Stichting Dinka

  Verificeret af Volunteer World






År i virksomhed

In Tanzania, we offer quality education- day and boarding facilities. 200 +students from disadvantaged homes.

We would like to welcome you to Dinka School in Arusha, Tanzania because we need your help !

- Who we are?
I (Kimberly Zandvliet) am Dutch and my husband (Erick Pownall) is Tanzanian and we live at the school compound with our two children since 2010.
We started building Dinka School in Arusha, ...

Review Description

We would like to welcome you to Dinka School in Arusha, Tanzania because we need your help !

- Who we are?
I (Kimberly Zandvliet) am Dutch and my husband (Erick Pownall) is Tanzanian and we live at the school compound with our two children since 2010.
We started building Dinka School in Arusha, Tanzania in 2010 and officially opened in 2014.
Dinka stands for Dutch INitiative Kids Africa and we fund raise through our Dutch foundation, Stichting Dinka.
There are 40 staff members including cooks, cleaning ladies, drivers, gardeners, security, teachers, matrons and 150 day students and 50 boarding students.

- What we do?
We offer quality education to 200 children and care for 50 children in our boarding facility in the age between 2 and 12 years old.

- Where we work?
The school is located in Manyire village, 30 minutes away from Arusha city. It is a safe environment and you can walk around towards the river and in the local village. We are 45 minutes from the International airport (KIA).

- Our mission/vision
To offer quality education to disadvantaged children.

- Our goals
To be one of the best schools in Tanzania and keep educating children for a brighter future.
We offer more than only education, we teach self confidence, hygiene, self care, presentation skills and so many co- curricular activities like sports, arts, gardening, drama, theater, music etc.

- Who are we looking for?
We are looking for you! Dinka is an amazing project whereby volunteers can offer so many things which will make our education at Dinka School better. Everything you bring to us, we will learn, implement, develop and continue to offer to our students.

- Why choose us?
It is a safe place to volunteer and we give you daily guidance in your work.
We have a special volunteer house on the project compound with privacy, electricity, warm water, air conditioning, washing machine, kitchen, showers, toilets, living room, 2 bed rooms, 16 beds, a veranda and a garden, a weekly campfire with the Masai, village walks, river walks, airport transport, transport to Arusha town and an amazing and wonderful volunteer experience whereby you will definitely leave your mark!

Contact Person

kimberly zandvliet

  Excellent Svarrate

Stichting Dinka feltrapporter

I was there with my wife and my child of 4 years old. In the beginning it was hard to find where you can start to help. I did not volunteer because I think I can save Africa or because I think they need me. I hoped that I could bring a little bit of the world to them, to answer questions about ...
My time at Dinka was the way I expected it to be. The volunteers were properly taken care of by this professional organisation. I would say that volunteering at Stichting Dinka is recommendable and certainly no waste of ...
For the past 6 years, our school has visited DINKA for the 4 hours. We plan lessons together, work with the children and teachers, have sports days, etc. It has been a fabulous ...
This is a year long program at the American School of The Hague in Wassenaar, The Netherlands. It involves learning about the visiting country (culture, climate, demographics, language, nature, traditions), sustainability, helping others. We work with local partners and join building projects of ...
Renée van Deudekom rating5,0

2019 at Pre and Primary Education and Activities Assistant

I have been at Dinka School for a couple of weeks/months. It has been amazing. A great school with a kind team of teachers who are always happy to see you. The best experience. Will definitly return! ...
Just as the headline says - I learned a lot and it was really useful/healthy for me to see another part of the world. Even though my perception of myself earlier where that I was pretty educated about how it is in a country like Tanzania, I soon became aware that it was different. I grew a lot as a ...

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UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education