ab 150€

Ausgezeichnet 4.8rating (51)

Animal Supporter

1 - 4 Wochen  ·  Alter 18 - 50+

rating  Ausgezeichnet 4.8  · 
  von Volunteer World verifiziert
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  • Experience the Cape Verdean way of life in you free time
  • Assist the miracle of recovery of rescued animals
  • Widen your social skills with international experience
  • Make memories you will never forget with you fellow participants
  • Visit our beautiful island and the neighboring island in your free time

Besonders geeignet für

Alter 18+

Über das Programm

This program is designed for volunteers that would like to be involved only 3 days per week and have still a lot of free time to ejoy their stay in Sao Vicente.

Most basic tasks at the shelter (cleaning, feeding, walking) are performed by local paid staff - we have 20 local employees, 5 of which work at the shelter. But, we always need help with delicate tasks such as playing with the dogs, brushing the cats, changing the beds, and taking care of ill ...

Über das Programm

Most basic tasks at the shelter (cleaning, feeding, walking) are performed by local paid staff - we have 20 local employees, 5 of which work at the shelter. But, we always need help with delicate tasks such as playing with the dogs, brushing the cats, changing the beds, and taking care of ill animals or of puppies. Clear instructions will be provided for accomplishing single tasks and volunteers are required to perform them accurately also for safety reasons. 
Our program is important because it shows to the local population how to take care of animals, who are "like us". It is scientifically proven that violence on animals or neglect are directly connected with the same attitude to people, especially children. This is why our logo includes a dog, a cat and a child. Children abandonment is very common in Cape Verde, we try to give a good example by taking care properly and making people aware of the importance of having a family for animals in order to develop the same attitude towards children. 
Taking care properly of a pet means also to keep him/her clean and dewormed, and taking dogs out to wee and poo, do that they don't do it in the house, as it is very common now in Cape Verde. All this is of course very important to assure a good level of hygiene and health for the local population. That's why SIMABO is a partner of the Ministry of Health in the fight against improper care of pets. 


Work is per shifts, 3 days per week, starting from the second day after arrival (i.e. if you arrive on a Monday you will start working on Wednesday). You will be asked if you would like to work the 3 days in a row and then have 4 days off, or you want to work every second day. Once you have decided, ...


Work is per shifts, 3 days per week, starting from the second day after arrival (i.e. if you arrive on a Monday you will start working on Wednesday). You will be asked if you would like to work the 3 days in a row and then have 4 days off, or you want to work every second day. Once you have decided, that will be your working schedule for the whole period of your stay. Of course you can change your shifts with other volunteers, if you agree on a new schedule: morning from 8:00 to 12:00 or afternoon from 14:00 to 18:00 in Summer, 

morning from 8:00 to 12:00 or afternoon from 12:00 to 16:00 in winter. 

Transport to/from the shelter is provided for free when needed by the paid staff, that is at 8 AM to go to the shelter and at 4 PM to go back to town from the shelter. Volunteers that work on the morning shift can go back to town on foot, by bicycle or by public transport (easily available). The same works for volunteers that help with the afternoon shift: they must go on their own and can come back at 4 PM with the staff in our car.  In Summer when it is impossible to walk the dogs during lunch time (from 12 to 16), volunteers help at the shelter from 4 to 6. Work at the shelter includes walking the dogs with the help of a walking list, and cuddling them in the big internal halls or the outside compounds when it is too hot to walk them, or when all of them have been walked already. 
Most volunteers love the ride to the shelter and back on our open truck, with the local staff, and sometimes a couple of dogs that have to go to the shelter or to the clinic.
Volunteers who work in the morning should have breakfast before going, or should take with them something to eat during the morning because they will be very hungry after a couple of hours walking energetic dogs in the marine fresh air! Most volunteers like to have something ready from the previous day for lunch so that they can eat as soon as they arrive home, and then they have still time to rest and go for some free time activity on the beach or in town or visit another village on the island. Public buses go back and forth from town to the 4 villages on the coast during the whole day, with the last ones coming back from the villages at about 5pm. Volunteers can organize shifts in the kitchen and prepare food for themselves and other volunteers. 
In  winter, volunteers working in the afternoon must be ready to go at 11, so they have free in the morning. In Summer they go from the hostel at 3,45, but they will have some other activities before, to complete their working time.
For people that don't like to cook or don't want to spend their time cooking, meals can be bought for little money in a lot of local small restaurants. You can stop at the market place when you come back from the shelter at 1PM and have lunch there, before going straight to the beach for a nap. Everything is so close and easy to reach that there is almost no need to "organize" free time.
Free time activities can vary according with the time of the year: in winter it is not so hot, so you can go round during the whole day. In Summer it will be difficult to do anything else than rest or being at the beach from 12 to 5PM. 

Shifts are allocated according to the needs at the shelter and to the desires of the volunteers. Some people like better to work in the morning because it is cooler, but of course night life suffers from this schedule. Other people prefer to go to bed later, rest in the morning and work in the afternoon. In general volunteers are working one per shift or more only if available.

Examples of working shifts

Morning shift:
7,45 am: starting from the hostel with our car
8,00 am: starting work (helping feeding the animals)
9,00 am: starting walking the dogs
12 am: finishing work, going home with local transport/bicycle/walking
12,30: arriving at the hostel. Alternatively you can stop in town and have lunch there or go directly to the beach.

Afternoon shift - Winter
11,30 am: starting from the hostel by public transport/bicycle/walking
12 am: starting work at the shelter, walking dogs
4 pm: finishing work at the shelter, going home with our car
4,30 pm: arriving at the hostel

Afternoon shift - Summer
2pm: starting work with various activities at the hostel
3,45 pm: going to the shelter with our car from the hostel 
4 pm: starting walking the dogs
6 pm: finishing work at the shelter, going home with local transport/bicycle/walking
6,30 pm: arriving at the hostel  

Information given in the Time Commitment session of this program are only orientative and they are not binding: the free day is normally on the arrival's day and therefore can be on any day of the week (may be on the weekend, maybe not) and the working time is per shift.
- changes in shifts must be communicated with due notice and be authorized
- changes in shifts can't leave shifts uncovered. 


The island is famous for its music and its partying vibe! So night life is guaranteed! 

On the island you can find a diving center (in town), a windsurfing school and a kitesurfing school. A lot of different beaches available, the nearest one being 3 mins on foot from the hostel/volunteers house! ...


The island is famous for its music and its partying vibe! So night life is guaranteed! 

On the island you can find a diving center (in town), a windsurfing school and a kitesurfing school. A lot of different beaches available, the nearest one being 3 mins on foot from the hostel/volunteers house! All the other are easily reachable by public transport with little money.
Capoeira is also widely practiced and can be learned with 2 groups in lessons held in town.
Hiking paths are very simple to follow. Every volunteer who likes hiking can't miss visiting the neighboring island, Santo Antao, with its beautiful mountains and trekking paths. 
If you are not so keen on hiking, you can rent a bicycles, electrical bicycles and scooters at local shops.



Mindestalter: 18 Jahre

Um an diesem Programm teilzunehmen, musst du zu Programmbeginn mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein. Es kann Ausnahmen geben, wenn du die Erlaubnis deines/r Erziehungsberechtigten vorlegen kannst oder wenn du von deinen Eltern begleitet wirst


Du brauchst folgende Sprachkenntnisse: Englisch (Grundkenntnisse)


Es gibt keine Beschränkungen. Helfende Hände aus aller Welt sind willkommen.

Andere Fähigkeiten

- Willingness to accept that a seemingly minimal oversight can become a problem and could result in loss of time and money (and even lives!), and should therefore be avoided by working with due concentration - Ability to enjoy their free time alone since other volunteers typically have their free time at OTHER times/days


Deine Hilfe wird an folgenden Tagen benötigt: Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag und Sonntag von 08:00 - 20:00



Dienstleistungen von Simabo

Accomodation in a shared room with other volunteers. Extra fee charged for a single room with shared or private bathroom.

Includes TRSF from the airport, T-shirt, assistance on site, assistance to organize your stay on other islands.

Abholung vom Flughafen Cesaria Evora International Airport

Our driver will wait for you in the airport arrival hall with a SIMABO sign with your name! Driving time to town is about 10 min. 

Be prepared to stay in a row for paying the "airport fee" that costs 32 euros. You can avoid this applying via Internet and paying in advance by credit card. All info to accomplish this will be provided in due time. EU citizens are not required to have/pay a visa, only non-EU citizens will have to buy one at the airport for 25 euros. 

Vaccinations are not required nor recommended. There is no rabies in Cape Verde. 


Accommodation for volunteers is available in shared rooms with shared bathroom in our volunteer house or in our hostel, according to availability, located just a couple of meters away from our clinic and hostel, the beach, and the main square of Mindelo.
Volunteers can prepare their own food in the communal kitchen, where paying guests are hosted to raise funds for the project.
At the hostel volunteers can meet any kind of travellers and together they can plan trips, excursions, parties, dinners, anything that makes fun and makes your volunteering time unforgettable. 


Gute Verbindung vor Ort

Was ist NICHT inklusive?

Was ist NICHT inklusive?


Essen, Snacks und Getränke sind gegen Aufpreis erhältlich.


Der nächstgelegene Flughafen ist Cesaria Evora International Airport (VXE) in Sao Vicente. Wir helfen dir günstige Flüge nach Kap Verde zu finden. FINDE GÜNSTIGE FLÜGE


Ins Ausland zu gehen ist ein Abenteuer, auf das man sich stets gut vorbereiten sollte. Plötzliche Krankheit oder Verletzung, Stornierung oder Diebstahl - eine Reiseversicherung für Kap Verde bietet die nötige Sicherheit. ANGEBOT EINHOLEN


Bevor du deine Freiwilligenarbeit in Kap Verde antrittst, solltest du dich noch einmal von deinem Arzt beraten lassen und deine erforderlichen Impfungen für Kap Verde überprüfen. IMPFSCHUTZ ÜBERPRÜFEN

Informationen zur Anreise

Volunteers are accepted throughout the year depending on availability.

Usually the best months to come are from april o mid-July and form the beginning of October to mid-December, because of the mild temperature and also because of the cost of the flights, that can be a expensive in the high season (Christmas, August).
Carnaval is a highlight of Mindelo's life, volunteers are always welcome at that time of the year. 

Jan Feb Mär Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dez


1 Woche (Mindestaufenthalt) 150€
2 Wochen 267€
3 Wochen 383€
4 Wochen (Maximaler Aufenthalt) 500€
Durchschnittliche Gebühren 137€/Woche


137€ / Woche 1 - 4 Wochen Alter 18 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



1 - 4 Wochen


Mit der Anzahlung reservierst du deinen Platz beim Freiwilligenprogramm. Zahlungen werden von PayPal abgewickelt, unserem vertrauenswürdigen globalen Zahlungsanbieter. Falls du keinen PayPal Account hast, kannst du die Anzahlung auch mit einer Kreditkarte bezahlen.

Ausstehende Zahlung

Deine Restzahlung vereinbarst du mit Simabo während des Bewerbungsprozesses. Normalerweise handelt es sich um eine Banküberweisung oder eine Barzahlung am Projektstandort.

Lerne deine Organisation kennen


Ausgezeichnet 4.8 rating (51 Bewertungen)

Non-profit - gegründet 2008

von Volunteer World verifiziert

  Sehr hohe Antwortrate

Veranstaltet von


Gesprochene Sprachen: Deutsch, Portugiesisch, Englisch, Italienisch

Über die Organisation

SIMABO protects, rescues, assists, and spays/neuters dogs and cats in Sao Vicente, Cape Verde

Lerne deine Organisation kennen

SI MA BO in Creole means “like you”. 

We are an association for the protection of animals and the environment based in Sao Vicente, Cape Verde, West Africa. Cape Verde has been a Portuguese colony until 1975 and has still a very "European vibe". No vaccinations are required or recommended.The local population is peaceful and more interested in parties and music than in politics or world finance. Mindelo is famous for its music and dancing nights and for being the birth place of Cesaria Evora, the most famous Capeverdean singer. 

SIMABO is a registered charity both in Cape Verde and in Italy. Article 3 of our Bylaws states out mission as following: "The purpose of the Association is to improve the living conditions of the population of the islands of Cape Verde.  In particular, by reducing the risk of transmission of parasitic diseases by cutting down the number of stray animals through spaying/neutering campaigns, also by involving the population in  activities of prophylactic antiparasitic care and by treating animals carrying diseases. The Association also aims at raising funds to be used for carrying out its activities in the Cape Verde islands."

Our work with animals - including running a shelter with 110 dogs, a cattery with 18 cats, a 7/12 clinic, and ambulant castration campaigns - is partially financed by the Simabo's Backpackers' Hostel, a hostel for responsible tourists, which in the meantime has become the most famous tourist facility on the island. 
We have treated and microchipped more than 12,000 animals so far and we are planning to expand the spaying/neutering campaigns to neighboring islands as well. 

SIMABO Cape Verde is managed by a board of 11 directors (1 Italian, 1 Brazilian, 1 Russian and 8 Cape-Verdeans) and employs 12 local workers: 1 veterinarian, 1 nurse, 1 receptionist, 1 driver, 4 dog carers, 3 cleaning staff, 1 night watch + 1 administrator from abroad (Portugal), and relies on the help of 2 full-time volunteers + an average of part-time 10 volunteers on the field and abroad.

The help we need varies depending on your skills. We expect someone who is a self-starter and can work independently with a very high degree of motivation. The focus must be to help the project, with the necessary amount of rest and freetime, to recover from the hard work and to visit the island of Sao Vicente and the neighboring island of Santo Antao, which can be done easily in the free time provided but the working schedule.

Volunteering with SIMABO offers the opportunity to make a great experience abroad in a protected environment, where volunteers can meet other volunteers or hostel guests from all over the world. The relationship with the animals can be extremely rewarding form the emotional point of view, being Capeverdean dogs very tame and social. Volunteers are completely immersed in the local environment, working with local staff and being required to shop and cook their own food. For volunteers that don't want to cook by themselves a wide choice of different options is available to eat at local restaurants and bars for a little price.  

Confirmed volunteers will receive a link to our portal with all the information required for their travel, their stay and the work with us in the different areas: Dog shelter, Cat shelter, Clinic, Hostel, Communication and Fundraising, Education, Maintenance. Feel free to choose the area the best suites you to make the difference for the animals on this beautiful island! 

51 Bewertungen · rating4.8

Alice Albergucci rating5

2024 at Animal Supporter

Ho fatto una settimana di volontariato al rifugio di Simabo e’ stata un’esperienza veramente bella ,ho conosciuto persone che porterò nel mio cuore e sto parlando sia delle persone che gestiscono l’associazione ma anche delle altre volontarie e che dire dei tutti quei cagnolini ❤️ ...
Julia Ottiger rating5

2024 at Animal Supporter

I had a really good time at Simabo. I went to the shelter almost every day and walked the dogs. The dogs are super friendly and are really happy when they see you and know that it's time for a walk, cuddle or play. The cats at the hostel are also lovely and love it when you play with them or give ...
Chloé Blanchard rating4.6

2024 at Animal saver

Je suis restée 1 mois à Mindelo, et c'était incroyable ! Je ne voulais pas partir.. :) J'ai essentiellement promené les chiens du refuge mais aussi participé au sauvetage des chiens de rue et récupéré des animaux de propriétaires pour les emmener à la clinique. Il y a beaucoup de chiens ...
Andréa Rodrigues rating5

2024 at Videomaker/Photographer/Graphic designer/

To start with, it's been a really incredible experience, everyone is super nice and welcoming, you never feel alone. To talk more specifically about the communication work, it's really important. Simabo really needs visibility because their work is really important and you'll see that they really ...
Christine Salomon ép. Gavet rating5

2024 at Veterinary Doctor

i always wanted to do veterinary volunteering and I was finally able to carry out this project ay Simabo where I spent 5 weeks. I felt really useful by sterilizing and caring for street animals or those belonging to people in need. the local staff are committed and helpful, the volunteers come ...
thierry ouzelet rating5

2024 at Dog walker

Unforgettable experience that I recommend to everyone. If you like to share and be useful, then come. I stayed 3 weeks and would have liked to stay longer. I will definitely come ...


Afrika > Westafrika > Kap Verde > Mindelo

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