El Terreno

  von Volunteer World verifiziert






Erfahrung als Projekt

Cultural Exchange Centre in the heart of the Ecuadorian Andes. Our internships help you develop skills, make a difference to low-income communities, and travel the world.
Nestled within the heart of the Ecuadorian Andes, El Terreno is encompassed by picturesque valleys, the warmth of its people, and the richness of culture. Since 2021, El Terreno has been building a dynamic cultural exchange centre, uniting global citizens and local communities in a shared mission to ...


Nestled within the heart of the Ecuadorian Andes, El Terreno is encompassed by picturesque valleys, the warmth of its people, and the richness of culture. Since 2021, El Terreno has been building a dynamic cultural exchange centre, uniting global citizens and local communities in a shared mission to foster a more meaningful, prosperous, and regenerative world. 

We are Joshua (UK), Karina (Quito, Ecuador) and our toddler son, Liam. We have a strong passion for positive change and years of experience in social development, volunteer coordination and sustainable tourism. We chose to dedicate our lives to Atandahua due to it's amazing landscapes and people, but it's also a place with a lot of need:

  • 40% poverty
  • 48% child malnutrition
  • 75% children don't go to high school
  • 26% teenage pregnancy rate
  • >5% indigenous children speak the native language
  • 3-4 months of water shortages per year
  • 95% local forests destroyed

With your help, we're working to regenerate local ecosystems, build pride in indigenous culture, provide dignified employment opportunities, offer a wide variety of unique eco & community tourism experiences, and ensure interns like you learn valuable skills, meet extraordinary people and leave with unforgettable memories.


Joshua Holmes

Gesprochene Sprachen: Englisch, Spanisch
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El Terreno Bewertungen

After doing an internship of 6 weeks at El Terreno I can say without hesitation that I loved the experience. Joshua is open for the different goals and experiences people strive for, making it easy to create a well suited programme. It allowed me to develop myself in a new environment wherein I ...
Chris Imm rating5,0

2023 at Community Water Projects Internship

After my first attempt at volunteering in Peru didn't work out, I found this opportunity which felt like a close fit and had great reviews. Leaving my family for 4 weeks sounded like long time, but it takes a while to make an impact. I'm so glad that I decided to go to Atandahua and help with ...
Kimi Chen rating5,0

2023 at Community Water Projects Internship

I had the privilege of interning at El Terreno for 6 weeks, where I worked on a water project and was able to learn so much and make a difference in the community. I worked with a great team, did a lot of hiking to water sources, talked to community members, learned a lot from our mentors ...
You can feel that this Project comes from the heart and that the main motivation is improving the quality of live for the local community. The love and energy that Joshua and Karina put into the work is omnipresent and create a wonderful atmosphere. I was nervous to spend such a long time away from ...
I'm so thankful for my time at El Terreno! I spent my time there as an architecture intern and got to do a very large variety of things, like different scales of designing, planning as well as working hands on with construction. El Terreno is a place where there's always new things to do and new ...
My time and internship at El Terreno provided me with the perfect opportunity to combine my vision and ambitions with my profession. I learned tons by doing an internship in sustainable architecture. Joshua and Karina are very kind and put in a lot of effort to ensure I, and the other people staying ...

El Terreno Angebote

El Terreno Standorte

El Terreno Projektschwerpunkt

UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health And Well-Being
  • Decent Work And Economic Growth
  • Reduced Inequalities
  • Sustainable Cities And Communities
  • Life On Land
  • Peace, Justice And Strong Institutions
  • Partnerships For The Goals