ab 720€

Ausgezeichnet 4.8rating (43)

Community Outreach Volunteer in Rural Tanzania

4 - 26 Wochen  ·  Alter 17 - 50+

rating  Ausgezeichnet 4.8  · 
  von Volunteer World verifiziert
  Ausgezeichnete Antwortrate

Freiwilligenprojekt mit höchster Qualität. Dieses Projekt bietet Qualität, die Maßstäbe setzt - weit über dem Durchschnitt.


  • Empower local children, youth and women's groups who are usually denied access to medical and social services due to their rural location.
  • Set out to Maasai Land with our social worker on three field days per week with an exciting and enriching schedule which guarantees sustainability and meaningfulness.
  • Educate, Empower, Enrich! We do not want to patronise our target groups, but rather show them goals and solutions. We work on an equal footing and in a spirit of friendship.
  • Become part of our wonderful outreach crew, whether you have experience in the social, educational, environmental or medical field or would like to learn a lot yourself. Everyone is welcome!
  • This programme is unique because it actively involves our volunteers and their skills and interests. STEP Africa Community Outreach is shaped and lives through our volunteers!

Besonders geeignet für

Alter 17+

Über das Programm

Help our social worker to educate and empower rural communities through life skills, business training, environmental awareness, sex education, medical service and more!

Community Outreach

The idea of the STEP Africa Community Outreach Program is to reach and support various groups (especially women and children). We focus on groups that are disadvantaged due to their family situation (e.g. single parents), economic situation or housing situation (especially in rural ...

Über das Programm

Community Outreach

The idea of the STEP Africa Community Outreach Program is to reach and support various groups (especially women and children). We focus on groups that are disadvantaged due to their family situation (e.g. single parents), economic situation or housing situation (especially in rural areas of northern Tanzania) and do not have regular access to information services, medical services, counseling and further education as well as sports and team-building activities.

The aim of the outreach program is to care, educate, support, strengthen and to initiate an intercultural exchange.

Our outreach program actively involves international volunteers and is led by a team of qualified educators and social workers, Juma A. Ebwa being our STEP Outreach Coordinator.


The program covers various topics and areas and is based on a practical approach. It mainly includes topics that are highly relevant for our target groups. We are open to new suggestions if volunteers have knowledge and experiences in any other fields of interest.

  • Presentations for Women and Children including the following topics
    • Women Health / Female Body
    • Pregnancy and Childbirth
    • FGM
    • HIV/ Aids
    • Family Planning Methods
    • Puberty
    • Human Rights – relevant laws
    • Environment, impact of climate change and global warming
    • Personal Development
  • Workshops / Action Days
    • Business Training and Financing
    • Nutrition, Healthy Food, Cooking
    • Soap Making
    • Sewing Menstrual Pads
    • Baking Goods for sale
    • Planting Trees
    • Introducing new Sports and Games
    • Self Defense Course
    • First Aid Courses
  • Individual Counseling and advice
  • Implementation of Sponsorship Programs for remote schools



The goal is to focus on different groups and institutions that can benefit from the variety of topics offered by our community outreach programs. Among others we have been supporting the “Amazing Grace Widows and Orphans Project” in Monduli, the “Ndoto School” and “Kipepeo Wajanja School” in Moita Village, the “Sunshine Nursery School” in Nduruma Village, the “Gily’s Children Foundation” and several women’s groups, health centers and public primary and secondary schools in Arusha and Manyara Regions.

As we develop our programs and topics we plan to reach even more groups within the community.


We aim at a practical approach that involves the target groups and provides plenty of illustrative materials. We want our groups to be actively involved and learn to participate in a comfortable and free atmosphere.

Our goal is NOT to act as “missionaries” providing “the one right answer” to the challenges of our target groups. We choose a non-religious, non-tribal approach and do not favor any group over another. Our goal is to inform, what our groups do with this information in the end is not on us to judge. Whatever we do, we pledge to do it with the utmost respect towards the cultures and traditions of the people we work with. By involving international volunteers we can provide our groups with an outside view and encourage intercultural dialogue along the way.

The Outreach Program always takes place on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
It can be chosen either as a part-time project or you can also join from time to time in addition to your main project.

The Outreach Program can also be supported as a full-time project. In this case, there are 2 preparation days for working on planned and past Outreaches and 3 days of field work.
If you would like to support the Outreach project full-time, you should be aware that you will also be doing a lot of theoretical and background work (please bring your laptop).

Please note that there are only 3 places for full-time volunteers in the Outreach Program.
If you only want to support the outreach from time to time, you are welcome to do this spontaneously here on site and do not have to register in advance.

Fundraising Needs

Due to the practical approach of our outreach program, we need a lot of educational material, sports equipment and other donations in kind, some of which can be brought by the volunteers from their home countries. These include but are not limited to the following:


  • Scientific models of the human body (e.g. embryonic development, etc.).
  • Information material, stories and pictures about HIV/AIDS
  • Samples of different contraceptive methods (condoms, IUD etc.)
  • Sports equipment
  • Games
  • Educational material
  • Sewing material
  • Sanitary pads / menstrual cups
  • And many more!


Our long-term goal is also to purchase an outreach vehicle with which we can reach even more groups in remote villages in Tanzania. The bus will be equipped with various educational material and possibly also other equipment such as a laptop, projector, etc. and will help to transport our team including the volunteers to the site. If you are planning a larger fundraising campaign, please keep the outreach vehicle in mind.

Again and again, the Outreach Team initiates various building projects, e.g. for income-generating projects of the women’s groups. Donations are always gratefully accepted for these projects as well.

With all donations, we attach great importance to transparency, meaningfulness and sustainability.


We are STEP Africa – Exchange for Change, a Tanzanian social enterprise that was founded in German-Tanzanian cooperation in 2014. We organize and supervise meaningful and ethical volunteer placements and internships in Arusha, Northern Tanzania. Till date we have hosted over 1000 interns and volunteers from all over the world.

With our programs we aim to contribute towards international understanding and give our participants intercultural and global ability to act. With the support of our participants we are committed to worthy projects and initiatives in Tanzania. We believe that working together in intercultural teams by exchanging ideas and viewpoints will let everyone involved, Organizations such as volunteers and interns, benefit in the long run.

Our team combines relevant qualifications and many years of experience in project coordination, volunteer mediation and social work in Tanzania and abroad. Our supervisors are available as contact persons on site at any time for our volunteers and projects. We offer our volunteers the opportunity to use their knowledge in Tanzania to get involved in meaningful projects and to gain valuable professional experience in different fields such as Social Work, Women’s Rights, Primary Schools, Daycare Center, Health Care, Animal Welfare and Environmental Protection.

We firmly believe in the power of change through intercultural exchange. With our programs we promote and demand equal rights and cultural tolerance. We place our volunteers exclusively in projects in which they can gain valuable experience for their future. Our volunteers do not replace local employees. Volunteers are assistants who offer support to local staff and, for example, perform tasks for which there is otherwise too little time. It is important to us that we only place our volunteers in projects that share our values towards international volunteering.

Our Volunteers are encouraged to start fundraisers for their respective institutions in Tanzania before, during or after their stay in Arusha. We have experienced great success with this in the past and present and saw our volunteers making great impacts in this area as well. We are connected to several European NGOs founded by our former volunteers that are continuing to support and promote their former work institutions here in Tanzania.


Our Community Outreach Programme consists of two preparation days and three field days, during which you set off from Arusha to the rural, mostly Maasai-populated areas. 

Every week, a programme is put together together with all volunteers and our outreach coordinator, which is based on current ...


Our Community Outreach Programme consists of two preparation days and three field days, during which you set off from Arusha to the rural, mostly Maasai-populated areas. 

Every week, a programme is put together together with all volunteers and our outreach coordinator, which is based on current topics and also takes into account the skills of the volunteers. This results in either themed weeks, e.g. on health education, personal development, genital mutilation, business training, sports and games, life skills, puberty and more, or various topics are included in one week. Other topics are also orientated to the time of year, as tree planting projects, for example, are particularly useful in the rainy season from April to May. 

We work primarily with schools, women's groups and centres in the Monduli region and have fixed projects that we visit regularly to ensure sustainable development and a trusting partnership. 

The preparation days take place in our volunteer centre. For the field days we hire a bus and share the costs among all participants. The transport costs per field day usually amount to about 4€. 


There are several free time activities in and around Arusha that volunteers can engage in. We help to organize Safaris, mountain climbs and shorter tours like hiking, horse riding, visits to a nearby massai village, trip to the hotsprings and waterfalls, coffee tours, etc. to the nearer surroundings ...


There are several free time activities in and around Arusha that volunteers can engage in. We help to organize Safaris, mountain climbs and shorter tours like hiking, horse riding, visits to a nearby massai village, trip to the hotsprings and waterfalls, coffee tours, etc. to the nearer surroundings at affordable rates. There are lots of things you can do during your free time or at the weekends in Arusha itself. There are different markets like second hand, fabric, spice and curio markets, as well as typical african restaurants and bars. Arusha is very beautiful and diverse, you can choose to do canoeing at a nearby crater lake, relax at the pools of nearby hotels or visit museums, snake parks, a giraffe education center and the list goes on...



Mindestalter: 17 Jahre

Um an diesem Programm teilzunehmen, musst du mindestens 17 Jahre alt sein.


Du brauchst folgende Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (Fortgeschritten)

Polizeiliches Führungszeugnis


Benötigte Unterlagen



Es gibt keine Beschränkungen. Helfende Hände aus aller Welt sind willkommen.

Andere Fähigkeiten

Not a must but qualifications / knowledge / experience in the fields of medicine, social work, teaching or environmental protection would be great.


Deine Hilfe wird an folgenden Tagen benötigt: Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag und Freitag von 08:00 - 16:00



Dienstleistungen von STEP Africa

The STEP Africa Program Fees include the following:

  • 2-way airport transfers
  • pre-departure support
  • preparation handbooks
  • briefing and orientation day 
  • Local SIM card 
  • project support 
  • STEP Africa T-Shirt
  • bed in a shared dormitory at one of our Volunteer Houses in Arusha
  • breakfast and dinner from Monday to Friday
  • on-the-ground support and supervision by the STEP Africa Team (our office is in Tanzania!)
  • 24h emergency contact. 

Abholung vom Flughafen Kilimanjaro International Airport

Airport Pick-up is included in the costs. Volunteers can be picked up at any day and night time. Possible Arrival Airports are Kilimanjaro International Airport and Arusha Airport. Our arrival day is every Thursday and our departure day is Wednesday. Please take this into account when booking your flights.



Our STEP Africa houses are centrally located in the district of Njiro, Arusha, from where the projects can be easily reached. The houses are just a five minute walk from each other, so that volunteers can visit each other and spend time with the residents of the other houses at any time. 

Our “headquarters” in Arusha is the STEP Africa house on Rashida Street, where our office is also located. However, our volunteer supervisors divide their time between the houses so that our volunteers are well looked after at all locations. Each house has a team of lovely house mums who are responsible for cooking and cleanliness, as well as our night guards and gardeners.

What unites our volunteer houses is that they are located in the middle of Tanzanian life, central yet quiet. Bus connections, restaurants, cinemas, pharmacies, supermarkets and numerous other shops are located in the village, and the city centre is only 10-15 minutes away by bus. All our projects can be easily reached from here. In the STEP houses you will always meet like-minded people with whom you can exchange ideas and gather new ideas for your project. We serve a typical Tanzanian breakfast consisting of white bread and black tea and other side dishes such as eggs, fruits and mandazi and delicious local dishes for dinner (vegetarians/vegans are catered for separately!). We want you to feel comfortable in our accommodation, so we place a lot of emphasis on friendly interaction and a family atmosphere. In the cosy courtyards and gardens you can relax from work and the sometimes exhausting African daily life.

The STEP Africa houses each consist of shared rooms with bunk beds and double (+50€/week) / single rooms (+95€/week). In addition, there is a kitchen with its own refrigerator for our volunteers, an oven, bathrooms, common rooms equipped with comfortable sofas and TV facilities, as well as covered outdoor dining areas.

HOST FAMILIES (+50€ / week)

There is also the possibility to stay with a host family during your time in Arusha. Our host mamas Aisha and Salma offer a total of 18 spaces within their respective homes and have years of experience hosting international volunteers.

It will be easy to socialise with other volunteers and meet like-minded people. Aisha is located in the same district as our STEP-Africa Hostels while Salma’s home is in Kimandolu which is further from the other accommodation but a little more convenient to some of our projects. Our Host Mamas offer the volunteers a typical Tanzanian breakfast as well as a hot dinner. Large common areas invites you to sit together and exchange ideas after an exciting day. Living in a Host Family in Tanzania gives you an even closer insight into the lives of African families.


Food (breakfast and dinner) is provided from Monday to Friday. The breakfast includes tea, white bread, butter, jam, peanutbutter and an african special of the day like Mandazi or cooked banana. Our house mamas cooks delicious typical tanzania dinner for you e.g. rice with beans or chapati. 

During the weekends volunteers can use the kitchen for cooking or eat in one of the several local and international restaurants in and around Arusha. 

Safe filtered drinking water as well as the fridges in the kitchen are available for all volunteers. Even as a vegetarian, you will not have problems either at the hostel, nor outside at local restaurants in Arusha.  


Gute Verbindung vor Ort

Was ist NICHT inklusive?

Was ist NICHT inklusive?


Der nächstgelegene Flughafen ist Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) in Kilimanjaro. Wir helfen dir günstige Flüge nach Tansania zu finden. FINDE GÜNSTIGE FLÜGE


Ins Ausland zu gehen ist ein Abenteuer, auf das man sich stets gut vorbereiten sollte. Plötzliche Krankheit oder Verletzung, Stornierung oder Diebstahl - eine Reiseversicherung für Tansania bietet die nötige Sicherheit. ANGEBOT EINHOLEN


Bevor du deine Freiwilligenarbeit in Tansania antrittst, solltest du dich noch einmal von deinem Arzt beraten lassen und deine erforderlichen Impfungen für Tansania überprüfen. IMPFSCHUTZ ÜBERPRÜFEN

Informationen zur Anreise

Our arrival day is Thursday and our departure day is Wednesday. Please take this into account when booking your flights. You can join our program throughout the year, please do keep in mind that the majority of June, September and December will be closed for school holidays. Our driver can pick you from Kilimanjaro Airport at any day or night time. The airport shuttle is already included in our program fees, so we do not charge extra costs. The day following your arrival (Friday) you will receive a detailed orientation from us. Our supervisor will show you Arusha town, you will get a local SIM card, go together to an ATM and you will get the chance to go buy anything necessary at the supermarket. The weekday following your orientation day (Monday) is usually your first day at the project. On your first day you will be joined by one of our lovely team members.

Jan Feb Mär Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dez


4 Wochen (Mindestaufenthalt) 720€
5 Wochen 850€
6 Wochen 980€
7 Wochen 1.110€
8 Wochen 1.240€
9 Wochen 1.370€
10 Wochen 1.500€
11 Wochen 1.630€
12 Wochen 1.760€
13 Wochen 1.890€
14 Wochen 2.020€
15 Wochen 2.150€
16 Wochen 2.280€
17 Wochen 2.410€
18 Wochen 2.540€
19 Wochen 2.670€
20 Wochen 2.800€
21 Wochen 2.930€
22 Wochen 3.060€
23 Wochen 3.190€
24 Wochen 3.320€
25 Wochen 3.450€
26 Wochen (Maximaler Aufenthalt) 3.580€
Durchschnittliche Gebühren 158€/Woche


158€ / Woche 4 - 26 Wochen Alter 17 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 26 Wochen


Mit der Anzahlung reservierst du deinen Platz beim Freiwilligenprogramm. Zahlungen werden von PayPal abgewickelt, unserem vertrauenswürdigen globalen Zahlungsanbieter. Falls du keinen PayPal Account hast, kannst du die Anzahlung auch mit einer Kreditkarte bezahlen.

Ausstehende Zahlung

Deine Restzahlung vereinbarst du mit STEP Africa während des Bewerbungsprozesses. Normalerweise handelt es sich um eine Banküberweisung oder eine Barzahlung am Projektstandort.

Lerne deine Organisation kennen

STEP Africa

Ausgezeichnet 4.8 rating (43 Bewertungen)

Agentur - gegründet 2014

von Volunteer World verifiziert

  Ausgezeichnete Antwortrate

Veranstaltet von

Juliane Döhler

Gesprochene Sprachen: Deutsch, Suaheli, Englisch

Über die Organisation

STEP Africa is a Tanzanian social enterprise founded in German-Tanzanian cooperation. We offer a variety of volunteer projects, internships and culture-sensitive travel.

Lerne deine Organisation kennen

Our programs are based on the principle of learning with and from each other in an increasingly globalized world. Broadening your horizons and looking outside the box is one of the most valuable experiences that will shape your future life. A trip to Africa opens your eyes to other realities and perspectives. We firmly believe in the power of change through intercultural exchange. With our programs we promote and demand equality and cultural tolerance. We know and love Tanzania like no other country and can tell exactly what is important when organizing your stay. As a sustainable organization, we support, with the help of our volunteers, selected projects and initiatives in Tanzania.

Step Africa - Exchange for Change Limited was founded in 2014 in German - Tanzanian cooperation and is led by Kira Uher as its on site director in ArushaWhile Kira works hand in hand with her administration team behind the scenes, our volunteers are accompanied through their time in Tanzania by a wonderful German-Tanzanian team of supervisors. Our entire team is based on-site in Tanzania, eliminating the need for expensive administrative structures.  

Meaningful Volunteering

We only place our volunteers into projects in which they can gain a lot of valuable experience for their future. Our volunteers do not replace local workers. Volunteers are assistants who offer support to employees. They also use their expertise to teach their target groups new skills and to open new perspectives.

Reducing Prejudices

What many of us have learned about Africa in the media doesn’t always reflect the truth. In Africa there is more than just poverty and misery. Tanzania is a country full of ideas and resources, politically stable and of breathtaking beauty. 

STEP Africa wants to give people of every age the chance to get to know the beauty but also the difficulties and challenges of Tanzania with their own eyes. Internships are a wonderful opportunity to meet people and small aid initiatives on an equal footing, to learn how to work, to assist the local workforce and to develop long-term and sustainable friendship and cooperation through intercultural dialogue.

We know what we are talking about! Our team combines relevant qualifications and many years of experience in education and social work in Tanzania. 

Our team is looking forward to welcoming you in Tanzania!

43 Bewertungen · rating4.8

Amazing stay at host family Aisha's. I love the work STEP Africa is doing and how much you learn along the way. I was on the hunt for an ethical organisation that doesn't take any local Tanzanian's job and STEP was amazing for that. STEP was super accommodation and welcoming and i enjoyed my time ...
I spent a total of 16 weeks in Arusha, Tanzania, through the Step Africa organization. I helped out in several projects and was able to gain insights, including St. Elizabeth Hospital (8 weeks), the Jitambue Community Center (4 weeks), the Day Care Miles of Smile (4 weeks) and I also spent 1-2 ...
During my time in Arusha, I was able to conduct my internship for university. I studied political science, therefore I picked the outreach program from STEP Africa. Mostly, I worked in the field of woman empowerment and was able to assist woman groups and medical associations. During the ...
I felt very comfortable during my stay. It was a very nice time that I will certainly never forget. The team was also very open and kind. I also find it very positive to get to know a new culture, the new food and many new people. My highlight was definitely working with the children. I will never ...
Africa differs from Europe in many ways, but that was clear from the outset. For me personally, these are mainly advantages. I was able to learn a lot about Africa and Arusha in paticular during this time. Thanks to the organization and projects it is possible to get to know Arusha not as a Tourist ...
I had an amazing time in Arusha. It was so nice living with so many people and making new friends and a lot of memories. The activities were great! Verybody was open and would help us in every ...


Afrika > Ostafrika > Tansania > Arusha

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  Ausgezeichnete Antwortrate
Deutsch, Suaheli, Englisch

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