fra 1.111€

Excellent 4.8rating (13)

Community Health Worker

4 - 50 weeks  ·  Alder 18 - 50+

rating  Excellent 4.8  · 
  Verificeret af Volunteer World
  Excellent Svarrate


  • Deliver healthcare to isolated communities
  • Meet health needs of the poor women and families daily
  • Become a contributor to maternal health of poor communities
  • Save a life
  • Gain an in-depth experience in the Pearl of Africa-Uganda

Særligt velegnet til

Alder 18+

Om programmet

Work with community especially women and their families to provide healthcare.

About the Program

Healthcare is essential for the survival and development of the women, children and their entire families. And good health does contribute massively to the development and the ability to escape poverty for the poor communities.

The volunteer program will promote and deliver ...

Om programmet

About the Program

Healthcare is essential for the survival and development of the women, children and their entire families. And good health does contribute massively to the development and the ability to escape poverty for the poor communities.

The volunteer program will promote and deliver healthcare to the poor women and families living in isolated and hard to reach areas. The health  volunteers will work as health coach, advisors, educators, liaison, promoters, outreach workers and counselors

The volunteer program will help the women and families to learn about maternal health, childcare, nutrition, preventable illness, diabetes, high blood pressure, malaria and diseases that affect life and their prevention. The volunteer will in addition learn about how to build “Tippy Taps” near their toilets so that hand washing after toilet use is easy. With Tippy Taps build near the toilets, families’ health improves and saves lives of the women, children and household members.

You will be working in rural setting and in the communities with poor healthcare services and with no medical facility present. In the community where you will be working, the people here walk over 15 kilometres to access a medical facility.

You Role as a Volunteer

The volunteer working on this volunteer program will be required to carry some health materials about the different health issues affecting women such as maternal health, nutrition, childcare, malaria, typhoid, HIV/AIDS among others. Materials such as charts illustrating the process to better hygiene, gloves, water purifiers such as water guard and organize information prior setting off to the volunteer trip. You are also encouraged to carry along any materials that you think can support you as you carry out your role of Hygiene and Sanitation Educator.

While in Uganda, you will be working with village health workers, local leaders, teachers in school and the staff to make the program more effective. 

Tasks for volunteers:

Information sharing  health: This will involves meeting with women groups, visiting families to communicate, share and sensitize communities and teach/train about maternal health, nutrition, childcare, hygiene and sanitation.  Information on waste management, boiling water for drinking, hand wash after toilet use and before eating food. 

Build Tippy Taps: this focuses on ensuring that each family has a Tippy tap in their homes. Therefore, the volunteer will be responsible for helping families learn how to build Tippy taps near their toilets and make sure that each family sets up a small garden under the Tippy tap that they will use to grow vegetables.

Typisk dag

SustainMe offers a flexible work schedule for the Volunteers.

Our workday typically starts at 8:30am when every staff and volunteer is expected to be at the office. Every Monday morning we have a meeting to review our previous work and also look at the way forward. 

Our workday runs from 8:30am to ...

Typisk dag

SustainMe offers a flexible work schedule for the Volunteers.

Our workday typically starts at 8:30am when every staff and volunteer is expected to be at the office. Every Monday morning we have a meeting to review our previous work and also look at the way forward. 

Our workday runs from 8:30am to 4:30 pm. All the field activities are planned in advance and transportation done accordingly.


Uganda, the Pearl of Africa"  is filled and endowed with a lot of interesting activities that you can participate in during your Free time, Let us explore them below:

Visit the Source of the Nile. During your free time, you will have an opportunity to visit the Source of River Nile. The Nile river ...


Uganda, the Pearl of Africa"  is filled and endowed with a lot of interesting activities that you can participate in during your Free time, Let us explore them below:

Visit the Source of the Nile. During your free time, you will have an opportunity to visit the Source of River Nile. The Nile river is the longest river in the world at 4,135 miles (6,650 kilometers). Our organization is located the River, so it is a beautiful activity out.

White Water Rafting: White water rafting is an activity carried out on River Nile. During your free time you can enjoy while water rafting and enjoy the breeze and the water falls.

Bike Riding: Taking a bike ride around the community and the town of Jinja is much relaxing

Cultural dance: Uganda is blessed with diverse cultures, while here you can have the time to participate in the different cultural dances and also attend some concerts where the dances are carried out.

Craft Shopping: Jinja, the town where we are located has a lot of shops selling African crafts. A free time can be spend by shopping and touring the several shops and enjoy the African culture through crafts.

Tour some of the Largest Forests: Spend time touring forests around Jinja, Uganda

Visit National Parks: Uganda is blessed with numerous national parks with beautiful animals and birds. You get the opportunity to do bird watching, animals and reptiles.



Minimumsalder: 18 år

For at kunne deltage i programmet skal du være mindst 18 år gammel på programmets startdato. Der kan være undtagelser, hvis du kan give tilladelse fra din(e) værge(r), eller hvis du ledsages af dine forældre.


Du skal kunne tale Engelsk (basic level)


Medicine, Public Health på University, College niveau

Kontrol af kriminel baggrund


Nødvendige dokumenter



Ingen begrænsninger. Hjælpende hænder fra hele verden er velkomne.

Andre færdigheder

Knowledge about Healthcare, public health and medicine is important


Der er brug for din hjælpende hånd Mandag, Tirsdag, Onsdag og Torsdag fra 10:00 - 15:30

Hvad er inkluderet

Hvad er inkluderet

Tjenester af SustainMe

Airport pickup, accommodation and food & drink are included in the fees.

Afhentning i lufthavnen i Entebbe International Airport

We Pick you up from the Airport-Entebbe Airport to Jinja where the project site is located. It takes about 3 hours to drive from Entebbe Airport  to Jinja. The staff from our project always accompanies the driver to Pick you up.

We are flexible on the time of picking you up, so as you look into choosing the time of your flight, feel free. We always adjust and pick you up anytime.


We are interested in helping our volunteers learn more about Uganda and the culture here so the accommodation provided is with a host family. And our organization pays the family for the time the volunteer stays there. Unless if the volunteer wants to stay in a hotel, then we can have a special arrangement.

The beauty of the volunteer having the accommodation with a family is that you get to learn more about the culture in Uganda, get friends, learn about the local behaviors and history, and always in a company of someone. The host family selected always meets standards of our organization and are always ready to host you.

The accommodation consists of one bed room and a bathroom. However, for volunteers visiting as a family or couple, we have a special arrangement for you as you get accommodated as a family in Guest house or hotel. But if you prefer to stay with a family host then we make arrangement that way.

Guest Family
Bedroom (Single)

Mad og drikkevarer

Since our Volunteers are hosted with the family, they share a meal and drinks with the host family. In the host family, more of the Ugandan dishes are prepared. If the volunteer wants to eat special meals then we also arrange for that. However, once placed in a home, then the food and Drinks are all arranged through the family.

The food includes Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. The meals include banana which is Uganda's staple food but here it is called Matooke, Beef, Beans, Posho, Greens, Potatoes, Chicken, Rice and Cassava. Breakfast consists of Milk, Bread, Egg, Fruit, Coffee, Rolex and Chapati. Most of these are local dishes, however special meals can always be arranged on request.

If you are a vegetarian, we value you taste. Special meals can be arranged to fit your preference and taste.


God adgang til projektområdet

Hvad er IKKE inkluderet?

Hvad er IKKE inkluderet?


Den nærmeste lufthavn er Entebbe International Airport (EBB) i Entebbe. Vi hjælper dig med at finde billige flybilletter til Uganda. FINDE BILLIGE FLYBILLETTER


At rejse til udlandet er et eventyr, og det er altid bedst at være forberedt. Pludselig sygdom eller skade, aflysning eller tyveri - en rejseforsikring til Uganda giver sikkerhed og er en fordel at have. FÅ ET TILBUD


Hvis du har til hensigt at blive frivillig i Uganda, bør du søge lægehjælp, før du begynder din sociale rejse. Tjek dine krævede vaccinationer for Uganda. VACCINE CHECKER

Oplysninger ved ankomst

Our Volunteer program is very flexible, we receive volunteers throughout the year and we encourage volunteers interested in working as Community Health Workers to apply any time through out the year. 

The program runs from January to December due to the alarming  health needs among the women, children and communities. You can apply any time through out the year and we will consider your application and invite you to work with this volunteer program.  

Jan. Febr. Marts April Maj Jun Jul Aug. Sept. Okt. Nov. Dec.


4 uger (min. ophold) 1.111€
5 uger 1.332€
6 uger 1.553€
7 uger 1.775€
11 uger 2.658€
19 uger 4.427€
50 uger (max. ophold) 12.220€
Gennemsnitligt gebyr 260€/uge


260€ pr. uge 4 - 50 weeks Alder 18 - 50+


Visa Master Card Maestro American Express PayPal



4 - 50 weeks


Depositummet er blot for at reservere din plads som frivillig. Betalinger håndteres af PayPal, vores betroede globale betalingsudbyder. Hvis du ikke har en PayPal-konto, kan du også betale med et kreditkort.

Final Payment

Din endelige betaling vil blive aftalt med SustainMe under ansøgningsprocessen. Almindelige løsninger er enten via bankoverførsel eller kontant betaling på projektstedet.

Mød din vært


Excellent 4.8 rating (13 feltrapporter)

Non-profit - grundlagt i 2010

Verificeret af Volunteer World

  Excellent Svarrate

Vært er


Om projektet

SustainMe empowers vulnerable women and families to fight poverty.

Mød din vært

Who We are

SustainMe is a non profit organization working with vulnerable women and families in Uganda. We do impact women and families through economic empowerment, microfinance, health and nutrition, family and social strengthening.


We strive for a world where every woman is empowered


Transforming lives of vulnerable women and their families through inclusive finance, skills and empowerment.

What we do

  1. Microfinance; Microfinance empowers empowers poor women in under-served communities to access collateral free small startup  loans and seed grants   Our microfinance model with the women is simple, friendly and sustainable. It consistently proves to increase household incomes, social capital and lead to sustainable livelihoods
  2. Economic Empowerment; SustainMe focuses on economic strengthening of the women and families through skills and creation of sustainable livelihoods/small businesses. Our economic empowerment program enhances business-and-vocational skills training and mentorship. 
  3. Health and Nutrition; We believe that good heath is essential for the survival and development of  women, children and their families. A health family is able to escape the cycle of poverty. Our focus is on providing quality medical care, maternal health, training and research.
  4. Family and Social Strengthening; Many poor families in the communities where work struggle to find a meal and therefore sometimes have go without a meal. A family without a meal cannot engage into development programs. Family and Social Strengthening empowers families to be food secured through vegetable gardening and Share a Meal. Families are engaged into growing vegetables for food and fight hunger.

Where we work

SustainMe reaches out to women and families in Uganda, located in the heart of Africa.

Uganda is a landlocked country, located in East-Africa. The land is mostly a plateau, with a rim of mountains and the tropical climate creating luxurious forests. Uganda is known to be the "Pearl of Africa" due to its Flora and Fauna, and numerous water sources. 

Uganda is a stable country with good security. It is a safe country to live with a number of tourist attractions. Uganda is blessed with numerous National parks, Rivers, Forests and a cool climate.

People in Uganda are welcoming and friendly. The country is blessed with over 30 tribes meaning that over 30 languages are spoken in Uganda, Our official language is English.

Uganda has a number of foods that are eaten which include Mistook (Banana), Posho, Beans, Cassava, Potatoes, Rice, Millet, Maize, Yams. However, the stable food is Matooke, Posho and Beans. 


Growing up in a community where women and children were more vulnerable and affected by poverty, Samuel Wanyagira was inspired to start SustainMe  to empower the vulnerable women and children to  break the cycle of poverty.

In 2010, SustainMe was founded. Samuel started providing business skills and giving out collateral free loans using his personal savings to the women with a goal of empowering them to provide food for their children, education and medical care and improve on their household incomes.

With $133, Samuel was able to provide the first small loans to a group of 5 women with each receiving an average loan of $22.6 which they used to start up small businesses. With an amazing impact on the women and their families, Samuel was impressed and believed that business skills combined with small loans can be used as a sustainable tool to empower vulnerable women, children and their families out of poverty.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for passionate volunteers who love to share their time and experience with the women and families.

We are looking for someone willing to cause a positive impact in the lives of women and families.

Why choose us?

SustainMe employees a holistic and sustainable approach towards empowering women and families out of poverty. We believe that to achieve global development, women and families must be involved at all grassroots level.

Choosing to work with us will give you an opportunity to contribute to the lives of the children who are the future generation while at the same time empower the vulnerable women who massively support to the survival and growth of the children. 

13 feltrapporter · rating4.8

Perove S rating5

2021 at Small Business Mentor for Women

Working with this organization was exciting and a long-time experience. SustainME offered me an amazing time to experience hands-on impact and change with the vulnerable women and their families. I loved the sustainable approach that the organization uses to empower the women in the community from ...
I am excited to share with you about SustainME, a nonprofit organization that empowers vulnerable women and their families to fight poverty. I am hopeful and I volunteered with the organization helping women to improve their lives. The team at the project is amazing and they do a great job to make ...
Sanna W rating4.6

2021 at Small Business Mentor for Women

I volunteered with Sustain Micro Enterprise as a business mentor in autumn 2019. Samuel at the organisation was very helpful in every way, and all the preparations for my stay were super easy. At arrival they came to pick me up from Kampala and took me to my host family. At departure I chose to ...
Fauzia K rating5

2021 at Small Business Mentor for Women

Hello everyone, I am Fauzia! I am very proud of SustainME nonprofit. This organization is amazing and is helping so much to transform the lives of vulnerable women and families in rural Uganda. It is providing women with small startup loans, business skills and developing small businesses for the ...
Bukwisi F rating5

2021 at Small Business Mentor for Women

SustainME is a great nonprofit that is changing the lives of many vulnerable women in the communities of Uganda. I am thrilled by its passion to make a difference and uplift women and their families out of poverty. If there is any charity, I would recommend for you to work with then it is this ...
An organization that has touched the lives of many vulnerable women and their families in Uganda, helping them to provide for their families with food, medical care, education and other basic needs. I am forever grateful for the impact that SustainME is bringing in the communities. My involvement ...


Afrika > Østafrika > Uganda > Jinja

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  Excellent Svarrate

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