a partir de 1.662€

Brilhante 4.7rating (65)

Social Work Experience

4 - 12 semanas  ·  Idade 18 - 50+

rating  Brilhante 4.7  · 
  Verificado por Volunteer World
  taxa de resposta excelente


  • Volunteers can choose one of three categories, depending on their interests, knowledge and skills assisting local professionals and workers. The areas are disabilities, HIV/AIDS and substance abuse.
  • Take care of disabled children; teach them sign language and basic hygiene, feed them, play with them, assist with their basic education and help local staff with tasks and admin.
  • Help provide counselling and therapy services to those struggling with addictions, assisting with mental health and positive behavioural support.
  • Engage local communities by providing HIV/AIDS education, counselling those affected and their families, participating in awareness campaign and helping with testing.
  • So much fun for the weekends! Enjoy the night food market at Forodhani Gardens, snorkel at Mnemba Atoll, visit a turtle sanctuary or take a boat to Prison Island to see the giant tortoises.

Especialmente adequado para

Idade 18+

Sobre o programa

Our Social Work Experience project in Zanzibar gives volunteers an opportunity to assist with disabilities, HIV/AIDS or addictions.

Our project aims to provide volunteers with practical experience and development opportunities in the field of Social Work on the island of Zanzibar. It provides hands-on practical training, local mentorship and support to prepare volunteers for effective intervention, advocacy, awareness and ...

Sobre o programa

Our project aims to provide volunteers with practical experience and development opportunities in the field of Social Work on the island of Zanzibar. It provides hands-on practical training, local mentorship and support to prepare volunteers for effective intervention, advocacy, awareness and guidance for individuals and communities facing diverse challenges.

There are three programmes: disabilities with children, HIV/AIDS and addictions. These areas carry huge stigma in Zanzibar, so volunteers help break down these barriers, give much needed attention and help support locals trying to better the lives of communities affected. 

It is perfect for those studying, qualified or experienced in Counselling, Social Work, Psychology, Physiotherapy, Special Education, Occupational Therapy or a related field or for those able to teach sign language. 

Disability programme

Children and teenagers with disabilities are facing many challenges in Zanzibar and struggle to do tasks that ordinary people do, as well as gaining an education and navigating a complicated health care system. The prevalence of disabilities in Zanzibar is significant, with estimates suggesting that around 10% of the population may have some form of disability. These disabilities can be physical, sensory, intellectual, or mental health related.

Children with disabilities in Zanzibar often face barriers to accessing education. Limited resources, lack of specialized support services, and stigma contribute to low enrolment and high dropout rates among children with disabilities.

Individuals with disabilities in Zanzibar may face challenges in accessing healthcare services. Physical barriers, lack of specialized care, and social stigma can hinder their ability to receive proper medical treatment and support. Added to that people with disabilities in Zanzibar encounter difficulties in accessing employment opportunities and participating fully in the workforce., inaccessible workplaces, and lack of skills training programs contribute to high unemployment rates among individuals with disabilities. Stigma and discrimination against people with disabilities persist in Zanzibar, leading to social exclusion and marginalization. Negative attitudes towards disabilities can impact individuals’ self-esteem and quality of life.
This Social Work Experience programme is designed to enable changes for the lives of those with disabilities by promoting disabled children’s rights, opportunities, decision making and access to the full benefits of our society.
The Social Work Experience is providing this opportunity for volunteers and interns who are willing to spend time with children with disabilities, as well as providing health care, teaching sign language, etc.
Aim: to help change the lives of those with disabilities such as speech impediment, deafness, problems with legs, or multiple disabilities.
Role of the volunteer: taking care of the children at the centre, teaching them sign language, and basic hygiene, feeding them, playing with them, help the staff in day-to-day work and other administrative tasks, design an education curriculum that would help these children grasp some subjects, etc.
Aimed at: Those studying or qualified in Psychology, Psychiatry, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Special Education, Teaching with a focus on hearing impairments or the blind, or those who know sign language and are experienced in supporting those with disabilities.

Addictions programme

Zanzibar has a high use of drugs in east Africa, and many drugs addicted people are in treatment and rehabilitation centres known as “sober houses” around the island. The Social Work Experience project welcomes interns and volunteers to come to Zanzibar and help those trying to recover from drugs as well as giving an opportunity to interns and volunteers who want to conduct research and gain practical experience in dealing with these social issues in a foreign country.

Zanzibar’s strategic location along major drug trafficking routes, particularly in the Indian Ocean, makes it susceptible to the influx of illicit drugs. The island’s proximity to drug-producing regions and its porous borders contribute to the availability of drugs within the region. Young people in Zanzibar are particularly vulnerable to drug addiction. Factors such as unemployment, poverty, lack of educational opportunities, and social marginalization make them more susceptible to drug use as a coping mechanism or as a means of escape.

A variety of drugs are prevalent in Zanzibar, including heroin, cocaine, and various synthetic drugs. Heroin, in particular, is a significant concern and has a high addiction rate among users. Drug addiction has serious health consequences including increased risk of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis due to needle sharing among drug users that inject. Additionally, drug overdoses are not uncommon.

Drug addiction has profound social and economic impacts on individuals, families, and communities in Zanzibar. It can lead to broken families, loss of livelihoods, and increased crime rates, including drug-related crimes such as theft and violence on an island that is already struggling with social-economic issues.

Stigma surrounding drug addiction remains a significant barrier to seeking help and support. Individuals struggling with addiction often face ostracization and discrimination, which can exacerbate their problems and deter them from seeking treatment.
Goal: to help young people trying to end the use of drugs and addiction

Role of the volunteer:  providing counselling and therapy services, explaining the effects of being drug addicted, assisting with mental health and positive behavioural support, providing civil educations, etc

Aimed at: Those studying or qualified in Social Work, Sociology, Psychology, Research, Health Studies, and other related fields.

HIV/AIDS programme

Communities in Zanzibar have little education on HIV/AIDS. This programme designed to support HIV/AIDS education including the detailed information about prevention of infection, how and where to get confidentially tested on the island, education and information on how to live and cope with HIV.

The main modes of HIV transmission in Zanzibar include unprotected sexual intercourse, mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding, and, to a lesser extent, injection drug use and male-to-male sexual contact.

Certain populations are particularly vulnerable to HIV infection in Zanzibar, including sex workers, people who inject drugs, and mobile populations such as truck drivers and migrant workers.

Gender disparities exist in HIV prevalence and vulnerability in Zanzibar, with women and girls disproportionately affected by the epidemic. Sociocultural factors, including gender-based violence, limited access to education and economic opportunities, and unequal power dynamics in sexual relationships, contribute to women’s increased risk of HIV infection.

Zanzibar has implemented various strategies to prevent and control HIV/AIDS, including promoting condom use, expanding access to HIV testing and counselling services, providing antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV-positive individuals, and preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Despite progress in HIV prevention and treatment efforts, Zanzibar faces several challenges in combating the epidemic. These include limited healthcare infrastructure and resources, stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS, low levels of HIV awareness and risk perception among certain population groups, and barriers to accessing HIV services, particularly among marginalized populations.

Addressing the HIV/AIDS epidemic includes key strategies like scaling up HIV testing and treatment services, addressing underlying social and structural determinants of HIV vulnerability, and promoting human rights-based approaches to HIV prevention and care.

Goal: To prevent new infections from taking place and to improve the quality of life for HIV positive people.

Role of the volunteer: engaging in local communities, providing HIV/AIDS education, providing counselling to families and those affected by HIV/AIDS, participating in behavioural change campaign, testing people for HIV/AIDS, etc.

The participant will help educate people about HIV for example what HIV and AIDS is, how it is transmitted, and how people can protect themselves from infection, teaching people how to put this information to use and act on it practically – how to get and use condoms, how to suggest and practice safer sex, how to prevent infection in a medical environment or when injecting drugs.

Aimed at: Those studying or qualified in Social Work, Sociology, Psychology, Researchers, Health Studies, Counselling, Psychiatry and other related fields. 

Dia típico

This is a rough schedule of a typical day, depending on which of the three programmes you will be assisting with.

06h30- wake up, have a quick shower and help yourself to breakfast to give you energy for the day ahead.

07h30- leave the volunteer accommodation for your chosen programme

08h00- arrive at ...

Dia típico

This is a rough schedule of a typical day, depending on which of the three programmes you will be assisting with.

06h30- wake up, have a quick shower and help yourself to breakfast to give you energy for the day ahead.

07h30- leave the volunteer accommodation for your chosen programme

08h00- arrive at your programme to start the day.

14h00- finish your volunteer duties for the day and head back to the volunteer accommodation.

14h30- arrive back at the volunteer accommodation and help yourself to a late lunch. Enjoy the rest of the afternoon with a good book, take a beach swim, stroll the maze of alleys in Stone town or visit a local market. Or just catch up on your laundry.

19h00 – Dinner time and a chance to watch a little TV and catch up with the other volunteers and coordinators how their day was.

Please be aware though as you are in Africa, things might run at a slight slower pace than what you are used too.

Actividades em tempo livre

Most volunteers will enjoy the opportunity to swim every day and/or take part in the nightly community football games on the beach. Watching the sunset in the evenings (we have some spectacular ones) and visiting the beach at daybreak to watch the fishermen bring in their catch are special ...

Actividades em tempo livre

Most volunteers will enjoy the opportunity to swim every day and/or take part in the nightly community football games on the beach. Watching the sunset in the evenings (we have some spectacular ones) and visiting the beach at daybreak to watch the fishermen bring in their catch are special pleasures.

Weekends are the perfect time to take in some day trips to visit the turtle sanctuary in the northern parts of the island, take a boat trip to  see the giant Aldabra tortoises on Prison Island, hike Jozani National park to view endangered Red Colobus monkeys, visit the butterfly farm, tour the fragrant spice farms, take a boat trips, visit the Freddy Mercury Museum at Mercury House, snorkel one of the hot spots like Mnemba Atoll, visit heritage sites like the old Slave market or House of Wonder or buy spices and other goods at Darajani market. 

Stone Town has been named a world heritage site by the UN and wandering through its maze of narrow alleyways and visiting its museums, marketplaces, gardens, coffee and tea houses and wharf is another pleasure. Not to mention some of the best seafood and traditional local curries to be sampled in the various eating establishments doted around the town or at the night food market at Forodhani Gardens.

There are frequent outdoor musical events in the Old Fort and at various venues in the city and at the local dance clubs. Once a year there is the well-known Dhow Festival that takes place. 

Zanzibar has a wealth of beautiful beaches, world class snorkelling, diving, and fishing, spice farms and numerous other interesting places to visit while you are volunteering...a true African island paradise. 



Idade mínima: 18 anos

Para aderir ao programa é necessário ter pelo menos 18 anos de idade na data de início do programa. Poderá haver excepções se puder fornecer a permissão do(s) seu(s) tutor(es) legal(ais) ou se estiver acompanhado pelos seus pais.

Habilidades linguísticas

Precisa de falar Inglês (nível básico)

Requisitos de Educação

Counselling, Social Work, Psychology, Occupational Therapy, Special Education, Physiotherapy, Psychiatry, Speech and Language Therapy a nível High school and studying towards or qualfied in in a related field.

Verificação dos antecedentes criminais


Documentos Necessários

CV, cover letter motivating why they would like to take part in the project and any qualifications they might have that are relevant.

Restrições de Nacionalidade

Sem restrições. São bem-vindas as mãos que ajudam de todo o mundo.

Outras Competências

Being able to communicate with and teach Sign Language

Compromisso de tempo

A tua mão auxiliadora será necessária na Segunda-feira, Terça-feira, Quarta-feira, Quinta-feira e Sexta-feira de 08:00 - 14:00

Serviços incluídos

Serviços incluídos

Serviços por Volunteer Int. Adventures

Meeting you at the airport in Zanzibar on arrival, airport transfers to and from the airport, shared accommodation at the volunteer house, registration and application of visa if needed, pre-departure admin and support, orientation and induction, in-country staff with 24/7 support, three meals a day (Monday to Friday), drinking water at the volunteer house, WIFI at the volunteer house, transfer to and from the school you are placed and any additional running costs.

Recepção no aeroporto em Zanzibar International Airport

Your arrival and departure airport is Abeid Amani Karume International Airport in Zanzibar. You will be met warmly by our representative and taken to the volunteer house during daylight hours. Please wait at the arrivals entrance to be collected by them and do not leave the airport area. 

The airport is approximately a 17-minute drive (8km) from the volunteer house in the Malindi region outside of Stone Town. 

Airport collection and drop-off days are Monday to Friday with your arrival flight landing any time before 17h00 and your departure flight leaving any time after 10h00. 

If you would like flights outside of these guidelines, please confirm with us so we can make suitable arrangements for your airport transfers if possible.


The volunteer accommodation is in a house in Malindi on the outskirts of Stone Town. It has free Wi-Fi that volunteers are able to use, and the office of the local team is also located within the same building. It is well situated allowing easy access to all the various project sites- and not too far from the beach. Travel time from the volunteer house to project sites is therefore a maximum of 30 minutes’ drive.

The volunteer house can accommodate up to 15 volunteers at one time with a kitchen, living area and several bedrooms and bathrooms shared with other volunteers.

Bedrooms are shared with two to three other volunteers of the same gender. Married couples can be accommodated too, and single bedrooms are possibly with an upgrade charge. Bed linen and mosquito nets are provided and electric fans for the heat.

Bathrooms are equipped with western style toilets and showers. Volunteers will need to bring their own towels and toiletries. There is a washing machine to do laundry if volunteers bring laundry detergent. 

As the accommodation is a shared living space, all volunteers are expected to help keep the accommodation tidy. To assist with the cooking and cleaning there is a local “mama” who works several days a week. The accommodation also has a sitting room (common room) where volunteers can relax, socialise with other volunteers and the local team as well as watching TV, Netflix or just relaxing on the sofa with a good book. There is a curfew if volunteers go out in the evening to be back before midnight.

As volunteers become familiar with the project site, they are encouraged to use public transport (buses – dala dala) to experience local life.

Alimentos e Bebidas

Volunteers are provided with three local meals per day during weekdays (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Breakfast is self-serve at the accommodation and includes tea, coffee, fruits, bread (with Nutella & jam), eggs, etc. Lunch and dinner are prepared in the volunteer house. Drinking water is provided.

Your stay will typically include daily breakfast and dinner (although self-catering may be arranged in some instances). Depending on your schedule and the location of your placement, self-served (“raid the refrigerator”) lunches will be available at home or you may want to bring a bag lunch. You will eat traditional Zanzibari/Swahili cuisine (simple but healthful foods including fresh fish and chicken, rice-based dishes, chapati and bread, fresh vegetables and fruits and juices). We can accommodate vegetarians if you let us know in advance

During weekend, volunteers are free to use the kitchen if they wish to cook but they can also go out with or without volunteer coordinators for meals.

Acesso à Internet

Bom acesso no local do projecto

O que NÃO está incluído?

O que NÃO está incluído?

Bilhetes de avião

O aeroporto mais próximo é Zanzibar International Airport (ZNZ) em Zanzibar. Ajudamo-lo a encontrar voos baratos para Tanzânia. ENCONTRAR VOOS BARATOS

Seguro de viagem

Ir para o estrangeiro é uma aventura e é sempre melhor estar preparado. Doença ou lesão súbita, cancelamento ou roubo - um seguro de viagem para Tanzânia proporciona segurança e é uma vantagem a ter. OBTENHA UMA COTAÇÃO


Se pretende ser voluntário em Tanzânia deve procurar aconselhamento médico antes de iniciar a sua viagem social. Verifique as vacinas necessárias para Tanzânia. VERIFICADOR DE VACINAS

Detalhes à chegada

Starting days are Monday to Friday all year around except and Ramadan. 

Your arrival flight to Abeid Amani Karume International Airport in Zanzibar, needs to land before 17h00 and your returning flight can depart any time after 10h00. 

If you would like flights outside of these guidelines, please confirm with us so we can make suitable arrangements for your transfers if at all possible.

Jan Feb Março Abril Maio Jun Jul Ago Set Out Nov Dez

Preços do programa

4 semanas (estadia min.) 1.662€
5 semanas 2.012€
6 semanas 2.362€
7 semanas 2.712€
8 semanas 3.062€
9 semanas 3.412€
10 semanas 3.700€
11 semanas 4.050€
12 semanas (estadia máx.) 4.400€
Preços médios 390€/semana

Preços do programa

390€ por semana 4 - 12 semanas Idade 18 - 50+

Métodos de Pagamento

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 12 semanas


O depósito é simplesmente para reservar a sua colocação como voluntário. Os pagamentos são tratados pelo PayPal, o nosso fornecedor de pagamento global de confiança. Se não tiver uma conta PayPal, também pode pagar usando um cartão de crédito.

Pagamento final

O teu pagamento final será acordado com Volunteer Int. Adventures durante o processo de candidatura. As soluções comuns são ou através de transferência bancária ou pagamento em dinheiro no local do projecto.

Conheça seu anfitrião

Volunteer Int. Adventures

Brilhante 4.7 rating (65 revisões)

Agência - fundada em 2020

Verificado por Volunteer World

  taxa de resposta excelente

Hospedado por


Línguas faladas: Afrikaans, Inglês

Sobre o projecto

We are a small, personal, hands-on volunteer organisation with 15 years experience of working with volunteers in conservation and humanitarian projects on the ground.

Conheça seu anfitrião

Volunteer International Adventures is dedicated to youth and animal projects, which are areas of great passion for us. We recognize the need for assistance from international volunteers in developing countries and have witnessed the transformative impact of their hands-on involvement on communities and conservation efforts.

Our core priorities are as follows:

1. Culture and Cultural Sensitivity:

We encourage our volunteers to fully immerse themselves in the culture of the country they are volunteering in, understanding that volunteering differs significantly from being a tourist. By working closely with local communities and project partners, our volunteers gain profound insights into the challenges faced by the country. We actively support and facilitate opportunities for volunteers to engage in various activities, interact with locals, and educate themselves about the nation's history, no matter how difficult it may be. Cultural sensitivity is paramount, and we ensure that our approach is collaborative rather than imposing our own ideas. We welcome suggestions and creative ideas from our volunteers, as they often prove to be feasible and enrich the communities we serve.

2. Fulfilling Volunteer Experiences:

We strive to ensure that all our volunteers leave with a sense of accomplishment. Whether it is helping a child grasp mathematics, teaching cricket to school children, providing sewing classes to uplift youth, participating in wildlife conservation efforts such as satellite collaring African wild dogs or rhino relocation, collecting data on great white shark populations, treating sick indigenous wildlife, assisting with animal sterilization in disadvantaged communities, instilling a love for reading in children, or teaching marimba classes—the list is diverse and extensive. We want our volunteers to develop a deep connection with the country they are assisting and forge lifelong friendships that can serve as future ambassadors for their respective nations.

3. Ethical Projects:

We strictly oppose trophy hunting and the breeding of lions for commercial gain. Our wildlife and animal projects take place in free-roaming reserves, registered rehabilitation centers, or sanctuaries where the animals are non-releasable due to injuries, human habituation, or being non-indigenous to the area. We support local and ethical animal sanctuaries and reserves, which our volunteers can visit during their free time. When working with children in teaching, care, or youth development projects, we require a recent paper copy of a background check (CRB check) from volunteers' countries of origin. This precaution ensures the safety and well-being of the children we serve, who often come from challenging socio-economic backgrounds and have been let down by adults in the past. We prioritize the protection of innocent animals and children who cannot advocate for themselves.

4. Responsible and Sustainable Approach:

We take pride in implementing responsible and sustainable projects that involve local community members, ensuring the continuity of operations even when volunteer numbers are low. While some projects rely heavily on volunteer support due to limited funds, we strive to strike a balance by involving sufficient local participation.

5. Cost Effectiveness:

Having collaborated with volunteers on projects for nearly 15 years, we recognize that volunteering can come at a significant cost. Therefore, we are committed to making volunteering more accessible, reasonable, and inclusive. Our projects encompass various extras, and we maintain affordability by keeping costs low and encouraging increased hands-on assistance. We offer negotiable family, friends, and group discounts, as volunteering together enables us to further reduce expenses. Loyalty is rewarded, and returning volunteers receive special recognition in our projects. Additionally, our costs include donations to our projects, contributing to their sustainability and impact.

6. Safety:

The safety of our volunteers is of paramount importance. We thoroughly vet and assess all our projects, ensuring adequate safety measures are in place. While certain areas may be off-limits due to potential risks, it is important to note that complete safety guarantees are impossible in any location. We have established channels for reporting incidents and maintain close relationships with in-country support on the ground. Furthermore, we possess liability insurance and require all participants to have personal travel insurance. To provide comprehensive support, we arrange airport collections and drop-offs, ensuring our volunteers are assisted throughout their entire journey. We pride ourselves on delivering a personal touch and remain available 24/7 to address any emergencies.

Please remember to arrange your comprehensive travel insurance at the time of booking your trip, as it is an essential aspect of ensuring your well-being and peace of mind.

We sincerely appreciate your interest in Volunteer International Adventures and our commitment to making a positive impact through responsible volunteering. Should you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

65 revisões · rating4.7

Anja Jutta Scharer rating4.4

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I have absolutely loved my experience in South Africa volunteering with Endangered Wildlife Monitoring and Research, and I am sad that I have to leave in a few days. By the time I leave I will have spent six weeks in South Africa, so I've been lucky enough to volunteer at all three of the reserves ...
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truly exceptional, Where to start, the warm and sincere welcome. I am French, my English is average, but they made themselves available to me, they took the time to explain to me so that I understood, always with a smile and patience. the whole team goes out of their way to show you the wonders of ...
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I had a wonderful time in Kleinbaai. From cage diving with sharks to feeding the African penguins to whale and dolphin watching, everyday brought something new and amazing! I love being on the ocean and seeing the wildlife which this program offered plenty off. We got to assist clients on the trips ...
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  taxa de resposta excelente
Afrikaans, Inglês

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