fra 761€

Utmerket 4.8rating (11)

Smart Forests Program

3 - 24 uker  ·  Alder 21 - 50+

rating  Utmerket 4.8  · 
  Verifisert av Volunteer World
  God Svarprosent


  • Expand your idea of "research" Everyone who is curious and can collect data is a researcher!
  • Figure out how to collect, store and share data so it can be really useful!
  • Live and work with people of different backgrounds, different ages and different experiences – all united in finding solutions to problems!
  • Discover the joys and challenges of learning to live sustainably in the rainforest
  • Hike in the forest, swim in the crystal water of the rivers, and get to know a traditional rural community

Spesielt egnet for

Alder 21+

Om programmet

Be a key part of creating an integrated and comprehensive ecosystem health monitoring system. Your help supports our ability to make strategic decisions to protect forest

So what will you be doing? Overseeing and facilitating research activities, managing expectations before, during and after researchers arrive, helping with logistics and connections.  Although you'll be overseeing and facilitating both desk and field activities, you won't need to have advanced ...

Om programmet

So what will you be doing? Overseeing and facilitating research activities, managing expectations before, during and after researchers arrive, helping with logistics and connections.  Although you'll be overseeing and facilitating both desk and field activities, you won't need to have advanced academic qualifications. You will need to understand that almost every activity at Iracambi involves research of some kind or another - and be prepared to support researchers at all levels: from undergrad papers to graduate projects. It's important that both you and the students/researchers have a clear idea of what they want to do, what is feasible, and any extra costs that may be incurred (translation, travel, equipment, etc,) and that you are willing and able to point them in the right direction!  

So what might researchers be doing? Here, at the Iracambi Rainforest Research Center, located in Brazil's Atlantic Forest students, researchers and volunteers gain firsthand experience in biodiversity conservation: (agroforestry, regenerative agriculture, medicinal plants, forest monitoring, and sustainable living: community outreach and education, workshops.) And whether they are collecting seeds in the forest, monitoring forest regeneration, cataloging medicinal plants, testing new practices in the agroecology plots, studying flora and fauna populations, monitoring water quality and flows, or doing less academically focused tasks such as maintaining our forest trails, making videos, adding to our photo library, or riding the school bus to the village to share their language and culture with local schoolkids, they and you will be having a ball, contributing your skills to a great cause, and learning all sorts of things you never thought you could. Quite apart from supervising individual or group research proposals, ensuring at all data is properly collected and stored and correctly shared and uploaded. Because Iracambi is all about Saving Forests and Changing Lives and you are warmly welcomed to become a part of it!

Typisk dag

Studying, interning, volunteering, or coordinating a program at Iracambi provides you with a fantastic opportunity to be part of a lifestyle that is likely very different from what you are used to. You will be sharing the campus space with people of different nationalities, backgrounds, skills, ages ...

Typisk dag

Studying, interning, volunteering, or coordinating a program at Iracambi provides you with a fantastic opportunity to be part of a lifestyle that is likely very different from what you are used to. You will be sharing the campus space with people of different nationalities, backgrounds, skills, ages and interests - not to mention a few bugs! We invite you to take responsibility for your own work, experience, lifestyle, and for your fellow Iracambistas and their research projects. If students and volunteers have their their own pet study project or particular passion, that’s great, and we're happy to support them in that. If they have a brilliant idea for something we could or ought to do, let’s see if we can do it! Familiarity with Arc GIS and some Portuguese would be an advantage, but it's more important to have an inquiring mind and good organizational skills - both with people, projects, and data management.  

The Research Center is located on a working farm, which includes a large area of native forest as well as tree crops, succession forests, swamp lands and high altitude pastures. There are rivers to swim in, mountains to climb, forest trails to hike, and a welcoming local community. You won’t have the bright lights of a big city. But you will have the chance to make friends for life. You’ll be living on our rainforest campus, and eating delicious local food cooked by Larissa – who is more than happy to supply vegetarian or vegan options on request. The Research Center has one central dorm, five four-bed cabins, a field lab, a classroom, our multi-use Forest House, a system of forest trails, and our forest and agroecology plots. We have 24-hour access to internet – except during thunderstorms, when we power down in order to protect the equipment! 

A little background.    

The Atlantic Forest stretches from the northeastern to the southern regions of Brazil and northern Argentina and southeastern Paraguay. Five hundred years ago, it covered approximately 330 million acres, but today only 7- 8% remains. And we are determined to protect and restore what we can. Because these forests harbor an extraordinarily high rate of biodiversity, including 2,200 species of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians - 5% of all the vertebrates on earth. And new species are still being discovered!

Iracambi is adjacent to the Serra do Brigadeiro State Park, one of the highest conservation priority areas in the state, and home to the largest population of the woolly spider monkey Brachyteles hypoxanthus – the most endangered and arguably the most adorable of the New World Primates. You may be lucky enough to spot one, particularly if you hang out with Leandro who can be found a little farther up the mountain! If you are with us at the right time of year, he can also involve you in harvesting the local version of the superfruit acai jussara.   


Free-time activities

On weekends you can swim in the rivers, hike in the forest, climb local mountains – no rock climbing involved and you will be rewarded by amazing views. You can also interact with the local community and attend local parties and festivals, particularly in June and July during ...


Free-time activities

On weekends you can swim in the rivers, hike in the forest, climb local mountains – no rock climbing involved and you will be rewarded by amazing views. You can also interact with the local community and attend local parties and festivals, particularly in June and July during the winter festivals. You can also organize dinners, bonfires, barbecues or social events to be enjoyed with a glass of wine, a beer or a caipirinha!. Weekend excursions might include quad biking round local communities and getting a taste of local farm life, horseback riding, and in three day weekends you could visit Brazil’s famous historic towns Ouro Preto and Mariana, sun yourself on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro state, or climb the 9000 foot Pico da Bandeira (once considered to be Brail’s highest mountain before another was discovered in the Amazon!) 


And if you’re up for gentler pastimes, where better to hang out in a hammock and read a book, or find a quiet spot to practice yoga or meditation? 



Minimumsalder: 21 år

For å bli med i programmet må du være minst 21 år gammel på programmets startdato.


Du må snakke Engelsk (flytende)


Biological, social or earth sciences på graduate degree preferable but not essential nivå

Påkrevde dokumenter



Ingen restriksjoner. Hjelpende hender fra hele verden er velkomne.

Andre ferdigheter

Good people skills and empathy, good management skills both in facilitating fieldwork and in storing and handling data.


Din hjelpende hånd vil bli påkrevd Mandag, Tirsdag, Onsdag, Torsdag og Fredag fra 08:00 - 17:00

Hva inngår

Hva inngår

Tjenester fra Iracambi Research Center

Fees include all meals - our food is delicious and plentiful - accommodation, all on site activities and 24 access to internet (except in terrible weather when we have to power down to protect our equipment!) 

$287 per week – up to three weeks

We highly recommend researchers to stay at least three months. Longer stays attract a discount.

If the researcher chose to stays more than 4 weeks, each week will cost $270.


Volunteers will stay either in our cabins (which have two double bedrooms, hot shower and study space,) or in the main building, (old farm house with 4 double bedrooms, common room, kitchen and hot showers.) We have good wifi connection but no television. (Read a book, instead!)  Other facilities include the dining hall, our multi-use bamboo Forest House,  a classroom, field lab, forest nursery,  forestry and agroecology plots, GIS, a system of forest trails and a Forest Reserve. Three km from the Center we have the Pico da Graminha Reserve with its fully equipped Mountain House which is a comfortable base for hikers, birders and researchers. 

Mat og drikke

Iracambi provides abundant and delicious food, cooked by Larissa, who is happy to accommodate special requests, and will always have a vegetarian option, and vegan food on request.  Please, let us know in advance if you have any kind of food restrictions. There is always fresh water, milk and coffee for free, and  fresh juices depending on the season. Sodas, alcoholic drinks, and delicious chocolate truffles are also for sale in the restaurant.  


God tilgang på prosjektstedet

Hva er IKKE inkludert?

Hva er IKKE inkludert?

Henting fra flyplassen på Galeao Antonio Carlos Jobim International Airport

Henting fra flyplassen er heller ikke inkludert i programavgiftene.


Den nærmeste flyplassen er Galeao Antonio Carlos Jobim International Airport (GIG) i Rio De Janeiro. Vi hjelper deg med å finne billige flyreiser til Brasil. FINN BILLIGE FLYREISER


Å reise til utlandet er et eventyr, og det er alltid best å være forberedt. Plutselig sykdom eller skade, avbestilling eller tyveri – en reiseforsikring for Brasil gir trygghet og er et pluss å ha. FÅ ET TILBUD


Hvis du har tenkt å jobbe frivillig i Brasil bør du søke medisinsk råd før du starter din sosiale reise. Sjekk de nødvendige vaksinasjonene dine for Brasil. VAKSINESJEKKER

Detaljer ved ankomst

You are welcome to join us at any time of year, as we ask for a minimum of 1 month - although we're confident that you'll find that isn't nearly enough! We have two seasons - the rainy season and the dry (less rainy) season. Usually, the rains come in October and November and last through May. Daytime temperatures can be in the range of 25C-35C with cooler nights (22C - 26C). The rainforest is alive with activity during this time. Tree planting activity usually takes place between November and January. Mornings are usually clear and if there's rain on the way it will cloud over as the day goes on, with rain and sometimes thunder in the afternoon. After a short sharp storm, the sun will often reappear, and although you may get wet you won't get too cold! Don’t forget your waterproof jacket!  

The rainy season is the time to visit local farms and plant trees alongside the farm families, local schoolkids and volunteers, and anyone who is within reach. By contrast, the dry season is cooler - temperatures can drop to around 10C at night and you'll need a fleece. Daytime temperatures are usually around 23C-28C and this is the season to monitor last year's plantings, hop on the school bus and visit local schools to share your language and culture, help in the forest nursery and on the agroecology plots, harvest (and sample) our delicious coffee, and get involved in year-round projects such as maintaining the forest trails, updating the photo library, making videos and helping out with NGO tasks such as marketing and fundraising, and hosting school visits and workshops. 

Iracambi has a Weather Station here at our Research Center, below there's the link for you to check the forecast before your trip.

Once you contact us, we'll be happy to send you more details of how to get here and what to expect when you arrive! 

Jan. Febr. Mars Apr. Mai Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Okt. Nov. Des.


3 uker (min. opphold) 761€
4 uker 1,015€
8 uker 2,030€
12 uker 3,046€
24 uker (max. opphold) 6,091€
Gjennomsnittlig gebyr 254€/uke


254€ per uke 3 - 24 uker Alder 21 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



3 - 24 uker


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Møt din vert

Iracambi Research Center

Utmerket 4.8 rating (11 gjennomganger)

Non-profit - grunnlagt i 1999

Verifisert av Volunteer World

  God Svarprosent

Arrangert av


Snakkede språk: Portugisisk, Engelsk

Om prosjektet

Working with local and international students and volunteers to Save Forests and Change Lives in the Brazilian rainforest.

Møt din vert

Iracambi is a community of people across the world whose vision is to see  Brazil's beautiful Atlantic Forest restored, with prosperous communities in a flourishing landscape.  Our motto is Saving Forests and Changing Lives and we invite you to join local and international students and volunteers at the Iracambi Rainforest Research Center to gain firsthand experience in reforestation, regenerative agriculture, medicinal plants, community outreach and sustainable living. We’re planting native and productive tree species to increase incomes, protect water sources and increase habitat for biodiversity. We're collecting forest seeds, preparing and caring for young seedlings, planting them out and monitoring progress. Our polyculture plots combine native trees with a variety of crops, providing green manure, healthy food, and high quality shade-grown coffee. We're cataloging medicinal plants, researching traditional uses, and experimenting with natural products incorporating plant extracts. 

That’s all about saving forests – so what about changing lives? Here’s where we work with local farmers, school kids, volunteers and visitors on outreach programs designed to raise awareness of the important issues of how to live sustainably, and how to encourage more and more people to join us exciting task of protecting one of the most important forests in the world.  

The Iracambi logo shows what we are all about. The Brazilian story goes that the forest is on fire and all the animals are fleeing to safety. All except for the humming bird who is flying towards the fire with a drop of water in her beak. “Silly little bird,” says the eagle as he looks down at her. “Don’t you realize that you’ll never put the fire out all by yourself?” “You’re right,” says the humming bird. “I know I can’t do it by myself. But I’m doing my part.”

We’ve been doing our part since 1999, and with your help we’ll be here as long as it takes. Come join us, and be part of the change!


The Atlantic Forest
One of the world’s top five biodiversity hotspots, the Atlantic Forest is a place of extraordinary beauty and a treasure house of biodiversity. Tragically, much of its immense variety of flora and fauna is severely endangered by habitat loss, and the Woolly Spíder Monkey, symbol of the forest, is the most severely threatened of all.

The Atlantic Forest lies between the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Rio Grande do Sul stretching from the coast to the inland mountains. 
Different from the better known Amazon Forest, the Atlantic Forest, although also a rainforest with an average rainfall of 2000 mm pa, is not so hot as the Amazon, with average temperatures that vary from 14 – 21 C. This contributes to the enormous variety of plants and animals that the forest shelters.

The Atlantic Forest contains an even richer variety of habitat for flora and fauna than the Amazon Forest, with the world´s largest diversity of woody plants per hectare (458 species) found in the Atlantic Forest. While in the whole of North America approximately 810 bird species have been registered, the state of Minas Gerais – with an area slightly smaller than the state of Texas – contains 750 species. In the forests around Iracambi the list, still incomplete, has already reached 260 species.
An extraordinary number of species are endemic, being found nowhere else in the world. These include
  • 80% of the primates
  • 74% of the bromeliads
  • 64% of the palm species
  • 54% of the trees
  • 40% of the mammals, butterflies, reptiles, amphibians and birds.

This enormous biological richness is severely threatened. Figures published in 2003 by IBAMA, the Brazilian Environmental Protection Institute, show that a very high proportion of all endangered species in the country are found in the Atlantic Forest. Of Brazil’s 69 severely endangered mammals 38 come from the Atlantic Rainforest, as do 18 of the 160 endangered birds and 13 of the 20 endangered reptile species. There are 21 species and subspecies of monkeys found in the Atlantic Forest, of which 14 are endangered, 13 are endemic and some are on the verge of extinction. 

We hear a lot about the destruction of the Amazon Forest but the  fact is that the plight of the Atlantic Forest is far more critical. 20% of the Amazon Forest has gone, but 93% of the Atlantic Forest has vanished, together with the species that used to live there. The rate of deforestation continues to be highly alarming. In 1998 the Atlantic Forest was declared a national heritage. The government prohibited further forest clearing, but land degradation continues.

The Serra do Brigadeiro mountains
The Serra do Brigadeiro State Park shelters the most important remnant of seasonal semi-deciduous Atlantic Forest in the state of Minas Gerais, it’s part of the UN Biosphere Reserve, and better still, it’s right on Iracambi’s doorstep! The park’s craggy mountains and deep ravines protect an extraordinary range of biodiversity, including the largest known population of Brachyteles hypoxanthus, the Woolly Spider or muriqui monkey.

The forests shelter a great variety of endangered animal and plant species, some of which are still unknown to science. The Park’s ecosystem is rich in plant species such as peroba, ipê,  candeias, jequitibas, canjaranas and palms. The mists that cover the peaks and Alpine pastures for much of the year provide ideal conditions for creating an ecosystem rich in orchids, ferns, bromeliads, different varieties of grass, shrubs and cactus.

Among the variety of fauna in the State Park are puma, jaguaritica, wild pig, deer, wild dog, banded anteaters, squirrels, sloths, masked titi monkeys, and marmosets. Eleven separate groups of muriqui have been found in the area. A paradise for birders, its extensive list includes the dusky legged guan, the maroon bellied parakeet, the yellow bellied toucan and the bare-throated bellbird.

History of the park
The idea of creating a park in the Serra do Brigadeiro mountain range dates back to the 1980s. In the early 1990s a proposal was made to include all the land above 1000 m, covering an area of 33,000 ha. This met with considerable resistance from family farmers living in the region, and there began a process of debate as to the best way of preserving the forest without endangering the livelihoods of the smallholders.

As a result of these discussions the park boundaries were defined as the core conservation area of 13,000 ha, later extended to 15,000 ha. The mission of the park is to protect the natural heritage of the Atlantic Rainforest in the Serra do Brigadeiro, whilst facilitating scientific research, education and ecotourism, and contributing towards the development of communities in the area.

It’s a privilege for Iracambi to be located so close to the park, and we do all we can to support park staff in their efforts to care for the environment and win hearts and minds among the local community. For many years we have played an active role in the advisory board of the park, and we are committed to protect and expand the area of protected forest in which we are lucky enough to live.

11 gjennomganger · rating4.8

This was an exceptional experience!! The staff is so welcoming and happy to have volunteers. There are all kinds of projects going on so there’s something for everybody. But there’s also plenty of time built in for hiking and exploring this incredibly special part of the world. Mostly you ...
I have been enjoying my time at Iracambi immensely. The group of people here doing reforestation work are truly amazing and I have great respect for what they are able to achieve. I was able to build my own project and decided to work on bioacoustics, meaning using sound recorders to detect certain ...
Maria Vitória Freitas Oliveira rating5

2021 at Restoring Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest

Google Translator: Since I was a little girl, I have always loved to write...maybe because it is a habit I inherited from my grandmother and mother, or because I am very sensitive about what involves me physically and emotionally, or both. Today, I lack words. Trying to fit into the lines of this ...
Aurelio Pereira rating4.8

2021 at Restoring Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest

Google Translator: For me, who works in the area and has a lot of contact with this environment, the knowledge learned and shared was of great value. Coexistence, culture, and nature experienced in a way that one can only live there. Thanks to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...
Reyno Abasolo rating5

2020 at Restoring Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest

If you want a volunteering experience which has an impact, Iracambi is the place to be. There is a variety of activities you can do from working in the nursery, tree planting, community education and partnership, etc. Working with Iracambi is a great experience. We need more organizations doing what ...
Alex Monterrubio rating5

2019 at Restoring Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest

My two months stay at Iracambi was one of the most amazing experience I had so far. I really enjoyed the location on the rainforest and the action of tree planting feels so rewarding! Also there was enough free time to explore the surroundings and go swimming at the waterfalls. The staff there is ...


Amerika > Sør Amerika > Brasil > Rosário da Limeira

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  God Svarprosent
Portugisisk, Engelsk

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