks. This project runs 7 days a week so volunteers are assigned different days off to ensure the project always runs. Therefore, it is likely that your days off will vary across the week and not necessarily be consecutive days off.

In Svoronata, your project work runs for 5 days each week. The group will usually have the same days off. However, these days off may not be the same days off each week. The team aim for the days off to take place on the windiest days in the week to help prevent any shift cancellations during the working days.

You are welcome to relax and hang out at the volunteer accommodation on your days off. However, most participants will use this time to travel and explore the island. Check out our Greece Weekend Travel Guide for top tips on how to spend your free days.

Typisk dag


As a volunteer in Greece on the marine and coastal conservation program, there is a range of conservation activities you will engage with. This is all focussed on protecting the seagrass meadows and sand dune habitats within the Skala and Svoronata regions.

You ...

Typisk dag


As a volunteer in Greece on the marine and coastal conservation program, there is a range of conservation activities you will engage with. This is all focussed on protecting the seagrass meadows and sand dune habitats within the Skala and Svoronata regions.

You will begin your conservation activities on the day after your arrival and orientation. Your first few days on the volunteer project will be full of hands-on learning. This will be under the guidance of experienced field assistants. You will quickly get acquainted with all aspects of the fieldwork.

Volunteers will be getting involved with hands-on research that will allow them to demonstrate a standard scientific methodology that can be used in the field. Working with others during their time means they will be building on their teamwork and leadership skills. They will understand the importance of protecting the dune and Posidonia ecosystems around Kefalonia. In addition, will have a clearer understanding of current climate concerns and the impact these can have on both marine and terrestrial environments. This information learnt will allow them to pass on details to others and spread public awareness of current issues.

Volunteers will split most of their time between exploring the Posidonia meadows and understanding the extensive dune systems found. While surveying both areas, volunteers will be looking into what lives within the systems, creating topographies, and understanding the pressures both ecosystems face. In addition to this, volunteers will be working to keep the beaches of Kefalonia free from trash and debris, as well as taking part in drone surveys and reviewing the footage once the flight is complete. Those joining in the Svoronata field station will also conduct coastal bird surveys.

Most mornings will involve an early start and will usually be spent on the in-water seagrass studies and Posidonia surveys at each location. Specifically, capturing geotagged photos of seagrass meadows with data reviewed, collected and entered into the database. In the afternoons, volunteers will spend more time on the dunes. For instance, conducting sand dune habitat surveys, vegetation studies, species identification and beach litter collections.

Other activities across the day include assisting our drone pilot in surveying sand dunes and then reviewing the drone footage to identify threats and problems. Volunteers will also receive training sessions in utilising GPS systems, data entry and photo classifications.

There will be free time every day and most evenings where volunteers can relax or take part in various activities including film and quiz nights. There will be 1 day off for volunteers in the first week and then 2 days off for the remaining weeks. Those who join at the Svoronata field station will always receive 2 days off each week. Volunteers will be expected to work around 6 hours each day across early morning and afternoon shifts.


Your days off are your time to explore the wonders of Kefalonia. Whether you are looking for a relaxing weekend by the beach in Myrtos Beach, some adventure activities, or a more cultural experience in Fiskardo – Greece has it all. As a volunteer in Greece, our team both welcomes and encourages ...


Your days off are your time to explore the wonders of Kefalonia. Whether you are looking for a relaxing weekend by the beach in Myrtos Beach, some adventure activities, or a more cultural experience in Fiskardo – Greece has it all. As a volunteer in Greece, our team both welcomes and encourages participants to explore the island’s wonderful treasures. They will be very happy to help you plan your travel opportunities and outline any travel tips.

Moreover, should you want to embark on personal travel after your time on the project is finished then you are encouraged to spend an extra few days in Kefalonia to explore the island.

During your first week, there is lots of information and processes to learn quickly with many workshops and seminars to enjoy. Therefore, you will only have 1 day off in your first week. In Svoronata, volunteers typically have 2 days off in their first week. All field station locations will usually enjoy 2 days off per week for the remaining time.

As the project runs 7 days a week, volunteers are assigned different days off to ensure the project runs at all times. Therefore, it is likely that your days off will vary across the week and not necessarily be consecutive days off. However, participants in Svoronata will typically enjoy the same days off together each week.



Minimumsalder: 18 år

For at kunne deltage i programmet skal du være mindst 18 år gammel på programmets startdato. Der kan være undtagelser, hvis du kan give tilladelse fra din(e) værge(r), eller hvis du ledsages af dine forældre.


Du skal kunne tale Engelsk (basic level)


Ingen begrænsninger. Hjælpende hænder fra hele verden er velkomne.

Andre færdigheder

You should also be physically fit, as volunteering overseas can be quite strenuous. If you have any medical/mental health conditions that may affect your participation overseas then these must be declared to us during your online application.

Hvad er inkluderet

Hvad er inkluderet

Tjenester af Plan My Gap Year

  • Accommodation 
  • Airport Pick Up & Drop Off
  • Transport to Project
  • In-Country Orientation
  • 24 Hour Support

Afhentning i lufthavnen i Kefallinia Airport

You should arrive into Kefalonia International Airport (airport code EFL) on Thursday. Where possible, your flight should arrive into Kefalonia before 6pm so that you can partake in the evening orientation.


During your time on the Greece volunteer program, you will live in a Volunteer House in Kefalonia. This will be in either Skala or Svoronata. Specifically, volunteers will share an apartment in a large villa or apartment complex. 

The Volunteer House is located close to he main project sites onthe nearby beaches. Subsequently, use your free time to swim, sunbathe and relax on the beaches. On a similar note, the team will arrange a social evening at the houses once a week for volunteers to enjoy.

Each Volunteer House is located a short journey away from local restaurants mini-marts and pool areas. You’ll be living with other volunteers from around the world, so you’ll make plenty of friends along the way!

The accommodation is comfortable and clean, fitting up to 6 people per room in shared bedrooms with bunk beds. All accommodation comes equipped with electricity, basic cooking facilities, fridges, a small communal area and hot water. As the hot water is powered by solar energy, this is usually only available during certain hours of the day. The bathrooms are shared, each with a shower and western style toilet.

There is a washing machine available for when you complete volunteer work in Greece. It costs around 3 Euro per wash and washing lines are also provided. A sleeping bag can be rented locally for 10 EUR if needed. In general, the accommodation tends to be quite cool across most parts of the day. Wi-Fi is usually available in communal areas. However, this is limited to support instant messaging and social media and will be quite intermittent. You can easily pick up a local SIM card or head to a local cafe to get online.

Field assistants will also live at the houses when you volunteer in Greece. This ensures you have round the clock support and security. You will either cycle, walk or receive a minivan transfer to and from your fieldwork setting each day.


God adgang til projektområdet

Hvad er IKKE inkluderet?

Hvad er IKKE inkluderet?

Mad og drikkevarer

Mad, snacks og drikkevarer koster ekstra.


Den nærmeste lufthavn er Kefallinia Airport (EFL) i Kefallinia. Vi hjælper dig med at finde billige flybilletter til Grækenland. FINDE BILLIGE FLYBILLETTER


At rejse til udlandet er et eventyr, og det er altid bedst at være forberedt. Pludselig sygdom eller skade, aflysning eller tyveri - en rejseforsikring til Grækenland giver sikkerhed og er en fordel at have. FÅ ET TILBUD


Hvis du har til hensigt at blive frivillig i Grækenland, bør du søge lægehjælp, før du begynder din sociale rejse. Tjek dine krævede vaccinationer for Grækenland. VACCINE CHECKER

Oplysninger ved ankomst

The Skala and Svoronata field locations begin on select Thursdays of each month between May and September.
Jan. Febr. Marts April Maj Jun Jul Aug. Sept. Okt. Nov. Dec.


2 uger (min. ophold) 1.066€
3 uger 1.418€
4 uger (max. ophold) 1.898€
Gennemsnitligt gebyr 503€/uge


503€ pr. uge 2 - 4 weeks Alder 18 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



2 - 4 weeks


Depositummet er blot for at reservere din plads som frivillig. Betalinger håndteres af PayPal, vores betroede globale betalingsudbyder. Hvis du ikke har en PayPal-konto, kan du også betale med et kreditkort.

Final Payment

Din endelige betaling vil blive aftalt med Plan My Gap Year under ansøgningsprocessen. Almindelige løsninger er enten via bankoverførsel eller kontant betaling på projektstedet.

Mød din vært

Plan My Gap Year

Excellent 4.8 rating (872 feltrapporter)

Agentur - grundlagt i 2011

Verificeret af Volunteer World

  Excellent Svarrate

Vært er


Spoken languages: Engelsk

Om projektet

Plan My Gap Year is an award-winning international volunteer placement organisation based in the UK.

Mød din vært

Plan My Gap Year is an award-winning international volunteer placement organisation based in the UK. We provide safe, affordable, need-driven volunteer programmes from 1 to 24 weeks in 11 countries worldwide.


Founded by volunteers for volunteers, Plan My Gap Year works with local communities in the developing world towards long-term sustainable goals. We know there is no better way to travel and make a positive impact on the world.

We work extremely hard to ensure that our opportunities are affordable for everyone who wants to make a difference. So fees are 100% transparent, something our volunteers really appreciate.

Plan My Gap Year structured programmes create the perfect platform for you to see the world, meet like-minded people and engage in meaningful volunteer work. We have teams in the UK and in our host destinations who will support you 24/7 throughout your time with us. Furthermore, every project on our network is regularly risk-assessed by our UK team to ensure our set up is safe and that our volunteers are making a positive impact.

There is also a great social element to our programmes. Plan My Gap Year puts you in touch with all your fellow volunteers via Facebook before you set off. Our projects receive volunteers from around the world throughout the year, so even if you’re travelling solo, you’re going to meet heaps of people along the way. Plus you’ll have plenty of opportunity to travel the country with your newfound travel buddies – it’s all part of the PMGY experience!

So if you’re thinking of doing something a bit different on your next trip abroad, then why not drop us a line and find out what extraordinary things you could be doing.


Our aim is to make our programmes accessible to motivated travellers irrespective of their financial capacity. Plan My Gap Year focuses on providing the core requirements of a volunteer programme: safety, structure and sustainability.

We are 100% transparent with our fees. That way you know exactly how much of your money goes towards the local community.

Compared to the large majority of volunteer organisations out there, even most charities and not-for-profits, PMGY’s opportunities are significantly cheaper. Furthermore, as our reviews will testify, our support service and structured programmes are second to none.


Your safety is our top priority. All of Plan My Gap Years' programmes have been personally inspected and vetted by the PMGY team – which is not an industry standard by any means. We carry out independent risk assessments on an annual basis and our local teams constantly review the safety precautions we implement. This includes regular staff and safety appraisals.

 Our local teams are made up of highly experienced volunteer coordinators. They have hosted international volunteers for many years and are prepared to react in the unlikely event of an emergency. Whatever the problem, big or small, our local teams are available around the clock.

As part of our commitment to your safety, we keep in constant communication with local embassies and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office to ensure we can identify potentially dangerous situations and act upon them immediately. Our UK team are available 24/7 to assist volunteers and their families.


We support our volunteers every step of the way. Before you go we will provide you with a detailed Volunteer Handbook, which will guide you through how to prepare for your trip. This Handbook contains literally everything you need to know – from what to pack, to how to obtain a visa, to local language guides.

Our experienced UK team are always available to provide assistance. Plan My Gap Year is always available to answer our questions and support you in anyway we can. 

On arrival, a member of our in-country team will collect you from the airport and help you settle in. Your orientation course will teach you everything you need to know about the country, how to stay safe and what to expect from your upcoming volunteer experience. 

Our local team are on-call 24/7. Whether you’ve lost your passport or just want some help in planning a weekend trip, our friendly in-country coordinators provide that safety net to ensure you are well looked after.


Plan My Gap Years' responsibility is not limited to our travellers but also the projects we support. That is why all our volunteers must provide a Criminal Background Check before they travel.

It is essential that our projects are need-driven and sustainable. We work closely with our local partners to ensure that our volunteers are contributing to bring about long-term development.


We really know our programmes. Our UK team have stayed in the accommodation, volunteered at the projects and met the volunteers. We carefully assess each application we receive so that your personality and skills are suited to the project. Whatever your query, you can feel assured that you will be speaking to someone who can tell you exactly what to expect.


One of the best aspects of volunteering is meeting some amazing like-minded people. We place over 2,000 volunteers every year so wherever and whenever you go, you have the peace of mind in knowing you will be living and working alongside other PMGY volunteers. In many of our destinations, we run our own Volunteer House accommodation, which ensures all volunteers live together, and therefore guaranteeing a strong social element. In addition, our local team are always there to help you plan any independent travel or give you some tips for what to do at the weekend.

872 feltrapporter · rating4.8

Niccolò Amery rating4.2

2024 at Greece Marine & Conservation Volunteers

Very beautifull place and very good experience, I really liked the majority of the activities we have done and I found them also very usefull for my knowledge and for my self ...
Gabrielle Caird rating5

2023 at Greece Marine & Conservation Volunteers

My experience was absolutely amazing! You when the opportunity to meet like minded people, who understand the importance of conservation. Recently graduating university, it was incredible meeting the core staff team that was extremely passionate for conservation, that definitely confirmed my dream ...
I participated as a volunteer in Greece at the marine and coastal conservation project in Skala. There I explored sand dunes and seagrass meadows. Before I flew to Greece, I was very well prepared for my upcoming trip, especially the volunteer handbook and the online zoom meetings were really ...
I participated as a volunteer in Greece at the marine and coastal conservation project in Skala. There I explored sand dunes and seagrass meadows. Before I flew to Greece, I was very well prepared for my upcoming trip, especially the volunteer handbook and the online zoom meetings were really ...
Anastasia Slatkine rating5

2022 at Greece Marine & Conservation Volunteers

It was an amazing 2 weeks in Greece! The people were lovely and everyone was very welcoming which made the experience so much better. We had a lot of free time too which was great so we got to explore other parts of the ...
Judith Bourron rating5

2022 at Greece Marine & Conservation Volunteers

Hello, I’m Judith and I will tell you about my experience with PMGY and WildLife Sense in Kefalonia for the programm in Skala about the conservation of seafloor and preservation of sand dunes. First of all I would like to say that my stay in Greece was incredible, I stayed there for 1 month. ..


Europa > Sydeuropa > Grækenland > Kefalonia

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