från 630€

Fantastic 4.5rating (75)

Sea Turtles Conservation

2 - 12 veckor  ·  Ålder 18 - 50+

rating  Fantastic 4.5  · 
  Verifierad av Volunteer World
  Mycket hög Svarsfrekvens


  • Explore one of the natural beaches of the world
  • Learn "Pura Vida", the relax tico way of life
  • stay with international volunteers and gain language experiance
  • learn about this wonderful nature and animals (turtles)
  • Visit Costa Rica one of the countries in the world where sustainability is very important

Särskilt lämplig för

Ålder 18+

Om programmet

Help Save Sea Turtles! The Sea Turtles are very important for the marine ecosystems and their extinction will make consequences!

The main focus of this project is the conservation of of sea turtles, the protection of forest ecosystems and natural regeneration areas. It is the most important national beach marine turtle nesting alone, this means that there are spawning of different species throughout the year. El Refuge ...

Om programmet

The main focus of this project is the conservation of of sea turtles, the protection of forest ecosystems and natural regeneration areas. It is the most important national beach marine turtle nesting alone, this means that there are spawning of different species throughout the year. El Refuge includes 3km of beach and straight from the sea, 200 meters inward, embracing an extent of 243 hectares of land. What protects and what the shelter is? In nesting beach four of the seven sea turtle species that exist in the world, these are the leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), (Eretmochelys imbricata), black (Chelonia midas agassizii), all these declared endangered. At the Refuge, nesting records more frequent are the Kemp's ridley and a much smaller proportion of the leatherback, black and tortoiseshell.

General tasks:

  • Maintenance and reconstruction of the Trails
  • General infrastructure maintenance
  • Tourist attention 
  • Control Walks
  • Protection and monitoring of eggs
  • Liberation of newborn
  • Obtaining information on the remains of the nest.
  • Clean the beach when you see garbage.
  • Separate the garbage to saw if you can recycle some thinks like: plastic,
    glass, cardboard etc.  

Typisk dag

Working hours vary according to the needs of the project, but volunteers can expect to work 5-8 hours per day, Monday to Saturday. You will be taking exciting night patrols along the Pacific beaches to observe rare turtle species and monitor their habits and behaviors. Working hours are split into ...

Typisk dag

Working hours vary according to the needs of the project, but volunteers can expect to work 5-8 hours per day, Monday to Saturday. You will be taking exciting night patrols along the Pacific beaches to observe rare turtle species and monitor their habits and behaviors. Working hours are split into shifts, and volunteers should be prepared to have late night or day shift. It is important that you stay flexible.

A tipical day could be:
07.30-08.30 am breakfast
09.00 - 11.30 am Volunteer task
afternoon off or
02 - 04 pm Volunteer task
night shift:


In your free time you can do all water sports. The beach is just around 200 meters from your accommodation. You can take a bord with you for surfing or just swimm. Long walks by the beach and to the forest is very nice. On your free day you can go to Samara. In Samara you can do almost all ...


In your free time you can do all water sports. The beach is just around 200 meters from your accommodation. You can take a bord with you for surfing or just swimm. Long walks by the beach and to the forest is very nice. On your free day you can go to Samara. In Samara you can do almost all activities you like: shopping/souvenirs, riding, sports, wimming, water sports, bar and nightlife. Please note, that Samara is just on your free day possible.



Minimiålder: 18 år

För att kunna delta i programmet måste du vara minst 18 år gammal på programmets startdatum. Det kan finnas undantag om du kan visa upp tillstånd från din(a) vårdnadshavare eller om du åtföljs av dina föräldrar.


Du måste tala Engelska (mellannivå)


på Good English skills nivå

Begränsningar av nationalitet

Inga begränsningar. Hjälpande händer från hela världen är välkomna.

Andra Färdigheter

for this project you will need: police clear and health insurance included a accident insurance


Din hjälp kommer att behövas på Måndag, Tisdag, Onsdag, Torsdag, Fredag och Lördag

Vad som ingår

Vad som ingår

Tjänster av Jamso Trainee

  1. Accommodation in volunteer house
  2. Full-board (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
  3. Consultation from our experienced staff
  4. Translation of application profile
  5. Volunteer work placement
  6. Local support
  7. 24/7 Emergency Number
  8. Certificate of Participation


    The accommodation is very simple. You have water and electricity. The accommodation is a Dorm Room and the bathroom is shared. Please note, that this project is around 30/40 minutes from the next city and in nature, so standard is basic. You will have all nessesary their.

Mat och Dryck

during your volunteering you reseive tipical costarican food: breakfast, lunch and dinner at the project.

Tillgång till Internet

God tillgång till projektområdet

Vad ingår INTE?

Vad ingår INTE?

Hämtning på flygplatsen på Liberia Airport

Hämtning på flygplatsen ingår inte heller i programavgifterna.


Den närmaste flygplatsen är Liberia Airport (LIR) i Liberia. Vi hjälper dig att hitta billiga flyg till Costa Rica. HITTA BILLIGA FLYG


Att resa utomlands är ett äventyr och det är alltid bäst att vara förberedd. Plötslig sjukdom eller skada, avbokning eller stöld - en reseförsäkring för Costa Rica ger trygghet och är ett plus att ha. FÅ ETT PRISFÖRSLAG


Om du har för avsikt att arbeta som volontär i Costa Rica bör du söka medicinsk rådgivning innan du börjar din sociala resa. Kontrollera vilka vaccinationer som krävs för Costa Rica. KONTROLL AV VACCIN

Detaljer vid ankomsten

Our project start on Monday.

Jan Febr Mars Apr Maj Jun Jul Aug Sept Okt Nov Dec

Pris för programmet

2 veckor (min. vistelse) 630€
3 veckor 938€
4 veckor 1 246€
5 veckor 1 555€
6 veckor 1 863€
7 veckor 2 171€
12 veckor (max. vistelse) 3 713€
Genomsnittliga priser 312€/vecka

Pris för programmet

312€ per vecka 2 - 12 veckor Ålder 18 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



2 - 12 veckor


Depositionen är bara för att reservera din volontärplats. Betalningar hanteras av PayPal, vår betrodda globala betalningsleverantör. Om du inte har ett PayPal-konto kan du också betala med kreditkort.


Din slutbetalning kommer att överenskommas med Jamso Trainee under ansökningsprocessen. Vanliga lösningar är antingen via banköverföring eller kontant betalning på projektplatsen.

Möt din programledare

Jamso Trainee

Fantastic 4.5 rating (75 fältrapporter)

Byrå - grundades 2012

Verifierad av Volunteer World

  Mycket hög Svarsfrekvens

Värd är


Spoken languages: Tyska, Engelska, Franska, Spanska

Om projektet

Jamso Trainee do help students finding volunteering projects and internships around the world.

Möt din programledare

Jamso Trainee has been placing volunteers around the world for over six years. We're passionate about making a difference in developing communities. Cause we are a smaller agency we stay always in a good communication to our volunteers and to the communites. For us it is important to find the right programm for your stay abroad. Don´t travel just like a tourst!


Jamso Trainee startet in December 2012 helping in communities in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is since now the county with the most interns, volunteers and travelers. 

Since 2013 Jamso Trainee started working with partners in Ecuador, Peru, South Afrika.

2015 we begin working with our partner Bali and Thailand.

Visiting projects and getting more relationshsips with local charities is a goal of each year. Jamso Trainee don´t increase too fast, because for us it is very important to hold long contacts and stay in a good communication with volunteers and projects.

75 fältrapporter · rating4.5

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  Mycket hög Svarsfrekvens
Tyska, Engelska, Franska, Spanska

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