ab 643€

Ausgezeichnet 4.8rating (872)

Bali English Teaching Volunteers

2 - 8 Wochen  ·  Alter 17 - 50+

rating  Ausgezeichnet 4.8  · 
  von Volunteer World verifiziert
  Ausgezeichnete Antwortrate

Freiwilligenprojekt mit höchster Qualität. Dieses Projekt bietet Qualität, die Maßstäbe setzt - weit über dem Durchschnitt.


  • 85% of volunteers are 17-22 years old
  • A top destination for first-timers looking for a secure & social experience
  • Teach English in Bali & support learning through innovative education
  • Structured weekend trips to the Gili Islands & Ubud
  • Experience the friendliness & beauty of traditional Balinese culture

Besonders geeignet für

Alter 17+

Über das Programm

Teach English in this amazing location set amongst rice paddies and local culture. Invest your time in Bali’s children and ensure their future is bright!

Volunteer teaching English in Bali to encourage students by developing skills and achieving their future goals. Conversing with fluent, native speakers greatly improves student’s English language skills, a tool essential for future employment. The ability to speak English has become essential as a ...

Über das Programm

Volunteer teaching English in Bali to encourage students by developing skills and achieving their future goals. Conversing with fluent, native speakers greatly improves student’s English language skills, a tool essential for future employment. The ability to speak English has become essential as a language to learn for Balinese people to move forward in life. As a result, it enables them to have direct contact with tourists, enhancing the country’s recognition and visibility on a global stage.


English is a key component in both the formal and informal industries that exist in Bali, as well as the communication mediums that underpin them. This ranges from the schools, offices and banks to the shops and restaurants that make up much of the booming tourist industry in Indonesia today. Bali is a destination that has become not only a hub for tourists from across the globe, with its beautiful scenery and traditional authenticity, but is also recognised as an ideal location to hold international conferences and seminars.

PMGY’s volunteer teaching English abroad program gives volunteers the chance to really make a difference by opening possibilities of developing English for local children in Tabanan. The explosion of tourism in Bali means the need to speak English has never been greater. Though English is taught in school by a local Balinese teacher, the opportunity to converse with a native, fluent English speaker is invaluable.

Balinese people are warm and friendly. You can expect the local community, the staff you work with and the children you teach to welcome you into their community with open arms. They will be excited to speak with you and hear all about your life! Your volunteer work in Bali can benefit your prospects as much as it does the people you teach. You will come away with skills that are easily transferred into the workplace, such as leadership, time management and organisational skills.


Your schedule will be mixed when you volunteer teaching English in Bali. You’ll spend your time across the different projects where we provide free English lessons in Tabanan, with the main placement opportunities being arranged through the Akasa Foundation. Moreover, the PMGY Bali volunteer program runs additional English teaching projects across the year. Consequently, we can help to maximise the positive impact you have throughout the local community when you volunteer in Bali. Here are some examples of where you could be teaching:

Akasa Kindergarten English Class - The Akasa Foundation provides a Community Learning Centre, founded by Ketut in 2011. This includes volunteers delivering English classes at our Akasa kindergarten project. Until recent years, Ketut ran this within her family home. However, the centre now has a permanent location only a 5 minute walk from the Volunteer House. Having lived within the Tabanan community her whole life, Ketut had noticed a lack of opportunity for children from less well-off families to thrive within the educational system. Consequently, Ketut was driven to set up the Foundation and to seek the help of international volunteers. As a volunteer teaching English in Bali, you can support the quality and diversity of the knowledge that could be shared with these children. A major goal of the centre is to provide basic education to preschoolers from low-income backgrounds, in preparation for eventually joining school. Another is to offer additional education for students already attending school.

Akasa English Course - As part of the Akasa Foundation, the local team provides an extracurricular English course to children in the village. Students can attend during the afternoon to receive extra tuition in English. In turn, this builds their confidence with Volunteers in Bali. Originally, this project was part of the Akasa school. However, with increasing numbers attending, the Foundation opened its own Akasa Learning Centre to run this program. Therefore, the project base is now a 2 minute walk from the Akasa House. There are three different age groups including an array of abilities and backgrounds. This is an opportunity for you to get creative and provide engaging after-school lessons that excite the students and increase their love of English!

Elementary and Junior High School Program - As a volunteer teaching English in Bali, you will get the chance to visit several different Elementary and Junior High Schools. We currently team up with around 12 of these schools each year where we provide each class with around 3 hours of English Teaching from our volunteers, per week. These schools on the PMGY Bali volunteer program are generally located between a 10-25 minute drive from the houses by bemo. With general English taught by their Balinese staff, it is incredibly beneficial for them to have the opportunity to practice with other English speakers from around the world. Not only do the children benefit, but their teaching staff will also hang around during your lesson to pick up on how you pronounce different words and phrase sentences. This improves their practice when it comes to teaching English and inevitably enhances education for the students and broadens their prospects! The students are so eager to learn and are super appreciative of the volunteers, you will find at the end of some sessions they will show gratitude by touching your hand to their forehead as they believe that this will entice your wisdom to flow through your hand and into their mind.

Kaniva Hospitality University - During term times you may get the opportunity to visit a local University which provides training for young people wanting to work in the tourism industry. The students here have high aspirations and dream about one day leaving Tabanan to become hotel staff in Dubai, Japan and in the Cruise industry. Lessons with the volunteers help to expose them to different accents and boost their confidence in speaking English with tourists. Topics for these lessons will be provided for you and the students will prepare lots of questions to ask and engage in general conversations throughout your time with them. They are inspired by your love and choice to travel to Indonesia. In turn, encouraging them to really immerse themselves in your lesson to enhance their English and achieve their goals.

Timeus - For two afternoons each week, a group of older students will visit the Community Learning Centre. Alternatively, the volunteers will visit them. The students at Timeus have varying Special Educational Needs as well as eye-sight difficulties. They love spending time with the volunteers by chatting away about their favourite music and instruments and appreciate the extra confidence it gives them! Some are preparing to go to university, whilst others are looking for vocational pathways. Teaching the Timeus group is a great experience and will test your adaptability as you plan and prepare diverse subjects and activities that will engage the whole group.


Return Airport Transfer - Your return airport transfer is not included in your Program Fee. The most common method is to use a ridesharing app or private taxi service. Participants can often be travelling across their final few days and therefore are not necessarily heading back to the airport directly from our accommodation. The costs depend on your method of transport and your final destination. This can often be split across multiple participants if you are travelling with someone else on the program.

Major Holiday Destination - With Bali being our most touristy destination we often find that volunteers would like to travel as part of their trip to Indonesia. Being in a more affluent and holiday destination means that our volunteers often do not feel as engaged in the project work as much as they can in more developing locations such as Ghana, Tanzania and India where they feel a clearer need for international volunteers. Therefore, we recommend participants to potentially sign up to volunteer for a shorter period to allow the chance to potentially travel as part of their experience and if the volunteer project is of particular importance then to perhaps consider a more high impact location.

Experience - For the English Teaching program, teaching experience is not essential as the mere presence of a native English speaker is invaluable. As long as you are creative, determined and resourceful you can have a constructive impact on the development of the children’s education.

TEFL Course - We encourage volunteers to prepare as much as possible for their teaching program overseas. You can make the most out of your time by completing our convenient, inexpensive and international accredited 60 hour Online TEFL Course. The cost of this course is only 150 USD.

Resources - On the teach English in Bali project, resources can be very limited. Volunteers are recommended to bring materials to the project each day to maximise their productivity and day to day involvement. It is therefore important for volunteers to prepare well in advance to get the most out of their teaching English project experience.

Weekends - Your project work in Bali runs from Monday-Thursday and weekends are free (Friday-Sunday). You are welcome to relax and hang out at the volunteer accommodation but most participants will use this time to travel and explore the country. As a result, you can check out our Bali Weekend Travel Guide for top tips on how to spend your weekend. We also run two separate weekend trips which you can sign-up to before you depart for Bali. We offer the Gili Paradise Island Trip along with the Ubud Trip with opportunities running every month.



Your main role as a volunteer in Bali will be sharing your time, knowledge and skills to the local communities. Moreover, by boosting their confidence in spoken and conversational English you can help to maximise their potential.

Your volunteering abroad ...



Your main role as a volunteer in Bali will be sharing your time, knowledge and skills to the local communities. Moreover, by boosting their confidence in spoken and conversational English you can help to maximise their potential.

Your volunteering abroad programs run from Monday-Thursday with Friday being optional but encouraged. The morning session will run from around 8am-12pm and the afternoon session 1pm-4pm. Your timings will be based on your individual schedule. Should the project not be within walking distance, you will be transported to the project via bemo, which takes no more than 20 minutes.

When teaching English in Indonesia you may be leading the class alone, working in pairs, or part of a small group. Volunteers are usually scheduled to teach two or three classes per day. These factors depend on the current project need, availability and volunteer numbers. Timetables tend to be split between two of the placement locations for each volunteer across the week. The Akasa Foundation program tends to be the main teaching project.

The Akasa English Course runs four different sessions throughout the week: Kindergarten (4-6 years), AEC Kids (7-9 years), AEC Elementary (10-12 years) and AEC Middle (13 - 17 years). These sessions take place in our Akasa Learning Centre close by the houses every afternoon. Depending on the number of volunteers and students at the time, you will be split into smaller groups and may even teach 1:1 so that the students can make the most of the free tuition.

It has been suggested that pre-school years are the most important years of a child’s life and an ideal time for learning a foreign language. This makes these Kindergarten classes invaluable, with a focus on educating the children with very basic English vocabulary, such as colours, shapes and animals. As a volunteer teaching English in Bali, you are required to be creative and very patient, although a local teacher will act as a guide. The difficulty of the content is taken up a level within the Beginner’s class, focusing on similar topics to kindergarten, but introducing the basic concept of sentence formation.

PMGY’s advanced community classes aim to make the learning of English an enjoyable experience, especially after the children have had a long day at school already! Get creative and teach English through songs, art and sport. You will usually work with another volunteer and teach as a team.

We expect there to be at least 60-100 children across these classes at this program each day, aged from 3 to young adults. We generally find that the more volunteers prepare for their day then the more they and the children get from the whole experience. Depending on the number of volunteers at the time, will depend on how we segment the group into smaller class sizes if applicable. We will have local coordinators/teachers at the project to assist.

In all cases, Balinese children are eager to learn, this thirst for knowledge can sometimes turn into extreme excitement so it is important to be able to control the class to maintain focus. This is an empowering and rewarding project which really makes a difference to those less fortunate in providing free English education to the children of Tabanan. Inspire through your methods and give these children the confidence to converse with tourists. This, in turn, will improve their future and that of their families.

The presence of an English speaker really benefits the children’s pronunciation and can also help empower local teachers who may be looking for additional assistance with their own education. As a volunteer teaching English in Bali, we encourage you to make lessons as engaging and interactive as possible by being creative and proactive in your preparation. Use fun educational games like interactive word searches or Hangman, or a bit of class competition in Hot Seat or team quizzes. Games, songs, art, sport and music are all great tools. The presence of volunteers gives the children an insight into different cultures; a global perspective they greatly benefit from. Use your creativity and knowledge to help these eager young minds reach their true potential.

What you teach when you volunteer in Bali is completely up to you, though there may be a topic or curriculum materials that you can follow if you need some inspiration and guidance, from a general syllabus or past volunteer examples. We have a library of resources located in the PMGY office at the accommodation for volunteers to use and the children are provided with exercise books and learning books to help facilitate their learning. The local team also run weekly lesson planning sessions, providing volunteers with a fantastic opportunity to both share and discuss ideas, as well as plan for the upcoming week.


PMGY’s volunteer in Bali programs are based in the centre of Tabanan, a picturesque but lively traditional city.

The Tabanan region itself has a population of over 350,000 and 10,000 of this is concentrated in the city centre. From 4pm to midnight runs an exciting night market where local cuisines ...


PMGY’s volunteer in Bali programs are based in the centre of Tabanan, a picturesque but lively traditional city.

The Tabanan region itself has a population of over 350,000 and 10,000 of this is concentrated in the city centre. From 4pm to midnight runs an exciting night market where local cuisines can be tasted and traditional clothing and jewellery bought. Tabanan is referred to as the ‘rice bowl of Bali’ for its infamous rice fields and agriculture industry that underpins much of Bali’s rice production. The Subak Museum is dedicated to the famed Subak system of unmechanised irrigation which has been in use in Bali since AD 600.

Participants generally volunteer on a Monday-Thursday basis and the weekends are free to relax or travel further afield. As our volunteers will testify, the wider travel opportunities are extremely important to the whole experience and it is something we certainly recommend. Our local team are able to arrange activities, transport and accommodation but please note this is usually an independent experience outside of the core program.



Mindestalter: 17 Jahre

Um an diesem Programm teilzunehmen, musst du mindestens 17 Jahre alt sein.


Du brauchst folgende Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (Fortgeschritten)

Polizeiliches Führungszeugnis



Es gibt keine Beschränkungen. Helfende Hände aus aller Welt sind willkommen.

Andere Fähigkeiten

You should be physically fit, as volunteering overseas can be quite strenuous. If you have any medical/mental health conditions that may affect your participation overseas then these must be declared to us during your online application.


Deine Hilfe wird an folgenden Tagen benötigt: Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag und Freitag von 09:00 - 14:00



Dienstleistungen von Plan My Gap Year

  • Accommodation 
  • Meals (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)
  • Airport Pick Up
  • In-Country Orientation
  • Private Transport To Project
  • 24 Hour Support

Abholung vom Flughafen Ngurah Rai International Airport

You should arrive into Ngurah Rai International Airport (airport code DPS) on the relevant Sunday start date. The airport pickup is available 24 hours. 

On arrival a member of our local team will be at the waiting area for you holding a sign with your name on it. They will drive you straight to the Volunteer House in Tabanan where you can relax and settle 


Volunteer House

During your time on the Bali volunteer program you will live in one of our Volunteer Houses, which are located in Tabanan. Here you will find local restaurants, convenience stores and ATMs. Tabanan is a more traditional town, so you won’t find many other tourists around. You’ll be living with other PMGY volunteers from around the world, so you’ll make plenty of friends along the way.

The accommodation is basic but comfortable with free Wi-Fi. Each room has bunk beds with up to 8 people per room in same-sex rooms. Volunteers are provided with air conditioning in the room and their own mosquito net or curtains (to avoid the mosquitos) and bed linen. Bathrooms are shared, with a shower and western style toilet. The water is often cold, but this shouldn’t be a problem if you volunteer in Bali, as the climate is hot and humid all year round!

We encourage you to bring some small padlocks and/or store any valuables within the lockers provided within the volunteer accommodation, however, volunteers are encouraged to only bring essential items during their volunteer work in Bali. There will also be fridge space available for volunteers to store any items they need to keep chilled.

International volunteers have several communal spaces to relax, hang out with new friends or prepare lesson plans if you are teaching English.

The Volunteer House is located right next to where our local team live. Although volunteers have their own private space there is still the security of living next to our host family who can assist you if need be. It is also a great way to learn more about Balinese culture, get immersed in the local community and practise your new-found language skills!

Some of our projects are within walking distance of our Volunteer House and some are not. PMGY will take you to and from your volunteer placement each day if it is not within walking distance, via minivan or private car, and the cost of this service is included in your Program Fee.

Please note during our busier times of the year we will be running multiple accommodation sites all of which are located in Tabanan. All the Volunteer Houses will provide the core features you would expect but will all have small differences in terms of location, amenities, capacity etc. Due to the popularity of our Bali programs we are unable to take specific requests in terms of the exact property you will be staying in and you are assigned a house on arrival. We are always able to accommodate friends and small groups in the same accommodation.


You will be provided with three freshly prepared meals per day. Most meals are traditional Indonesian dishes that can be typically quite spicy. Balinese cuisine consists of a lot of rice and the meat is mainly fish or chicken – vegetarian options are always available. A weekly menu has been introduced that so you will know in advance what is on the menu for that day.

There is a large choice of restaurants and local warungs (authentic, local food stalls) in Tabanan. The food on offer is traditional Balinese cuisine – typically amazing and mainly vegetarian! There may also be a western option served once or twice every week and there are restaurants serving western food available around a 20 minute walk from the Volunteer House.


Gute Verbindung vor Ort

Was ist NICHT inklusive?

Was ist NICHT inklusive?


Der nächstgelegene Flughafen ist Ngurah Rai International Airport (DPS) in Denpasar. Wir helfen dir günstige Flüge nach Indonesien zu finden. FINDE GÜNSTIGE FLÜGE


Ins Ausland zu gehen ist ein Abenteuer, auf das man sich stets gut vorbereiten sollte. Plötzliche Krankheit oder Verletzung, Stornierung oder Diebstahl - eine Reiseversicherung für Indonesien bietet die nötige Sicherheit. ANGEBOT EINHOLEN


Bevor du deine Freiwilligenarbeit in Indonesien antrittst, solltest du dich noch einmal von deinem Arzt beraten lassen und deine erforderlichen Impfungen für Indonesien überprüfen. IMPFSCHUTZ ÜBERPRÜFEN

Informationen zur Anreise

This program starts on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of every month

Jan Feb Mär Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dez


2 Wochen (Mindestaufenthalt) 643€
3 Wochen 826€
4 Wochen 1.010€
6 Wochen 1.362€
8 Wochen (Maximaler Aufenthalt) 1.715€
Durchschnittliche Gebühren 268€/Woche


268€ / Woche 2 - 8 Wochen Alter 17 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



2 - 8 Wochen


Mit der Anzahlung reservierst du deinen Platz beim Freiwilligenprogramm. Zahlungen werden von PayPal abgewickelt, unserem vertrauenswürdigen globalen Zahlungsanbieter. Falls du keinen PayPal Account hast, kannst du die Anzahlung auch mit einer Kreditkarte bezahlen.

Ausstehende Zahlung

Deine Restzahlung vereinbarst du mit Plan My Gap Year während des Bewerbungsprozesses. Normalerweise handelt es sich um eine Banküberweisung oder eine Barzahlung am Projektstandort.

Lerne deine Organisation kennen

Plan My Gap Year

Ausgezeichnet 4.8 rating (872 Bewertungen)

Agentur - gegründet 2011

von Volunteer World verifiziert

  Ausgezeichnete Antwortrate

Veranstaltet von


Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch

Über die Organisation

Plan My Gap Year is an award-winning international volunteer placement organisation based in the UK.

Lerne deine Organisation kennen

Plan My Gap Year is an award-winning international volunteer placement organisation based in the UK. We provide safe, affordable, need-driven volunteer programmes from 1 to 24 weeks in 11 countries worldwide.


Founded by volunteers for volunteers, Plan My Gap Year works with local communities in the developing world towards long-term sustainable goals. We know there is no better way to travel and make a positive impact on the world.

We work extremely hard to ensure that our opportunities are affordable for everyone who wants to make a difference. So fees are 100% transparent, something our volunteers really appreciate.

Plan My Gap Year structured programmes create the perfect platform for you to see the world, meet like-minded people and engage in meaningful volunteer work. We have teams in the UK and in our host destinations who will support you 24/7 throughout your time with us. Furthermore, every project on our network is regularly risk-assessed by our UK team to ensure our set up is safe and that our volunteers are making a positive impact.

There is also a great social element to our programmes. Plan My Gap Year puts you in touch with all your fellow volunteers via Facebook before you set off. Our projects receive volunteers from around the world throughout the year, so even if you’re travelling solo, you’re going to meet heaps of people along the way. Plus you’ll have plenty of opportunity to travel the country with your newfound travel buddies – it’s all part of the PMGY experience!

So if you’re thinking of doing something a bit different on your next trip abroad, then why not drop us a line and find out what extraordinary things you could be doing.


Our aim is to make our programmes accessible to motivated travellers irrespective of their financial capacity. Plan My Gap Year focuses on providing the core requirements of a volunteer programme: safety, structure and sustainability.

We are 100% transparent with our fees. That way you know exactly how much of your money goes towards the local community.

Compared to the large majority of volunteer organisations out there, even most charities and not-for-profits, PMGY’s opportunities are significantly cheaper. Furthermore, as our reviews will testify, our support service and structured programmes are second to none.


Your safety is our top priority. All of Plan My Gap Years' programmes have been personally inspected and vetted by the PMGY team – which is not an industry standard by any means. We carry out independent risk assessments on an annual basis and our local teams constantly review the safety precautions we implement. This includes regular staff and safety appraisals.

 Our local teams are made up of highly experienced volunteer coordinators. They have hosted international volunteers for many years and are prepared to react in the unlikely event of an emergency. Whatever the problem, big or small, our local teams are available around the clock.

As part of our commitment to your safety, we keep in constant communication with local embassies and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office to ensure we can identify potentially dangerous situations and act upon them immediately. Our UK team are available 24/7 to assist volunteers and their families.


We support our volunteers every step of the way. Before you go we will provide you with a detailed Volunteer Handbook, which will guide you through how to prepare for your trip. This Handbook contains literally everything you need to know – from what to pack, to how to obtain a visa, to local language guides.

Our experienced UK team are always available to provide assistance. Plan My Gap Year is always available to answer our questions and support you in anyway we can. 

On arrival, a member of our in-country team will collect you from the airport and help you settle in. Your orientation course will teach you everything you need to know about the country, how to stay safe and what to expect from your upcoming volunteer experience. 

Our local team are on-call 24/7. Whether you’ve lost your passport or just want some help in planning a weekend trip, our friendly in-country coordinators provide that safety net to ensure you are well looked after.


Plan My Gap Years' responsibility is not limited to our travellers but also the projects we support. That is why all our volunteers must provide a Criminal Background Check before they travel.

It is essential that our projects are need-driven and sustainable. We work closely with our local partners to ensure that our volunteers are contributing to bring about long-term development.


We really know our programmes. Our UK team have stayed in the accommodation, volunteered at the projects and met the volunteers. We carefully assess each application we receive so that your personality and skills are suited to the project. Whatever your query, you can feel assured that you will be speaking to someone who can tell you exactly what to expect.


One of the best aspects of volunteering is meeting some amazing like-minded people. We place over 2,000 volunteers every year so wherever and whenever you go, you have the peace of mind in knowing you will be living and working alongside other PMGY volunteers. In many of our destinations, we run our own Volunteer House accommodation, which ensures all volunteers live together, and therefore guaranteeing a strong social element. In addition, our local team are always there to help you plan any independent travel or give you some tips for what to do at the weekend.

872 Bewertungen · rating4.8

Edyne Devlin rating5

2024 at Bali English Teaching Volunteers

I had the privilege of spending three weeks in Bali with PMGY, volunteering as an English teacher, and it was an experience I’ll never forget. Teaching students about shapes, their bodies, space, and more was incredibly fulfilling. It gave me a whole new perspective on education and sparked a ...
Letizia Lorenz rating4.8

2023 at Bali English Teaching Volunteers

I really enjoyed my time with pmgy and I wished I stayed longer. The accommodation is really spacious and beautiful. All the staff members were kind and helpful. They provided a variety of food options and were open for ...
Nagib Afani rating5

2023 at Bali English Teaching Volunteers

I did 4 weeks in Bali, it was an amazing time. I did the teaching program and it was great, the kids are very nice and appreciative, very eager to learn. You make a lot friends and great connections! ...
Matilda Green rating5

2023 at Bali English Teaching Volunteers

Couldn’t recommend PMGY Bali more! Everything from the projects to the house, to the staff was amazing. I did teaching, which was so well organised. The kids always had notebooks, so you could see what they had been previously taught. PMGY also ran weekly planning sessions and a translator came ...
Marta Grinberga rating5

2023 at Bali English Teaching Volunteers

PMGY Bali has been an amazing experience and journey meeting people all over the world, exploring the island together and having great laughs! It was my first volunteering trip and it went as smoothly as possible thanks to amazing local team and support. Fell in love with kids and their smiles, ...
Charlotte Napier rating5

2023 at Bali English Teaching Volunteers

I did the English teaching program in Bali for 3 weeks. Honestly had the best time over there, I’ve volunteered with a few different places and PMGY have been the best by far, the accommodation was always clean and apart from the cold showers (which was fine considering it’s so hot) everything ...


Asien > Südostasien > Indonesien > Tabanan

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