WindAid Institute

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Erfahrung als Projekt

WindAid is an environmental and educational NGO in Peru that provides clean and reliable source of electricity through wind turbines in remote communities.

WindAid Institute is an environmental and educational NGO that provides clean and reliable source of electricity through wind turbines in remote communities where traditional electricity is not available.

With over 15 years in the industry, WindAid Institute offers to the volunteers interns a ...


WindAid Institute is an environmental and educational NGO that provides clean and reliable source of electricity through wind turbines in remote communities where traditional electricity is not available.

With over 15 years in the industry, WindAid Institute offers to the volunteers interns a hands-on experience in all steps of designing, building and installing a turbine as part of a team.

Students and professionals come from all over the world to work together designing, building, and installing wind generators and their electronic systems in these communities.

Since 2001, our educational institution has worked with over 300 international students and 40 communities across Peru.


Gandhi Alva

Gesprochene Sprachen: Spanisch, Englisch
  Unterdurchschnittliche Antwortrate

WindAid Institute Bewertungen

WindAid was an amazing experience. I had no workshop experience, no engineering degree and no renewable energy background - but I gained so much experience at Windaid! I learned to weld, use an array of tools, and create resin models from molds. The housing was right in the heart of Trujillo and ...
I had an amazing experience at WindAid, getting the opportunity to make a turbine with my own 2 hands. Further, we had opportunities to travel around Peru at the weekends. When the final week came, it was super awesome to be offgrid, an experience I’ve not had since - I was disconnected from ...
Volunteering in peru with Windaid opened up my eyes to what i could use my engineering experience for. Specifically or a humanitarian cause. I made amazing, lifelong friends, traveled to some of the most beautiful places in Peru, developed my engineering skills in electronics, turbine mechanics and ...
I spent 3 weeks working in Peru with the WindAid institute on the rural electrocution project. We fabricated and installed a wind turbine for local regions without electricity. The renewable focus allows us to serve the remote regions of Peru with effective and lasting aid. I met amazing people, ...
I had the opportunity to return to WindAid Institute (after volunteering once before in July 2015) and i cannot say enough good things about this volunteer program! After my first volunteering experience, I had been eager to return for years and finally was able to make it happen this past May/June. ..
My month in Trujillo, Peru with Windaid was awesome. As an engineer that works with renewable energy in a office setting, it was great to get hands on experience building a turbine for a family, and I learned some new skills. I met a lot of great people and saw some cool places around Peru. The ...

WindAid Institute Angebote

WindAid Institute Standorte

WindAid Institute Projektschwerpunkt

UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Affordable And Clean Energy