à partir de 750€

Génial 4.7rating (6)

Local Dog Shelter Assistant

4 - 24 semaines  ·  Âge 18 - 50+

rating  Génial 4.7  · 
  Vérifié par Volunteer World
  Taux de réponse excellent


  • Become even more passionate about dogs and their welbeing
  • Gain Spanish fluency by living with a host family
  • Learn the locals way
  • Make memories with new friends and co-workers
  • Visit Bolivia's finest places

Particulièrement approprié pour

Âge 18+
Seul voyageur

À propos du programme

Are you a dog lover and would you like to contribute? Volunteer at this dog shelter, the biggest in the area with 140 dogs.

This project arose after the floods in Bolivia in 2018, thanks to the initiative of people who saw many dogs being abandoned by their owners due to the disaster. Nowadays, also run away dogs or dogs that are rescued from the streets take residence at this shelter. Currently, they run a shelter for ...

À propos du programme

This project arose after the floods in Bolivia in 2018, thanks to the initiative of people who saw many dogs being abandoned by their owners due to the disaster. Nowadays, also run away dogs or dogs that are rescued from the streets take residence at this shelter. Currently, they run a shelter for around 140 dogs, which makes it the largest dogshelter in the country. Sometimes a dog is getting adopted by a family where he/she can live happily ever after! We are always happy to see when a dog is adopted. 

A volunteer can help out by preparing the food and feeding the dogs, cleaning the areas, buying new toys, play with the dogs and also, when you are handy, help build new shelters for the dogs to sleep in!

Your direct co-workers are volunteers and social veterinarian workers.

Are you a dog lover, that likes physical work? Then please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Journée typique

A typical day at the dog centre starts at 10 am with feeding the dogs.  After that it's time to do some dirty work (cleaning the fennels and the terrain). Then, it's time to play and get some exercise. Our dogs love to play and to be petted. And walking ofcours.

Hosting 140 dogs, naturally some ...

Journée typique

A typical day at the dog centre starts at 10 am with feeding the dogs.  After that it's time to do some dirty work (cleaning the fennels and the terrain). Then, it's time to play and get some exercise. Our dogs love to play and to be petted. And walking ofcours.

Hosting 140 dogs, naturally some things have to be repaired or new fennels have to be build. A handy volunteer can add major value by fixing things! 

Depending on the desired work hours, volunteers are also involved in activities to raise funds. All ideas are more than welcome. 
Volunteers can either to choose to work a whole or a halve day. 

Activités de loisirs

In addition to volunteer and internship opportunities, there is a lot to see and do in Bolivia. If you are in for some action you can descend a zipline in the middle of the jungle, ride a bicycle down the steep Yungas road or sail a boat on Lake Titicaca. Are you looking for something more relaxing ...

Activités de loisirs

In addition to volunteer and internship opportunities, there is a lot to see and do in Bolivia. If you are in for some action you can descend a zipline in the middle of the jungle, ride a bicycle down the steep Yungas road or sail a boat on Lake Titicaca. Are you looking for something more relaxing or
cultural? You can submerge yourself in one of the country's many hot springs, take a break in the turquoise lagoon, admire the constructions of the Pre-Colombian Tiwanaku Empire or the Salar de Uyuni, the largest salt flat in the world.



Âge minimum: 18 ans

Pour participer à ce programme tu dois avoir au moins 18 ans quand le programme commence. Il peut y avoir des exceptions si tu peux montrer la permission de ton tuteur légal ou si tu es accompagné(e) par l'un de tes parents.

Compétences linguistiques

Tu dois parler Anglais (niveau de base)

Exigences en matière de formation

no specific focus à niveau High School

Restrictions de Nationalité

Aucune restriction. De l'aide venant de tous les coins du monde est bienvenu.

Autres Compétences

Experience with dogs; handy; hard worker

Engagement horaire

Nous avons besoin de ton aide pour lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi et vendredi

Services inclus

Services inclus

Services de Beyond South America

Our one-time mediation fee includes:

  • search and mediation for a suitable project
  • preparation via Skype calls
  • search and mediation for accommodation (host family and/or volunteer house)
  • airport pick up and city tour; SIM-card; donation to the project; support with visa
  • 24/7 contact to coordinator on site
  • emergency support and hospital transport;
  • evaluation of the project
  • transport to your project (one-time)

Note: We offer an upgrade package (comfort class) for volunteers that need more support. This package includes more contact time. We take you more often to your project/Spanish classes, we offer 'airport drop-off' and there is extra time to explore Cochabamba. Naturally, this upgrade comes with a small price increase. 

Which costs are not included? 

  • Flights
  • Insurance
  • Accommodation (we do offer accommodation in our volunteerhouse or host families for additional prices)
  • food/meals and daily needs
  • Spanish classes (possible)

We will send you detailed information about the costs of living you can expect in Bolivia.

Please note, that all the profit of Beyond South America goes to the foundation "Casa de la Alegría" providing therapeutic workshops for children and adolescence in social projects in and around Cochabamba/Bolivia

Transfert de l'aéroport J Wilsterman Airport

Yes we provide airport pick up. 

If you chose the 'Comfort Class' package we also drop you off at the airport the day you leave. 

Accès à Internet

Bon accès sur le site du projet

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:

NE SONT inclus dans le prix:


Nous te prions d'organiser ton propre hébergement.

Aliments & Boissons

Aliments, collations et boissons sont disponibles contre supplément.

Billets d'avion

L'aéroport le plus proche est J Wilsterman Airport (CBB) à Cochabamba. Nous t'aidons à trouver des vols pas chers pour aller en Bolivie. TROUVER DES VOLS PAS CHERS

Assurance Voyage

Partir à l'étranger est une aventure et c'est toujours mieux d'être bien préparé. Que ce soit une maladie soudaine, une blessure ou du vol - une assurance voyage pour Bolivie te protège en cas de situation imprévue. OBTENIR UN DEVIS


Si tu envisages de faire du bénévolat en Bolivie, nous te conseillons de consulter un médecin avant le début de ton voyage. Renseigne-toi sur les vaccins nécessaires pour Bolivie. INFOS VACCINS

Informations sur l'arrivée

There are no specific starting dates- a volunteer can start on request 

janv. févr. mars avril mai juin juil. août sept. oct. nov. déc.

Frais de Programme

4 semaines (durée min.) 750€
24 semaines (durée max.) 750€
Prix moyen 109€/semaine

Frais de Programme

109€ par semaine 4 - 24 semaines Âge 18 - 50+

Méthodes de payement

Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 24 semaines


L'acompte sert à réserver ta place avec l'organisation. Les paiements sont effectués par Paypal, notre partenaire de confiance pour les solutions de paiements internationales. Si tu n'as pas Paypal, tu peux également utiliser ta carte de crédit.

Paiement final

Le paiement du montant restant doit être organisé avec Beyond South America durant le processus de candidature. Très souvent ce paiement est effectué par virement bancaire ou en espèces.

Rencontrez votre hôte

Beyond South America

Génial 4.7 rating (6 avis)

Non lucratif - fondée en 2013

Vérifié par Volunteer World

  Taux de réponse excellent

Hébergé par


Sur le projet

We are a non-profit agency, offering handpicked and sustainable volunteerpositions in South America.

Rencontrez votre hôte

About Beyond South America

Beyond South America is a small nonprofit agency in Cochabamba, Bolivia. It all started in 2012 with a few volunteer positions at "Casa de la Alegria", a foundation that provides therapeutic workshops to youth- and childcare projects in and around Cochabamba.

Everyone in our team has been a volunteer, traveled to a foreign country alone and knows how difficult it can be. We’ve met many volunteers who have had bad experiences, have been left alone in their projects, and lacked support. With that in mind, we decided to start organizing different volunteer opportunities, with hand picked projects, host families we know well, airport pickups, 24/7 support, and most importantly: We want to get to know our volunteers, so we can help them find not just any, but the right project for them.

Since then we’ve grown and have become the "ones to go to when in need" for stranded volunteers in Cochabamba. We’re still a small, familiar organization but by now have partnerships in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, and Guatemala, and are looking for enthusiastic, open-minded and skilled volunteers for a wide variety of positions in our handpicked projects.

As we have all lived our own lives of voluntary work all around the world, we understand the needs of volunteers, their concerns and wishes. We also care about our collaborating organizations, we offer only sustainable projects, that guarantee safety and on site support for our volunteers.

It may sound naïve, but we actually believe that volunteering can change the world for the better. Acts of solidarity, global learning and intercultural exchange break down borders that exist between cultures and in your own mind. Anyone who has ever worked in another country, who has given his time and energy to a good cause, knows that this can be an unforgettable experience, even a life changing moment. Your own impressions and the ones you leave in others, the learning experiences on both sides, bring the world closer together.

The feedback we receive from our volunteers and from our partners speaks for itself and shows that both sides benefit from volunteering. Many projects in Latin America need committed volunteers and helping hands to continue their important work. Motivated people, who work responsibly and in solidarity, also function as an impulse for the projects and their employees and prove that it makes sense to continue their work.


We try to combine the needs of projects and volunteers with our work and work towards finding the right project for volunteers and the right volunteer for the projects. Therefore, we want to get to know you, learn more about your background, your abilities, desires and fears, in order to propose suitable projects to you. Of course, we are also happy if you already have a project in mind and we gladly organize an unforgettable experience for you.


Currently we offer positions in projects working in the following fields:

  • Childcare

  • Education

  • Youth Development

  • Teaching

  • Community Work

  • Circus Arts

  • Healthcare

  • Environmental Education

  • Reforestation

  • Conservation

  • Animal Care

  • Urban Gardening

Check out our vacancies and please note, that ALL the profit of Beyond South America still goes to the Foundation "Casa de la Alegría" supporting and sustaining their work. So volunteering with Beyond South America means, you contribute directly to a good cause, bettering the lives of children in Bolivia.

So come with us to Beyond South America.

6 avis · rating4.7

Thank you Beyond South America! I worked in two projects in Bolivia and had an amazing time there. At first they organized for me working 4 hours a day in a community center in the west of Cochabamba and everyone was super friendly and welcoming. My Spanish wasn’t so good at the beginning but my ...
Hey there, I worked as a volunteer for Casa de la Alegría in 2018. It’s a foundation in Cochabamba/Bolivia working with kids. They give workshops to kids in order to strengthen and support their social emotional development through games with therapeutic aspects using the Rock and Water ...
Gloria Reinhardt rating4.6

2017 at Reforestation Assistant

I had a bad experience with volunteering in Albania once, where I had to quit my project after 3 weeks. So I was very careful when my boyfriend wanted to do voluntary work in South America. We thought it would be better to organize part of our trip with an agency. I was really surprised about the ...
2017 I went for 3 month working in a day care center in Cochabamba. We were a couple of volunteers – mainly Bolivians – and organized Workshops, prepared Food for the kids, helped out with their homework and simply played with them. The kids got there after school and I worked every day about ...
Joris Vermeulen rating4.6

2017 at Caretaker in a Park for Rescued Animals

In 2016 me and my girl friend went to Bolivia to volunteer and learn Spanish. Beyond South America (BSA) provided the best help we could have wished for. From the first e-mail we sent till the day we left Bolivia, Laurie and Marije have helped us with everything we needed. They found us projects ...
Ria Willems rating4.8

2015 at Caretaker in a Park for Rescued Animals

I went to bolivia with beyond south america. There is a one time donation and for that price Laurie organises the whole stay in Bolivia. House, work, languageschool, and even a bridge club for me. She wecomes you at the airport and shows you around. You pay for what you want directly to the school ...


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Contacter Laurie
  Taux de réponse excellent

La plupart des bénévoles se demandent

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